

Dodaj komentar (4)


  • seb

    Vista 64?


    20.04.2009. (01:04)    -   -   -   -  

  • seb

    Also, how to post a comment... perhaps a link in English would help.


    20.04.2009. (01:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • ZA problem

    first, I want to thank for all the tips.
    I'd like to add a detail. I am redoing the WHOLE suite installation because the ZA was set as default as AUTO, I mean it decides by itself and even overpassed rules already set by me regarding to Adobe programs privileges.
    So, go to program control/main/smart defense advisor and set it to MANUAL


    17.05.2009. (18:54)    -   -   -   -  

  • Kyriss

    I keep receiving the same error during Installation - ERROR: ERROR 2
    The setup installs only some of the files, not the programs themselves.

    I followed the directions exactly, used the Uninstall Manager to uninstall CS4...
    Zone Alarm had the internet locked, I disabled my wireless internet, turned off my firewall (windows) and left ZA on (should it be off for the install?), I turned off my antivirus, I put in the files into host during the install,

    I have XP SP3, 32.... - the DL'ed CS4 is from Shadey - "originally purchased from adobe"

    What am I doing wrong? Why do I keep getting the Error 2 with the installation? This is probably the 7th time I've installed/uninstalled... only the last few times have been following the directions step by step... no other programs are running during the install...

    What should the ZA settings be BEFORE the install?



    21.05.2009. (08:33)    -   -   -   -  
