

Dodaj komentar (8)


  • *....martina.....*

    ej saja.....tnx na komentaru....ma ne obaziri se na onu malu klinku....cura je mutava sam ju provociram...da i ja se ponekad sjetim osnovne i fakat mi fali pogotovo kraj 8 raz kad smo se svi zbližili i zadnji izlet,krizma ma sve.....i tak baš mi je drago da ti je ljepo s dragim...e da aj ak uhvatiš malo vremena daj mi pošalji neke slike iz osnovne na martina_hehehe@yahoo.com
    velika pusetina....pozz


    18.03.2007. (16:07)    -   -   -   -  

  • cassie

    Evo srečo ostavljam ti komentar,čestitiam PONOVO,jedva čekam da se vidimo,imam ti toliko puno za pričati,e da brijem da ču odjebati ovog lika malo me živcira(imam osječaj da se vračam na staro...znaš ono ....kurva...staro...)...al jebiga šta se može...šaljem ti kisss,pozdravi mi curke puno....by


    18.03.2007. (16:44)    -   -   -   -  

  • cassie

    E da zaboravih,skini od Lindsay : Speak,I live for the day,Confasions of a broken heart,Me vs. the world,
    P.S-Reyli -La Descarada(ovu stvar molim te nađi nekako)
    uživaj srečo,evo mali tekstić,pa se zabavi...kisss

    Lindsay Lohan
    Me Vs. The World

    hey boys hey girls hey anybody who will listen.
    in case you haven't noticed it's just me againsn't the world today
    i fell out of the wrong side of the bed and landed in the worst mood
    stupid alarm clock screamin at me from across the room.

    i'm trying to be nice, i'm trying to be reasonable.
    but it's oh so hard when i don't wanna be
    you're looking for that nice girl from the day before
    don't bother she don't live here anymore.
    cause it's be against the world (just stay out of my way)
    in case you haven't noticed and in case you haven't heard
    it's just me against the world and the world is winning

    should have let me stay in bed
    i got this pounding in my head
    nothing's okay now would you stay out of my face?
    today i'm slamming doors i'm slamming phones down
    watch out for this temper tantrum
    stay out of my way cause if you don't you will be scared away


    i'm gonna be impossible. i've gotta tell you i'm seein red (repeat 3x)
    i'm gonna make you believe what i said, i'm gonna make you..

    cause it's be against the world (oh what a stupid day)
    it's just me against the world and the world is winning
    (just stay out of my way)
    and in case you haven't noticed, in case you haven't heard
    it's just me against the world (oh what a stupid day)
    yeah it's me against the world(just stay out of my way)
    in case you haven't noticed and in case you haven't heard
    it's just me against the world and the world is winning

    pa eto recimo da se tako osječam.....


    18.03.2007. (16:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • medeni

    zivot je sranje,kad se u nekog zaljubis a ona te odjebe


    18.03.2007. (19:06)    -   -   -   -  

  • Delboy

    ej sreco,hmm da mjesec dana ko bi reko,neznam kaj da ti napisem osim volim te!


    18.03.2007. (21:52)    -   -   -   -  

  • *....martina.....*

    ej pa vidiš dobra ideja...budemo se dogovorili još...moj ti je msn :martina_blabla@hotmail.de.
    i da moram ti nekaj hitno reć kaj sam čula.....al ne vjerujem u to pa ne znam...nemogu prek bloga.pusek.čujemo se


    20.03.2007. (16:36)    -   -   -   -  

  • tin@

    ej daria...ewo ti i mene...vidim da uživaš
    s mojim ludim opičenim bratićem...pašete si znaš?=)
    baš ste bili slatki onaj dan u vlaku...a joj....
    poosach!!!pozz any


    22.03.2007. (22:22)    -   -   -   -  

  • Lena

    da tulum...
    ja sam se tak spremala i onda nakraju nis od toga svega...
    pas mater...
    ajde vidimo se...
    pusa,jojim te!


    25.03.2007. (17:06)    -   -   -   -  
