Sve manje tipova ostaje poput nas, sve drugo odavno je otišlo u Honduras...

06.06.2007., srijeda


You wake up, face bandaged, disoriented...
You look around and to your horror discover you are in an institution...
After a few discussions with your fellow patients, you begin to realize you're in a living nightmare...
You're in an insane asylum...You don't remember your name...can't see your face...have no idea why you are here...there is no one around who can answer your questions...

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Hey! What about this one???
Oh,leave him... That buster stole my car.

I know this will sound nuts but I was in this small little town where a huge alien plant killed all the adults but not the kids...
Good for you...why don't you go back there?!

neki kurac se događa u zadnje vrjeme :/

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