Bilo mi je zanimljivo vidjeti o Božiću
kako je jedan dio nas pohrlio napisati svoju poslanicu, opisati svoje viđenje Božića... Čak kao da smo sjedili u istom razredu i pisali zadaćnicu, jer neke su pisane moguće i istovremeno. Simpatično je to, ko da smo lutke na koncima, uvjerene da nismo. Ne znam za druge, ali moja poslanica nije bila planirana, došla je sama sa sobom, ko paket nepoznatog pošiljatelja poštom :)) Pa dakle tako imamo Poslanice Bložanima od apostola (grč. apostolos - poslan) poslanik, onaj koji širi neko naučavanje @Freša, , @Arta, @Mariana, @Ypsilonke Haznfefer i @moje malenkosti. Budući da čitam tek još nešto ljudi, moguće da ima još poslanica, pa slobodno prijavite da dodam .................... +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If I should close my eyes, that my soul can see, And there's a place at the table that you saved for me So many thousand miles over land and sea, I hope to dare, that you hear my prayer And somehow I'll be there It's but a concrete floor where my head will lay, And though the walls of this prison are as cold as clay But there's a shaft of light where I count my days So don't despair of the empty chair And somehow I'll be there Some days I'm strong, some days I'm weak And days I'm so broken I can barely speak There's a place in my head where my thoughts still roam Where somehow I've come home And when the Winter comes and the trees lie bare, And you just stare out the window in the darkness there Well I was always late for every meal you'll swear But keep my place and the empty chair And somehow I'll be there And somehow I'll be there |