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Jerry: "I love you. You... complete me." Dorothy: "Shut up. Just shut up. You had me at "hello".

Malo cu staviti svoju proslost na cekanje, i pisati o onome sto mi je upravo sada na srcu. Jer sto je bilo, bilo je, i nikada nije kasno za nju. A sada je ovdje- ovaj nepomican, nepromjenjiv trenutak...

Trenuci su ono sto je satkalo nasu proslost, sadasnjost i buducnost... Oni mali komadici vremena na koje vecinu vremena ne obracamo pozornost.

Be happy for this moment. Because... This moment is your life.
-Olivier Martinez, "Unfaithful"

Tako sam sretna. I istinski ispunjena. Postoji skriveni dio mene koji se boji, koji te zeli uz sebe, no sama pomisao na tvoj lik i sama ljubav koju osjecam me griju i u ovoj hladnoj zimskoj noci. Tope se svi ledovi. I ja sam opet tvoja. U mislima...

Samo kad bih znala kako ti priznati sve... Kako?

Mozda kao u filmu...:

Got a minute?

He nods, you bet. Worried for her. What is this? She looks in
another direction, and we now see that we have nearly reached...

... a stage that's been set up for the band. Chairs, music stands,
sound equipment. A gleaming dance floor, already in place over the
lawn. Next to it, a shimmering white GAZEBO. Like the centerpiece
of a wedding cake.

What's up?


Up the white steps now. Together. The gazebo floor has been
covered with hardwood. The perfect place. For a wedding dance.
And Julianne...

... turns, suddenly. He almost runs into her. She is staring up
at him, so strangely, their bodies only inches apart. He is caught,
transfixed by the intensity in her eyes.

I have to say this quick, okay,
or I'll have this massive
coronary and you'll never have
to hear it. Which you need to.
Does that make any sense at all?

The coronary part does. We can feel her heart beating from here.

Jules, what's wrong...

This is the dumbest thing I will
ever do. So dumb, in fact, that
I can't. I don't think.

And then, she does. She puts her hands flat on his chest. Looks
in his eyes.

Michael, I love you.

A heartbeat passes.

I've loved you for nine years,
but I was too arrogant and
scared to realize it. Now I'm
just scared.

He stares at her, dumbstruck. She moves even closer.

I know this comes at an
inopportune time, but I have to
ask this one really gigantic
favor, okay?

Holds her breath. And...

Choose me. Marry me. Let me
make you happy.

And in a half beat of excruciating silence...

I know. It sounds like three

His eyes are loving. They care for her. She swallows, lost in

But when you think about it...

Slides her arms around his neck, and raises her mouth...

... to his. The most beautiful kiss she will ever offer. All of
her heart is in this, and as his hands touch her body.

.................................preuzeto iz filma "My best friend's wedding"

Post je objavljen 15.12.2004. u 22:46 sati.