

Dodaj komentar (63)


  • Branko Stojković - ŠTIT 1

    1.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je odgovorna za progon i uhićenja hrvatskih branitelja

    2.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti u kojoj sjede predstavnici velikosrpskih terorista u Hrvatskoj

    3.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je koruptivna što na hrvatskom znači pokvarena i podmitljiva

    4.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja štiti, čuva i skriva udbaške, oznaške i komunističke zločince

    5:) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja ne vraća hrvatski okupirani teritorij u svoje međunarodno priznate granice

    6.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja diskriminira hrvatski narod i to naziva pozitivnom diskriminacijom

    7.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja slavi klanja i ubijanja stotine tisuća nevinih hrvatskih ljudi nazivajući to svojim antifašizmom

    8.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je osiromašila i obezvrijedila hrvatske ljude, a Hrvatsku opustošila

    9.) Mile Dedaković naziva demokratske prosvjede ulicom, na kojima on vidi samo 2 do 3 posto njegovih branitelja


    12.12.2012. (12:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Branko Stojković - ŠTIT 1

    Mile Dedaković tražio pomoć, ali Tuđmana nisu htjeli buditi
    Nisu ga htjeli čuti: Pročitajte transkript razgovora Mile Dedakovića Jastreba s Pantovčakom koji pokazuje kako nitko nije htio slušati o teškoj sudbini Vukovara

    Subota, 17. 11. 2012. u 19:15 Piše: 24sata


    1.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je odgovorna za progon i uhićenja hrvatskih branitelja

    2.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti u kojoj sjede predstavnici velikosrpskih terorista u Hrvatskoj

    3.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je koruptivna što na hrvatskom znači pokvarena i podmitljiva

    4.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja štiti, čuva i skriva udbaške, oznaške i komunističke zločince

    5:) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja ne vraća hrvatski okupirani teritorij u svoje međunarodno priznate granice

    6.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja diskriminira hrvatski narod i to naziva pozitivnom diskriminacijom

    7.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja slavi klanja i ubijanja stotine tisuća nevinih hrvatskih ljudi nazivajući to svojim antifašizmom

    8.) Mile Dedaković daje podršku vlasti koja je osiromašila i obezvrijedila hrvatske ljude, a Hrvatsku opustošila

    9.) Mile Dedaković naziva demokratske prosvjede ulicom, na kojima on vidi samo 2 do 3 posto njegovih branitelja

    .Branko Stojković - ŠTIT 12.12.2012


    12.12.2012. (15:10)    -   -   -   -  

  • blade777

    Napis je u redu kada gledamo na izrečenu bit, ali ima dosta grešaka.
    -i da će je može koštati…
    -Ali danas složene su sve kockice tog mozaika
    -Mogu reći da sam bio gotovo sve u pravu
    -uspio ocijepiti većinu
    -u prvom u planu
    -napadali su na Vukovaru
    -vidim da Paraga je govorio
    - dobro vidim da Paraga je govorio ono što Mesić je volio čuti…
    -Jučer dnevne novine pišu

    Inače, ostaje činjenica da je Vukovar spasio Hrvatsku.
    Slično kako je Napoleon slomio zube na Moskvi, tako je JNA slomila kičmu i zube, osvajajući i razarajući Vukovar.

    Svi skupa... puno više dugujemo Vukovaru, no što ćemo tom gradu heroju, dok god živimo, moći dati.


    12.12.2012. (16:03)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Paragin HSP 1861. bio je (nažalost neuspješan) pokušaj da se pravaštvo očisti od fašističkih naplavina iz tridesetih godina 20. stoljeća i barem donekle vrati svojim izvorima.


    12.12.2012. (16:56)    -   -   -   -  

  • Branko Stojković - ŠTIT 1



    12.12.2012. (17:08)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Tzv. Hrvatske obrambene snage (HOS) bile su paravojne (ktomu ustašoidne) vojne formacije (dakle, donekle usporedive s arkanovcima i šešeljevcima) čije djelovanje nipošto nije bilo lege artis, pa je Tuđmanova administracija (moramo to konstatirati, bez obzira na nedvojbene zasluge HOS-a u obrani teritorijalnoga integriteta i ustavnoga poretka Republike, kojega je rekosmo i sam na neki način kršio, kao i na autoritarnu prirodu i posljedični deficit legitimiteta Tuđmanove vlasti) imala puno, na zakonu i ustavu utemeljeno, pravo da zahtijeva njihovo raspuštanje.


    12.12.2012. (17:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Denuklearizacija i uopće demilitarizacija Korejskoga poluotoka, pod čime podrazumijevamo i odlazak američkih trupa iz Južne Koreje, organiziranje slobodnih višestranačkih izbora u Sjevernoj Koreji te postupno ujedinjenje Sjevera i Juga u jednu demokratsku, miroljubivu i blokovski neopredijeljenu državu predstavljaju jednostavno i jedino održivo rješenje pola stoljeća duge korejske krize.


    12.12.2012. (18:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Mirno odstupanje nacionalsocijalističkoga režima (tzv.) Demokratske Narodne Republike Koreje moglo bi se osigurati pružanjem partijskim, vojnim i državnim rukovodiocima garancija o amnestiji ili davanjem mogućnosti azila u nekoj prijateljskoj zemlji (prvenstveno NR Kini), koja bi podrazumijevala, ako je to nužno, i dozvolu iznošenja određene količine materijalnih vrijednosti iz zemlje i odreknućem od provođenja bilo kakve lustracije nad pripadnicima (tzv.) Radničke partije Koreje od strane prijelazne vlasti Sjevera ili vlasti buduće ujedinjene Koreje.


    12.12.2012. (18:36)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    SCUM manifesto - nacrt ostvarenja utopijskoga društva bez muškaraca (ustvari, najvjerojatnije je riječ o ironizaciji patrijarhaloga društva, odnosno narativu donekle nalik srednjovjekovnome konceptu "svijeta naglavačke"):


    www.columbia.edu/i tc/architecture/.../solanis.pdf


    12.12.2012. (19:05)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    S.C.U.M. Manifesto
    (Society for Cutting Up Men)
    by Valerie Solanas
    Life in this society being, at best, an utter bore and no aspect of society being at all relevant to
    women, there remains to civic-minded, responsible, thrill-seeking females only to overthrow the
    government, eliminate the money system, institute complete automation and destroy the male
    It is now technically feasible to reproduce without the aid of males (or, for that matter, females)
    and to produce only females. We must begin immediately to do so. Retaining the mail has not
    even the dubious purpose of reproduction. The male is a biological accident: the Y (male)
    gene is an incomplete X (female) gene, that is, it has an incomplete set of chromosomes. In
    other words, the male is an incomplete female, a walking abortion, aborted at the gene stage.
    To be male is to be deficient, emotionally limited; maleness is a deficiency disease and males
    are emotional cripples.
    The male is completely egocentric, trapped inside himself, incapable of empathizing or
    identifying with others, or love, friendship, affection of tenderness. He is a completely isolated
    unit, incapable of rapport with anyone. His responses are entirely visceral, not cerebral; his
    intelligence is a mere tool in the services of his drives and needs; he is incapable of mental
    passion, mental interaction; he can't relate to anything other than his own physical sensations.
    He is a half-dead, unresponsive lump, incapable of giving or receiving pleasure or happiness;
    consequently, he is at best an utter bore, an inoffensive blob, since only those capable of
    absorption in others can be charming. He is trapped in a twilight zone halfway between
    humans and apes, and is far worse off than the apes because, unlike the apes, he is capable
    of a large array of negative feelings -- hate, jealousy, contempt, disgust, guilt, shame, doubt --
    and moreover, he is aware of what he is and what he isn't.
    Although completely physical, the male is unfit even for stud service. Even assuming
    mechanical proficiency, which few men have, he is, first of all, incapable of zestfully, lustfully,
    tearing off a piece, but instead is eaten up with guilt, shame, fear and insecurity, feelings
    rooted in male nature, which the most enlightened training can only minimize; second, the
    physical feeling he attains is next to nothing; and third, he is not empathizing with his
    partner, but is obsessed with how he's doing, turning in an A performance, doing a good
    plumbing job. To call a man an animal is to flatter him; he's a machine, a walking dildo. It's
    often said that men use women. Use them for what? Surely not pleasure.
    Eaten up with guilt, shame, fears and insecurities and obtaining, if he's lucky, a barely
    perceptible physical feeling, the male is, nonetheless, obsessed with screwing; he'll swim
    through a river of snot, wade nostril-deep through a mile of vomit, if he thinks there'll be a
    friendly pussy awaiting him. He'll screw a woman he despises, any snaggle-toothed hag, and
    furthermore, pay for the opportunity. Why? Relieving physical tension isn't the answer, as
    masturbation suffices for that. It's not ego satisfaction; that doesn't explain screwing corpses
    and babies.
    Completely egocentric, unable to relate, empathize or identify, and filled with a vast, pervasive,
    diffuse sexuality, the male is pyschically passive. He hates his passivity, so he projects it onto
    women, defines the make as active, then sets out to prove that he is (`prove that he is a Man').
    His main means of attempting to prove it is screwing (Big Man with a Big Dick tearing off a Big
    Piece). Since he's attempting to prove an error, he must `prove' it again and again. Screwing,
    then, is a desperate compulsive, attempt to prove he's not passive, not a woman; but he is passive and does want to be a woman.


    12.12.2012. (19:29)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Being an incomplete female, the male spends his life attempting to complete himself, to
    become female. He attempts to do this by constantly seeking out, fraternizing with and trying
    to live through an fuse with the female, and by claiming as his own all female characteristics --
    emotional strength and independence, forcefulness, dynamism, decisiveness, coolness,
    objectivity, assertiveness, courage, integrity, vitality, intensity, depth of character, grooviness,
    etc -- and projecting onto women all male traits -- vanity, frivolity, triviality, weakness, etc. It
    should be said, though, that the male has one glaring area of superiority over the female --
    public relations. (He has done a brilliant job of convincing millions of women that men are
    women and women are men). The male claim that females find fulfillment through
    motherhood and sexuality reflects what males think they'd find fulfilling if they were female.
    Women, in other words, don't have penis envy; men have pussy envy. When the male accepts
    his passivity, defines himself as a woman (males as well as females thing men are women and
    women are men), and becomes a transvestite he loses his desire to screw (or to do anything
    else, for that matter; he fulfills himself as a drag queen) and gets his dick chopped off. He
    then achieves a continuous diffuse sexual feeling from `being a woman'. Screwing is, for a
    man, a defense against his desire to be female. He is responsible for:
    War: The male's normal compensation for not being female, namely, getting his Big Gun off, is
    grossly inadequate, as he can get it off only a very limited number of times; so he gets it off on
    a really massive scale, and proves to the entire world that he's a `Man'. Since he has no
    compassion or ability to empathize or identify, proving his manhood is worth an endless
    amount of mutilation and suffering and an endless number of lives, including his own -- his
    own life being worthless, he would rather go out in a blaze of glory than to plod grimly on for
    fifty more years.
    Niceness, Politeness, and `Dignity': Every man, deep down, knows he's a worthless piece of
    shit. Overwhelmed by a sense of animalism and deeply ashamed of it; wanting, not to express
    himself, but to hide from others his total physicality, total egocentricity, the hate and contempt
    he feels for other men, and to hide from himself the hate and contempt he suspects other men
    feel for him; having a crudely constructed nervous system that is easily upset by the least
    display of emotion or feeling, the male tries to enforce a `social' code that ensures perfect
    blandness, unsullied by the slightest trace or feeling or upsetting opinion. He uses terms like
    `copulate', `sexual congress', `have relations with' (to men sexual relations is a redundancy),
    overlaid with stilted manners; the suit on the chimp.
    Money, Marriage and Prostitution, Work and Prevention of an Automated Society: There is no
    human reason for money or for anyone to work more than two or three hours a week at the very
    most. All non-creative jobs (practically all jobs now being done) could have been automated
    long ago, and in a moneyless society everyone can have as much of the best of everything as
    she wants. But there are non-human, male reasons for wanting to maintain the money system:
    1. Pussy. Despising his highly inadequate self, overcome with intense anxiety and a deep,
    profound loneliness when by his empty self, desperate to attach himself to any female in dim
    hopes of completing himself, in the mystical belief that by touching gold he'll turn to gold, the
    male craves the continuous companionship of women. The company of the lowest female is
    preferable to his own or that of other men, who serve only to remind him of his repulsiveness.
    But females, unless very young or very sick, must be coerced or bribed into male company.
    2. Supply the non-relating male with the delusion of usefulness, and enable him to try to
    justify his existence by digging holes and then filling them up. Leisure time horrifies the male,
    who will have nothing to do but contemplate his grotesque self. Unable to relate or to love, the
    male must work. Females crave absorbing, emotionally satisfying, meaningful activity, but
    lacking the opportunity or ability for this, they prefer to idle and waste away their time in ways
    of their own choosing -- sleeping, shopping, bowling, shooting pool, playing cards and other
    games, breeding, reading, walking around, daydreaming, eating, playing with themselves,
    popping pills, going to the movies, getting analyzed, traveling, raising dogs and cats, lolling
    about on the beach, swimming, watching TV, listening to music, decorating their houses,
    gardening, sewing, nightclubbing, dancing, visiting, `improving their minds' (taking courses),
    and absorbing `culture' (lectures, plays, concerts, `arty' movies). Therefore, many females
    would, even assuming complete economic equality between the sexes, pre


    12.12.2012. (20:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    prefer living with males
    or peddling their asses on the street, thus having most of their time for themselves, to spending
    many hours of their days doing boring, stultifying, non-creative work for someone else,
    functioning as less than animals, as machines, or, at best -- if able to get a `good' job -- comanaging
    the shitpile. What will liberate women, therefore, from male control is the total
    elimination of the money-work system, not the attainment of economic equality with men
    within it.
    3. Power and control. Unmasterful in his personal relations with women, the male attains to
    masterfulness by the manipulation of money and everything controlled by money, in other
    words, of everything and everybody.
    4. Love substitute. Unable to give love or affection, the male gives money. It makes him feel
    motherly. The mother gives milk; he gives bread. He is the Breadwinner.
    5. Provide the male with a goal. Incapable of enjoying the moment, the male needs something
    to look forward to, and money provides him with an eternal, never-ending goal: Just think of
    what you could do with 80 trillion dollars -- invest it! And in three years time you'd have 300
    trillion dollars!!!
    6. Provide the basis for the male's major opportunity to control and manipulate -- fatherhood.
    Fatherhood and Mental Illness (fear, cowardice, timidity, humility, insecurity, passivity):
    Mother wants what's best for her kids; Daddy only wants what's best for Daddy, that is peace
    and quiet, pandering to his delusion of dignity (`respect'), a good reflection on himself (status)
    and the opportunity to control and manipulate, or, if he's an `enlightened' father, to `give
    guidance'. His daughter, in addition, he wants sexually -- he givers her hand in marriage; the
    other part is for him. Daddy, unlike Mother, can never give in to his kids, as he must, at all
    costs, preserve his delusion of decisiveness, forcefulness, always-rightness and strength. Never
    getting one's way leads to lack of self-confidence in one's ability to cope with the world and to
    a passive acceptance of the status quo. Mother loves her kids, although she sometimes gets
    angry, but anger blows over quickly and even while it exists, doesn't preclude love and basic
    acceptance. Emotionally diseased Daddy doesn't love his kids; he approves of them -- if they're
    `good', that is, if they're nice, `respectful', obedient, subservient to his will, quiet and not
    given to unseemly displays of temper that would be most upsetting to Daddy's easily disturbed
    male nervous system -- in other words, if they're passive vegetables. If they're not `good', he
    doesn't get angry -- not if he's a modern, `civilized' father (the old-fashioned ranting, raving
    brute is preferable, as he is so ridiculous he can be easily despised) -- but rather express
    disapproval, a state that, unlike anger, endures and precludes a basic acceptance, leaving the
    kid with the feeling of worthlessness and a lifelong obsession wit being approved of; the result
    is fear of independent thought, as this leads to unconventional, disapproved of opinions and
    way of life.
    For the kid to want Daddy's approval it must respect Daddy, and being garbage, Daddy can
    make sure that he is respected only by remaining aloof, by distantness, by acting on the
    precept of `familiarity breeds contempt', which is, of course, true, if one is contemptible. By
    being distant and aloof, he is able to remain unknown, mysterious, and thereby, to inspire fear


    12.12.2012. (20:05)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Disapproval of emotional `scenes' leads to fear of strong emotion, fear of one's own anger and
    hatred. Fear of anger and hatred combined with a lack of self-confidence in one's ability to
    cope with and change the world, or even to affect in the slightest way one's own destiny, leads
    to a mindless belief that the world and most people in it are nice and the most banal, trivial
    amusements are great fun and deeply pleasurable.
    The affect of fatherhood on males, specifically, is to make them `Men', that is, highly defensive
    of all impulses to passivity, faggotry, and of desires to be female. Every boy wants to imitate his
    mother, be her, fuse with her, but Daddy forbids this; he is the mother; he gets to fuse with
    her. So he tells the boy, sometimes directly, sometimes indirectly, to not be a sissy, to act like a
    `Man'. The boy, scared shitless of and `respecting' his father, complies, and becomes just like
    Daddy, that model of `Man'-hood, the all-American ideal -- the well-behaved heterosexual
    The effect of fatherhood on females is to make them male -- dependent, passive, domestic,
    animalistic, insecure, approval and security seekers, cowardly, humble, `respectful' of
    authorities and men, closed, not fully responsive, half-dead, trivial, dull, conventional,
    flattened-out and thoroughly contemptible. Daddy's Girl, always tense and fearful, uncool,
    unanalytical, lacking objectivity, appraises Daddy, and thereafter, other men, against a
    background of fear (`respect') and is not only unable to see the empty shell behind the facade,
    but accepts the male definition of himself as superior, as a female, and of herself, as inferior,
    as a male, which, thanks to Daddy, she really is.
    It is the increase of fatherhood, resulting from the increased and more widespread affluence
    that fatherhood needs in order to thrive, that has caused the general increase of mindlessness
    and the decline of women in the United States since the 1920s. The close association of
    affluence with fatherhood has led, for the most part, to only the wrong girls, namely, the
    `privileged' middle class girls, getting `educated'.
    The effect of fathers, in sum, has been to corrode the world with maleness. The male has a
    negative Midas Touch -- everything he touches turns to shit.
    Suppression of Individuality, Animalism (domesticity and motherhood), and Functionalism:
    The male is just a bunch of conditioned reflexes, incapable of a mentally free response; he is
    tied to he earliest conditioning, determined completely by his past experiences. His earliest
    experiences are with his mother, and he is throughout his life tied to her. It never becomes
    completely clear to the make that he is not part of his mother, that he is he and she is she.
    His greatest need is to be guided, sheltered, protected and admired by Mama (men expect
    women to adore what men shrink from in horror -- themselves) and, being completely physical,
    he yearns to spend his time (that's not spent `out in the world' grimly defending against his
    passivity) wallowing in basic animal activities -- eating, sleeping, shitting, relaxing and being
    soothed by Mama. Passive, rattle-headed Daddy's Girl, ever eager for approval, for a pat on the
    head, for the `respect' if any passing piece of garbage, is easily reduced to Mama, mindless
    ministrator to physical needs, soother of the weary, apey brow, booster of the tiny ego,
    appreciator of the contemptible, a hot water bottle with tits.
    The reduction to animals of the women of the most backward segment of society -- the
    `privileged, educated' middle-class, the backwash of humanity -- where Daddy reigns supreme,
    has been so thorough that they try to groove on labour pains and lie around in the most
    advanced nation in the world in the middle of the twentieth century with babies chomping
    away on their tits. It's not for the kids sake, though, that the `experts' tell women that Mama
    should stay home and grovel in animalism, but for Daddy's; the tits for Daddy to hang onto; the
    labor pains for Daddy to vicariously groove on (half dead, he needs awfully strong stimuli to
    make him respond).
    Reducing the female to an animal, to Mama, to a male, is necessary for psychological as well
    as practical reasons: the male is a mere member of the species, interchangeable with every
    other male. He has no deep-seated individuality, which stems from what intrigues you, what
    outside yourself absorbs you, what you're in relation to. Completely self-absorbed, capable of
    being in relation only to their bodies and physical sensations, males differ from each other
    only to the degree and in the ways they attempt to defend against their passivity and against
    their desire to be female.
    The female's individuality, which he is acutely aware of, but which he doesn't comprehend
    and isn't capable of relating to or grasping emotionally, frightens and upsets him and fills him
    with envy. So he denies it in her and proceeds to def


    12.12.2012. (20:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    A true community consists of individuals -- not mere species members, not couples --
    respecting each others individuality and privacy, at the same time interacting with each other
    mentally and emotionally -- free spirits in free relation to each other -- and co-operating with
    each other to achieve common ends. Traditionalists say the basic unit of `society' is the family;
    `hippies' say the tribe; no one says the individual.
    The `hippy' babbles on about individuality, but has no more conception of it than any other
    man. He desires to get back to Nature, back to the wilderness, back to the home of furry
    animals that he's one of, away from the city, where there is at least a trace, a bare beginning of
    civilization, to live at the species level, his time taken up with simple, non-intellectual
    activities -- farming, fucking, bead stringing. The most important activity of the commune, the
    one upon which it is based, is gang-banging. The `hippy' is enticed to the commune mainly
    by the prospect for free pussy -- the main commodity to be shared, to be had just for the
    asking, but, blinded by greed, he fails to anticipate all the other men he has to share with, or
    the jealousies and possessiveness for the pussies themselves.
    Men cannot co-operate to achieve a common end, because each man's end is all the pussy for
    himself. The commune, therefore, is doomed to failure; each `hippy' will, in panic, grad the
    first simpleton who digs him and whisks her off to the suburbs as fast as he can. The male
    cannot progress socially, but merely swings back and forth from isolation to gang-banging.
    Conformity: Although he wants to be an individual, the male is scared of anything in himself
    that is the slightest bit different from other men, it causes him to suspect that he's not really a
    `Man', that he's passive and totally sexual, a highly upsetting suspicion. If other men are "A"
    and he's not, he must not be a man; he must be a fag. So he tries to affirm his `Manhood' by
    being like all the other men. Differentness in other men, as well as himself, threatens him; it
    means they're fags whom he must at all costs avoid, so he tries to make sure that all other men
    The male dares to be different to the degree that he accepts his passivity and his desire to be
    female, his fagginess. The farthest out male is the drag queen, but he, although different from
    most men, is exactly like all the other drag queens like the functionalist, he has an identity --
    he is female. He tries to define all his troubles away -- but still no individuality. Not completely
    convinced that he's a woman, highly insecure about being sufficiently female, he conforms
    compulsively to the man-made stereotype, ending up as nothing but a bundle of stilted
    To be sure he's a `Man', the male must see to it that the female be clearly a `Woman', the
    opposite of a `Man', that is, the female must act like a faggot. And Daddy's Girl, all of whose
    female instincts were wrenched out of her when little, easily and obligingly adapts herself to
    the role.
    Authority and Government: Having no sense of right and wrong, no conscience, which can
    only stem from having an ability to empathize with others... having no faith in his non-existent
    self, being unnecessarily competitive, and by nature, unable to co-operate, the male feels a
    need for external guidance and control. So he created authorities -- priests, experts, bosses,
    leaders, etc -- and government. Wanting the female (Mama) to guide him, but unable to accept
    this fact (he is, after all, a MAN), wanting to play Woman, to usurp her function as Guider and
    Protector, he sees to it that all authorities are male.
    There's no reason why a society consisting of rational beings capable of empathizing with each
    other, complete and having no natural reason to compete, should have a government, laws or
    Philosophy, Religion, and Morality Based on Sex: The male's inability to relate to anybody or
    anything makes his life pointless and meaningless (the ultimate male insight is that life is
    absurd), so he invented philosophy and religion. Being empty, he looks outward, not only for
    guidance and control, but for salvation and for the meaning of life. Happiness being for him
    impossible on this earth, he invented Heaven.
    For a man, having no ability to empathize with others and being totally sexual, `wrong' is
    sexual `license' and engaging in `deviant' (`unmanly') sexual practices, that is, not defending
    against his passivity and total sexuality which, if indulged, would destroy `civilization', since
    `civilization' is based entirely upon the male need to defend himself against these
    characteristics. For a woman (according to men), `wrong' is any behavior that would entice
    men into sexual `license' -- that is, not placing male needs above her own and not being a
    Religion not only provides the male with a goal (Heaven) and helps keep women tied to men,
    but o


    12.12.2012. (20:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Religion not only provides the male with a goal (Heaven) and helps keep women tied to men,
    but offers rituals through which he can try to expiate the guilt and shame he feels at not
    defending himself enough against his sexual impulses; in essence, that guilt and shame he
    feels at being male.
    Most men men, utterly cowardly, project their inherent weaknesses onto women, label them
    female weaknesses and believe themselves to have female strengths; most philosophers, not
    quite so cowardly, face the fact that make lacks exist in men, but still can't face the fact that
    they exist in men only. So they label the male condition the Human Condition, post their
    nothingness problem, which horrifies them, as a philosophical dilemma, thereby giving stature
    to their animalism, grandiloquently label their nothingness their `Identity Problem', and
    proceed to prattle on pompously about the `Crisis of the Individual', the `Essence of Being',
    `Existence preceding Essence', `Existential Modes of Being', etc. etc.
    A woman not only takes her identity and individuality for granted, but knows instinctively that
    the only wrong is to hurt others, and that the meaning of life is love.
    Prejudice (racial, ethnic, religious, etc): The male needs scapegoats onto whom he can project
    his failings and inadequacies and upon whom he can vent his frustration at not being female.
    And the vicarious discriminations have the practical advantage of substantially increasing the
    pussy pool available to the men on top.
    Competition, Prestige, Status, Formal Education, Ignorance and Social and Economic Classes:
    Having an obsessive desire to be admired by women, but no intrinsic worth, the make
    constructs a highly artificial society enabling him to appropriate the appearance of worth
    through money, prestige, `high' social class, degrees, professional position and knowledge
    and, by pushing as many other men as possible down professionally, socially, economically,
    and educationally.
    The purpose of `higher' education is not to educate but to exclude as many as possible from
    the various professions.
    The male, totally physical, incapable of mental rapport, although able to understand and use
    knowledge and ideas, is unable to relate to them, to grasp them emotionally: he does not value
    knowledge and ideas for their own sake (they're just means to ends) and, consequently, feels
    no need for mental companions, no need to cultivate the intellectual potentialities of others.
    On the contrary, the male has a vested interest in ignorance; it gives the few knowledgeable
    men a decided edge on the unknowledgeable ones, and besides, the male knows that an
    enlightened, aware female population will mean the end of him. The healthy, conceited
    female wants the company of equals whom she can respect and groove on; the male and the
    sick, insecure, unself-confident male female crave the company of worms.
    No genuine social revolution can be accomplished by the male, as the male on top wants the
    status quo, and all the male on the bottom wants is to be the male on top. The male `rebel' is
    a farce; this is the male's `society', made by him to satisfy his needs. He's never satisfied,
    because he's not capable of being satisfied. Ultimately, what the male `rebel' is rebelling


    12.12.2012. (20:11)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    against is being male. The male changes only when forced to do so by technology, when he
    has no choice, when `society' reaches the stage where he must change or die. We're at that
    stage now; if women don't get their asses in gear fast, we may very well all die.
    Prevention of Conversation: Being completely self-centered and unable to relate to anything
    outside himself, the male's `conversation', when not about himself, is an impersonal droning
    on, removed from anything of human value. Male `intellectual conversation' is a strained
    compulsive attempt to impress the female.
    Daddy's Girl, passive, adaptable, respectful of and in awe of the male, allows him to impose
    his hideously dull chatter on her. This is not too difficult for her, as the tension and anxiety,
    the lack of cool, the insecurity and self-doubt, the unsureness of her own feelings and
    sensations that Daddy instilled in her make her perceptions superficial and render her unable
    to see that the male's babble is babble; like the aesthete `appreciating' the blob that's labeled
    `Great Art', she believes she's grooving on what bores the shit out of her. Not only does she
    permit his babble to dominate, she adapts her own `conversation' accordingly.
    Trained from an early childhood in niceness, politeness and `dignity', in pandering to the
    male need to disguise his animalism, she obligingly reduces her own `conversation' to small
    talk, a bland, insipid avoidance of any topic beyond the utterly trivial -- or is `educated', to
    `intellectual' discussion, that is, impersonal discoursing on irrelevant distractions -- the Gross
    National Product, the Common Market, the influence of Rimbaud on symbolist painting. So
    adept is she at pandering that it eventually becomes second nature and she continues to
    pander to men even when in the company of other females only.
    Apart from pandering, her `conversation' is further limited by her insecurity about expressing
    deviant, original opinions and the self-absorption based on insecurity and that prevents her
    conversation from being charming. Niceness, politeness, `dignity', insecurity and selfabsorption
    are hardly conducive to intensity and wit, qualities a conversation must have to be
    worthy of the name. Such conversation is hardly rampant, as only completely self-confident,
    arrogant, outgoing, proud, tough-minded females are capable of intense, bitchy, witty
    Prevention of Friendship (Love): Men have contempt for themselves, for all other men whom
    they contemplate more than casually and whom they do not think are females, (for example
    `sympathetic' analysts and `Great Artists') or agents of God and for all women who respect and
    pander to them: the insecure, approval-seeking, pandering male-females have contempt for
    themselves and for all women like them: the self-confident, swinging, thrill-seeking female
    females have contempt for me and for the pandering male females. In short, contempt is the
    order of the day.
    Love is not dependency or sex, but friendship, and therefore, love can't exist between two
    males, between a male and a female, or between two females, one or both of whom is a
    mindless, insecure, pandering male; like conversation, live can exist only between two secure,
    free-wheeling, independent groovy female females, since friendship is based upon respect, not
    Even amongst groovy females deep friendships seldom occur in adulthood, as almost all of
    them are either tied up with men in order to survive economically, or bogged down in hacking
    their way through the jungle and in trying to keep their heads about the amorphous mass.
    Love can't flourish in a society based upon money and meaningless work: it requires complete
    economic as well as personal freedom, leisure time and the opportunity to engage in intensely
    absorbing, emotionally satisfying activities which, when shared with those you respect, lead to
    deep friendship. Our `society' provides practically no opportunity to engage in such activities.
    Having stripped the world of conversation, friendship and love, the male offers us these paltry


    12.12.2012. (20:12)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    `Great Art' and `Culture': The male `artist' attempts to solve his dilemma of not being able to
    live, of not being female, by constructing a highly artificial world in which the male is
    heroized, that is, displays female traits, and the female is reduced to highly limited, insipid
    subordinate roles, that is, to being male.
    The male `artistic' aim being, not to communicate (having nothing inside him he has nothing
    to say), but to disguise his animalism, he resorts to symbolism and obscurity (`deep' stuff). The
    vast majority of people, particularly the `educated' ones, lacking faith in their own judgment,
    humble, respectful of authority (`Daddy knows best'), are easily conned into believing that
    obscurity, evasiveness, incomprehensibility, indirectness, ambiguity and boredom are marks of
    depth and brilliance.
    `Great Art' proves that men are superior to women, that men are women, being labeled `Great
    Art', almost all of which, as the anti-feminists are fond of reminding us, was created by men.
    We know that `Great Art' is great because male authorities have told us so, and we can't claim
    otherwise, as only those with exquisite sensitivities far superior to ours can perceive and
    appreciated the slop they appreciated.
    Appreciating is the sole diversion of the `cultivated'; passive and incompetent, lacking
    imagination and wit, they must try to make do with that; unable to create their own diversions,
    to create a little world of their own, to affect in the smallest way their environments, they must
    accept what's given; unable to create or relate, they spectate. Absorbing `culture' is a
    desperate, frantic attempt to groove in an ungroovy world, to escape the horror of a sterile,
    mindless, existence. `Culture' provides a sop to the egos of the incompetent, a means of
    rationalizing passive spectating; they can pride themselves on their ability to appreciate the
    `finer' things, to see a jewel where this is only a turd (they want to be admired for admiring).
    Lacking faith in their ability to change anything, resigned to the status quo, they have to see
    beauty in turds because, so far as they can see, turds are all they'll ever have.
    The veneration of `Art' and `Culture' -- besides leading many women into boring, passive
    activity that distracts from more important and rewarding activities, from cultivating active
    abilities, and leads to the constant intrusion on our sensibilities of pompous dissertations on
    the deep beauty of this and that turn. This allows the `artist' to be setup as one possessing
    superior feelings, perceptions, insights and judgments, thereby undermining the faith of
    insecure women in the value and validity of their own feelings, perceptions, insights and
    The male, having a very limited range of feelings, and consequently, very limited perceptions,
    insights and judgments, needs the `artist' to guide him, to tell him what life is all about. But
    the male `artist' being totally sexual, unable to relate to anything beyond his own physical
    sensations, having nothing to express beyond the insight that for the male life is meaningless
    and absurd, cannot be an artist. How can he who is not capable of life tell us what life is all
    about? A `male artist' is a contradiction in terms. A degenerate can only produce degenerate
    `art'. The true artist is every self-confident, healthy female, and in a female society the only Art,
    the only Culture, will be conceited, kooky, funky, females grooving on each other and on
    everything else in the universe.
    Sexuality: Sex is not part of a relationship: on the contrary, it is a solitary experience, noncreative,
    a gross waste of time. The female can easily -- far more easily than she may think --
    condition away her sex drive, leaving her completely cool and cerebral and free to pursue truly
    worthy relationships and activities; but the male, who seems to dig women sexually and who
    seeks out constantly to arouse them, stimulates the highly sexed female to frenzies of lust,
    throwing her into a sex bag from which few women ever escape. The lecherous male excited
    the lustful female; he has to -- when the female transcends her


    12.12.2012. (20:12)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Zbog tehničkih razloga, nažalost, odustati od daljnje objave manifesta.


    12.12.2012. (20:18)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica



    12.12.2012. (23:41)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica



    12.12.2012. (23:42)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica



    12.12.2012. (23:43)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    Unija europskih federalista: http://www.federalists.eu/

    spinelijevci: http://www.spinelligroup.eu/


    12.12.2012. (23:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica

    CESI (Centar za edukaciju, savjetovanje i istraživanje): http://www.cesi.hr/


    12.12.2012. (23:45)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica



    12.12.2012. (23:46)    -   -   -   -  

  • nikica



    12.12.2012. (23:46)    -   -   -   -  

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