EU majorettes' association

ponedjeljak, 31.12.2012.


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srijeda, 12.12.2012.


EMA 8th General Assembly meeting minutes

Alen Šćuric, president of EMA
Maja Žigman, EMA general secretary
Two representatives from each country had right to vote.
Representatives of:
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Miss. Anja Puhalo and Mrs. Marija Topić–Ramljak
Croatia – Miss. Elizabeta Mikelj and Miss. Mateja Baltorinić
Czech Republic – Mrs. Dagmar Kubičkova and Hana Dufkova
France – Mr. Patrick Goussard
Hungary – Mr. Tibor Tandi
Montenegro – Miss. Ana Bucić and Miss. Maja Perić
Romania - Mr. Mihai Kiss and Mrs. Zsuzsanna Trella
Serbia – Mr. Adam Vidaković
Slovenia – Mrs. Nada Skuk and Mr. Aleš Breznikar
Observers: Mr. Božidar Lepčin and Mr. Tomislav Matulin, Croatia

Ratification of EMA 8th GA meeting agenda
President reads the EMA 8th GA meeting agenda that was sent to representatives by e-mail on the 9th October.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against - none
- sustained – none
# EMA 8th GA meeting agenda was ratified, as follows:

1. Ratification of the 7th GA Minutes

2. Members status
- changing of Czech representative in EMA
- status of Bulgarian representative in EMA
- new members

3. Place of European majorettes’ championship 2013

4. Changing of EMA Statue article 18/2 from

5. Changing of EMA Rulebook and other Acts

6. Presidential Report, Financial Report, Supervisory Board Report

7. Election of
- President of EMA
- Vice-president of EMA
- general secretary of EMA
- Executive Committee (in following text: EC)
- Supervisory Board

8. Other subjects

1. Ratification of the 7th GA minutes
- 7th GA minutes were ratified unanimously.

2. Member status
President explains facts about Czech Republic for full membership. Mrs. Dagmar Kubičkova presents Majorette Association Czech. After short discussion GA voting for next proposal.

PROPOSAL: Majorette Association Czech became a full member of EMA.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against - none
- sustained – none

President explains facts about Bulgaria. After short discussion GA vote for next proposal.

PROPOSAL: Bulgarian Majorette Association stay affiliate member of EMA for another one year.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against - none
- sustained – none

3. Place of European majorettes’ championship 2013
President explains that we get two candidatures for EMC 2013, Brno (Czech Republic) and Radeče (Slovenia). Both candidates prepare materials for official inspection meeting and GA: Official questionnaire for assessment of a potential organizer of EMC, Application letter for organization of EMC, Official letter of support from Radeče municipality and MTZS and Official letter of support of Trade Fairs Brno and MAC.
Mrs. Dagmar Kubičkova presents first candidate, Brno, Czech Republic and Mrs. Nada Skuk presents second candidate Radeče, Slovenia.
President passes parallel through official questionnaire of both candidates. They both have very good conditions.

Voting for Brno, Czech Republic: - in favor of - 10 votes
Voting for Radeče, Slovenia: - in favor of - 4 votes
1 vote is not regular.
Place of European majorettes’ championship 2013 is Brno, Czech Republic.

4. Changing of EMA Statue
After discussion about changing of EMA Statute GA get some conclusions.
PROPOSAL: article 18/2 from “EC is constituted by one authorized representative of each member of EMA”
to: “EC is constituted by 5 members, including President of EMA, from different countries, who are elected by EMA GA members”.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

PROPOSAL: New Article 4:
EMA seal has 12 yellow five-pointed stars in circle which symbolized united Europe. Stars are connected with 6 white majorettes’ baton with balls at both ends that cross in the middle. In same time all that image symbolizes pom-pom. In bottom right corner of seal there is light blue sign “ema”. Seal can have words “european majorettes’ association” which than are yellow.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

PROPOSAL: Article 9 paragraph 3 becomes paragraph 5, and paragraph 4 becomes paragraph 6. New paragraph 3:
Member who sent resolution about join EMA becomes affiliated member by decision of Executive Committee. In first General Assembly members will vote eider member will stay in status of affiliated member or will become full member.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

PROPOSAL: New paragraph 4:
In those countries which does not have national association EMA can decide to have one club or other institution to become representative of EMA. This institution has same status as other full members but if EMA gets resolution for joining EMA from some national association from same country EMA will automatically transfer full membership to that national association.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

PROPOSAL: Article 10 paragraph 1 words “The member” is changed to “The full member”
Article 10 paragraph 2 becomes paragraph 3; new paragraph 2:
Affiliate member has following rights:
- to initiate and propose actions concerning development and realization of EMA activities;
- to make notes and suggestions on the activities of EMA’s bodies;
- to take part in any activity of EMA according to its own choice and interests;
- to receive information gained by EMA and to be informed about activities of EMA and its bodies, as well as about its financial transactions.
- to participate in General Assembly but without right to vote.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
Remark: President instructs EMA administration to make revision of EMA Statute till next GA.

5. EMA Act of membership fee and EMA act of officials’ compensation
President explains that all members of EMA are not in the same financial position; that in some countries membership fee is amount of month salary and that some national associations have more than 100 teams as members, but some have less than 5. He reads proposal of EMA Act of membership fee.
Participants in discussion were Mrs. Nada Skuk, Mrs. Dagmar Kubičkova, Mr. Mihai Kiss and President.
Proposal: EMA ACT OF MEMBERSHIP FEE (Act is in attachment)
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

President read and explains EMA Act of officials’ compensation 2012. Administration wants to have Act like this because of problem in the past.
Participants in discussion were Mrs. Nada Skuk and Mr. Tibor Tandi.

Proposal: EMA ACT OF OFFICIALS’ COMPENSATION with change of 0,20€ instead of 0,15€ per km in all Act.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

Changing of EMA Rulebook
President explain that we have two proposals which came in deadline, one from EMA administration and one from Czech Republic, and two proposals which came after deadline, one from Romania and one from Slovenia. He also explains to delegations which were on GA that we can talk about suggestions not about wishes, which are all those proposals where there is no precise solution but just critics that something is not good enough.

Participants in discussion were Mrs. Nada Skuk, Mr. Mihai Kiss, Mr. Tibor Tandi, Mrs. Anja Puhalo and Mrs. Elizabeta Mikelj.
Presidential remark: EMA administration should announce Technical Board (TB) meeting in December and ask National association who will represent them in TB and where will be meeting of TB.

Change of article 1.4.
1.4.5. Replacing judge can be any licensed judge who is accessible to delegate, while simultaneously paying attention to select judges from same country as one to replace, and to select judge between the present judges or judges in nearby area of competition, in order for a competition to continue within shortest time.
1.4.6. Judges and delegate must come to the official office of competition at least one hour before the official training starts.
1.4.7. Judges judge on official judging lists. They can use other tools (computer, notes etc), but official results must be on judging lists. Parallel with judging lists, judges must keep judging tables, to enter the scores for artistic impression, technical data, prop technique, and general impression. Judging table is a control document, and it is not subject to a public disclosure.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

Change of article 1.5.
1.5.5. In case of delegate’s absence, a competition delegate becomes one of the present judges appointed by delegated judges.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 1 vote
- sustained – 1 vote

In discussion about new category in EMA participants were Mrs. Nada Skuk, Mr. Mihai Kiss, Mrs. Elizabeta Mikelj, Mrs. Anja Puhalo and President.

Change of article 2.2.
2.2.3. Groups in same EMC can compete in baton, pom-pom, mace and show majorettes form.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

Change of article 2.4.
2.4.3. Each and every team has to be ensured regular training time during the competition, and in accordance with teams’ needs. Regardless of that, each team has to have at least one official training for positioning at arena. The training time can be limited to minimum of 3 minutes for parade march, and 4 minutes for stage choreography. In extremely special circumstance, judges can decide not to allow official training, but only an exclusively under these terms:
- If extreme special circumstance is a result of vis major – higher power that could not be predicted
- If having official training could prevent finishing the competition
- If most teams did not have official training on specific arena for each discipline
- If all judges and delegates of the competition unanimously decided not to allow the official training
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none
AMANDMAN by BiH: 5 minutes for stage choreography.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

2.4.4. Before opening of the competition, organizer arranges briefing of the group heads, judges and delegate in order to summarize competition program and rules. In that briefing bulleting for competition is organized, this is executed by competition delegate in the presence of at least 50% of competition judges.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

Change of article 3.1.

3.1.1. EMC has 4 forms
- baton majorettes
- mace majorettes
- pom-pom majorettes
- show majorettes
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

3.1.3. Show majorettes dance only with pom-poms, but without limitatition in music and uniforms. Limitations are set up for make up which must keep image of traditional majorettes (she can not look like male, animals, things, aliens etc.).The part of choreography must have elements of traditional majorettes (marching, step, formation).
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

3.2.2. Nonformation and show majorettes participate just in stage choreography without parade march.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

3.3.2. deleted
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 4.3.

4.1.4. At least 75% of majorette formation and 100% of nonformation must be citizen of country which is represented by that formation or nonformation. If formation has less than 75% and nonformation less than 100% of citizen from this article it will be disqualified. If majorette has dual citizenship she can choose which citizenship she want to use in that EMC, but she is not allowed to change her mind about citizenship during EMC.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – 1 vote
- sustained – none

4.3.2. Costume as a whole must make an impression of stylized military uniform, exempt et show majorettes who do not have any limitation in costumes.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

4.3.4. Mace majorettes’ uniforms must be very traditional, based on military uniforms from 19 century or earlier. Mace uniforms must have a hat, a jacket/skirt or a dress and a boots.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

Change of article 5.1.
5.1.1. Criteria specified in this chapter (Common rules) and in the Formation rules are related to parade marching and stage choreography in all forms.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
5.1.2. In choreographing parade march and stage choreography, choreographers must pay attention to the equality and equal representation of:
- dance-steps
- formation changes and formational figures
- props technique
These three elements are equal and each of them represents 1/3 of final evaluation/grade. Preference of just one of these elements is punished.
President withdraws this article.

Change of article 5.4.
5.4.1. Props technique is also graded, except movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography. Those elements are graded in general impression.
5.4.2. Special emphasis is on:
- number of different figures made with props
- gravity of an individual props figure
- speed in props handling
- rolling the baton (in front, above and behind the body, over and around the legs, shoulders, etc..)
- usage of the left and right hand, simplicity of handling the baton with the left hand and the frequency of exchanging hands
- usage of the other parts of the body (legs, head, shoulders, etc.)
- length of the throwing the baton, as well as the form and confidence shown with catching it and throwing it off
- synchronization of props technique and dance steps, and difficulty of the dance movements where props technique is incorporated.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.4.3. One team can have at least one and not more than two batons/pom-poms per dancing majorette or strictly one mace per dancing majorette. No other equipment during the performance is permitted, except for the whistle used by the captain.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.4.4. In case of prop drop during the competition, the head judge or the closest judge to the prop, upon approval of the head judge, must pass the prop to a competitor in shortest possible time. Such activity will not be executed if it is apparent that the competitor will take the prop by herself, or such activity could disturb other majorettes in the formation. In case that the prop flies away into the audience, or far away from the arena, the prop could be passed back to the competitor by the coach.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 5.7.
President withdraws change of article 5.7.1.
5.7.4. Forbidden music is pop, disco-folk, rock, reggae, new age, soul, funky, disco, punk, heavy-metal, rap, techno, hip-hop, rave, house, underground etc. If some of the “modern” music is not written here, it is no matter of that, forbidden. All of those types of music are allowed to be danced to, if it is arranged for the orchestra and in the way explained in Article 5.7.2. Forbidden music from article 5.7.4. is forbidden for mace majorettes, regardless of an arrangement.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.7.5. Mace majorettes’ music must be very traditional, based on military marches from 19 century or earlier and played only by a marching band, a brass band, fanfare orchestra, symphonic orchestra or philharmonics which can be live orchestra or playback.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.7.6. Rules from articles 5.7.2, 5.7.3. and 5.7.4. are not obligated for solo and duo in baton, pom-pom and show majorettes, but are obligated for solo and duo in mace majorettes, and are not obligated for formations in show majorettes.
- in favor of - 15 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
Mr. Adam Vidaković apologizes but he must go to ketch up train.

5.7.7. Team can perform on play back music, which must be stored on very good quality CD which is defined in every year Bulletin published before EMC.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 5.9.
5.9.3. At arena, there must be no barriers, in height of 8 meters from the surface (branches, wires, constructions, bridges, etc…)
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.9.4. Around the arena, there should be area of 3 meters, but at least 1 meter, which prevents any contact of audience with teams. Organizer must physically prevent any possible entering of audience or animals.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

5.9.5. The arena must be organized in such way, so judges can freely see every part of the arena. The arena must be organized in such way, so competitors are not faced towards suns, i.e. the sun must tackle competitors back. The stage for choreography must be organized in a way so judges are faced the South.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

5.9.6. The playback sound and team announcement must be of good quality on all parts of route and stage, and lauder than audience.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

5.9.7. Head judge determines two judges as timekeepers. Timekeepers’ task is to watch over allowed exceeding and time limits. Judges can agree that timekeepers can be trainee’s judges who are present at the competition.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

Change of article 6.2.
6.2.1. Parade marching is performed in route long 60 meters. The parade must be organized so that all route can be seen well by the judges. The route can have 0 to 2 bends. The bends all together can not have more than 240 degree and every bend must not have over 230 degrees. Bends smaller than 60 degrees are not considered to be bends.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

6.2.4. Integral part of parade march route is also a entering and leaving area, which has to be at least 6 and at most 12 meter long, and 6 meter wide. It is permitted for parade march route or stage for choreography to have 5% oscillation.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
One vote is not regular.

6.2.6. During the parade march, judges are walking alongside the team, whereas judges must be at least 3 meters behind or before, and at least 1 meter from the side (flank) of a majorette team. Judges must not step away from a majorette team as much as not to clearly and precisely see the performance.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 7.2.
7.2.3. Entering and leaving are has to have minimum of 120 m2 from which neither space margins cannot be less than 5m long. The minimum of 30 m2 has to be provided exclusively for entering area and as much as for leaving area. The minimum of 60 m2 has to provide for common enter-leaving area.
Presidential remark: Technical board need find better definition of this article.

7.2.4. Judges are judging from platform which can not be less then 1,0 meter high, but recommended high is between 1,5 and 2,0 meters. Seating arrangement at the judging table is defined by the head judge.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

President withdraw proposal to change article 8.2.2.
President remark: Technical board need find better definition of this article.

9.1.3. In evaluating artistic impression and technical data score range means:
0-4 very bad quality teams
5-9 bad quality teams
10-14 average quality teams
15-19 good quality teams
20-24 very good teams
25-29 excellent teams
30 perfect teams
Of this evaluation judges will deduct required number of negative points for each element according to this Rulebook (for example: inappropriate choreography according to traditional values of majorette dance in artistic impression).
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 9.4.

9.4.2. Grade of baton/mace technique depends on average degree of technique:
- mostly 1st degree figures 0 points
- mostly 2nd degree figures 0-4 points
- mostly 3rd degree figures 0-9 points
- mostly 4th degree figures 5-14 points
- mostly 5th degree figures 10-19 points
- mostly 6th degree figures 15-24 points
- mostly 7th degree figures 20-30 points
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
President remark: Technical board will defined better degree figures of baton and mace technique.

9.4.7. 3rd degree of baton and mace technique includes simple figures:
- support of horizontal spin in front of body, called «sun» in all variations
- figure of horizontal spin during denoting circle in all variations
- simple floating of the baton/mace where levitation of baton/mace is short, and throwing and catching of the baton/mace has to be very simple
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none
President remark: Technical board will defined better degree figures of baton and mace technique.

9.4.8. 4th degree of baton and mace technique includes easy figures:
- horizontal and vertical figures between fingers
- rolls which are figures performed in combination with another part of the body
- easy floating of the baton/mace where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task (element which runs between throwing and catching)
- simple pitching of baton/mace (changing of batons/maces between majorettes where baton/mace must levitate some time) which has to be short and simple
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 1 vote
- sustained – 1 vote

9.4.9. 5th degree of baton and mace technique includes middle difficult figures:
- figures performed on the palm and top of the fingers
- flip (constant vertical rotation over the thumb)
- lance (launch of the baton through thumb) with no rotation of body
- figures of crossing two batons/maces in air
- figures, where during floating of one baton, other is changing hand by the figure of at least 3rd degree of baton/mace technical
- middle-difficult floating of the baton/mace where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- easy pitching of baton/mace where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 1 vote
- sustained – 1 vote

9.4.10. 6th degree of baton and mace technique includes very difficult figures:
- figure where you have at least 5th degree figure in one hand and a at least 2nd degree figure in other
- lance with one body rotation
- very difficult floating of the baton/mace where three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- middle-difficult pitching of baton/mace where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
voting: - in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

9.4.11. 7th degree of baton and mace technique includes extreme figures:
- lance with at least two body rotation (maximum two for formation and three for nonformation)
- spin and rolls of baton with neck, forearm and upper arm with no contacts with fingers, fist or other parts of the body
- three batons figures
- extreme floating of the baton/mace where all four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- very difficult or extreme pitching of baton/mace where at least three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

Change of article 9.5.
9.5.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for pom-pom technique.
9.5.2. Grade of pom-pom technique depends on average degree of technique:
- mostly 1st degree figures 0 points
- mostly 2nd degree figures 0-4 points
- mostly 3rd degree figures 0-9 points
- mostly 4th degree figures 5-14 points
- mostly 5th degree figures 10-19 points
- mostly 6th degree figures 15-24 points
- mostly 7th degree figures 20-30 points
9.5.3. Predominant performance of a degree presumes average performance of that degree.
9.5.4. The final grade includes diversity of figures and safety in work with pom-pom. Drops of the pom-pom are punished separately and can not be sanctioning in same time on grade of pom-pom technique.
9.5.5. 1st degree of pom-pom technique are all the movements where pom-pom is not used, and that means that dancing and changing formations does not include pom-poms at all, like majorettes doesn’t have them in hands.
9.5.6. 2nd degree of pom-pom technique are all basic figures where pom-poms of one majorette just change directions or mark the circle without any connections to pom-poms of other majorette.
9.5.7. 3rd degree of pom-pom technique includes simple figures:
- where pom-poms of one majorette had connections with pom-poms of other majorette/s like they make some combination together, interlace hands, make figures over body of other majorettes etc.
- simple floating of the pom-pom where levitation of pom-pom is short, and throwing and catching of the pom-pom has to be very simple
9.5.8. 4th degree of pom-pom technique includes easy figures:
- where pom-poms of one majorette have connections with pom-poms of other majorette/s like they make some combination together, interlace hands, make figures over body of other majorettes etc. and majorette in same time has difficult dancing steps and/or changing formations
- easy floating of the pom-pom where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task (element which runs between throwing and catching)
- simple pitching of pom-poms (changing of pom-poms between majorettes where pom-poms must levitate some time) which has to be short and simple
9.5.9. 5th degree of pom-pom technique includes middle difficult figures:
- figures of crossing pom-poms in air
- middle difficult floating of the pom-poms where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- simple pitching of pom-pom where one of four elements of difficulties is present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
9.5.10. 6th degree of baton and mace technique is extremely difficult includes very difficult figures:
- where all pom-poms in team have connections and on that way make difficult figures like waves, circles, symbols etc.
- very difficult floating of the pom-poms where three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- middle difficult pitching of pom-pom where two of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
9.5.11. 7th degree of baton and mace technique includes extreme figures:
- where all pom-poms in team have connections and on that way make difficult figures like waves, circles, symbols etc. and it is done in very complicated way like in circle with bow back, several levels, steps including etc.
- extreme floating of the pom-poms where all four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching and task
- very difficult or extreme pitching of pom-pom where at least three of four elements of difficulties are present: high levitation, hard throwing, hard catching or task
If national association till the end of December doesn’t don sent new and better proposal this article will be ????
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

Change of article 9.6.

9.6.1. Maximum of 10 points is awarded for general impression. Elements graded are:
- style of the uniforms,
- appearance of majorettes, especially the captain,
- difference in age and height of majorettes in the team
- movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography
- parts of the dance that are not graded separately, but are still performed (entering and leaving the arena or parade march route)
- Chosen music (i.e. whether a judges likes the music number, and not the way it is incorporated in a choreography)
- influence, movements and style of orchestra
9.6.2. Evaluation for general impression is not given for each element of general impression, but for all elements together, and it is a small part in overall evaluation of a team.
- in favor of - 10 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 4 votes

9.6.3. In evaluating the general impression score range means:
0-1 extremely bad teams by all criteria of general impression
2-3 bad teams by all criteria of general impression
4-5 average teams or teams that have some elements above average but some far below average
6-7 good teams that have all criteria above average but none of them deviates and is extremely positive
8-9 excellent teams, but some criteria are worse or some elements are much worse then excellence (for example: all criteria are excellent or perfect but music is average, or some girls aren't laughing, etc. )
10 perfect teams by all criteria of general impression
9.6.4. When judge establish in which category of general impression team belongs, he deducts the following points:
- up to 1 point – for extreme individual cases (for example: unbuttoned uniform, one majorette is chewing a gum, one majorette is talking while in formation, one majorette is giving a rhythm by gestures or voice)
- up to 2 points – if whole or most of the team has extreme individual cases (for example: inappropriate chanting like ''tequila'' during the performance)
- up to 3 points – long and extreme deviation from elements of general impression (for example: inappropriate melody)
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.7.1. Negative points for drop of the props:
- 0,5 points for drop of each prop if the formation counts 8-12 majorettes,
- 0,4 points if the formation counts 13-16 majorettes,
- 0,3 points if the formation counts 17-20 majorettes,
- 0,2 points if the formation counts more than 21 majorettes,
- 0,4 points for nonformations
- majorette has to pick up prop immediately, if not she will be punished in negative points in asynchronization.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 1 vote
- sustained – 1 vote

9.7.2. Every prop’s or mace’s contact with the surface is considered as baton/mace drop, unless any other part of prop is in the hand of a majorette.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

9.7.3. In the evaluation of props technique, it is forbidden to take into consideration number of props drops, which are separately evaluated.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.7.4. Every asynchronization, which is a result of props catch cannot be punished with more negative points than prop drop itself. At extremely difficult elements of prop technique, slight movements are tolerated, and are not punished at all.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

9.7.5. If prop retrieval is taking a long time, or is badly executed a judge can add negative points for asyncronisation and/or arrhythmia.
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

9.7.6. If, during the floating or pitching, a majorette does not make a turn or any other assignment, even though the entire formation did it, the team will be punished at least with the value of 2 prop drops in asynchronization (reference example: entire formation did one turn during the lanse, and one majorette did not, judges will deduct 0,8 points).
- in favor of - 11 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 3 votes

9.7.7. A majorette, who did not do a floating or pitching even though the rest of the formation did it, will be punished at least with the value of 2 prop drops in asynchronization (reference example: 0,8 points).
- in favor of - 13 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 1 vote

9.7.8. In prop technique, number of turns during floating or pitching is limited on 2 for formation, and 3 for nonformation. Formation or nonformation that will have forbidden turns will be punished, from 0,6 to 9,9 points, depending on:
- Amount of forbidden turns
- Solo or formation performance
- Number of extra turns
Negative points from this article are given at the end of valuation, and it is not mathematical calculated amount.

President withdraw proposal to put article 9.7.8.

9.8.1. Dislocation occurs when team is not using the whole stage or the whole parade march route, and at the same time it's visible that this is not a choreographic mistake (if it were, it would be sanctioned in artistic impression) but is entirely mistake in team's performance. Dislocation is marked as negative points in section for asynchronization and others. Maximum negative points for dislocation can be 2x2,9 points.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.8.2. Asymmetry is a formation's mistake where it's visible that stage choreography or parade march is not choreographed for number of majorettes that are dancing, that is when it's visible that team is missing a majorette in some places in formation (so called ''hole in formation''). Team will be punished for asymmetry with 2,9 points for each girl that is missing during the whole time of parade march or choreography performance. If a majorette gets hurt or for some other reason can't continue dancing, judges will deduct number of points proportional to the rest of the parade march or choreography duration (for example: majorette got hurt and gave up dancing halfway the parade march, team will get 1.5 point deduction). Asymmetry is marked as negative points in section for asynchronization and others.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.8.3. Every delay in relation to the rest of the formation, that is every time delaying in dancing, change of formation and/or props technique will be considered as a mistake, asynchronization. Constant delay in relation to the rest of the formation (so called ''copying other majorettes'' ) that is a result of not enough practice of the individual, must be punished with more negative points than concrete asynchronization and arrhythmia, and up to twice the value for concrete asynchronization and arrhythmia.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.8.4. If one or more majorettes are marching with a different leg than the rest of the formation, arrhythmia occurs ( so called ''marching with the wrong leg'' ), with the exception of solo part, individual groupation of the formation or mirror-dancing. This mistake is sanctioned with 2,9 points for one majorette during the whole parade march or stage choreography, and up to 9,9 points for large number of majorettes (25-50% of formation) during the whole parade march or stage choreography. Individual marching with the wrong leg are punished proportional to the mentioned parameters. Punishment also depends on duration of the mistake and number of majorettes that are doing it. Judge who notices marching with the wrong leg in parade march will raise his hand and give up knowledge to the other judges about mentioned mistake. He will have his hand in the air until arrhythmia stops. Other judges will acknowledge the suggestion in order to avoid focusing only and exclusively on specific mistake, that is, so the other judges can focus on other possible mistakes.
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – none
- sustained – none

9.8.5. Misalignment of the lines is punished in section for asynchronization and others, and depending on:
- number of majorettes that are not aligned
- duration of misalignment
- difficulty of formative figure
- current and previous difficulty of the formation change, dance steps or props technique
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – none
- sustained – 2 votes

9.8.6. Hat that fell halfway the parade march or stage choreography is sanctioned as well as the drop of the props, that is, with 0,4 negative points in section for asynchronization and others. According to that, hat that fell at the beginning of the parade march is sanctioned with 0,6 and at the end with 0,2 negative points, that is, with proportional number of points on other parts of the parade march or stage choreography.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

9.8.7. If the formation stopped on their own fault (damaged or low-grade CD, wrong music, fall of the captain,...) judges will decide whether this is a natural behavior of the majorette, that is, instinctive reaction. In that case, they will allow team to repeat their performance but they will punish them during the new performance in section ''repeats'', in a scale from 1,1 to 9,9 points, depending on where is the performance interrupted and what kind of mistake was made.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

9.8.8. In case of interruption because of external influence of audience (laser, throwing objects on stage, etc..) judges will establish whether the external influence was made by their own audience or by an audience of the opposing teams. If the influence was made by their own audience, it will be considered that formation stopped on their own fault (article 9.8.7.). If judges can't determine what kind of audience is involved, or if an audience is opposing or neutral, they will allow team to repeat their performance without any consequences.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none

9.8.9. Negative points can be given to the team during performance for every synchronization and arrhythmia:
- hard and long 1,1 – 2,9 points
- hard and short 0,6 – 1,0 points
- easy and long 0,6 – 1,0 points
- easy and short 0,1 – 0,5 points
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – 0 votes
- sustained – none

9.8.10. None of the formation’s mistakes during the entire choreography or parade march performance cannot be higher than 9,9 negative points. This amount of points does not depend on total amount of mistakes, but to a single mistake (example: marching with a wrong leg, entire formation during the entire parade march), however, the total amount of points for asynchronization, arrhythmia, and other mistakes can be higher than 9,9 negative points. In case of multiple mistakes, simultaneously executed by one or more majorettes (example: running after falling prop, and tackling other majorette) a mistake is not valuated mathematically, but it is treated as a single mistake, while a judge must not punish a team for a single mistake of entire formation with more than 9,9 points, regardless of number of mistakes in a single mistake.
- in favor of - 12 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – none
Presidential remark: Technical board will try to find easiest rule.

9.8.11. For similarity or repeat of the steps and formations judges gives negative points for:
- identical parade march and stage choreography 5,0 – 9,9 points
- important similarity in parade march and stage choreography 3,0 – 5,0 points
- similarity in part of parade march and stage choreography 1,1 – 2,9 points
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – 0 votes
- sustained – none

9.8.12. After performance judges gives negative points for:
- formation does not have captain 0,6 – 9,9
- majorettes does not have uniforms 0,6 – 9,9
- formation does not dance on music from article 5.7. 0,6 – 9,9
- majorettes have acrobatic figures in their dance 0,6 – 9,9
- forbidden turns in props technique 0,6 – 9,9
- for every second longer or less than estimated time of performance 0,1 points are taken
- every time a salute to the judges is not performed 1,0 points will be taken
- in favor of - 14 votes
- against – 0 votes
- sustained – none

Change of article 9.9.
9.9.1. Judges must disqualify group if:
- formation or nonformation have male in formation
- formation have less then 8 majorettes or duo have less or more then 2 majorettes, or solo have more then 1 majorette.
- formation is made by majorettes from age class which are not allowed or have more than 40% of majorettes from other age classes
- formation or nonformation use equipment which is not allowed by Rulebook
- formation does not wont to dance one of disciplines
- formation does not have 75% or nonformation does not have 100% of citizens of country which it represents
- in favor of - 11 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – 1 vote

Czech Republic proposal for changing rules:
Article 5.6.3.
The acrobatic movements and figures up to 3 meters high (one level lift-up) are allowed in show majorettes.
- in favor of - 10 votes
- against – 2 votes
- sustained – 2 votes

Article 9.7.5.
In case any judge will unwarrantedly give negative points to any team, this judge will be immediately replaced by different judge and will not be entitled to any payment for already judged disciplines and his/her travel costs will also not be paid.
- in favor of - 3 votes
- against – 10 votes
- sustained – 1 votes
One vote is not regular.

Article 10.1.4.
Results processed by PC must be given to national association presidents’ right after their processing/after processing each discipline.
- in favor of - 2 votes
- against – 11 votes
- sustained – 1 votes

6. Presidential report, Financial Report, Supervisory board report
President was presented his report in written form to EMA GA members. He was thanking to his office, general secretary and vice president for their cooperation.
- Presidential report is ratified unanimously.

The financial report was presented in written form to EMA GA members. Nobody has any comments.
- Financial report is ratified unanimously.

7. Election of President, Vice-president, General secretary, Executive board and Supervisory board

Candidate for president is: Alen Šćuric
- Mr. Šćuric is unanimously elected as EMA president.

Candidates for vice-president are: Mihai Kiss, Tibor Tandi and Dagmar Kubičkova
- Mr. Mihai Kiss is elected as EMA vice-president with 10 votes. Mr. Tibor Tandi gets 2 votes and Mrs. Dagmar Kubičkova 2 votes.

Candidates for EMA general secretary are: Adriana Vahalova and Maja Žigman
- Miss Maja Žigman is elected as EMA general secretary with 12 votes. Mrs. Adriana Vahalova gets 2 votes.

Candidates for executive committee are: Mihai Kiss (Romania), Sona Lorenzova (Czech Republic), Tibor Tandi (Hungary) and Marija Topić Ramljak (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Mr. Mihai Kiss is elected for EC with 11 votes.
Mrs. Sona Lorenzova is elected for EC with 10 votes.
Mr. Tibor Tandi is elected for EC with 12 votes.
Mrs. Marija Topić Ramljak is elected for EC with 12 votes.

Candidates for SB are: Patrick Goussard (France), Elizabeta Mikelj (Croatia) and Adam Vidaković (Serbia)
Mr. Patrick Goussard is elected for SB with 12 votes.
Mrs. Elizabeta Mikelj is elected for SB with 11 votes.
Mr. Adam Vidaković is elected for SB with 13 votes.

8. Other subjects
Mrs. Anja Puhalo asks for possibility to send application for EMC till the end of June because their national championship is in the end of June. President explains her that this is not possible because administration has lot of work before championship and organizer needs to know information about participants because of hotels, meals…

Zagreb, 24th November 2012

Maja Žigman
general secretary

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Representatives in EMA:

  • Austria
    Antonio Parancin

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    - Marija Topić Ramljak, SMBIH

    - Denitsa Valentinova Damianova

    - Alen Šćuric, HMS

    Czech Republic
    - Miluše Vápeníková, CMTF

    - Patrick Goussard, AMF

    - Tibor Tandi

    - Roberta Ruggeri

    - Ljiljana Porobić, MMA

    - Wojciech Wojtków, PMA

    - Mihai Ludovic Kiss phD, AMR

    Irina Voytsekhorskaya, RMA

    - Dejan Đjurić, SMS

    - Katarina Babušikova

    United Kingdom
    - Eileen Chesire, UKMF

    Mihai Kiss phD (Romania)

    Dean Đurić (Serbia)

    general secretary:
    Alen Šćuric(Croatia)

PHOTOS from European majorettes' championship

  • Dancing majorettes Roma, Italy

    Kynsperk Majorettes, Czech R.

    H.Vertesszolosi Sportegysulet Mazsorett Szakosztalya, Hungary

    Zagrebacke mazoretkinje, Croatia

    Mazoretkinje sonta, Serbia

    Mostarske mazoretkinje, BaH

    Fešta Kotor, Montenegro

    Street Ladis Albi, France

    Laške mazorete, Slovenia

    Medness, Cluj Napoca, Romania

    I.Nima, Nitra, Slovakia

    Putney Shangri-La majorettes London, United Kingdom


  • adress:
    Trebez 25
    10090 Zagreb




    • Every year we organize European Championship (1999 Croatia, 2000 Czech Republic, 2001 United Kingdom, 2002 Poland, 2003 Slovakia, 2004 Croatia, 2005 Romania, 2006 Italy, 2007 Montenegro, 2008 Romania, 2009 France, 2010 BiH...) in September. The best year was with 80 teams from 10 countries and more then 1.700 majorettes participated in championship. Championship is organized in senior (15 years and more), junior (12-14 years old) and cadet (8-11 years old) category. In this championship we have competition in parade march (100 m long) and stage choreography (12x12 m). Teams can participate to dance with batons or/and pom-poms. Every majorette is presented a medal (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in each category, and we present cups for each team wining one of the first 3 places. To European championship can come up to 3 teams per country (first 3 places in their national championship, or if they don’t have national championship 3 teams chosen by national federation).

    • We organize seminars and exams for judges (we have 16 international judges from 6 countries).

    • We organize seminars for majorettes and trainers.

    • We give information about shops where teams can buy majorettes equipment (batons, pom-poms, uniforms etc.).

    • We organize collaboration between teams, associations and federations.

    • We organize festivals of majorettes, and participation of teams from other countries on different national championship.

    • We organize commercial performances and tours by collaboration with international managers (average fee for those tours is 4.000-5.000 EUR per 3 days).

    • We organize meetings of EC and other committees of EMA every year, and every time in different country.

    • By participating in our activities teams from different countries learn from each others, and with new experience and dancing technique their performance becomes much more attractive (especially in comparation with other teams from their country).

    National association (federation, organization) can become member of EMA on one of the meetings of EMA’s General Assembly. If there is no National association, one or several teams can temporary become members with all possible rights including voting and participating in European championship. As you establish National association, it automatically becomes a member of EMA.
    Each member association must pay annual fee of 175 EUR per year, except for the first year of the membership. Teams (without association) doesn’t pay fee.

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