srijeda, 29.03.2006.

31.03.,21h,Močvara - ASK Off program,prvi dan

Uz talijanski hc punk bend EU's Arse i šibensku Nulu, kajgodonibili nastupit će jedan jako zanimljivi ZG/SK bend, AMOK. Ekipa kaj je odgovorna za program u Čvari kažu da su oni punkeri koji sviraju metal i hardcore, no rađe pročitajte kaj drugi kažu o njima :

"..showing that the lyrics are just as important as the music. For a political band like Amok that fits really well.A good mix with enough vocal and guitar definition,complementing their powerful metal. I wouldn’t call this hardcore, but just straight up metal. Even reminding me of black metal on the faster passages, mainly because of the screaming vocals. But also enough room for breaks and even twin guitar work! Very nice CD for anyone who is into brutal stuff." - Inside Knowledge

"...Amok have also proved to be ample bearers of the metalcore flag with a short but solid and crisp debut album... heavily accented sound is energetic and convincing if, a little too reliant on the source material and slides in easily amid the second tier of US metalcore... the energy... higher octane metalcore/thrash template is more apparent than the usual burly breakdown infested material, as the tracks generally canter by in short melodic, raucous bursts and few clean injections here and there... in their early death metal endeavors...A surprisingly good album that ardent metalcore fans will want to check out." - Digital Metal

"...a nice mix of various styles of hardcore... old schoolish song with new schoolish guitars, great melodies and some serious power because of the speed and the intense vocals. Already a good start, before surprising with a calmed down passage and spoken words, plus some nice rock part. All in one song...more metallic and remains metallic, although it is not that cheesy metalcore, but more some sympathic version of some punk kids flirting with metal...he screaming singer remains intense, and the slowly creeping moshpart at the end is not technically perfect, but still entertaining...very dynamic and often fast again... keep that level of entertainment, and keep the balance between hardcore, some spontanous metal and this fast, spontanous and hectic influence..." - Poison Free

"....Very energetic, melodic Liarstone-alike hardcore... mixture of early Firestone, the more recent Liar stuff, In Flames and Morning Again...e. Not very original but a sound I can appreciate. It has that drive. The fast-forward stream of clarity. Going to the end in a non-arrogant, no-nonsense way. Hard, aggressive but an honest justified rage rather than a destructive hooligan-sound." - Semtex

"...the exotic factor...heir songs sound a hell of a lot like Undying...They have hard stuff, moving into fast as hell parts and obviously the emotional parts are plentiful, but I can feel them...Lotta metal on hands here is the bottomline, however... dig their distortion, which isn't over the top, more like clear and well defined." - Quebec Hardcore

"...Zagrebacki politicki-metal-hardcore-punk bend... mocnog hardcore-punk metala, prožetog žestokim vokalom, sa odlicnim vrištanjem, brutalnim backvokalima i podosta melodicnih dijelova koji su odlicno ukomponirani u sve pjesme. Materijal koji nece i najvece skeptike ostaviti ravnodušnima, a svojim zvukom dosta podsjeca na Švedsku školu deathmetala. Kvaliteta snimke je na zavidnoj razini... svaka pjesma nosi odredenu poruku na politicke teme, što stvarno daje jednu cjelinu ovom hardcore-metal izdanju...vama bih jedino savjetovao da ne propustite sljedeci live nastup Amoka i uživo se uvjerite u kvalitetu ovog benda." -

"...hybrid of melodic death metal and chaotic metalcore... intricate guitar riffs, the evil gnarling vocals and especially for the reoccurring melodic intermezzos that break the standard uptempos parts. Vibrating breakdown... they play good stuff." -

"...AMOK majstori svog zanata...vizijom apokalipticnog zvuka, koji bih mogao staviti negdje izmedu CATHARSIS i DARKEST HOUR, a svi znamo od koga su oni ucili zanat, jel... Usporedba s CATHARSIS tim više dolazi do izražaja jer i AMOK pripadaju totalnoj DIY punk/HC sceni i prilicno razljuceno govore o svakodnevnim nepravdama i anomalijama ovog svijeta i vecinom zapadnjacke kulture...metal... Svi koji misle da AMOK nisu punk - lagani fuck off." - Backpackrock

"Gledajuci s glazbene strane, rijec je o metaliziranom hc/punk zvuku, pracenom vrištecim vokalom koji povremeno zamjenjuju (ili nadopunjuju) gotovo govorni dijelovi. Teške i spore metalizirane dionice se izmjenjuju sa dinamicnim, ponekad vrlo pankerskim dionicama." - Štočitaš

E i da, ovo im je zadnji nastup s dosadašnjim grind vokalom Sinišom koji napušta bend.

Tak da su po mom mišljenju, od sva tri benda, samo njih isplati ić poslušat..

Upad je 30 kunića.

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