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Graphical lists: photos of more details Jenna Raby - Entrepreneur in Residence - Claremont Creek Paul Rademacher - Google - creator of HousingMaps. Martin Raff, Professor Emeritus of the University College of London, Cold Spring Harbor, NY 7. FormerPresident of Microsoft Business Division. Lori Raineri of Government Financial Strategies Howell Raines, Executive Editor The New York Times, at Headquarters in NYC. John teaches tax prepartion courses for AARP. John's home is on a golf course in Columbia, MD. Mike Ramsey, 1980 U. Olympic Hockey Team Lt. Murray Randleman - Director - San Mateo County Office of Emergency Services Raymond James Bank President Steve Raney Nov 2008 Prashanth Ranganathan Lewis S. Ranieri, Computer Associates Reilley Rankin, LPGA golfer on Hilton Head, SC golf course Varsha Rao of Zoelle Jewelry Martin Rapaport, Rapaport Diamond Report, Diamond Rapone, Tony, Primate Researcher Joel Rassman, Toll Brothers Ravi kant, MD tata motors, ratan tata, chairman tata group, india Ronald Ratner, president of Forest City Residential, at his company's Loft 23 development in Cambridge, MA. August 21, 2006 © 2006 Shawn G. Raza, Atiq, NexGen, President Mr. Pankaj Razdan, Managing Director, Prudential ICICI Ed Razek, The Limited and Intimate Brands Victoria's Secret, Henri Bendel, Structure, Express , President and CMO, photographed in his NYC office. Laila Razouk of BioVitesse Jeff Ready of Corvigo in Palo Alto, CA, Horst Rechelbacher, CEO of Aveda Corp. Reddy, founder-Chairman of Apollo Hospitals, apollo hospital, india, madras Rakesh Reddy, inventor of the 'Remember-it-all Etch-a-Sketch. © 2001 Shawn G. Henry Sumner Redstone, Chairman of Viacom, Boston, MA, September 19, 2007. © 2007 Shawn G. © 2007 Shawn G. © 2007 Shawn G. © 2004 Shawn G. Tami Reller, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Business Solutions. Photographed at Microsoft Corporate Campus, Redmond, WA. Renier, CEO Honeywell, Minneapolis. George Reyes - CFO - Google Greg Reyes J Christopher Reyes, CEO Reyes Holdings, Rosemont, Illinois Emitt Rhodes, Musician, Hawthorne, CA 1. Riccitiello of Electronic Arts Condoleeza Rice, former Secretary of State, Professor of Political Science at Stanford University, Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute Condoleezza Rice John Richardson - CFO - Qwest Tom Ricketts, Fund Manager, Incapital Tony Ridder, CEO of Knight-Ridder, San Jose, Calif. Also at his computer monitor, double exposure with his face on monitor. Jerome Ritz, Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA © 2003 Shawn G. Roach, Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Tom Robbins, author. Roberge, Chief Fixed Income Officer, Senior Vice President, and Director of Fixed Income Research, MFS Investment Management, at his offices in Boston, MA. © 2005 Shawn G. Roberts, ATM Systems Nora Roberts, J. West Virginia in 2000. Rephotographed February 12, 2005 in Boonsboro, MD Ralph Roberts, Comcast, Little Pete's Diner Sanford Robertson Jackson W. © 2007 Shawn G. Rock, president of Lobster. © 2007 Shawn G. Rodgers of Cypress Semiconductor with projection TV Bob Rodriguez, fund manager at First Pacific Advisors Golfer Chi Chi Rodriguez photographed at the Fleet Boston Classic, Nashawtuc Country Club, Concord Massachusetts. Richard Rodriguez, writer, PBS correspodent XILINX: Willem 'Wim' Roelandts, President, Chief Executive Officer and Chairman of the Board of Xilinx. Rowe Price Ray Rogers, union consultant to striking Hormel workers in 1986. CEO Ariel Capital Management, Chicago Illinois Felix Rohatyn John Rollwagen, Cray Research, Minneapolis. Lorenzo Romar, Head Coach, University of Washington Basketball. Paul Romer Steven Romick of FPA Mitt Romney, former governor of Massachusetts, poses for a portrait in Washingon, DC. Joe Rosamilia, Chairman of the Board, Fuze Beverages Martin Roscheisen, Ph. Peter Rose; Seattle Expeditors International, shipping export import Kenneth Rosen - Professor - UC Berkeley, Rosen Consulting Group Kenneth T. Rosen Mike Rosen, Chief Investment Officer, GM Planworks Rachel Rosen, Programming Director, Los Angeles Independent Film Festival, Beverly Hills, CA 6. Michael Rosenberg, Executive Vice President of Telecontinuity, Inc. Asher Roth, Hip Hop, Rapper John A. Roth, Northern Telecom Mark Roth, in his lab at Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA. Eric Rothschild and Stephen G. Harvey, who were lead trial counsel for the plaintiffs in the Kitzmiller et al. Dover Area School District et al. Harvey, who were lead trial counsel for the plaintiffs in the Kitzmiller et al. Dover Area School District et al. Nouriel Roubini of NYU Stern School of business college Nouriel Roubini, Prof. Chairman of RGE Monitor Bill Rouhana, former CEO of Winstar. Roy Lane, Director of Nuclear Security, Exelon Lawrence Rubida - Brown Univeristy student Andy Rubin Robert Rubin, Chairman, Citigroup, Inc. Arthur Rubinfeld, President of Global Development at Starbucks Coffee. Photographed in Starbucks offices, Seattle, WA for Businessweek Magazine. P, Wyeth Peter Rukeyser, Managing Director, Private Wealth Management, Morgan Stanley Stephen Rummage, Attorney, Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. Photographed at Davis Wright Tremeaine offices, Seattle, WA. Runge, formerly Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration NHTSA , photographed in McLean, VA in May, 2005. Runge is now Chief Medical Officer for the Department of Homeland Security. Vicki Rupp Christopher Russell, Zinester, Silverlake, CA 9. Photographed in the cockpit of SpaceShipOne, with the rocket engine that powered SpaceShipOne into space the first time, and in Black and White outside in the desert. Eric Ryan of Method Home Care in San Francisco, CA. James Ryan, CEO, Grainger Kevin Ryan, DoubleClick CEO, photographed against color backdrop. Rybak, mayor of Minneapolis. HAIM SABAN: Haim Saban, television executive, owner of Saban Entertainment. Marla Sabo Steve Sabol, NFL Films Jonathan Sacks - COO - MFORMA Mohan Sadashiva - Faith West David Hossein Safavian, Former Administrator for Federal Procurement Policy, Office of Management and Budget, Executive Office of the President photographed June 15, 2005 at the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington, DC by Forrest MacCormack. Robert Safian of Fast Company for Media Week Carl Sagan Paul Sagan, President and CEO of Akamai Technologies, Inc. Mort Sahl, Comedian, Los Angeles, CA 8. Jukka Salonen, epidemiologist at the University of Kuopio in Finnland. Donna Salvatore, MediaVest USA CEO, Starcom MediaVest Group SMG , Bcom3 Group, color studio portrait. George Samenuk, Network Associates Curt Sampson, president Hector Communications and CSI. Judith Saryan, Eaton Vance fund manager, Boston, MA, July 25, 2007. © 2007 Shawn G. © 2007 Shawn G. © 2007 Shawn G. Saunders, MD - CEO - Broadlane Sharon Sayles Belton, former mayor of Minneapolis. Stephanie Schlecht - Director of Sustainability - Give Something Back office products Tom Schmidlin, named '2006 Beer Drinker of the Year' at the 'Wynkoop Brewing Co. Photographed at his home on Bainbridge Island, WA. Scholtz, Electrical Engineer, USC, Los Angeles, CA 9. Tracy Schroeder - VP IT - USF, University of San Francisco Dr. Lohr Winery Ed Schuh, agricultural economist and former dean of the University of Minnesota's Humphrey Institute of Public Policy. Mike Schuh - Foundation Capital Barry M. Managing Director of DFJ Growth Fund. Ken Schuler, artist, and the world's first 'LURD'--a living, unrelated liver donor photographed in Linville, VA Virginia John Schulte, CEO, Spectranetics Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks Coffee. Shot in 2001-11 at Starbucks headquarters, Seattle, WA. Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks. Shot in 2008-01 at Starbucks offices, Seattle. Howard Schultz, Chairman of Starbucks Coffee, shot in 2008-04 at Starbucks offices, Seattle. Howard Schultz, Chairman and CEO of Starbucks Coffee. Dick Schulze, CEO Best Buy, Minneapolis. Chuck Schumer, Democratic Senator from New York, poses for a portrait in his office in Washington, DC. Ewald Schuster, with the world's smallest turbine engine, University of Southern California, 10. Jonathan Schwartz of Sun Microsystems Schwartz, Jonathan, Sun Microsystems, Sr. Photographed in the Merrill Lynch offices, Bellevue, WA. Ronnie Screwvala, CEO of UTv, india , bollywood Richard Scruggs, Attorney, Beverly Hills, CA 9. © 2006 Shawn G. © 2006 Shawn G. Location photographs at Capital Hilton in Washington, DC Robert Selander, CEO, MasterCard International Stanton C. Selbst, Principal, Selbst Group Mark Selden, President, CD Inc. International Martin Seligman, Ph. Rick Sergel, CEO of National Grid, September 13, 2002 © 2002 Shawn G. Brian Shea, COO, Pershing, LLC Jimmy Shea, Olympic Athlete, 2002 Winter Olympics Gold Medalist for Skeleton Judge Judy and Judge Jerry Sheindlin Jeff Shell, Comcast Peter Shelly, vice president of sales for Radisson Hotels Internationa, owned by Carlson Companies. Benjamin Sheppard - Oakland Undercurrent Swim School Philip Sherringham, People's United Financial, Bridgeport, CT Peter Sherry, marathon runner photographed in Reston, VA. Robert Shiller Robert Shiller of Yale Derek Shockro, lifeguard for the Rehoboth Beach Delaware Beach patrol pictured with life saving equipment on the beach. Ralph Sholsstein of Highwater Investment Shorenstein, Douglas, Shorenstein Co. Shoven of Stanford University Dr. Siebel, Siebel Systems, Inc. Tom Siebel, computer industry expert speaking at Great Plains Software convention in Fargo, ND. Daniel Sifter - VP Engineering and CTO - Kabira Daniel Sifter and Dirk Epperson - Kabira Alejandro Silva, CEO, Evans Food Group Richard Trethway, Robert Cook, Kevin O'Connor, Norm Abram, and Tom Silva L to R , at the This Old House, Carlisle Farmhouse Project, Carlisle, MA. © 2005 Shawn G. © 2005 Shawn G. Ben Silverman of Insiderscore. Photographed on location at company headquarters in New Jersey Paul Simon, Illinois senator campaigning in St. Cloud, MN during 1988. Charles Simonyi, CEO of Intentional Software. Shot for Technology Review Magazine. Shot in studio, Issaquah, WA. Jim Sinegal, CEO of Costco. Photographed at Costco store, Issaquah, WA. Photographed at Concur offices, Redmond, WA. Gurjot Singh - CEO and President - Lynux Works and Allen Lee - CEO - Portwell America Technology Eugene Sit, founder of SIT mutual funds in Minneapolis, Tom Skerritt, actor. Portrait in his restaurant. Stuart Skorman Charlie Slacik - CFO - Beckman Coulter Phil Slocum, EVP Trading Operations, Chicago Board Options Exchange Bettina Slusar, SVBP Global Accounts Management, Sungard Corporation David Smeltzer, Aqua America David Smeltzer, Aqua America Abe Michael Smith - Chief Security Officer CSO - Xilinx Smith, Del portraits by helicopter Del Smith, Museum of Flight, Evergreen Aviation Donald Don Smith, olympic rower. Photographed on location in Princeton, NJ George Smith, Writer, Pasadena, CA 3. Smith, Lunar Design Jill D. Smith of Digital Globe Smith, Lamar Smith; ominous athlete athlete, football, drinking and driving Lawrence Smith, manager of First American Special Equity Michelle M. Smith, former chairman of Pillsbury Co. Sally Smith- CEO Buffalo Wild Wings Samuel Smith, who along with Patsy Sherman, developed 3M's Scotchgard. Tamsin Smith, RED , President. © 2007 Shawn G. George Smoot works at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Paul B. Gary Snyder, legendary beat poet. In Seattle's Pioneer Square. Ira Snyder' General Manager Program Management and Design at Windows Mobile, Microsoft. Photographed at Microsoft Corp, Redmond, WA. John Sobrato - Sobrato Development Daniel Socolow, Director, MacArthur Fellowship Program Dr. Sung Won Sohn, CEO Of Hanmi Bank, Los Angeles, Calif. Solomont, healthcare entrepreneur and DNC Fundraiser, at his offices in Newton, MA, with some of his many photos of national politicians who've received his support. © 2006 Shawn G. David Spector, Microscopy Specialist, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 7. Edson Spencer, former chairman of Honeywell, Minneapolis Allen M. Randy Spratt of McKesson Jack Stafford, former CEO Pillsbury Co. Jerry Stahl, Writer, Hollywood, CA 10. Bigelow, and Henri Bendel Special Prosecutor Kenn Starr, Pepperdine Law School, Malibu, CA 5. Joe Staten, Microsoft, X-Box, Developer of Halo, and Halo 2 games. Shot at X-Box offices, Redmond, WA Denis Stattman of BlackRock, Black Rock Michael Stauff, volunteer at Julie's Family Learning Center, in South Boston, MA, June 14, 2007. With Stauff are the founders of Julie's, Sister Louise Kearns black jacket and Sister Jean Sullivan. © 2007 Shawn G. Stebich, Director, Tacoma Art Museum. Photographed at the Tacoma Art Museum, Tacoma, WA. Wayne Stedman - IT Manager - R2C Group Sheri Steele - Executive Director - Electronic Frontier Foundation Doug Steenland President and CEO of Northwest Airlines Pfizer -- New Discovery Research facility -- Groton CT. CEO William Steere Bob Steers of Cohen and Steers, Robert Sarah Stegner, Chef, Prairie Grass Cafe Mike Steib, Director of Google TV Ads, photographed at Google NYC. Steiner, vice president and director of new business for General Mills, Inc. Gregg Steinhafel, Chairman, President and CEO, Target Corporation, Minneapolis, Minnesota at Target Plaza building Maureen Steinwall - Process Engineers, Injection Molders and Mold Makers Matthew Mattie Joseph Thaddeus Stepanek, author of best-selling poetry books, National Goodwill Ambassador for The Muscular Dystrophy Association MDA photographed at his home in Maryland. Stern President and CEO of US Fund UNICEF David Stern commissioner of the National Basketball Association NBA standing on seamless. Jon Stewart - Managing Director - Claremont Creek Ventures Valerie Stewart - assistant regional counsel - Federal Bureau of Prisons Chris Stiepock, General Director of ESPN's X Games, at the Staples Center, Los Angeles, 8. Bruce Stillman, President of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 7. Strock, Commander and Chief of Engineers, U. Casey Suchan, Director, Hollywood, CA 6. Don Sull, Professor of Management Practice' London Business School James M. Shot on location in NYC. Vidya Sundaram - Associate - Claremont Creek Ventures Thomas R. Suozzi, Nassau County Executive, Office of the County Executive Thomas R. Suozzi, County Executive, Nassau County Kevin Surace, Perfect Commerce Eric Sussman of Radio Coteau David F. Lamere blue tie, glasses and Craig R. Sutherland, Co-Vice Chairmen of Mellon's Private Wealth Management, at Mellon Financial Center, Boston, MA, April 25, 2006. © 2006 Shawn G. Sutherland, Co-Vice Chairman of Mellon's Private Wealth Management, at Mellon Financial Center, Boston, MA, April 25, 2006. © 2006 Shawn G. Andrew Sutton chef of Auberge du Soleil Restaurant in Napa, CA Vern Sutton, head of the music school at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. Henry Svendblad - Director of Information Techonology - Chart One John Swainson, Computer Associates Craig Swanson, CFO, HealthCare, Minneapolis. Kristin Rae Swanson, PhD; Research Assistant Professor of Pathology; Adjunct Research Assistant Professor of Applied Mathematics. Photographed with a human brain at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Michael Swanson, agricultural economist for Wells Fargo Bank, Minneapolis. Raytheon Corporation President William Bill Swanson -- ' At Corporate HQ - Lexington MA. Nelson Strobridge 'Strobe' Talbott III, president of the Brookings Institution photographed September 26, 2005 in Washington, DC. Talbott is a U. He was the U. Deputy Secretary of State from 1993 until 2001 U. Senator Jim Talent R-Mo. © 2006 Shawn G. Photographed at his home, Capital Hill, Seattle, WA. Denise Taylor, Prison Doctor, San Luis Obispo, CA 2. Joanna Taylor, Chief Administrative Officer, YMCA of the USA John Taylor - Stanford University Hoover Institute Lorenzo Taylor photographed in Washington, DC June 17, 2006. Lorenzo was photographed for a story about the legal challenges old and new for workers and job applicants who are HIV positive or suffering from AIDS. Mike Taylor, Chief Information Officer, Todd Shipyard. John Tayman Ruti Teitel, Professor of Comparative Law, New York Law School Dr. Edward Teller, Hoover Institute Studs Terkel Joseph Terranova, Director of Trading, MBF Clearing Corp. Larry Tessler, VP of Engineering at Amazon. Thomas attorney with Clifford Chance LLP photographed in Washington, DC April 20, 2006 Bruce E. July 11, 2003 © 2003 Shawn G. Thompson, Funds Manager, Thompson Plumb Investment Management John W. Thompson and John C. Thompson, Funds Managers, Thompson Plumb Investment Management Dr. Scott Thompson of Paypal Wade Thompson, CEO, Thor Inustries Inc. Lee Thorn - Chairman - Jhai Foundation John L. Thornton Chairman of the Board of the Brookings Institution photographed September 26, 2005. Professor and Director of Global Leadership at Tsinghua University in Beijing. He is a former President and Co-COO of Goldman Sachs. Linus Thorvald Matteo Thun at Hugo Boss Steve Tidwell - Infrastructure Manager - Project Playlist Brian Tierney, Philadelphia Inquirer Big Tigger Tiger , Power 105. Randy Till, Senior Leader, Global Business Continuity, MasterCard International Joel Tillinghast Robert L. © 2002 Shawn G. Village Name: 'geetilatha' 25 km outside the steel city of jamshedpur. CEO of Imperium Renewables. Shot on location near Imperium refinery, Aberdeen, Gray's Harbor, Washington Martin Tobias, Chairman, CEO, Imperium Renewables. Photographed at Seattle Biodiesel, Seattle WA. Steffan Tomlinson - CFO - Aruba Networks Dean Toriumi, Doctor, University of Illinois at Chicago Medical Center Jacques Torres' Mr. Chocolate ' ' Torvalds, Linus, Linux, Founder LINUS TORVALDS : Torvalds is the developer of Linux computer operating system. Linus Torvalds, developer of Linux Operating System. Shot in studio on white background. Mel Towle, CEO, Mille Lacs band of Objibwe Minnesota Chippewa Tribe Thomas Trantino Lee Travis, CEO, Home Technologies, Bellevue, WA. Photographed at Dorsey offices, Seattle, WA. Jason Trennert, Managing Partner and Chief Investment Strategist, Strategas Research Partners, photographed in NYC office. Richard Trethway, Robert Cook, Kevin O'Connor, Norm Abram, and Tom Silva L to R , at the This Old House, Carlisle Farmhouse Project, Carlisle, MA. © 2005 Shawn G. © 2005 Shawn G. Tobias Trost, Custom Action-Figure Maker, Silverlake, CA 11. Peter Tseronis, Director of Converged Communications for the U. Tucci, president and CEO, EMC Corporation, at the company headquarters in Hopkinton, MA. © 2004 Shawn G. Mitch Tuchman of Market Riders Paul E. Elliot, CFA and Daniel L. Tulis, CFA of ELCO Management Company, LLC. VP Human Interface Design, Fidelity Center Applied Technology. Sedrick Tydus - VP of Home Equity - ELoan E-Loan John Tyers, Managing Director, Bear Stearns Elaine Tyler May, professor of American Studies at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. National Public Radio arts reporter Neda Ulaby in a recording studio at the NPR headquarters in Washington, DC - January, 14, 2005 Portrait of Kevin Unangst, head of Games for Windows at Microsoft. Peter Ungaro, CEO Cray Inc. Shot in Cray headquarters, Seattle, WA. Unger, Senior Vice President and CIO, DaimlerChrysler AG Deepak Upadhyay - Senior Architect - Cadence Design Systems Towerstream COO Jeff Thompson L and CEO Philip Urso on the roof of the Prudential Center Tower, the location of their main array of antenna in Boston, MA. July 11, 2003 © 2003 Shawn G. Cory Van Arsdale, CEO of Massive Inc. Photographed at Microsoft's Millenium Campus, Redmond, WA Gus van Sant, Director, Beverly Hills, CA 1. Van Wyk, CIO, ING USFS Herbert Vanstephens, Fashion Designer Dan Vasella of Novartis Steve Vassallo - Foundation Capital Charles de Vaulx of IVA John Vechey, CEO, PopCap. Little Louie Vega, House Music DJ, Hollywood, CA 12. Phil Verchota, 1980 U. Olympic Hockey Team James Verrant, senior vice president of international operations, Honeywell, Minneapolis, MN Hasbro chairman Alan G. Hassenfeld and CEO Alfred J. Verrecchia glasses , at Hasbro Inc. July 18, 2003 © Shawn G. Capitol building and construction site of the Capitol Visitors Center on December 20, 2005 in Washington, DC Actor Bruce Vilance--Vilance plays the starring role of Edna Turnblad in the traveling production of the hit musical Hairspray. Vilance backstage at the Golden Gate Theater in San Francisco Robert Vince, AIDS researcher at the University of Minnesota, MN. Dr Renu Virmani, Medical Director, CVPath, International Registry of Pathology in Gaithersburg, MD. Dick Vitale photographed in his Sarasota home November 2007 Dr. © 2005 Shawn G. Shot in his Hollywood bedroom. Rick Waddell, President and Chief Financial Officer, Northern Trust Bank Tom Waddle, Athlete, former Chicago Bears Football player Jerry Wade, certified financial planner and president of the Minneapolis-based service Wade Financial Group. Romesh Wadhwani of Symphony Technology Group Sanjiv Wadhwani of Piper Jaffray Harold 'Hap' Wagner former CEO of Air Products Wagoner, Rick--CEO General Motors Wainright, Julie, CEO, Reel. Photo ©2004 by Kim Kulish Ted Waitt, CEO Gateway Computers. Ted Waitt, Gateway Clifford Waldeck - owner - Waldeck's Office Supplies Jane Wales, Pres and CEO, World Affairs Council of Northern California. Former Special Assistant to President Bill Clinton and Senior Director for Science and Technology on the National Security Council staff. Jimmy Wales, Wikipedia, founder Walker, Alice, Writer, at home in Mendocino, with daughter Zoe, with dog Marley, and Alice's writing studio Walker, Alice, Writer, Pulitzer Prize Recipient for 'The Color Purple' Andy Walker of Cyberwalker and Dig It Magazine KENT WALKER, San Diego-based author of the 2001 memoir, 'Son of a Grifter',' about his mother, Sante Kimes, a notorious con-artist and the convicted' murderer of a New York socialite she'd hoped to swindle. Paul Walsh, CEO, Pillsbury Co. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, in Cambridge, MA, June 6, 2006. © 2006 Shawn G. Daniel Warmenhoven - CEO - NetApp, Network Appliance Inc. Daniel Warmenhoven of Network Appliance, NetApp David Warner - Redhorse Constructors, and COO Above Board Technologies Joseph M. Warren, vice president of 3M's European operations. Seth Warshavky, Internet Porn's primo entrepreneur Seattle pornography, high technology, internet, IEG, sex, businessman Seth Warshavsky, internet porn king Chef Alice Waters attends the Happy 60th Birthday Celebrity Salute to San Francisco Symphony Musical Director , Michael Tilson Thomas January 13, 2005 Bill Watkins, CEO of Seagate Corporation Steve Watkins of KBR Government and Infrastructure photographed May 10, 2006 in Arlington, Virginia. Wayman has been appointed interim chief executive officer after current CEO Carly Fiorina's was forced out Wednesday, Feb. Wayman is shown here during a May 2002 press conference. Wayman, Hewlett-Packard Archbishop Rembert Weakland Mark Weatherford - California Office of Information Security and Privacy Protection Gregory Weaver - Senior VP, Finance, CFO - Sirna Therapeutics Brad Webb, PhD - Venture Partner - Claremont Creek Ventures U. Senator James Webb D-VA poses for a portrait in his office on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. Jim Weber, CEO of Brooks Sports. Andrew Weil, MD, Author and Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of Arizona, Althernative Medicine and Health Educator Sandy Sanford Weill, philanthropist, financier, and chairman emeritus of Citigroup Inc. Sandy Sanford Weill, Chairman and CEO, Citigroup, at Corporate Headquarters in NYC. Lawrence Weinbach, Unisys Henry of Symyx Dr. Allen Weinstein, ninth Archivist of the United States, photographed at the National Archives in Washington, DC on March 22, 2005 Deborah Weinswig of Citigroup Jim Weir, CEO, Simplicity Corporation Chuck E. Weiss, Musician, Hollywood, CA 11. Photographed at Accelerator Corp, Seattle, WA. Wally Weitz, Wietz Investment, Omaha, Neb. Larry Wendling, VP Coporate Research, 3M Jan Wenner, publisher of Rolling Stone. Location portraits at his office in New York. Bill Wennington, Athlete, former Chicago Bulls Basketball player Christina Wessel - Minnesota Budget Project Deputy Director ELECTRONIC ARTS: Marc West CIO of EA Games, Electronic Arts in Redwood City, Calif. Marc West is Now the Chief Executive Officer of The PX, a services firm delivering tax, legal and insurance products to consumers and small businesses. Robert White Neurosurgeon and researcher. First to perform successful brain and head transplants as well as science advisor to several popes. Photographed in research lab in Cleveland. Bert Whitehead, Financial Planner in studio on white background in San Francisco, Ca Loran Whitelock, Proprietor of Cycad Gardens, Horticulture Export, Eagle Rock, Calif. Fund Meg Whitman, CEO EBay, October 2005 Meg Whitman, Executive eBay EBAY: Meg Whitman, CEO of EBAY, online auction web , dot com company in San Jose, Calif. EBAY: Meg Whitman with the entire Ebay Executive Team at their San Jose, Calif. Meg Whitman, E-Bay CEO Meredith Whitney, Analyst, CIBC World Markets Bob Whitsitt, president of the Portland Trailblazers basketball team and the Seattle Seahawks football team. Paul Wick of Seligman Technology Group Scott Widham - Broadwing John Wiehoff - C. Photographed in his offices in Seattle, WA. Jeremy Grantham, Chairman, and Sam Wilderman left , partner, of GMO, in Boston, MA, February 26, 2007. © 2007 Shawn G. Will, Rate Consultants Inc. Bob Willett - COO Best Buy Brian Williams, Chief News Anchor, MSNBC Brian Williams, NBC News, fireman, football Brian Williams, NBC News, Fireman, Football Dick Williams of Wily Technology Joseph Williams one of the founding members of the Dahlgren Heritage Rail Trail photographed June 13, 2006 in King George County, VA Lance Williams - reporter - San Francisco Chronicle - Balco steroid case Tad Williams John Williamson - Manager of Capacity and Availability - Philips Mark Williamson of Evercore Terry Wills, CEO, Diversified Pharmaceutical Services, Minneapolis. Gary Wilson, Northwest Airlines. Wilson, Cordant Technologies, Inc. Robert Anton Wilson, Author. Ann Winblad Ann Winblad - Partner - Hummer Winblad Oprah Winfrey Allison Winter, Vice President, Northern Trust Bank David Winters CEO of Mutual Series Fund, outside walking between Trees Portrait of Charlie Winton, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Avalon Publishing Group in Emeryville, CA. Photo by Kim Kulish Mary Wirth - Senior Corporate Counsel, International - Yahoo! Bob Wittig - CIO - Independent Electrical Supply Patricia Woertz, Archer Daniels Midland Kurt Woetzel of Bank of New York Mellon Anne Wojcicki of Passport Capital Anne Wojcicki Edward Wojciechowski, former CIO, Menasha Corp Ellen Wolf, American Water Nathan Wolfe of Global Viral Forecasting Initiative William J. Woodsum, partner with Summit Partners, with members of City Year at the Agassiz School in Boston, MA, August 23, 2007. Woodsum was one of the founders of the City Year program in Boston, MA © 2007 Shawn G. Workman of Pillar Data Systems Steve Wozniak Deborah C. Photos of Walter Wriston at his CT. Wuterich, US Marine Corp, at home at Camp Pendleton, Calif. Yellen, University of California Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, geysers, Mammoth Hot Springs, buffalo, camping, wildlife, family, hiking David W. Yen of Sun Microsystems Jesse Yen, Computer Scientist, USC, Los Angeles, CA 9. Yeomans, Director of the Near-Earth Objects Division of JPL, Pasadena, CA 2. Yockey, Artisan Partners Jonathan Yolles, Managing Director - Investment Group, Goldberg, Yolles and Lepore Consulting Group, Wachovia Securities, LLC Junki Yoshida, CEO Yoshida Group Brian Yost, vice president of Restaurant and Beverage, Marriott Corp. Henry Yuen, Gemstar-TV Guide CEO, at offices in NYC. Anthony Zador, Brain Scientist, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY 7. © 2001 Shawn G. Henry Leah Zell, Wagner Asset Management. Craig Zolan, President and CEO of UVentures, Inc. Rick Zona, CFO, First Bank System, Minneapolis. Tukufu Zuberi, Professor at Penn Tukufu Zuberi Pamela Zucker, Senior VP, MediaVest Worldwide Sam Zygmuntowicz' Violin Maker' ' This is a partial listing of stock subjects available from bigshotstock photographers.

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