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Life of an Auditor
Accounting Elf


Anything that happens, happens.
Anything that, in happening,
causes something else to happen,
causes something else to happen.
Anything that, in happening,
causes itself to happen again,
happens again.
It doesn’t necessarily do it
in chronological order,though.

utorak, 25.04.2006.

Listam Time Magazine kao i svakog utorka, i poslije samo osam listova imam šta i da vidim - velikim slovima piše Bosnia's Pyramid Scheme. Prvo sam se začudila, a onda jedva došla sebi od smijeha. Dospjela i moja Bosna u Time magazine - koja provala. Morala sam odmah da to podijelim s mojom blog-rajom :))
Visoko, Bosnia, might be home to the Eighth Wonder of the World, or so its residents hope. Researchers last week excavated geometrically cut stones from a hill near the town--apparently the building blocks of the first ancient step pyramid ever found in Europe. Archaeologist Semir Osmanagic estimates the pyramid is 722 ft. high--a third taller than Egypt's Great Pyramid of Giza--and was built about 12,000 years ago by an unknown civilization. Other experts are skeptical. "More likely," says UCLA archaeologist Willeke Wendrich, "this is a case of Europeans around 6 A.D. with a bit of Egyptomania." Visoko's people see the pyramid, authentic or not, as a marketing opportunity. Mugs, key chains and slippers, left, are available. One of the most popular products is a T shirt that reads I HAVE A PYRAMID IN MY BACKYARD.
Copy-Pasted from Time magazine.

E, moji Bosanci...
Kod Leonarde sam pronasla vic koji tako dobro ide uz ovaj moj post da sam ga morala "ukrasti".
Prije mnogo stotina godina zivjela su dva brata Ramiz i Ramzes. Ramiz je ostao u Visokom a Ramzes otisao u Egipat.smijeh

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