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In My Name

Through these eyes I've seen so much of pain
And through these eyes I've seen blood staining the rain
Written in the prophecy is my name
If you wanna follow me
It's not all game

(In my name)
Shall I come back again
(In my name)
Shall I come back in the end

In these times of war and fame
And in these times love goes down the drain
Written in the prophecy is the name
Somebody comes for you and me
It's not all game

(In my name)
Shall you cast out devils
(In my name)
Shall you take up serpents
(In my name)
Shall you speak with new tongues
(In my name)
Shall you be forgiven
In this world
In this ol' world
In this world
The road is my name

(In my name)
Shall you cast out devils
(In my name)
Shall you take up serpents
(In my name)
Shall you speak with new tongues
(In my name)
Shall you be forgiven
In my name

Star Of Fate

As I seal your lips
With a good-night's kiss, my love
I feel that I'd miss
That longing deep inside my heart
But I have to go
Before the morning grows too old now
The second star from the right
Is the one I use as my guiding light

Tonight I cast my spell
And I wish upon a star
Star of fate keeps me moving along
Follow that dream of my heart

As I seal your lips
With a good-bye kiss, my love
It's been hit and miss
Hurting deep inside my heart
But I have to go
Before we grow too old now
That second start from the right
Is the one always shining there by my side

Every night I cast my spell
And I wish upon a star
Star of fate keeps me moving along
Follow that dream of my heart


Plavokosi anđeo

Ponovo osjetim onu istu bol
oko srca kako steže
Popout pijavice mi ispija
svu ljubav iz srca
i zamjeljuje ju boli.

Još više mrzim onaj osjećaj
svaki put kad ju vidim
onu ljubomoru
zbog koje je želim samo za sebe

Noću grlim jastuke
kao što bi grlio nju
prošao joj rukom kroz kosu
i zagrlio ju
da zna da ju nikada nebi ostavio

Zbog nje sam upoznao
nebrojene zore
krvava rađanja sunca
da bi njihovu ljepotu
usporedio s njenom

Zvjezdama se molio
da ju noću čuvaju
da mi pričaju
kakve snove sniva
kad sklopi oči

Kao sljepac
bez svoga bijelog štapa
posrćem nesiguran
pružam ruke njoj da me uhvati
da mi bude oslonac moj spas

Neprođe ni dan ni sat
da nemslim na nju
poput utvare me proganja
i nestaje u trenutku kad je najljepša

† 13 † tell me your secret †

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