Paprenjaci i Prijatelji

utorak, 02.01.2024.

Ima ona jedna urnebesna epizoda Prijatelja , kada Monica dobiva slom živaca jer ne uspijeva replicirati keksiće Phoebine bake, a koji su najbolji keksići ever.
Sve dok se ne otkrije da je recept za iste s poleđine pakiranje Nestle keksića.

Moja baka nije pekla paprenjake, ali je tata često spominjao da ih je radila njegova baka, tako da sam ih onda morala i ja raditi. I obožavam ih... a radim najbolje ever...
Mogla bih vam dati za njih recept, nisam škrta... ali moj recept je s poleđine vrećice začina za paprenjake Dr. Oetker, tako da ga i sami nađete :D
Naime, kada sam ih prvi put radila kupila sam tu mješavinu začina, a onda, neimajući prabakin recept isprobala sam Dr. Oetkerov. I toliko mi se dopao da poslije nisam niti jedan drugi trebala.
Jedino što poslije više ne nađem te začine 'ni za lijeka' pa onda radim svoju mješavinu... ali dobro... ja ih i bolje zapaprim s barem (po) jednom žličicom bijelog i crnog papra :O
I kao što rekoh - odlični su.

Ovo su najsvježiji, a fotografije, naravno, postavljam samo zato da bi Ipsilonka bila sretna.




E, a onda imam još i ove kalupe koji su puno veći nego prethodni, i koje sam malo istraživala na internetu. Dobila sam ih iz Švicarske, a našla sam ih (i) u Njemačkoj. Tamo s njima rade Springerle.. A onda sam još vidjela da njima oblikuju i Speculaas , pa rek'o mogu i ja paprenjake.
A zanimljivi su... kao velike tarot karte...





'Along the way I find myself
To be confined within me
No place for any other's mind to interfere,
To grasp the meaning of it all
To overcome my limits
And dance away from any void and empty tones,
Just tell me why
Just tell me how
I can survive this time
Believe yourself and look away
From all that's right within you
Leave all your worries at the door and drift away,
I've tried to peer into the core
But could not storm the sorrow
My hollow heart has bled me dry, left me to stray
Another time without a trace,
Condemn me now
Send me to hell
For I'm already failing
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in, no
In my memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears when someone had betrayed
No time to ever go to waste
It's not that complicated
You're free to live your life at ease
No more restrain
No heed for shadows on your way
That try to steal your laughter
Your light will drive them all away
Be confident
Will I refrain?
Can I repent?
Will you be there?
Erase the page
For I'm alone and ailing
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in, no
In my memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears when someone had betrayed
So, this is my life
And it can't break me down
Go, I will decide
Who can come in and heal my disease
Burn it in flames
Kill it and maim
Why can't you see that you need to be freed?
Intertwine the lines beneath the dark
Every bit of pain we're feeling
Every other solemn life, no
In the memories you will find somehow
There used to be a dream unending
No more need to be alone
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in, no
In my memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears when someone had betrayed...'

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