
petak, 05.08.2011.

Vatra | Fire

Dragi Naši

Još jedna super izložba u Etnografskem muzeju. Vatra. Što bi rekla naša obožavateljica i blogerica s 5 stvari na dan: Svima nam u životu treba malo vatre. Min bi samo dodali: Svima osim šumama u Dalmaciji liti.

Another great exhibition in the Ethnographic museum in Zagreb. Fire. As our fan and bloger from 5 things a day says: Everybody needs some fire in their life. We would just add: Everybody but Dalmatian forests in the summer.

Ali krenimo redom. Na ulazu/izlazu knjiga dojmova i dojam da je izložba sitna ali dinamitna : ) Dinamitna ije, ali sitna i nije toliko. Ima puno stvari za vidit i naučit.
But, let’s go. On the entrance/exit there is the guest book with a review: A small but fiery exhibition. Fiery it is, but not small. There are so many things to be seen and learned.

Na primjer, bez vatre ne bi bilo parnih strojeva. Ni parnih lokomotiva. Ni modela parnih lokomotiva.
A kad smo već kod parnih vlakova ne možemo se ne prisjetit Flauberta i onega što je on misli o njima (nismo našli citat na hrvatski), a preneseno iz knjige Flaubertova papiga Juliana Barnesa: “Flaubert belonged to the first railroad generation, yet he hated railroads. Flaubert felt that they were a bad form of transportation and traveling by train bored him. Flaubert also hated that the railways gave people the illusion of progress. He thought moral advances should accompany scientific advances.“
Like this: without the fire there steam engines wouldn’t exist. Nor steam train. Nor steam train models. When talking about stream trains we couldn’t but rimember what Flaubert thought of them as written in Flaubert’s parrot by Julian Barnes: “Flaubert belonged to the first railroad generation, yet he hated railroads. Flaubert felt that they were a bad form of transportation and traveling by train bored him. Flaubert also hated that the railways gave people the illusion of progress. He thought moral advances should accompany scientific advances. “

Bez vatre na svićama ne bi bilo ni krštenja ni prve pričesti ni grličenja ni rođendana.
Without the fire on the candle lights there would be no baptism, no first communion, no birthdays.

A ni Božića ni Noći vještica.
as well as Christmas or Haloween

Bez vatre na bi jili kruha niti pili iz žmuli.

Without the fire we wouldn’t eat bread or drink from the glasses

Ne bi bilo ni prezimena Kovač i Lončar.
Surnames Smith and Potter wouldn’t exist.

Ribari ne bi mogli poć lovit na sviću. Vinko Coce ne bi moga pjevat od njima.
(Prin nego što su imali ferale, ribari su na ovakve nosače gorili luč ili borove grane, zato ovo što izgleda kako izvrnuta jelka)
Fishes wouldn’t be drown to the light like moths. (Before using the lanterns for catching fish, fishermen used pine branches like this one on the photo)

Nažalost, bez vatre se ne bi ni knjige spaljivale : (
Unfortunatelly, without the fire there will be no book burning : (

Di ima vatre ima i hidranata. Ali, muzejskom magijom i obični hidrant postaje zanimljivi izložak.

Where there is a fire, there is a hydrant. Museum magic transforms this ordinary hydrant into an interesting exhibition object.

A di bi svi mi bili bez predkršćanskih vjerovanja?

And where would we be without the pre-Christian beliefs.

Mudra, mudra misao
A wise, wise thought

I za kraj naša omiljena Vatra. Brus, ožeži!

Our favourite Fire for the end. Fire up, Bruce!


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