e-mail (kojeg nažalost rijetko provjeravam)

Utemeljeno 24.05.2005. u 15:38
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13.04.2007., petak


Za praznovjerne i one koji to nisu, pjesma koju sam nakon dugo vremena čuo na radiju.

tall and tan and young and lovely
the girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes,
each one she passes
goes ahh

when she walks, she's like a samba
that swings so cool and sways so gentle
that when she passes,
each one she passes
goes - ooh

ooh but I watch her so sadly,
how can I tell her I love her
yes I would give my heart gladly,
but each day, when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead, not at me

tall, and tan, and young, and lovely,
the girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes, I smile
but she doesn't see, doesn't see

olha que coisa mais linda,
mais cheia de graça
é ela menina
que vem que passa
num doce balanço
caminho do mar

moça do corpo dourado
do sol de Ipanema
o seu balançado
é mais que um poema
é a coisa mais linda
que eu já vi passar

ooh but I watch her so sadly
ah, porque tudo é tăo triste

yes I would give my heart gladly,
but each day, when she walks to the sea
she looks straight ahead, not at me

tall, tan, young, lovely,
the girl from Ipanema goes walking
and when she passes, I smile
but she doesn't see

por causa do amor
she just doesn't see
nem olha para mim

she never sees me
por causa do amor

- 14:06 - gurni glavu kroz monitor (10) - snimi - #

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