Pola godine u Ohiu

21 veljača 2016

Evo danas sest mjeseci otkako sam dosao u Ohio. Jos tocno 100 dana do povratka kuci. 14 dana do proljetnih paznika, koji ce za mene poceti ranije, vec sljedeceg utorka jer idem na nacionalno prvenstvo. 74 dana do kraja semestra.

Kvalificirao sam se za nacionalno prvenstvo koje se odrzava 3-4.3 u Jackson City, Tennessee. A nakon tog natjecanja, idem za Myrtle beach pripreme za nastavak sezone.

Proslog tjedna sam imao nekoliko testova ali jos nema rezultata, tako da se nadam da ce ovoga tjedna biti rezultati poznati, isto tako moram da izostanem s nastave, sljedeci tjeda moram vidjeti ostale testove kako da ih rijesi prije ili poslije.

Čarolija je kad riskiraš sve što imaš za san koji niko drugi ne vidi osim tebe!


Personal Experience Essay

07 veljača 2016

Evo vec cetri tjedna nastave proslo, sljedeci tjedan tocnije u srijedu imam test iz statistike, vjezbam, nadam se da cu dobro napisati, proslog tjedna sam imao esej iz engleskog, kojeg sam dobio 90%.

Ovog vikenda sam imao jos jedno natjecanje gdje sam trcao 55m prepone i oborio skolski rekord 7,84s ali finale nisam trcao tako ni ostale discipline, osjetio sam nesto u zadnjoj lozi pa sam prekinuo takmicenje.

Jedna slika od proslog vikenda, balkanici u Americi, Dragan iz Crne gore i Milos iz Srbije.

Nesto manje od mjesec dana do proljetnih praznika. A do tada, staza i knjiga.

Evo esej koji sam predao.

I was really a playful child. I was always on the street playing from morning until sunset. I was always trying to be a big man I was always trying to be a leader for all of the kids in my city. I built houses out of pieces of cardboard, and I played soccer and basketball with my friends. When I was five, my dream was to be the world’s best soccer player. But, that never happened. Being as competitive as I am, I found that track and field was the best fit for me.

When I talked with my parents at age five about my planning to play some sports, I let them know that I would really like to play soccer. They were really happy because I was very interested in sports. They suggested to me that it would be better to start with some basic sport like gymnastic, swimming or track and field. My father said track and field would be good for me because I would train to run fast to be prepared for soccer. At this point, I was so mad about my father wanting me to do track! I just wanted to play soccer like my other friends. My family and I together decided that I would start with track and field. I was mad about the whole situation, but after I decided to do track, I was so excited that I started running around the house.

After maybe a week my father and I went to a track and field club close to our house. It was around a walk of ten minutes. This club was the best in Croatia. A lot of the greatest athletes come to this club. At the stadium, we found one of the best Croatian sprinters who competed in the Olympic games in 1970. My father talked with him and told him that I would like to start training with him. He asked me if I was ready, and I said, "Yes." So, we started training that same day. It was not like practice. It was more like an actual game, but I liked it a lot. After two months, the coach said that I was ready for my first competition. I was confused and surprised because before I started track practice with coach, I had told my parents that I would practice track for just a few months, and then I would switch to soccer. I went to my first track competition. I did not win, but I felt like a winner, this was the first time I was actually able to compete in a sport. I remember as if it were today. It was a Saturday in November. I ran the 60 meter dash. I finished in third place. Later in the month, I had one more competition. My parents asked me, “Do you want to transfer to soccer now?” I said, "No, now I really like track," and everything after that is history.

After I finished elementary school, track became serious for me. I started thinking about what I could do after I graduated from high school. If I stayed in Croatia, I needed to decide if I wanted to continue education or be a professional athlete. So, my first idea was to be a professional athlete, but my mother did not like that. Every day she talked with me that I needed to continue my education because I couldn’t be in sports for my whole life because I could get injured. She gave me a lot to think about my situation.

When I began thinking about an education along with my track career I started to research Colleges in the United States. I have some my friends who got athletic scholarships in the United States. My dream was to go to the United States. I talked with my friend, and he explained to me everything about college in the United States. I wanted to go even more. I decided to find a way to go. I started sending my resume to all universities and colleges in the United States. After waiting one year, I heard from a coach from Rio Grande. They could give me a scholarship. I was so excited about that. I talked with my parents and told them that I got a scholarship. They were scared because I needed to move to another continent, country, and city. For them it was unusual to go somewhere else. They saw that I was serious about coming to the United States because I did everything alone. No one helped me to find contacts for coaches and everything else. I did all my paperwork myself. My mother and father said that will be a good experience for me.

The little things in life can show the way ahead. If I never started with track, maybe I would never get an opportunity for studying in the United States. So, I think that my parents had a big influence on me and showed me the right way. I am very thankful for that.


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