
FAQ about CS4 activation - Part 1

Sorry about the prolonged silence but I was out of town for a while and couldn't be bothered to make an update let alone read e-mails. I'll catch up as soon as possible, but to answer as many as I can in a nutshell, I'll try and make this coherent FAQ list of common e-mails I've received lately.


Q1: Hi, I used [insert application name here] to clean my HDD of CS4 traces and I'm using [insert firewall name here] because I [don't like / need / understand ] Zonealarm. I [ patched / cracked / activated ] using [ another keygen / crack / something else not mentioned on this site] and it just stopped working, telling me it's expired etc...

A1: If you follow the instructions on this site to the detail, it will all work just fine. I can't help you with software not mentioned here because I have no idea about it, and haven't tested it to any extent - I can only tell you what I've heard and seen, but not experienced. It might work on some PCs, it might cause disasters on others. If I had another PC to play with these things on, I might do that just out of sheer fun, but that's not an option and I don't feel like re-installing my flawless version on my work machine. Use the software mentioned here, and it will work for you just as it did for hundreds of others.

Q2: Hi, can I use [ software not mentioned here ] instead of [ relevant software mentioned here ] ? If so, can you give some advice or detailed instructions?

A2: No. Well, I guess you can try, but I can't guarantee results, nor can I give you any support regarding it. I would have to play with other software on another machine to get through various alternatives, and I really can't afford a machine just for that, even a low end one. The best you can do is either follow detailed instructions mentioned here without changes or just use common sense and try finding similar options in your alternative software (i.e. if you don't use ZA, try and find outgoing traffic blocking options in your alternate firewall).

Q3: Can I update my applications after I use these methods to activate them?

A3: Not if you want to keep using them. I'm currently trying to figure out a 100% safe way of handling that issue, but for now, I'm pretty sure your apps will deactivate if you update. Adobe is like Microsoft in a way - they lie about updates just to plant their spyware on your PC, and in no time you'll just have a bunch of "You May Be A Victim Of Software Counterfeiting" popups, the Adobe way.

Q4: I entered my key into one application, then installed another one and it also asked for a key! What gives?

A4: Go figure. It's not like they poll serial numbers and share them around. If you don't use a serial on a master installation, another app will ask for its own when you install it. So yeah, you'll have to activate each app if you're not installing MC.

Q5: I updated my apps and they committed suicide. Help!

A5: Uninstall, clean traces manually and automatically, re-install. This time, follow detailed instructions on the site and kill Adobe Updater. Also, see Q3.

Q6: If I use the keygen posted here, do I need to replace amtlib.dll files as well?

A6: Good question. No, absolutely not. In fact, I recommend you don't. Amtlib will often have it's own, already predefined generated serial inside it in a way, which might clash with the one you create using the keygen and could cause some unexpected crashes. I recommend the keygen method to everyone, and amtlib method for screwed up installations only, as a last resort.

<< -- Update -- >>

Q7: What software do I need to open the files I've downloaded here?

A7: As mentioned in some posts below, you need 7zip. It's an awesome open source application that beats winrar and winzip into a pulp. You can get it HERE.

That's it for now, more FAQ parts will be posted along the way. I'm sorry if some mails go unanswered. I just don't have the time to write detailed replies to them all so I'd rather not write than write something superficial. I'll do my best to answer some general and common questions in posts such as this one.

08.04.2009. at 01:29 • 4 CommentsPrint#

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This blog will explain how to kill Adobe CS4 activation, how to prevent Adobe applications from phoning home, and how to keep using Adobe CS4 applications even when you\'re still connected to the internet.


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