petak, 31.03.2006.

Wacken open-air lista izvođača

I ovogodišnji Wacken je VELIK. Ajmo prvo nabrojat one zanimljivije : Battlelore, Celtic Frost, Ektomorf, Emperor, Finntroll, Gamma Ray, Korpiklaani, Metal Inquisitor, Motorhead, Nevrermore, Opeth, Scorpions, Uli Jon Roth, Whitesnake, Wintersun. A sad ostali :


Inače, ovogdišnji WOA držat će se 3 do 5.08., a mnoštvo informacija pogledajte na službenoj stranici

| 10:42 | Komentari (1) | Isprintaj | #

srijeda, 29.03.2006.

31.03.,21h,Močvara - ASK Off program,prvi dan

Uz talijanski hc punk bend EU's Arse i šibensku Nulu, kajgodonibili nastupit će jedan jako zanimljivi ZG/SK bend, AMOK. Ekipa kaj je odgovorna za program u Čvari kažu da su oni punkeri koji sviraju metal i hardcore, no rađe pročitajte kaj drugi kažu o njima :

"..showing that the lyrics are just as important as the music. For a political band like Amok that fits really well.A good mix with enough vocal and guitar definition,complementing their powerful metal. I wouldn’t call this hardcore, but just straight up metal. Even reminding me of black metal on the faster passages, mainly because of the screaming vocals. But also enough room for breaks and even twin guitar work! Very nice CD for anyone who is into brutal stuff." - Inside Knowledge

"...Amok have also proved to be ample bearers of the metalcore flag with a short but solid and crisp debut album... heavily accented sound is energetic and convincing if, a little too reliant on the source material and slides in easily amid the second tier of US metalcore... the energy... higher octane metalcore/thrash template is more apparent than the usual burly breakdown infested material, as the tracks generally canter by in short melodic, raucous bursts and few clean injections here and there... in their early death metal endeavors...A surprisingly good album that ardent metalcore fans will want to check out." - Digital Metal

"...a nice mix of various styles of hardcore... old schoolish song with new schoolish guitars, great melodies and some serious power because of the speed and the intense vocals. Already a good start, before surprising with a calmed down passage and spoken words, plus some nice rock part. All in one song...more metallic and remains metallic, although it is not that cheesy metalcore, but more some sympathic version of some punk kids flirting with metal...he screaming singer remains intense, and the slowly creeping moshpart at the end is not technically perfect, but still entertaining...very dynamic and often fast again... keep that level of entertainment, and keep the balance between hardcore, some spontanous metal and this fast, spontanous and hectic influence..." - Poison Free

"....Very energetic, melodic Liarstone-alike hardcore... mixture of early Firestone, the more recent Liar stuff, In Flames and Morning Again...e. Not very original but a sound I can appreciate. It has that drive. The fast-forward stream of clarity. Going to the end in a non-arrogant, no-nonsense way. Hard, aggressive but an honest justified rage rather than a destructive hooligan-sound." - Semtex

"...the exotic factor...heir songs sound a hell of a lot like Undying...They have hard stuff, moving into fast as hell parts and obviously the emotional parts are plentiful, but I can feel them...Lotta metal on hands here is the bottomline, however... dig their distortion, which isn't over the top, more like clear and well defined." - Quebec Hardcore

"...Zagrebacki politicki-metal-hardcore-punk bend... mocnog hardcore-punk metala, prožetog žestokim vokalom, sa odlicnim vrištanjem, brutalnim backvokalima i podosta melodicnih dijelova koji su odlicno ukomponirani u sve pjesme. Materijal koji nece i najvece skeptike ostaviti ravnodušnima, a svojim zvukom dosta podsjeca na Švedsku školu deathmetala. Kvaliteta snimke je na zavidnoj razini... svaka pjesma nosi odredenu poruku na politicke teme, što stvarno daje jednu cjelinu ovom hardcore-metal izdanju...vama bih jedino savjetovao da ne propustite sljedeci live nastup Amoka i uživo se uvjerite u kvalitetu ovog benda." -

"...hybrid of melodic death metal and chaotic metalcore... intricate guitar riffs, the evil gnarling vocals and especially for the reoccurring melodic intermezzos that break the standard uptempos parts. Vibrating breakdown... they play good stuff." -

"...AMOK majstori svog zanata...vizijom apokalipticnog zvuka, koji bih mogao staviti negdje izmedu CATHARSIS i DARKEST HOUR, a svi znamo od koga su oni ucili zanat, jel... Usporedba s CATHARSIS tim više dolazi do izražaja jer i AMOK pripadaju totalnoj DIY punk/HC sceni i prilicno razljuceno govore o svakodnevnim nepravdama i anomalijama ovog svijeta i vecinom zapadnjacke kulture...metal... Svi koji misle da AMOK nisu punk - lagani fuck off." - Backpackrock

"Gledajuci s glazbene strane, rijec je o metaliziranom hc/punk zvuku, pracenom vrištecim vokalom koji povremeno zamjenjuju (ili nadopunjuju) gotovo govorni dijelovi. Teške i spore metalizirane dionice se izmjenjuju sa dinamicnim, ponekad vrlo pankerskim dionicama." - Štočitaš

E i da, ovo im je zadnji nastup s dosadašnjim grind vokalom Sinišom koji napušta bend.

Tak da su po mom mišljenju, od sva tri benda, samo njih isplati ić poslušat..

Upad je 30 kunića.

| 22:32 | Komentari (0) | Isprintaj | #

petak, 24.03.2006.

25.03., 21h, Močvara - Rockanje


U2 - Live from Boston

Rolling Stones - Bridges to Babylon

Live koncert:

Reanimator (Zagreb, hard rock), Pars Petrosa (Samobor, grunge,rock)

Za slušaonu će se kao i obično pobrinuti Bishop i Hemeroid, a puštat će AC/DC, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Alice Cooper, Stonese, Hendrixa, Gunse, Dire Straits, Creedence (CCR), Steppenwolf, Maidene, Doorse, Uriah Heep, Bon Jovi, Queen, Aerosmith, Judas Priest, Metallicu, Motorhead, WASP, RHCP, R.E.M., Beatlese, The Clash, Scorpionse, Europe, Azru, Let 3, Hladno Pivo, Prljavce, Divlje Jagode, Zabranjeno Pušenje i Psihomodo Pop.

Upad je 25 kn.

Powered by Croatian Metal And Rock Network - CMAR

| 21:16 | Komentari (5) | Isprintaj | #

četvrtak, 23.03.2006.

Usluga frendu

Lol, ak se ovo ovak nastavi uskoro ću postat servis za barenje rofl Kako god, naime jednom mom frendu se prilično sviđa jedna cura... Ta cura živi u donjoj Dubravi, tam negdje od Grižanske, pa dolje. Visoka je oko 173cm, ima kosu boje meda s tamnijim pramenovima, crveno-žuto-crni raps do ispod guze, zelenosmeđe oči. Sluša Kreator, Maidene. Na torbi ima prišivak od Kriejtora. Pa ak je netko zna nek ostavi comment il mi javi na mail pa ću prosljedit dotičnom. wink

| 20:49 | Komentari (0) | Isprintaj | #

četvrtak, 16.03.2006.

17.03., Tolkien's house & Fantasy Club - St. Patrick's day party

Najbolji St. Patrick's day party u gradu.. Guiness na sniženju!

| 22:25 | Komentari (1) | Isprintaj | #

17.03., 22h, Močvara - St. Pa(nk)trick's day party

Veliki St.Patrick's day party u Čvari... proslavite irski nacionalni blagdan uz zvuke tradicionalne glazbe (The Dubliners, Sweeny's Man, The Johnstons), irkog rocka (The Pouges, Shane Macgowan, The Popes).Zatim uobičajeno Punk Rock City raspaljivanje uz The Radiators, Stiff Little Fingers, The Outcasts, The Boomtown Rats, The Undertones, Starjets, The Clash, Sex Pistols, Ramones, Blondie, Dead Kennedys, NOFX, Green Day, Offspring, Ash i Franz Ferdinand a sve to u aranžmanu DJ-a Zvoneta Ramoneta. Irska piva na sniženju! E da, navodno bude i nekakvih "video brojeva". Upad je 15 krznenih životinjica, a sve traje do 04h.

| 11:04 | Komentari (5) | Isprintaj | #

subota, 11.03.2006.

11.03., 22:00, Močvara - Night on my side - Depeche Mode vs. The Cure fan meeting

video wall spotovi - Depeche Mode, The Cure, Franz Ferdinand

garage-alt.rock party by DJ Pero (Šibenik) - Franz Ferdinand, RHCP, REM, PJ Harvey, White Stripes, Oasis, U2, Clash, Ramones, Green Day, Nirvana, Cardigans, Cranberries, Jet, Placebo, The Darkness, Coldplay, The Rolling Stones, Beatles, Black Rebel Motorcylcle Club

Upad: do ponoći 15kn, poslje 20.

| 18:48 | Komentari (3) | Isprintaj | #

utorak, 07.03.2006.

looool, ovo me fakat nasmijalo

radi se o tome sto bi određeni tip metalca ucinio u dobro poznatoj
situaciji: spasi princezu iz dvorca kojeg cuva zmaj.

Power metal:
The protagonist arrives riding a white unicorn, escapes from the dragon,
saves the princess and makes love with her in an enchanted forest.

Thrash metal:
The protagonist arrives, fights the dragon, saves the princess and fucks

Heavy metal:
The protagonist arrives on a harley davidson bike, kills the dragon, drinks
some beers and fucks the princess.

Folk metal:
The protagonist arrives with some friends playing acordeons, violins,
flutes and many more instruments, the dragon falls asleep (by all the
Then all leave... Without the princess.

Viking metal:
The protagonist arrives in a ship, kills the dragon with his migthy axe,
cooks and eats it, rapes the princess to death, steals the castle and burns
all the place before he leaves.

Death metal:
The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon, fucks the princess and kills
her, then leaves.

Black metal:
The protagonist arrives at midnight, kills the dragon and impales it in
front of the castle... Then sodomizes the princess, drinks her blood in a
ritual before killing her... Then he impales the unvirgen princess.

Gore metal:
The protagonist arrives, kills the dragon and spreads his guts in the front
of the castle, fucks the princess and kills her...
Then he fucks the dead
body, slashes her belly and eats her guts... Then he fucks the carcass for
the third time, burns the corpse and fucks it for the last time.

Doom metal:
The protagonist arrives, sees the size of the dragon and thinks that he
never could beat him, then he gets depressed and commits suicide... The
dragon eats his body and the princess as well... (the end of the sad

Progressive metal:
The protagonist arrives with a guitar and plays a solo of 26 minutes... The
dragon kills himself out of boredom... The protagonist arrives to the
princess' bedroom, plays another solo with all the technics and tunes
learned in the last year of the conservatory... The princess escapes
looking for the heavy metal protagonist.

Glam metal:
The protagonist arrives, the dragon laughs of the guy's appearance and lets
him enter... He then steals the princess' make-up and tries to paint the
castle in a beautiful pink color.

Grind metal:
The protagonist arrives, screams something completely undecipherable for
about 2 minutes and then leaves..

| 23:01 | Komentari (4) | Isprintaj | #

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