Marilyn Manson 1

22.04.2006., subota

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kako bih voljela da sam na njenom mjestu....

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- 23:26 - Komentari (10) - Isprintaj - #

gluposti koje sam slikala

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- 23:13 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #


Cleddwch fi, pan fyddwyf farw
Yn y coed dan ddail y derw
Chwi gewch weled llanc penfelyn
Ar fy medd yn canu r delyn...

- 23:07 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Danas sam pročitala da Manson USKORO (zapravo najkasnije do ovog ljeta) izdaje NOVI ALBUM!!!!! Novi album!! Nemate pojma koliko sam sretna!!! Već sam se bila uplašila da je Manson gotov sa glazbom, pošto radi na tim filmovima i sranjima. Ali on je točno to i htjeo, da svi pomisle kako je on gotov sa glazbom, pa da ih onda iznenadi! Manson ti si jebeni genije!! Legenda!! OBOŽAVAM MANSONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sada svaki dan išćekujem kada će objaviti datum izlaska albuma. Kako sam uzbuđena, jebote.. Već ovo ljeto(a možda i prije) ću moću uživati u novom mansonovom albumu.
Ali to nije sve, saznala sam još nešto i METALLICA izdaje novi album, krajem ove godine(isplati se ćekati)!! Sretna sam!! Sretna sam!!!!!!!!! Ma evo pogledajte text:
Everyone believed Marilyn Manson when he announced three months ago that he'd be throwing in the proverbial rock and roll towel to focus all his creative attention on film. Manson, the consummate rock star, was fibbing in a sense — but it turns
out that it was all part of a much larger plan.

"The time that people aren't expecting what's going to happen, I find that's the best time to really cause the damage that needs to be done," Manson explained. "I might have had to defuse people with a smoke screen of weakness and the idea that I was going to run away from music when I was really just trying to find the bullets for my gun — metaphorically, of course. But I was contemplating giving up entirely. It's a sort of philosophy that I find to be true that if your life is collapsing around you, sometimes you have to be willing to let go."

But Manson didn't end up letting go. Instead he's been writing and recording in two different California studios with KMFDM guitarist and Manson studio bassist Tim Skold, keyboardist and drummer Pogo (Stephen Bier Jr.) and an assortment of other musicians — just who, he's not saying. Most of Manson's still-untitled sixth LP has been finished for weeks.

"I feel as if there's more like three albums' worth of material, [because] I don't want to cram a long record into a place that doesn't have the attention span for that," he said. "I'd like to return to the old-fashioned records that had eight or nine songs [that] were all very important. Not to say that I made records that had filler material. They were all based around a central idea, and the central idea in this one is my pain and its ability to be unashamed to repeat itself."

As for the musicians he's been working with, Manson said, "It's hard to call [them] a band because it's open and developing in a way where anything can happen. The songs have been ... a collaboration between Skold and myself, but we're at the point now where the people who will fulfill the positions that need to be there to make the Marilyn Manson of end times, the Marilyn Manson that, if it had to be the last form, this is the way it should be remembered — those people will stand forward and make themselves appreciated, and I feel like I've created an environment where that will happen."

While Manson's been busy with the forthcoming "Phantasmagoria," a movie he wrote and is directing that looks at the life of "Alice in Wonderland" scribe Lewis Carroll, he's put that project — which will star fashion model Lily Cole as Alice — on hold for now. He plans to resume in January, after the album, which could drop before spring, is completed.

Manson says working with Skold has renewed his passion for music. "[Skold] has turned out to be the guitar god Marilyn Manson always needed," he revealed. "His guitar playing is something that completely seduced me into liking [music] again. It was almost a naked woman to a man who's just gotten out of prison, because I felt like I was in a prison of sorts, of my own creation. I was preparing a hole for myself, really, and finding nice clothes to be buried in. Instead, the hole will make a nice place for people to wait [for] a V.I.P. party that's not going to happen, on their way to hell, and I'm just going to have a fashion show afterward."

The music, Manson said, is the "most guitar-driven" and "most original that I've heard created. This record has a very unpleasant attitude toward itself, and I expect it to be — without sounding like someone who says this every time they make a record — something above and beyond and different — sonically, emotionally — than anything I've done."

The album's lyrics, he said, were inspired by his muse, fiancee Dita Von Teese.

"They have probably the most romantic feel to them," he said. "This is a desperate and crippling desire for romance — not in the romance sense of a Reese Witherspoon movie, but in the sense of living your life like a film and enjoying it that way. I've found a woman I can relate to. That's something — and I don't even feel sappy saying it — that, if anyone has that, don't lose it, because it's probably the only thing that you can ever really find any satisfaction from."

Beyond Skold's guitars and Manson's pipes, Manson said he's been experimenting with various unconventional forms of percussion.

"We created a snare-drum sound with a bottle of painkillers," he explained. "We often get sent to the house — the wife and I — an assortment of sexual marital aids that are also very useful as percussive instruments. When hitting a rubber penis against a leather couch, I found a bass-drum sound that's unmatched by any other."

Manson also said he's launching an art movement called the Celebritarian Corporation. While he wouldn't discuss it in detail, he did allow that Celebritarian has been incubating for seven years and that "it represents the only place where art can possibly go after surrealism and Dada. There's an array of people involved — from Gottfried Helnwein, who is a fine artist, to Steven Klein, who is a fashion photographer, and Anthony Silva, a director and an editor. I've collected a group of people, and everyone has a role. I think it's probably the only valid attempt at an art movement since the surrealists. It's something that should be feared, but it's something I can't imagine not living up to its expectations.

"I can't satisfy myself with just trying to tie all of my imagination into music, especially when music is not appreciated as an art form as much as it used to be," he added. "I'm trying to take this moment in my life where I could relax and be lazy, but instead it's a full-scale attack. My goal isn't to make money, it's to try and survive and make a point. I'm at that level where there's nothing left living for except doing some damage."

- 23:05 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
Sinoć sam se vratila iz Rijeke, (bila sam kod sestre). Napokon sam si kupila kožnu jaknu! Odlična je!!Obožavam je!!! Pročitala sam dvije dobre knige 1.''Vještice''- strava kniga, naslov govori o ćemu je. 2. ''Život poslje života''- super knjiga, potvrdila je moje mišljenje o duhovima! Ljudi, duhovi postoje!! Smrt nije kraj. Smrt je samo početak!

Nabavila sam još dobrih dvd-ova: IRON MAIDEN, METALLICA –S&M, AC/DC.
Odlični su total sam ovisna o njima! Sada tražim dvd od Mansona. Nadam se da ću ga naći. Najviše bi htjela ''God, Guns and Goverment''. Zapravo želim bilo koji! Gledala sam na netu, u Aquariusu je 230 kn! A jebote.

Koliko sam samo metalaca vidjela u Rijeci! Poludila sam, tako dobro izgledaju! Kožna jakna, duga kosa......I tako sam i ja odlučila nači dečka- metalca. Ali on je našao mene. Jedan tip, za kojeg sam mislila da je luzer, me pitao da budem s njim. Ja sam rekla ne, naravno. Pola sata nakon toga, frendica me nazove i kaže da obavezno pristanem. Zato što tip sluša Metallicu i sranja, da ima hrpu tih dvd-ova i cd-ova, i majica. Tj, da je metalac. Kad sam to ćula, psovala sam sve bogove, došlo mi je da udaram glavom u zid! Metalac me pita da budem s njim i ja odbijem! To se samo meni može dogoditi... Ali odlučila sam popraviti stvari, malo sam mu lagala, i tak, i pitam ga jel još vrijedi ponuda, tj. da sam se predomislila. On je rekao ''naravno da vrijedi''. I, eto, imam novog dečka, i to METALCA! Baš sam sretna, jebote. Napokon dečko s kojim ću moći pričati o Mansonu i Metallici.

- 23:00 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #
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zar nije prelijep?

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08.04.2006., subota

- 16:50 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


November 1998

In which our hero, trapped in the hills of Los Angeles, finds a girl, discovers his emotions and consumes copious amounts of drugs

by Chris Heath


The guest had arrived at Manson's rented house in the Hollywood Hills. Manson gestured that he should sit between Manson and Twiggy. Down below, you could see Los Angeles twinkling out of the darkness, but Manson didn't look. He had looked out the window enough. Perhaps too much. This evening, he and Twiggy -- Manson's principal musical collaborator, his housemate and closest friend -- had hospitality on their minds. They would play the guest their music. They would put him in a long blond wig. They would watch Chevy Chase movies together. They would drown a guitar. They would let him see their prized photo of Lionel Richie. They would do their best to show him a good time. Maybe he'd understand.

There are some things Marilyn Manson would like you to understand. He has changed. Don't get this wrong -- there will be no apologies offered or regrets expressed in the pages that follow, at least not about any of those things for which apology and regret have most often been demanded.

But he has changed. The character he became during Antichrist Superstar was emotionless and cold, and that was very much how he was himself. Maybe that's how he had to be to muscle his way to celebrity and attention, but he has not stayed that way. For one thing -- and I don't think even he is sure of whether this is a use or a product of the changes within him -- he seems to have fallen in love. "I've learned to have a sense of empathy," he says. "I really feel people's pain now, almost on a weird supernatural level where it really affects me if someone is upset about something, and it will set off a huge depression."

As is his nature, now that he has started feeling, he is overdoing it. "It's almost like if I was a machine or an alien and you granted me some human emotions; they're not working right because I just got them for the first time and I'm not learning how to use them properly," he says.

The story of a man beginning to feel emotion is, in part, what his new album, Mechanical Animals, is about. When Manson began to feel emotion, he began to despair about how little emotion most humans feel. They -- we -- are the mechanical animals of the title. He imagined a story. A man is somewhere far away -- maybe in space, maybe on drugs, maybe just high in the Hollywood Hills -- and he is looking to come back. He is looking among the mechanical animals for the thing he needs to make himself whole. He calls it Coma White.

Though, naturally, it's more complicated than that. And a lot sadder.

Manson, a more considerate host than his many detractors would have expected, had noticed the guest's preferred drink when they had met briefly the previous night. He fumbled with a Corona, to no great effect, then announced a little helplessly, "I don't know how to open beer bottles." Twiggy took over.

The record had been finished a couple of days earlier. Manson handed the guest a sheaf of neatly typed lyrics inside a manila folder. Only when the music started did the guest realize how awkward this might be. Secretly, the one part of Marilyn Manson's canon that he had not always been so enthusiastic about was the music. Between the few fine songs, there was too much death-metal riffing, distorted shouting and industrial rancor; he had few problems with Manson styling himself as the Antichrist, but rather more with Manson's role as the anti-tune.

Happily, this was different. From the beginning it was easy to like and exciting to hear. The guest stared around the room. There were anatomical models and charts of anatomy and physiology. Next to tthe video player was a shrunken Mexican voodoo head. On the wall, framed, was Marilyn Manson's first "Rolling Stone" cover and a poster from "The Doom Generation," the film which Manson's old girlfriend had shown to him and which had sparked his attraction to its leading actress and his current girlfriend, Rose McGowan. The guest thought about the cute grotesqueness of that situation: that his old girlfriend had identified with McGowan, and in doing so had drawn Manson's attention to her. And that, in the end, Manson had simply cut out the middle man.

Half the songs were staccato glam romps; the other half were darker, weirder and more beautiful. The sixth song, "Speed of Pain," sounded sad and brutal and creepy in the best ways. Its title referred to soemthing Manson had read about: that scientists were trying to make computers react organically, like human nervous systems. The idea was that machines would be able to react to the speed of pain in the way that humans do. That interested him - that you could maybe outrace the speed of pain. Another way to run away from your feelings. In the song, the singer was failing to outrace the pain his love brought him and ended up declaring, "I hope that we die holding hands."

"It was meant to be somewhat of a love song," Manson said, a proud grin leaking onto his face. "So that's how it comes out for me."

As the ninth song - "I Don't Like the Drugs (But the Drugs Like Me)" - revved up, Manson announced, "You can't hear the next song without doing drugs." He and Twiggy gathered around the rivulets of cocaine arranged on a CD case, but the guest demurred". It seemed inappropriate to submit to his hosts' will and choreography on demand.

For whichever reason, Manson was getting chattier. He explained that half the songs - the pumped-up glam ones - were the hollow anthems of a group called Omega and the Mechanical Animals. They had stompind riffs and singalong choruses, and they also served as satires about the way the world looked at Marilyn Manson; the hollow anthems of rock stardom. The others - the spacier, more somber ones - told the story and carried the sadness.

As the final song ended, Twiggy brought in a framed gold disc of Leif Garrett's "Feel the Need" album. Garrett, one of their Hollywoof acquantances, had given one to each of them. Manson had met Garrett at a party; they bonded after Garret put on Iggy Pop's "The Idiot."

"You know, those aren't his legs on the album cover," Twiggy said. They insisted Garrett had told them the legs in his cover photo were not his; they were from a body double.

"Sexier crotch," Twiggy explained.

INCIDENTS FROM MARILYN MANSON'S AUTOBIOGRAPHY THAT REWARD FURTHER SCRUTINY, NUMBER ONE (PAGE THIRTY-NINE): Manson's father, Hugh Warner, told his son that he wanted to take him to a prostitute to divest him of his virginity.

"That scared me," Manson says. "I'm not quite sure if he would have done it or not. Unless it made me cry or made me scared, my dad would do whatever he threatened to do when I was a kid. That was just his sense of humor, and I think I've gotten that from him. He's always been real confronting with sexual issues; maybe he got that from his father." (It is Hugh Warner's father whose basement is described at the beginning of Marilyn Manson's book.)

Manson has never discussed his book with his parents. That task falls to me.

ME: Now, I must ask you, did you really want to take him to a prostitute to lose his virginity?

HUGH WARNER: [laughs heartily] Honestly? No.

ME: So where on earth did he get that idea?

HUGH WARNER: I love to bust people's balls.

ME: So you would tell him that when he was younger?

HUGH WARNER: Oh, yeah, I did tell him that, yeah.

ME: But, if he had called you on it, you wouldn't have followed through?

HUGH WARNER: No. I'm not that liberal.

ME: Well, what if he had just told you he had gone and done it?

HUGH WARNER: I would have said, "Good boy."

Tonight, Manson wore a Loverboy T-shirt from Loverboy's 1982 "Get Lucky" tour. Twiggy's T-shirt, which had colored glitter on it and was a gift from a member of Pantera, commemorated the Charlie Daniels Band's "The Devil Went Down to Georgia." On the way upstairs, they proudly showed their guest the framed photo of Lionel Richie they had recently stolen from a recording studio. Richie was a current fetish of theirs. Manson had depraved theories about Richie: that the singer's peculiar cheeks were the consequence of walking around with cotton in his mouth; that his disturbingly jaunty hit "Dancing on the Ceiling" was an ode to the over-effects of cocaine. Sometimes Manson worried that Richie, whom he had seen around town, might become aware of these libelous and offensive opinions. "He's going to end up knowing that I'm onto his cotton thing, and he's going to accost me about it and punch me in the face," Manson figured. "But then I'll just take the cotton and wipe up my bloody nose, and it will all be fair."

"Didn't he set his wife on fire or something weird like that?" Twiggy asked. (Their love of pop trivia was not equaled by a firm grasp on, or respect for, the relevant truths.)

"I think he might have been trying to cook some macaroni and cheese when he was dancing in the ceiling," Manson argued.

"His wife locked him up in the fireplace or something," Twiggy said.

And, somehow satisfied, they left it at that.

Marilyn Manson met the actress Rose McGowan just less than a year ago. After he had been entranced by The Doom Generation, Manson read an interview with her in which she talked about her childhood: "that she had a strange family," he recalls, "and her father was in the Children of God, and she had an extremely difficult time growing up with this bizarre religious cult. And I thought, `Here's someone who I could definitely relate to.' Someone who has been through more than me." When he arrived on the West Coast, he told people that she was the only person he wanted to meet. It happened at a screening of Gummo. McGowan, who is perpetually late, missed the movie but was standing outside. "I met her," he says, "and I really haven't left her side since then." She knew he had been wanting to meet her. "I guess maybe she went there on purpose," he says. "I don't know. Maybe she'll never admit that to me."

ME: Is Coma White supposed to be, on some level, Rose?

MANSON: I think that definitely inspired it. A lot of the pain that she's gone through, I started to feel, and the record kind of documents me coming to terms with emotions and caring about somebody for the first time. And I guess I still epress the fear of doing that as well.

ME: Are you saying that you didn't have emotions in a way that was usual for someone of your age?

MANSON: I think I just tried to keep them away for so long. Just the simple fear of being hurt...I felt lied to so much as a kid, because of religion specifically. I thought that everybody was going to lie about something. One of my very first girlfriends had never told me that she had a kid, and that was something that made me feel afraid, because I'd been going out with her for three years. It was something big to hide from somebody. I think it was on Mother's Day - she started crying, and I asked her why. It upset me a little bit that she was crying, but I didn't feel sorry for her, I just felt betrayed.

ME: So why did things change with this new relationship?
MANSON: I don't know. There's something very tragic about her, something very classic, in a Marilyn Monroe sort of way, that just captured me. I've never met anyone like her, a guy or a girl. And she has very extreme ups and downs - they're so extreme that they affect me as well. I think we have a great relationship but it still has a sense of tragedy to it. Maybe that's what makes it appealing in some ways, that it just seems like it has an unhappy ending to it somewhere.

ME: Do you say that to her as well?

MANSON: No, but she's very pessimistic that something bad's always going to happen.

ME: How does it feel to be feeling more?

MANSON: It's a little like walking outside today, in that it's hot, it's bright and it's a little overwhelming. But at least it's kind of starting things over, and it's not continuing in the direction that I was going, which doesn't have much farther to go.

ME: Where would that have ended up?

MANSON: Dead, probably, because it was just a path of nihilism. Either destroying myself or convincing other people to destroy me. I think my lifestyle over the past couple of years has been a long form of suicide.

Some reluctant reflections on the act of self-mutilation: One afternoon, changing after having his photograph taken, Manson slips off his top. Pale white scars crisscross his torso, the pen strokes of a foolish, inarticulate private language. He first cut himself in high school in class during the ninth grade, digging into his forearms with a pocketknife. Onstage, it has become a ritual. "I think that's all a form of wanting to let go, of wanting to get out," he says. It is something he thinks he will not do again. "It's not something easily described or understood," he notes, "though I've come to find that Princess Di also used to mutilate herself, and so did Emily Dickinson." In all the time I spend with Marilyn Manson, it is during the following conversation that he seems the most uncomfortable and imposed upon.

ME: Would you do it as much offstage as you would on?

MANSON: Sometimes.

ME: Was that the same impulse?

MANSON: No. I think onstage it was more me trying to show people my pain, and offstage it was just feeling it, period.

ME: This may be a dumb question, but would it hurt?
MANSON: No, I never felt it. I felt it afterwards, but never when it happened.

ME: Do you remember the last time you did it?

MANSON: Probably the last show we performed before moving to Los Angeles.

ME : And why do you think you haven't done it since?

MANSON: Um . . . I don't really have an answer for that. [Grabbing for the glib evasion] I suppose I was running out of space. Maybe since I never really talked about my emotions in songs, I had to express it that way, and now that I've found a way to talk about it in songs, that provided a replacement. I'm guessing....

Later, I recall something he had said in a different context: "I think before, I experienced a lot of pain physically because I wasn't experiencing it emotionally." And I reflect that this kind of personal exchange - physical pain for emotional pain - can very easily reverse direction more tyhan once in a lifetime.

Manson got out some watercolors he had recently painted. "I can paint a picture of you if you want," he offered. As Mason painted, laying down grays and purples and greens, the guest first worried that the picture didn't look like him, then worried that it did. "It's kind of impressionistic," Manson said. "You don't have to take it literally. Or personally." Manson liked to concentrate on the parts of people that stood out the most, usually the eyes or mouth. Sometimes it seemed to him as though he were actually painting their shadows. "I guess it's the darkest part of them," he said.

The guest pointed out that everyone Manson painted looked lonely.

"I guess that's how I see everybody," Manson said. "Maybe I see my own reflection in everybody else."

- 15:29 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

evo mansonovih izjava:

"The burden of originality is one that most people don't want to accept. They'd rather sit in front of the TV and let that tell them what they're supposed to like, what they're supposed to buy, and what they're supposed to laugh at. You have Beavis and Butt - Head telling you what music you're allowed to like and not like, and you've got sitcoms that have canned laughter that lets you know when to laugh if you're too stupid to know when the joke is - people are too lazy and too stupid to think for themselves because America has raised the like that."
"There are so many different levels of things you can say to people, and everyone's going to get something really different out of what I say, but the most I can hope for is for people to want to find some sort of truth, to be themselves, and to encourage them to think."
"We've always found that with people being so desensitized, things have to be really shocking and have to punch you in the face to get your attention. Then, once you've got their attention. You can say something they might remember."
"As with anything I do, I think everything is based on reactions and responses."
•"Today there seems to be a lack of icons and rock stars in general. When we grew up there were KISS, Alice Cooper, David Bowie, Iggy Pop and Adam Ant - people who had something to say and had quite an impact on music and society. I thought that's what rock 'n' roll was all about in the least - too much make up, setting things on fire, pissing off parents - despite what you might have to say once you've got everyone's attention."
"So many people are afraid to enjoy life, they're too worried about thriving off their own suffering. They love to live in fear, whether its going to hell, the end of the world, AIDS, crime, whatever it's got to be, people love to be afraid. That's why they love to be afraid. That's why they love to watch the news, they love to look at car crashes, or they love to listen to Marilyn Manson. People want their fear, so in return. I give it to them."
" I fear being like everybody I hate, I fear failure, I fear losing control. I love balancing between chaos and control with everything I do. I always have a fear of going one way or the other, getting lost in something, or losing everything to get lost in... And I fear being a completely acceptable sheep in society."
"I'm tired of things being so wishy washy and nobody standing up and saying, 'OK, this is where we're going to go.' I just want to stand up and assert myself as the antichrist that America so fears. Instead of living in fear of something, I've decided to become that which everybody fears."
"Marilyn Manson - I picked that as the fakest stage name of all to say that this is what show business is, fake. Marilyn Monroe wasn't even her real name, Charles Manson isn't his real name, and now, I'm taking that to be my real name. But what's real? You can't find the truth, you just pick the lie you like the best. As long as you know everything's a lie, you can't hurt yourself."
•"I speak in reality. I don't try and hide anything from anybody, and that's the most dangerous thing about our music that parents are so afraid of. It has nothing to do with any violent implications, or the sexual implications, its just the overall picture that I'm speaking of the world I see and not hiding anything from anybody."
•"The opposite of love is apathy, and hate is really the same as love - IF you're so consumed by hatred for someone, you might as well be loving them, because you're thinking about them for the same amount of time."
•"You have something to learn from everybody. It's not to say that you have to like what those people have done, but at least respect them in a strange way because they had the motivation and power to attempt the things they did."

"A piece of paper or a piece of cloth doesn't mean anything. It's what you believe.And I want people to think about what they believe.I want them to consider if everything they've been taught, if that's what they want to believe or if that's what they've been told that they have to believe."
"We really represent individuality. Kid's should think for themselves. Not to be like your friends who think they are individuals, but to be like you. Not to be like us, but to be what you are."
"I love the idea of every man and woman being a star and that's what I try to relate to our fans. If anything, they use me as an inspiration for their own sucess. If they can see that someone as simple as me can do it, there's no reason they can't."
"I think the reaction we get toward our name is a great statement about America. I've rarely had people ask me about my interest in Marilyn Monroe, yet they always gravitate to the darker half."
"If I could just get them to WANT AN ANSWER, then they'll find it on their own. I don't have any answer for them. There is a distinct lack of leadership, idols, icons, and superstars for kids to identify with. When I was a kid there was a lot of people that I could look to or look up to and it just seems like there's not that anymore."
On the bible:
"I like it as a book.Just like I like "The Cat In The Hat."
"Lunchbox has always been my way of expressing the chip that has developed on my shoulder for being the little guy, for being the one the bigger kids always picked on."
"It's when you take away things that kids enjoy is when you cause problems for them, you know, people always think that heavy metal, or rock and roll has always been the source of the problem, but it's when you start to deprive them of that, it's
when they start to get bitter."
"Music that's alternative now for me is just stuff that people would despise listening to. I find myself listening to Lionel Richie and Dr. Hook." ...."Well, I don't think there's anything more evil than me and my band mates sitting around before a show,singing "Hello" by
Lionel Richie. I thinks that's the heart of darkness."
"I've actually never been a fan of porno. I really never watch it unless I'm stuck in a hotel and that's the only channel you get."
"Find out what's really out there. I never said to be like me, I say be like you and make a difference."
"People are very surprised to hear me say that a lot of my values are Christian values. I think that's part of my shock. I just don't like the way that Christianity combined with the influence of television has bred a nation of weakness. (Christian television do get the facts wrong sometimes and the image they portray turns most people off.)"
In responce to the question "What is Marilyn Manson's greatest flaw?" in an AOL chat:
"His inability to acknowledge and control his animal instincts."
"I don't want people to mis-conceive me as a spokesperson for the Church of Satan."
In responce to Metal Edge's question "What's your favorite item of clothing?":
"I have a stained medical jockstrap that I wear on stage, and it's my favorite item because not only does it provide a healthy support for my back and genitals, but it also looks good with brown pantyhose. Most people don't know, brown is the black of the '90s."
"I veiw my job as being someone who is supposed to piss people off. I don't want to be just one-of-the-guys. I don't want to be just a smiling face you see on television presenting some vapid kind of easily-digestible garbage.This is rock and roll. I want to be a rock and roll star! Rock and roll is about shaking things up, making people act and react. That's what I do."

Manson o sotonizmu:
Manson: Because we titled our album Antichrist Superstar or because the way we look and behave? No we're not Satanists. I don't believe in organized religions at all. The title "Antichrist Superstar" is provoking yes, but people want to be provoked. It makes them think, shakes them up. I read a lot of books about so-called black magic. I confessed once that Aleister Crowley had a big influence on me, but there were other influences too. I read all the great philosophers but most people just hear what they want to hear and it makes it easy for them to brand us Satanists. Hardly anybody ever mentions that I read Nietzche and he was one of my most powerful influences. If people would care to take a good look, to look past their prejudices, they could see his influences too.

- 15:28 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Evo jedan mansonov interview:

One never knows when Marilyn Manson's being serious. After all, this is the man who once claimed Dave Navarro made a pass at him, announced he'd vote for George W. Bush, and sang "I am the idiot who will not be himself." So, when decided to conduct a Dirty Dozen with the often androgynous-looking shock rocker, we weren't sure how many, if any, of his answers would be authentic. In the odd interview, the Antichrist Superstar (who is dating Playboy's December 2002 cover girl Dita von Teese) recalled a pugilistic threesome, mile high masturbation, and hallucinating intercourse atop a giant whale. It seems believable enough.


1. How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Marilyn Manson: I think I was 16. I might be wrong. It's been so long I forgot. I wrote about it in my autobiography [The Long Hard Road Out of Hell]. But it was on a baseball diamond at about 11 p.m. in Canton, Ohio in the fall. I had gotten drunk on some stolen Jim Beam from my grandmother that I smuggled into my Kiss thermos. And it lasted about 35 seconds. It was pretty shameful and just something that I had to get out of the way.

2. What was your most memorable sexual experience?
MM: The one last night, because it just happened, so I remember it best.

3. What celebrity would you most like to have sex with?
MM: I think I found the one.

4. What's the most unusual place you've ever had sex?
MM: That's an odd question for me because people expect something strange from me. Often the bed probably would seem unusual. I don't think I've ever really strived to have sex in any unusual places. I think maybe in a movie theater. That was probably it. It was during a children's film.

5. Are you a member of the mile high club?
MM: No, but I've jacked off on airplanes plenty of times.
6. Do you still masturbate?
MM: I'll admit that I do every once in a while when Dita goes out of town. I have a bad habit of switching on Spectravision and getting caught in between scenes. Then I have to order another movie and toggle between the two to find the right spot to get things going. It's usually about 4 a.m. when I'm drunk. But I'm far too lazy to masturbate now. I'd just rather get drunk and fall asleep.

7. Are you a fan of anal sex?
MM: I'm a fan of delivering it but I don't find myself ever wanting to receive it.

8. Have you ever had a threesome?
MM: I did have a bit of a threesome that got me punched in the mouth so I don't think I'll ever go back and do it again. There were actually four people involved. I think that maybe someone got more attention than somebody else and I got socked in the jaw.

9. Do you prefer giving or receiving?
MM: I prefer giving. I don't know why. I think it's a conversation I had a long time ago with the founder of Church of Satan, Anton LaVey, who is also a big fan of old-fashioned pornography and old-fashioned burlesque. And the conversation was about the fact that it's often more satisfying to satisfy a woman than to be satisfied by a woman, for whatever reason.

10. Have you ever used drugs to enhance your sexual experience?
MM: Well, I'm generally on drugs so I don't know if it enhances or doesn't enhance [sexual experiences]. But if you include alcohol, there's always something involved. I found that once a long time ago I took acid and had sex and felt like I was riding on top of a big whale. It scared me and I don't ever wanna do it again.

11. Do you like to talk dirty?
MM: I generally don't because I think my strict upbringing branded me into not doing that, but lately I've developed some sort of dirty talking, almost Tourette's syndrome, where I'll burst out with filthy things to whisper at inappropriate times into Dita's ear.

12. How do you feel about one-night stands?
MM: I think it's OK. It's kinda like jacking off. Before I got too lazy to jack off, I'd prefer to jack off than to have a one-night stand because one-night stands often carry more baggage than just the one night that they advertise.

- 15:23 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

04.04.2006., utorak

- 13:55 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

03.04.2006., ponedjeljak

O ljubavi ( haha!)

Trenutno NEMAM dečka. (svi zainteresirani neka se jave)
Ima jedan, osnovni, razlog zbog kojeg nemam dečka- ne želim biti sa onim tko mi se ne sviđa!
Tražim svog princa na bijelom konju! (ma zaje*avam vas, nisam jedna od tih luzera).
Još uvijek nisam našla dečka koji sluša ono što i ja slušam i koji ima ista mišljenja i stavove kao ja.
Iskreno, upće nisam našla takvu osobu, bila ona muško ili žensko. Pa, eto, tražim. Mođa mi se posreći pa u moj razred dođe novi ućenik. Metalac, naravno, sa majicom Marilyna Mansona. Mogu samo sanjati o tome....
Zapravo, volje bih imati i takvog prijatelja (MUŠKOG PRIJATELJA). Nemora mi biti dečko. Ionako se više slažem sa dečkima nego sa curama. U biti sam slićnija njima. Mene ne zanima šminka!
Prije ću igrati nogomet sa dečkima i raditi sranja(u ćemu sam posebno dobra).
Ali ipak se baš puno i ne družim sa dečkima iz svog razreda. Glavni razlog je što su luzeri, nemaju hrabrosti za ništa i jednostavno su dosadni.


Željela bih pohvaliti blog ''ateizam''. Odlićan je. Svakako ga posjetite!

Ljudi, zanima me jel još tko smatra da je Manson lijep i zgodan? Ili sam ja jedina?
Pliiiiiz recite mi, stvarno me zanima!

- 16:47 - Komentari (3) - Isprintaj - #


Maja vam je glavnii štreber razreda. Da, i najveća vjernica koja, citiram: ne može zamisliti ni jednu nedjelju da ne ode na misu. Iz ove dvije rečenice možete zakljućiti da se nas dvije baš i neslažemo. Ok, ja imam dobre ocjene, ali NISAM šreber niti ću to ikada biti (iako bi možda bolje za mene bilo da jesam). Ja sam se zapravo prije i družila s njom. To mi je sada nezamislivo i ne shvaćam kako sam mogla biti tako glupa.
Sada se nas dvije zapravo i ne svađamo. U biti, kada pričamo, obadvije se smješkamo i glumimo ljubaznost. I nikada nismo objavile neki rat, niti mi je ona nešto srašno učinila. Jednostavno mi ide na živce. Stalno se ulizuje svim učiteljima. A to me stvarno živcira.
Ne shvaćam kako može glumiti toliku sveticu! Grozno, bogte. Ma, iskreno, ne znam zašto sam joj uopće posvetila ovoliko svog dragocjenog vremena i svojih dubokoumnih (?) rečenica.

- 16:46 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #


Ima jedan tip osoba koje mrzim- one koje se furaju na nešto što nisu.
Takvih primjera ima i u mojoj školi. Kada sam ja izjavila da slušam mansona, svi su me prozvali Sotonistom. Govorili su da im se Manson gadi i sranja. A sada ti isti ljudi se furaju na to da slušaju Mansona. Iako ne znaju ni jednu njegovu pjesmu! Samo misle da je ''fora'' reči da slušaš Mansona. Onda poćnu nositi lance i killerice. To me užasno nervira. Zato što ZNAM da inače slušaju NARODNJAKE! Ne kužim svrhu glumiti nešto što nisi. Takve osobe jednostavno ne podnosim! Takvim osobama (opčenito, ali posebno onim iz moje škole) bih porućila da ću im , ako ih još jednom ćujem da govore da slušaju Mansona, iskopati oći!
Zato što me to jednostavno vrijeđa kao velikog fana Marilyna Mansona.

- 16:45 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

the reflecting god

your world is an ashtray
we burn and coil like cigarettes
the more you cry your ashes turn to mud
it's the nature of the leeches, the virgin's
feeling cheated
you've only spent a second of your life
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and then it's true,
there is a dream inside a dream,
I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead
I went to god just to see, and I was looking at me
saw heaven and hell were lies
when I'm god everybody dies
scar/can you feel my power?
shoot here and the world gets smaller
scar/scar/can you feel my power?
one shot and the world gets smaller
let's jump upon the sharp swords
and cut away our smiles
without the threat of death
there's no reason to live at all
my world is unaffected, there is an exit here
I say it is and then it's true,
there is a dream inside a dream,
I'm wide awake the more I sleep
you'll understand when I'm dead

"each thing i show you is a piece of my death"
shoot shoot shoot motherfucker
no salvation, no forgiveness
"this is beyond your experience"

- 16:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


anti choice
anti girl
I am the anti-flag unfurled
anti white and anti man
I got the anti-future plan
anti fascist
anti mod
I am the anti-music god
anti sober
anti whore
there will never be enough of anti more
I can't believe in the things
that don't believe in me
now it's your turn to see misanthropy
anti people now you've gone too far
here's your antichrist superstar
anti money
anti hate
anti things I fucked and ate
anti cop
anti fun
here is my anti-president gun
anti Satan
anti black
anti world is on my back
anti gay and anti dope
I am the faggot anti-pope

anti peace
anti life
anti husband, anti wife
anti song and anti me
I don't deserve a chance to be

- 16:44 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Angel With the Scabbed Wings

he is the angel with the scabbed wings
hard-drug face, want to powder his nose
he will deflower the freshest crop
dry up all the wombswith his rock and roll sores
is what he is, he does what he please
the things that he has you'll never want to see
what you're never gonna be now
sketch a little keyholefor looking-glass people
you don't want to be him
you only want to see him
mommy's got a scarecrow, gotta let the corn grow
man can't always reap what he sow
"he is the maker"
(he is the taker)
"he is the saviour"
(he is the raper)

Get back you're never gonna leave him
get back you're always gonna please him

- 16:43 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

02.04.2006., nedjelja


Go aheah and build a better messiah,we can dig another grave
This is your calling.
If you are hearing this, there is nothing I can do
Something has grown in my chest.
And I have seen it.
It is hard and cold.
It's been dormant for many years.
I have tried to save you, but I cannot come to save you
But this is what you deserve
This is whta we deserve
This is something that we have brought upon ourselves
We are not a victim, you are not a victim
We are not a victim, you are not a victim
God will grovel before me.
God will crawl at my feet.
These are the dying years.
These are the dying years.
When you are suffering,know that I have betrayed you.

- 15:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Hm, odakle uopće početi?!
Ja sam ateist. .....................
Kršćanstvo mrzim sve više, iz dana i dan. Bibliju sam pročitala. U njoj sam našla OGROMNU kolićinu nasilja. Npr. kada je Bog totalno uništo planet Zemlju, zato što mu se nije sviđalo kako je to sve ispalo. Poštedio je samo Nou, njegovu ženu,sinove i njegove žene. Neznam, iskreno, zašto su oni bili tako posebni, ali nema veze. Bog je u toj situaciji bio užasno glup. Meni je izgledalo kao da se igra sa čovjećanstvom. Na kraju se još i pokajao zbog toga što je napravio. Iz slićnih slućajeva sa zakljućila da je bog, kao prvo ubojica. Ubijao je sve one koji nisu vjerovali u njega ili su se ponašali drukćije od kršćanskih pravila. Točnije puno su grješili. To se dogodilo Sodomi i Gomori, tj. njihovim stanovnicima, koji su izgorili, doslovno. Ima još mnogo stvari koje bih mogla komentirati iz biblije, ali neču. Crkva, kao institucija je grozna. Sve to je postalo, kao prvo, ogroman marketing. Drugo, ljudi previše brane svoje svećenike. Npr. onaj svećenik koji potrošio više tisuća kuna na sex-pozive, a nakon toga su ljudi protestirali, željeli su da im se vrati svećenik, govorili su da on nije kriv, da mu opraštaju, u biti da je to normalno (?!) Neču ni spominjati svećenike-pedofile.

Ja zapravo zavidim crkvi koliko je moćna.
Kršćani su za mene ljudi koji ne znaju misliti svojom glavom i odlučiti što je najbolje za njih.
Kod kršćanstva mi je najgluplja stvar sa ispovijedanjem. U biti, ti možeš ubiti ćovjeka, ispovijediti se, i sa 2 oćenaša će ti sve biti oprešteno i možeš se vratiti ubijanju ljudi.
To je stvarno besmisleno i glupo!
Kršćani govore da svako ima pravo izabrati svoju vjeru, ali kad ne izabereš kršćanstvo proglase te sotonistom ili vješticom i najradije bi te spalili na lomaći!

Divim se crkvi zbog njezine proračunatosti.

Samo želim reći drugima da imaju izbor! Upotrijebite svoj jebeni mozak!

- 15:26 - Komentari (2) - Isprintaj - #


Nekad je stvarno teško biti drukćiji. Pogotovo u sredini u kakvoj ja živim. Nekad jednostavno poželim da sam kao i svi ostali. Da slušam pop, nosim majice sa natpisom ''love'', da mi je vjera najvažnija u životu i da mi je Isus uzor. ''Nažalost'' (?) kod mene to nije tako.
Iako nekad poželim da je. Super je jedino to što imam zakon staru (ima 46 godina!!!)koja također sluša Metallicu, i nije baš neka vjernica. I moje frendice, pred njima ne moram ništa glumiti.

Društvo, opčenito, je sjebano. Glupo mi je što su svi tako staromodni i glupi. Još uvijek žele da se svi ponašaju po kršćanskim pravilima. Npr. Homoseksualnost se smatra bolesti! Koja sranja, ljudi su stvarno glupi. Ja uvijek branim homoseksualce, iako ja osobno nisam gay.
Skužila sam da mnogi iz moga razreda mrze Srbe. Razlog je, navodno, rat. Ja to ne mogu shvatiti. Pa ne možeš mrziti cijeli narod! Mojoj frendici je stari poginuo u ratu, pa nema ništa protiv njih. Ti iz mog razreda u biti samo prenose mišljenje svojih roditelja. Što je TOTALNO glupo . Pa možeš valjda misliti svojom glavom!
U mojem razredu je jednom bila anketa -jeste li za ili protiv da Hrvatska uđe u EU-. Ja, naravno, nisam htjela glasati. Bilo mi je besmisleno, zato što ne znam mnogo o toj temi. A ne zna ni ostatak moga razreda, ali ipak su svi glasali. (!)

- 15:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Ja, normalno, slušam (heavy) metal, rock, punk Najbolji pjevać/bend mi je naravno Marilyn Manson. Slušam i Metallicu, AC/DC, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Megadeath, Def Leppard.....
Ne volim narodnjake i sranja poput vesne pisarović, danijele i ostalih luzera. Ne mrzim ni jednu vrstu glazbe. Poštujem svaćiji izbor. Jedino ne znam dali bi se mogla družiti s nekim tko sluša Thomsona. Glupo mi je ''pravilo'' da svi metalci, pankeri moraju mrziti repere..
Meni su oni baš o.k. Zapravo mi se i sviđaju neke pjesme, npr. od Eminema. Ne želim se ogranićavati u nićemu.

O MANSONU: počela sam ga slušati tek prije pola godine i kupila sam Golden Age of Grotesque. Slušala sam ga stalno, svaki jebeni dan! Onda sam kupila mp3, na njemu su svi mansonovi albumi. Postala sam ovisna o tim pjesmama. Još uvijek jesam. Jednostavno su odlićne. Ne mogu zamisliti ni jedan dan bez tih pjesama. Meni se ćini bolesno slušati nešto u tolikoj kolićini. Ali što mogu. Najgore mi je kada me ljudi smatraju sotonistom. Ni sam Manson nije sotonist! On je najbliže toj vjeri, ali to ga svejedno ne ćini sotonistom. Ljudi ne shvaćaju da je on zapravo jedan PRISTOJAN, ljubazan, i pametan čovjek! Ti koji govore loše stvari o njemu, tj. netoćne stvari se nikada nismu potrudili informirati tko je zapravo Marilyn Manson. Oni vjeruju glupim traćevima. Užasno mi je jadno to što postoji cijela organizacija protiv Mansona, protiv JEDNOG čovjeka! Zar je kršćanstvo toliko slabo da kršćani misle da ga jedan čovjek može uništiti?! To bi bilo super, ali nažalost nije tako! Manson nije tipićna rock-zvijezda koja je svaku većer sa drugom curom. On ima ženu koju jako voli i sa kojom je već 5 godina. Obožava djecu jednog dana bi ih želio imati. Ne zato da ih žrtvuje Sotoni!
On je romantićan ( svojoj ženi (Diti) je za valentinovo pekao kolaće!), on je romantićniji od mene! Ima još mnogo takvih stvari koje nitko ne bi povezao za Mansonom- antikristom!
Ljudi stvarno ne znaju ništa o njemu. Ja ne tražim da ga svi vole. Samo se potrudite saznati nešto o njemu prije nego stvorite mišljene o njemu. I naravno poslušajte jebene pjeseme, pa ih onda komentirajte!

- 15:25 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


This self-portrait is entitled "The Lamb of God." Some may find this picture to be a violent endorsement of guns or a suggestion of negativity. I pity those that do, for they have a cracked ugly mirror to look into everyday, and the ashes of burned books on their hands. This is you, this is MARILYN MANSON and this is the youth of America.

What you see is an image of EVOLUTION. In my hands I hold justice. Creation and destruction, god and Satan, the animal and the machine. We are trapped in a guilty sin and repent cycle. We must realize with no doubt that you cannot create without destroying. We cannot deny our true nature of violence, the law of evolution. Even cells destroy one another. A lion isn't "evil" because she kills to feed her young. She is what your god made her.

Can I make a pencil without cutting down and mutilating a beautiful apple tree? Can I build a guitar or carve a spear, or use that wood to make this rifle my father took from a Viet Cong soldier in a pretend war? That "innocent" tree, alone in Paradise becomes the cross you hung Christ on. The Holy Wood. Its branch was Oswald's weapon to slay the king of Camelot and the timber to build a church for you to sell all those poison apples and fear to your children.

Then hanging in the balance is the lamb. Is it life or death? I think the lamb is me, it's the son of a god that had forsaken him. It is JFK and it is your United States of Exploitation. It is your martyred dollar bills that we use as tissues to wipe away our theatrical tears. This is a place where you kill a horse to feed your babies bubble gum. We raise them to aspire to be just like Abe Lincoln, Martin Luther, JFK, John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe - dead.

American culture is drunk on the blood of its children.

But shouldn't we all just hold hands and kiss? It's certainly the G-rated thing to do. In my opinion, peace and unity is tired rhetoric and naive idealism. Harmony is absurd and a monkey wrench in a wheel of evolution we did not create. However, mankind's inborn need to destroy, compete and fight one another CAN be solved in more powerful ways. The mind is the greatest bomb.

We must wage a war of knowledge, a war of art and a war of economics. Maybe this can satisfy the "evil" we are born to dispense to each other. It's time to stand upright and stop living like apes. This is in our hands.

In Genesis god told Noah, "The end of all flesh is come before me for the earth is filled with violence through them, and behold, I will destroy them with the earth."

Mankind needs a god but god does not need mankind.


- 15:24 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

Moje frendice

moje naj frendice su twiggy(cura) i barbara.
Twiggy je dobila nadimak po bivšem članu mansonovog benda.
Moj nadimak, zapravo 2. ime je Dita Von Teese. Nadimak sam dobila po ženi marilyna mansona.
zato što je manson za mene najljepši i najzgodniji dečko (zapravo muškarac) na svijetu. sve bih dala da se mjenjam sa ditom. Ja i twiggy se volimo uvjeravati kako će nam manson jednog dana biti super frend. (??)
Inaće nas tri smo poremećene i bolesne. 3. stvari koje obožavamo i o kojima stalno pričamo su : 1.manson 2.lazanje 3.lova!
užasno smo sebične (ali za nas je to pozitivna osobina).
pokušavamo osnovati neki bend, ali problem je što ni jedna od nas ne zna ništa svirati, a to bi trebao biti punk/rock/heavy metal bend. naš učitelj (onaj koji nam posuđuje dvd-ove od ac/dc-a), nadimak mu je Englez, nam je predložio da sve tri pjevamo( na matrice). to je ok ideja, ali ih je užasno teško nabaviti. ako ih netko ima ili zna gdje ih možemo besplatno skinuti pliz javite nam!
bend bi se trebao zvati MOTHERFUCKERS. ali još nismo 100% sigurni.
ako imate ideja kako bi mogle osnovati bend ( s obzirom da ne znamo ništa svirati) recite nam.
želim bend! svaki dan gledam dvd-ove od metallice i ta sranja i sanjam da ću ja jednog dana imati takoav dvd!.................. ne znam što da vam još kažem o nama.....
e da! tražimo dečke! jedini uvjet je da moraju biti metalci (bilo bi super da preziru kršćanstvo i da su ateisti). Pošto živimo u selu. Takvih osoba nema. Mi smo jedine.
Zapravo mi još javno nismo rekle da smo ateisti. tek prije par mjeseci smo pobjedli strah na na glas (u školi) kažemo ime ''marilyn manson''. žalosno zar ne? tako vam je to na selu....

- 15:23 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

01.04.2006., subota

moje frendice

moje naj frendice su twiggy(cura) i barbara.
Twiggy je dobila nadimak po bivšem članu mansonovog benda.
Moj nadimak, zapravo 2. ime je Dita Von Teese. Nadimak sam dobila po ženi marilyna mansona.
zato što je manson za mene najljepši i najzgodniji dečko (zapravo muškarac) na svijetu. sve bih dala da se mjenjam sa ditom. Ja i twiggy se volimo uvjeravati kako će nam manson jednog dana biti super frend/ljubavnik.
Inaće nas tri smo poremećene i bolesne. 3. stvari koje obožavamo i o kojima stalno pričamo su : 1.manson 2.lazanje 3.lova!
užasno smo sebične (za nas je to pozitivna osobina).
pokušavamo osnovati neki bend, ali problem je što ni jedna od nas ne zna ništa svirati, a to bi trebao biti punk/rock/heavy metal bend. naš učitelj (onaj koji nam posuđuje dvd-ove od ac/dc-a), nadimak mu je englez, nam je predložio da sve tri pjevamo( na matrice). to je ok ideja, ali ih je užasno teško nabaviti. ako ih netko ima ili zna gdje ih možemo besplatno skinuti pliz javite se!
bend bi se trebao zvati MOTHERFUCKERS. ali još nismo 100% sigurni.
ako imate ideja kako bi mogle osnovati bend ( s obzirom da ne znamo ništa svirati) recite nam.
želim bend! svaki dan gledam dvd-ove od metallice i ta sranja i sanjam da ću ja jednog dana imati takoav dvd! ne znam što da vam još kažem o nama.....
e da! tražimo dečke! jedini uvjet je da moraju biti metalci (bilo bi super da preziru kršćanstvo i da su ateisti). Pošto živimo u selu. Takvih osoba nema. Mi smo jedine.
Zapravo mi još javno nismo rekle da smo ateisti. tek prije par mjeseci smo pobjedli strah na na glas (u školi) kažemo ime ''marilyn manson''. žalosno zar ne? tako vam je to na selu....
- 15:51 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

the nobodies

The Nobodies
today i am dirty, i want to be pretty, tomorrow, i know i'm just dirt
today i am dirty, i want to be pretty, tomorrow, i know i'm just dirt
we are the nobodies, we wanna be somebodies when we're dead
they'll know just who we are
we are the nobodies, we wanna be somebodies when we're dead
they'll know just who we are
yesterday i was dirty, wanted to be pretty, i know now that i'm forever dirt
yesterday i was dirty, wanted to be pretty, i know now that i'm forever dirt
we are the nobodies, we wanna be somebodies when we're dead
they'll know just who we are
we are the nobodies, we wanna be somebodies when we're dead
they'll know just who we are
some children died the other day, we fed machines and then we prayed
puked up and down in morbid faith, you should have seen the ratings that day

ovo je jedna jebeno dobra pjesma! (mansonova, naravno, sa albuma holy wood)

ta pjesma je himna za mene, tj. mene i moje frendove.

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- 15:14 - Komentari (1) - Isprintaj - #

  travanj, 2006  
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Great big white world

In space the stars are no nearer
They just glitter like a morgue
And I dreamed I was a spaceman
Burned like a moth in a flame
And our world was so fucking gone

But I'm not attached to you now
Nothing heals and nothing grows

Because it's a great big white world and we are drained of our colors
We used to love ourselves, we used to love another
All my stiches itch
My 's low, I wish you were queen just for today
In a world so white what else could I say?

And hell was so cold
All the vases are so broken
And the roses tear our hands all open
Mother marry miscarry
And we pray just like insects
The world is so ugly now

Because it's a great big white world and we are drained of our colors