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17.05.2012., četvrtak
Ultimatum Katoličkoj crkvi
(BRUSSELS AND DUBLIN) - The Roman Catholic Church faces permanent disruption and banishment in at least five countries if it does not comply with ten “non-negotiable measures” by September 15, 2012, according to a global coalition of survivors of church rape and torture.
The list of measures was issued today at a meeting in Dublin, Ireland between Archbishop Dermot Martin and representatives of Anti Catholic Church Activists Worldwide (ACCAW), Magdalene Laundry survivors, and the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State – Ireland (ITCCS).
The measures demanded of the Catholic Church include the defrocking of all child raping priests, the licensing of all other clergy as public servants, the return of the remains of all who died under Church care, the annulment of tax exemptions and other Church privileges, and the return of all of the Church’s wealth generated by the exploitation of children.
The full statement outlining these measures is reproduced below, including an attached audio recording of the statement.
Issued on the eve of the impending resignation of the head of the Catholic Church in Ireland, Cardinal Sean Brady, for his protection of child raping priests, the statement was delivered by John Deegan of ACCAW and ITCCS Ireland members Gerry O’Donovan and Dave O’Brien, who confronted Archbishop Martin with the demands.
20,000 people oppose Pope Benedict's visit to England, London, September 2010
The Ten Point statement was issued by The International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State, an umbrella organization of over fifty organizations in the United States, Canada, Ireland, England and Australia.
“Pope Benedict and his Bishops have until midnight on September 15 to start complying with these measures” said ITCCS Secretary Kevin Annett today.
“After that, we will begin actions to halt the normal operation of the Roman Catholic Church around the world, and we will seek indictments against Pope Benedict and other Vatican officials for crimes against humanity and criminal conspiracy.”
The ACCAW, ITCCS and other groups have staged high profile occupations of Catholic churches during their regular services, and plan to escalate these actions into “a permanent campaign of non-violent disruption and civil disobedience aimed at the Roman Catholic Church … until the Church’s reign of terror over children is ended.”
Issued May 4, 2012 by ITCCS International – Brussels
Information: or 250-591-4573 (Canada) and or (Ireland)
(Bruxelles i Dublin) - Rimokatolička crkva se suočava trajni poremećaj i zabrane u najmanje pet zemalja ako se ne pridržava deset "non-negotiable mjera" do 15. rujna 2012, navodi se u globalnoj koaliciji su preživjele silovanje i crkvene mučenje.
Popis mjera izdan je danas na sastanku u Dublinu, Irska između nadbiskupa Dermot Martina i predstavnici Katoličke crkve Anti aktivistima širom svijeta (ACCAW), Magdalenu Praonica preživjelima i Međunarodnim Tribunalom u zločine Crkve i države - Irska (ITCCS).
Mjere zahtijeva od Katoličke crkve uključiti defrocking svih silovanje djece svećenika, licenciranje svih ostalih svećenika kao javnih službenika, povratak ostataka svih koji je umro u Crkvi skrbi, ukidanje poreznih olakšica i drugih crkvenih privilegija i Povratak svih od Crkve njezino bogatstvo generirani od strane iskorištavanja djece.
Puni izjava ocrtava ove mjere reproducirati u nastavku, uključujući priložene audio snimanje izjave.
Izdavanja uoči predstojeće ostavke čelnika Katoličke crkve u Irskoj, kardinal Sean Brady, za njegovu zaštitu djece silovanje svećenika, izjava je dostavljena John Deegan od ACCAW i ITCCS Irska članova Gerry O'Donovan i Dave O 'Brien, koji je suočen nadbiskupa Martina sa zahtjevima.
20.000 ljudi protiv posjeta pape Benedikta u Englesku, u London, rujan 2010
Deset bodova je izjava izdana od strane Međunarodnog suda u zločine Crkve i države, krovne organizacije više od pedeset organizacija u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama, Kanadi, Irskoj, Engleskoj i Australiji.
"Papa Benedikt i njegovi biskupi imaju rok do ponoći 15. rujna početi u skladu sa tim mjerama", rekao je tajnik ITCCS Kevin Annett i danas.
"Nakon toga ćemo početi radnje kako bi se zaustavio normalan rad Katoličke crkve u svijetu, a mi ćemo tražiti optužnice protiv pape Benedikta XVI. i drugih vatikanskih dužnosnika za zločine protiv čovječnosti i kazneno zavjera".
ACCAW, ITCCS i druge skupine su održali visoke profil zanimanja katoličkih crkava tijekom svojih redovitih usluga, te planiranje eskalirati ove akcije u "stalnoj kampanji nenasilno prekida i građanski neposluh u cilju Katoličke crkve ... do Crkve vladavine terora nad djecom je završila. "
Izdane 4. svibanj 2012 by ITCCS International - Bruxelles
Informacije: ili 250-591-4573 (Kanada) i ili (Irska)