svijet by malizlato

Bio jednom jedan.....

Jednom davno, na jednoj dalekoj planeti živio je Jedi vitez Bozzy.
I Bozzy bješe dobar čovjek,malen a velik. Bio je Bozzy velik u duši,bio je Bozzy velik u srcu.
Zakleo se Bozzy da će čuvat malog čovjeka.Zakleo se Bozzy da će biti savjest malih i da će se potruditi da se glas očajni daleko čuje. Još se zakleo Bozzy da neće nikad biti kao ONI.
I bilo je tako.Prolazile su godine, godine tmurne,godine teške a Bozzy je ostao ustrajan u svojoj zadaći milosrđa prema malima.
Al jednog dana desi se čudo.Bozzy postade velik.Postade slavan postade jako,jako moćan. I mislio je Bozzy kako će mu to pomoći da još bolje ispuni zavjet svoj. I ispunjavao ga je sve do jednog dana. Toga dana sudbina se poigra sa hrabrim Vitezom i on spozna svu raskoš ovga svijeta.Spoznao je kako je to uistinu biti velik. I zamrači se sunce, nebi više ni pjeva ptica.Postao je ONI.
Tamna strana, strana iskonske moći privukla je Bozzya u svoje krilo. I napusti Bozzy svoj zadatak, zaboravi svoju misiju, izdade male.
Nekad velik u srcu sad je kukavica.Nekad velik u duši sad je sitničav. Nekad krotki sad je sumanuta neman, zarobljena u mreži moći ,sjaja i luksuza. Nekad topli pogled ka malima postao je zasljepljen sjajem dijamanata.
I ne zna Bozzy da je sve to laž.I ne zna Bozzy da je sve to magija. I ne zna Bozzy da je sve to prolazno. Ipak, saznat će.
A do tad, mali se mogu samo nadati.Mogu se nadati da ih će se nekad sjajni vitez sjetiti, makar i na zadnji čas.

26.11.2005. u 02:35 | 2 Komentara | Print | # | ^

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To boldly go...where no one has gone before...

One minute

It was just another night
Daylight, wake up
Go through the next day
Will you survive?
You don’t know so really you’ve got to pray
Down in the hoods
The rules of the streets
The dark times are hard you don’t know where to start
First be real to our women
Treat her like a lady
Cause there is so much you’d better know before you’ll leave it
Crack baby
Wait to hell or paradise now who decides
You lived your life in the past and now you’ll pay the price

In the night
In the dark
There are shadows in my heart
Feel this pain which is driving me (incredibly insane)
In the mirror of the street
There’s so much for you to see
Just one minute to think about your lie

Now you’re sitting (lay back)
Straight jackets and handcuffs all around
Waiting for a second chance just to get back (to down town)
The ghetto didn’t seem so tough I’ll tell u that that it is (outlaws)
Living your life with drug addicted kids
Cash rules the things around me
There’s someone else who still loves you
It’s your own family
You’re just a victim of the street slipped down like (ahurricane)
I told ya take a minute to erase the pain

In the night
In the dark
There are shadows in my heart
Feel this pain which is driving me (incredibly insane)
In the mirror of the street
There’s so much for you to see
Just one minute to think about your lie

If you can feel the last of your tears
Take a minute cause the end is so near
Things will never gonna
Thinking about this wicked game
A faded memory
Deep in your mind is the place to be

In the night
In the dark
There are shadows in my heart
Feel this pain which is driving me (incredibly insane)
In the mirror of the street
There’s so much for you to see
Just one minute to think about your lie
