Pregled vijesti za 13.2.,qstrip.blog.hr" /> <FONT SIZE="3" FACE="Verdana" COLOR=FFCC00>[dnevniQ]</FONT></br> Pregled vijesti za 13.2. - Q STRIP - Blog.hr - komentari na post



Dodaj komentar (3)


  • v.

    ma imam ja jos jednu bolju pjesmicu, it goes: i don't care for politics my religion interest's zero, in the movie of my life i just try to play the hero. i stay clear from dope, almost never i touch booze, the only sin that i'll confess is singing strip news blues! and that's a heavy task, as heavy as they come, comics here will snatch your life, abuse it and then some. it takes a lot of nerve, some persistance you can use, a clear picture in front of you to sing the strip news blues! with nothing ever stable, new magazines a-dying, the whole sorry mess's takin' a lot more than it is paying. i wander round around here completely without clues, and to cheer me up a bit i'm singing strip news blues! my eyes fixed west, hoping for the best. my love and patience on ultimate of tests, i try to see colors in an ocean of gray hues, i can't so i better keep singin' strip news blues! if you thought of joining think about it- twice; 'coz this is the game of cats and we're only mice. so, forget about the winning and prepare yourself to loose, the only thing we can achieve is sing the strip news blues! ak nitko do sutra u 12 ne pogodi tko je ovo napisao- dobijem onog konstantina koji je ispao s aukcija;)!


    13.02.2006. (12:13)    -   -   -   -  

  • v.

    zasto mi nije rasporedio stihove, fuuuuuuck!!


    13.02.2006. (12:14)    -   -   -   -  

  • dejvid haselhof fanklub

    Dejvid Haselhof - Mič Bukenon - Najt Rajder .. Jedna i jedina legenda, čovjek kojeg želi osjetiti svaka žena, a svaki muškarac bi sve dao za bar malo njegovih dlaka na prsima. Dejvid je bog.. Nije samo glumac .. Ne.. On i pjeva... I pleše... On je BOG... Pravo mjesto za njegovo klanjanje je ovdje.. "Oh Hasselhoff, Hasselhoff, Hasselhoff D - you're more of a man than I'll ever be!"


    13.02.2006. (19:27)    -   -   -   -  
