EU majorettes' association

petak, 27.05.2011.


By article 17, paragraph 2 of Statute of EMA-European majorettes’ association, 6th General Assembly of EMA in Zagreb on 24th January 2010, accept new


1. General regulations

1.1. Introduction
1.1.1. This Rulebook regulates types, forms and course of majorettes' competitions on European level, organized by European majorettes' association (EMA), EMA's members or a third party in the name of those institutions.
1.1.2. Rulebook regulates relations between EMA, competitors, judges, Technical board and majorettes' teams on competitions from article 1.2.

1.2. Rulebook competence (obligation)
1.2.1. Keeping these rules on European majorettes' championship (EMC) and other competitions organized by EMA is necessary.
1.2.2. The rules are recommended for national championships and competitions in member countries of EMA but national differences are allowed.
1.2.3. If something is not defined by this Rulebook judge is allowed to act by his national rulebook.
1.2.4. EMC is the highest competition run by this rulebook.

1.3. Technical board
1.3.1. EMA General Assembly (GA), by the Statute of EMA is allowed to appoint Technical board.
1.3.2. Technical board:
§ takes care that competitions are run according to this Rulebook
§ prepares calendar of the championships
§ takes care of results
§ suggest changes of the Rulebook to the EC (Executive Committee) and GA
§ takes care of other assignments according to the Rulebook
1.3.3. If the Technical board is not appointed, its function is assigned to the EC.

1.4. Judges
1.4.1. International judges are appointed by EMA. EMC and other EMA competition can be judged just by EMA international judges who have EMA licence.
1.4.2. Every EMA member country can nominate one international judge for EMC. EMA EC or Technical board can put veto to that judge if he/she did serious mistake in past. In that case EMA must urgently inform national association by e-mail or letter to replace judge with another international judge for that competition.
1.4.3. In EMC or other competitions EMA EC appoints one delegate and minimum 5 and maximum 9 judges. If there is problem in number of judges from different countries, EMA will nominate one more judge from each country.
1.4.4. One of the judges in EMC is head judge, appointed by EMA EC. He is responsible for other judges, control data impute disqualification and conduct judging.

1.5. Delegate
1.5.1. EMA delegate takes care of the regularity of the championship, and forced this Rulebook and Statute of EMA in competition from article 1.2.1.
1.5.2. Delegate must not come from country which organizes EMC.
1.5.3. Delegate accepts the protests, deals with the formal shortcomings and situations such as vis major, controls input date at processing...
1.5.4. Delegate outranks judges during the championship in formal cases.
1.5.5. The delegate can suspend one majorette-team or all competition if organizer, competitors, judges or a third party does not act by this Rulebook or other regulations of EMA and legislative of country where championship is organized.

2. Types and organisation of championship

2.1. European majorettes' championship (EMC)
2.1.1. EMC is official and the most important championship for the title of European majorettes' champion.
2.1.2. Official titles in each form of EMC are:
§ European champion (gold medal)
§ European vice-champion or runner-up (silver medal)
§ Third place or 2nd runner-up (bronze medal)
2.1.3. EMC is organized once per year.

2.2. Competitors in EMC
2.2.1. Each country where national championship or qualification cup were held can nominated 3 groups in each category and form. Organizing country can nominate 2 more teams to compete in EMC in each category and form.
2.2.2. In countries where national championship or qualification cup was not organised EC can accept groups without qualifications. EC will accept first 3 groups which will send registration form or on some other principle which must be clearly put in official invitation.
2.2.3. Baton groups can also compete in pom-poms.
2.2.4. If some of nominated groups do not send registration form, EC can accept another group instead from the same country.

2.3. Organizer obligations
2.3.1. The organization of EMC or other competitions from article 1.2.1. is under the authority of EMA. Realization of those competitions can be trusted to one national association or majorette-team or to third organizer supported by one majorette-team. Realization is constantly instructed and coordinated by EMA.
2.3.2. Organization of each championship from article 1.2.1. must be authorized by EMA as regulated in this Rulebook.
2.3.3. Organizer of EMC is obligated to:
§ pay for all costs of judges and delegate (travel expanses, lodging, food, fee etc.)
§ provide judging room with equipment
§ provide arena and all other official areas of competition by this Rulebook
§ provide cups and medals by this Rulebook
§ provide all costs of computer operator
§ provide other costs by Study for organizing EMC
2.3.4. The organizer is morally and materially responsible for the realization.

2.4. Competition program
2.4.1. EMC must have 4 parts of competition:
§ Official training
§ Parade march
§ Stage choreography
§ Results announcement
2.4.2. Judges and delegate must inspect parade march route, stage, audio-system, judging room, data imputing, and all other conditions relevant for competition.
2.4.3. Each majorette-team must be allowed to practice before the competition. Each team is obligated to have at least one official training on the stage for stage choreography and on the route for the parade marching.
2.4.4. Before opening of the competition, organizer arranges briefing of the group heads, judges and delegate in order to summarize competition program and rules. In that briefing bulleting for competition is organized.
2.4.5. Team which was bullet to start first in parade march starts last in stage choreography, 2nd in parade march starts before last in stage choreography etc.
2.4.6. Group must be ready for performance according to starting list. Deadline is the moment when speaker announces name of the group.
2.4.7. Accompanying program is in competence of organizer but it cannot disturb competition.

2.5. Orchestra (music)
2.5.1. Competitors can performer with the live music or play back.
2.5.2. Teams can bring their own orchestra or dance with the organizers orchestra, if such an orchestra exists.
2.5.3. In the stage choreography program any movement of the orchestra outside its space is forbidden.

3. Forms, disciplines and categories

3.1. Forms
3.1.1. EMC has 2 forms
§ baton majorettes
§ pom-pom majorettes

3.2. Disciplines
3.2.1. Every formation must participate in 2 disciplines:
§ parade march
§ stage choreography
3.2.2. Nonformation participates just in stage choreography without parade march.

3.3. Categories
3.3.1. Championship in every form is organized in nonformationas and formations, in 3 categories:
§ nonformation - solo (one majorette)
§ nonformation - duo (two majorettes)
§ formation - team (8 and more majorettes)
3.3.2. Nonformations participate just in stage choreography without parade march.

4. Formation rules

4.1. Number of majorettes in formation
4.1.1. Minimum number of majorettes in formation is 8.
4.1.2. One of the majorettes in formation must be a captain (lead-majorette) who is clearly marked (different uniforms, colours, rank symbols etc.)
4.1.3. Maximum number is not defined.

4.2. Age classes
4.2.1. Majorette teams compete according to following age classes:
§ cadets: 8 - 11 years
§ juniors: 12 - 14 years
§ seniors: 15 year and more
4.2.2. Only girls who have reached defined age on 1st January of current year can participate on EMC. Majorette has as many years as she had on 1st January of current year at 00:01 hours, and she will be that age class all that year. If majorette have birthday in meantime it is not relevant for her age class.
4.2.3. Younger age classes can take part in EMC just and only as non-competitors.
4.2.4. There can be 40% majorettes younger or older in each group, but just from bordering age class, exempt in solo and pair where there is no possibility of younger or older girls.

4.3. Uniforms
4.3.1. The formation must wear identical uniformed (all costumes has to be identical).
4.3.2. Costume as a whole must make an impression of a uniform.
4.3.3. Particular parts of the uniform can be various. Certain functional differences are allowed like different colour of the captains’' uniform, status and ranking symbols etc.

5. Common rules of performance and judging

5.1. Relation of Common and Formation rules
5.1.1. Criteria specified in this chapter (Common rules) and in the Formation rules are related to parade marching and stage choreography in both forms.

5.2. Synchronization
5.2.1. The synchronization of the entire formation is obligated. Departure from the original synchronization is permitted only to the captain and with exception individual grupation of the formation.
5.2.2. Mirror-dancing is a form of dancing where one side of the formation dances exact the opposite from the other side of the formation and in same time use exactly the same steps and movements. Parts of those formations must be the same size. Mirror-dancing is not considered to be a departure from the original synchronization.
5.2.3. The departure from synchronization is also not considered in case where group is changing formations. Changing formations is process when one defined formation is transforming into another defined formation. A defined formation is considered to be any formation lasting long enough to be recognized as one.
5.2.4. In case one or several parts of formation departure from formation it must be performed choreographically clearly synchronized and with precision so that this kind of performance it’s in the synchronization of the entire team (ex. solo part including 4 majorettes, baton-technique part etc.).
5.2.5. The departure from synchronization must be made in the shortest time possible and are not allowed to last longer than 50% of the entire choreography. Every departure which is not allowed by this article brings negative points to the team.

5.3. Rhythm consistence
5.3.1. Inconsistencies of the original (given) rhythm are not allowed to majorettes, captain included.
5.3.2. Formation or part of formation can stop with rhythm sequence if that is necessary because of choreography, but in same time it can not be out of rhythm (allowed arrhythmia).
5.3.3. Any departure from the rhythm consistency must be short, and must not be longer than 25% of choreography in total. Every un-allowed arrhythmia brings negative points to the team.

5.4. Baton-technique
5.4.1. Baton-technique is also graded, except movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography. Those elements are graded in general impression.
5.4.2. Special emphasis is on:
§ number of different figures made with the baton
§ gravity of an individual baton-figure
§ speed in handling the baton
§ rolling the baton (in front, above and behind the body, over and around the legs, shoulders, etc..)
§ usage of the left and right hand, simplicity of handling the baton with the left hand and the frequency of exchanging hands
§ usage of the other parts of the body (legs, head, shoulders, etc.)
§ length of the throwing the baton, as well as the form and confidence shown with catching it and throwing it off
§ synchronization of baton-technique and dance steps, and difficulty of the dance movements where baton-technique is incorporate.
5.4.3. One team can have at least one and not more than two batons/pom-poms per majorette dancing. No other equipment during the performance is permitted, except for the whistle used by the captain.

5.5. Marching
5.5.1. Marching is also graded, especially:
§ harmony of the marching-step
§ type of the marching-step (step-by-knee, American step...)
§ styling of marching-step
§ performance
§ impression of the figure during marching

5.6. Entire choreography
5.6.1. Entire choreography is graded, especially:
§ artistic value of choreography
§ complexity and different
§ number of different elements
§ number of formation changes
§ number and difficulty of the dance-steps
5.6.2. No acrobatic figures like lifting the majorettes are allowed. Acrobatic figures are defined as putting the head in lower position than the rest of the body exempt hands.

5.7. (Accompanying) music
5.7.1. Music has to be a march or some other music with 2/4 or 4/4 rhythm of classical performance.
5.7.2. Music must be composed and arranged for symphonic orchestra, philharmonics, brass band, marching band, fanfare orchestra, percussion band, big band, dancing band, jazz and Dixieland band.
5.7.3. It is forbidden that music is performed by computer (except basic computer mixing), or that any part of the music is played by electronic instruments such as rhythm-machine, synthesizer, electrical piano, solo electric guitar, except if bass-guitar is not solo but accompanying instrument (without solo parts).
5.7.4. Forbidden music is pop, disco-folk, rock, reggae, new age, soul, funky, disco, punk, heavy-metal, rap, techno, hip-hop, rave, house, underground etc. If some of the “modern” music is not written here, it is no matter of that, forbidden. All of those types of music are allowed to be danced to, if it is arranged for the orchestra and in the way explained in Article 5.7.2.
5.7.5. Rules from articles 5.7.2, 5.7.3. and 5.7.4. are not obligate for solo and duo.
5.7.6. It can be play back music, which is handed on CD.
5.7.7. Group can use one complete composition or potpourri.

5.8. (Vis major)
5.8.1. If the group must interrupt its performance because of circumstances which it could not influence (vis major: break-down in power supply, sound equipment, changing weather etc.) it can have a new performance.
5.8.2. Interrupting caused by the group itself means penalization.

5.9. Other common rules
5.9.1. Parade marching and stage choreography are graded by the judges separately. However, with grading, they must take the following negativities into consideration and grade them negatively:
§ repetition of the steps, formations, etc. from parade marching to stage choreography, or reverse
§ no identical choreography can be made in stage choreography and parade marching
5.9.2. Place for competition is in open but it can be in the hall just when the weather is bad and influence of quality of competition.
5.9.3. Organizer must prevent spectators to enter the place for competition.

6. Parade marching

6.1. Discipline definition
6.1.1. Parade marching is a dance expression performed by moving group ahead. Because of the frequent changes in the formation, walk is not the most important element.

6.2. Route
6.2.1. Parade marching is performed in route long 100 meters. The parade must be organized so that all 100 meters of the route can be seen well by the judges. The route can have 0 to 4 bends. The bends all together can not have more than 360 degree and every bend must not have over 230 degrees. Bends smaller than 60 degrees are not considered to be bends.
6.2.2. Route for parade marching must be flat and smooth, 6 meters wide. Route can not have big slope. The surface can not be covered with cubes or tiles.
6.2.3. Start and finish line must be marked.
6.2.4. Each group passes through the rout separately.
6.2.5. Judges must walk near to the formation during parade march.

6.3. Time limit
6.3.1. Parade marching has to be performed in time of 3 minutes. The time starts when the first majorette crosses the start line, and is stopped after the first majorette cross the finish line.

6.4. Graded elements
6.4.1. Elements graded in the parade marching are:
§ formation changes
§ formation figures
§ static and dynamic of formations in figures
§ lines and colons alignment
§ turning, especially dancing or changing formations in bends
§ techniques
§ dance movements
§ influence and position of captain.

7. Stage choreography

7.1. Discipline definition
7.1.1. Stage choreography is performed on stage or arena on ground.

7.2. Stage
7.2.1. The stage is 12x12 meters. The stage must be flat and smooth not covered with cubes or tiles. Stage can not have big slope. It can not be raised from the ground more than 30 centimetres.
7.2.2. Exceptionally stage can be raised from ground more than 30 cm but in that case it must have extension of 3 meters on each edge (so stage must have minimum 18 x 18 meters), and stage must have ramp (pad) with not more than 20% slope. Ramp must be at least 2 meters wide and on every meter of height should be at least 5 meters long.

7.3. Time limit
7.3.1. Performance time for each group is 2:00 minutes minimum and 6:00 minutes maximum. Nonformations performance time is 1:00 minute minimum and 3:00 minutes maximum.
7.3.2. In the total performing time from article 7.3.1. enter and exit the stage are included
7.3.3. Time starts when the first majorette steps on the stage and stops when the first majorette leaves the stage.

7.4. Coming and leaving in (for) at) stage choreography
7.4.1. Coming and leaving in stage choreography must be simple and quick.
7.4.2. Performance of competition must be clearly separated from coming and leaving. If that pause is longer than 5 second judges will stop timing.
7.4.3. Every group in stage choreography must salute to the judges while coming in and before leaving the stage.

7.5. Graded element
7.5.1. Elements graded in the stage choreography are:
§ difficulty of choreography, dance movements and formations
§ diversity and imagination of dance steps and changing in formation
§ originality
§ repeat of dance parts
§ adjustment of the movements from other types of dancing
§ synchronization of dancing with baton-technique
§ adoption of choreography to chosen music and tempo
§ artistic value of the performance

8. Nonformation program

8.1. Discipline definition and age category
8.1.1. Majorettes can compete in nonformation programmes which are solo (dance of one majorette) and duo (dance of two majorettes).
8.1.2. Only juniors and seniors can participate in nonformation.
8.1.3. Single majorette can compete as nonformation just in her age category.

8.2. Specific nonformation rules
8.2.1. Nonformation programmes does not perform parade marching so the rules of the parade marching cannot be applied to them. Nonformation program is graded identically as formation program, without those rules which are strictly formational.
8.2.2. Majorettes performing in nonformation must perform in formation of the same team, in identical form, identical age class and in identical uniforms. Reserve majorettes are not considered to be dancers in formation. If team of the majorette who compete in EMC did not qualified for EMC she must have certification of National association that her team did compete in national championship or qualification cup.
8.2.3. Majorettes with best score can not call themselves with titles from article 2.1.2. but winner of 1st, 2nd or 3rd place. Majorette which will not obey this rule will be suspended from nonformation competition in minimum of 2 (two) years, and can be punished with others sanctions.

9. Grading

9.1. Basic grading
9.1.1. The teams are graded:
§ artistic impression 0-30 points
§ technical data 0-30 points
§ baton-technique 0-30 points
§ general impression 0-10 points
9.1.2. Points for synchronization:
§ formation counting 8-12 majorettes 4 points
§ formation counting 13-16 majorettes 6 points
§ formation counting 17-20 majorettes 8 points
§ formation counting more than 21 majorettes 10 points

9.2. Artistic impression
9.2.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for artistic impression.
9.2.2. Elements of the artistic impression are:
§ artistic value, beauty, difficulty and originality of the choreography
§ beauty and difficulty, diversity, and originality of the dance steps
§ beauty and difficulty of the formation changes, diversity of formation and figures
§ fitting of the baton-technique in choreography
§ fitting of the chosen music in choreography
9.2.3. The grade of artistic impression answers the question:
"How do I like choreography, dance performance and formation changes where I neglect performance?"

9.3. Technical data
9.3.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for technical data.
9.3.2. Elements of the technical data are:
§ consistency of marching step
§ lines and formations alignment, formation consistency, changing of formations and formation figures
§ technical performance of dance steps
§ body attitude and dancing figure, and communication with the audience
9.3.3. The grade of technical data answers the question:
"How had every single majorette preformed the choreography, not related to my opinion of choreography and to the artistic impression of the choreography?"

9.4. Baton-technique
9.4.1. Maximum of 30 points is awarded for baton-technique.
9.4.2. Grade of baton-technique depends on average degree of technique:
§ mostly 1st degree figures 0 points
§ mostly 2nd degree figures 0-6 points
§ mostly 3rd degree figures 0-12 points
§ mostly 4th degree figures 6-18 points
§ mostly 5th degree figures 12-24 points
§ mostly 6th degree figures 18-30 points
9.4.3. Predominant performance of a degree presumes average performance of that degree.
9.4.4. The final grade includes diversity of figures, speed and safety in work with baton. Falls of the baton are punished separately and can not be sanctioning in same time on grade of baton-technique.
9.4.5. 1st degree of baton-technique are all the movements where baton is used statically, not dynamically that means where baton could be replaced with another type of equipment, or not be used at all.
9.4.6. 2nd degree of baton-technique is all the basic figures of work with baton, and those are: horizontal and vertical spin (figure 8) and all variations of those figures with one hand.
9.4.7. 3rd degree of baton-technique is simple figures:
§ support of horizontal spin in front of body, called «sun» in all variations
§ figure of horizontal spin during denoting circle in all variations
§ short and simple floating of the baton where throwing and catching of the baton has to be very simple
9.4.8. 4th degree is middle-weight figures:
§ horizontal and vertical figures between fingers
§ rolls which are figures performed in combination with another part of the body
§ hard floating of the baton where baton float very high but throwing and catching of the baton is very simple
§ hard floating of the baton where baton float short but throwing and/or catching of the baton is very hard
§ simple pitching of baton which hast to be short and simple
9.4.9. 5th degree is very difficult figures:
§ figures performed on the palm and top of the fingers
§ figures of extreme baton floating where baton float very high and throwing and/or catching of the baton is very hard
§ hard pitching of baton where baton float very high but throwing and catching of the baton is very simple
§ hard pitching of the baton where baton float short but throwing and/or catching of the baton is very hard
§ flip (constant vertical rotation over the thumb)
§ figures of crossing two batons in air
§ figures where during floating of one baton other is changing hand by the figure of at least 3rd degree of baton-technical
§ three batons figures
§ lance (launch of the baton through thumb) with no or one rotation of body
9.4.10. 6th degree is extremely difficult figures:
§ extreme pitching of the baton where baton float high and throwing and/or catching of the baton is very hard
§ figure where you have at least 5th degree figure in one hand and a at least 2nd degree figure in other
§ lance with two rotation of body
§ spin and rolls of baton with neck, forearm and upper arm with no contacts with fingers, fist or other parts of the body

9.5. General impression
9.5.1. Maximum of 10 points is awarded for general impression. Elements graded are:
§ style of the uniforms,
§ appearance of majorettes, especially the captain,
§ difference in age and height of majorettes in the team
§ movements of the captain by which she defined dancing figure or beginning of choreography
§ parts of the dance that are not graded separately, but are still performed (entering and leaving the arena or parade march route)
§ influence, movements and style of orchestra

9.6. Positive points for synchronization
9.6.1. Team gets extra 4 points if it has 8-12 majorettes, 6 points if it has 13-16 majorettes, 8 points if it has 17-20 majorettes, and 10 points if it is bigger than 21 majorettes.

9.7. Negative points
9.7.1. Negative points can be given to the team during performance for every synchronization and arrhythmia:
§ hard and long 1,1 – 2,9 points
§ hard and short 0,6 – 1,0 points
§ easy and long 0,6 – 1,0 points
§ easy and short 0,1 – 0,5 points
9.7.2. Negative points for drop of the baton:
§ 0,5 points for drop of the baton if the formation counts 8-12 majorettes, 0,4 points if the formation counts 13-16 majorettes, 0,3 points if the formation counts 17-20 majorettes, 0,2 points if the formation counts more than 21 majorettes, and 0,4 points for nonformations
§ majorette has to pick up baton immediately, if not she will be punished in negative points in asynhronization.
9.7.3. For similarity or repeat of the steps and formations judges gives negative points for:
§ identical parade march and stage choreography 5,0 – 9,9 points
§ important similarity in parade march and stage choreography 3,0 – 5,0 points
§ similarity in part of parade march and stage choreography 1,1 – 2,9 points
9.7.4. After performance judges gives negative points for:
§ formation does not have captain 1,1 – 9,9
§ majorettes does not have uniforms 0,6 – 9,9
§ formation does not dance on music from article 5.7. 0,6 – 9,9
§ for every second longer or less than estimated time of performance 0,1 points are taken
§ every time a salute to the judges is not performed 1,0 points will be taken

9.8. Disqualification
9.8.1. Judges must disqualify group if:
§ formation or nonformation have male in formation
§ formation have less then 8 majorettes or duo have less or more then 2 majorettes, or solo have more then 1 majorette.
§ formation is made by majorettes from age class which are not allowed or have more than 40% of majorettes from other age classes
§ formation or nonformation use equipment which is not allowed by Rulebook
§ formation or nonformation use acrobatic figure
§ formation does not wont to dance one of disciplines
§ one of majorettes from nonformation does not dance in formation of same team, form and age class, in which case judges will disqualify nonformation (not formation)
9.8.2. Team which is disqualified is last on EMC, and can not compete on that EMC nay more.
9.8.3. Team which is disqualify in one form, category or age class have right to performer in other forms, category or age class they are qualify in.

10. Ranking and protest

10.1. Data processing
10.1.1. Data from judging form are put in computer. Computer has to calculate all positive and negative points and show total score.
10.1.2. Score is put on list from biggest to lowest score. Biggest score gets index 1, second 2 etc.
10.1.3. If two or more teams have same score they will share same index and next team skip as many places as there are teams who have same score.

10.2. Skating
10.2.1. All indexes from all judges and from all disciplines are put in one skating sheet. First team is the one who have most of indexes 1. Second team is one who has most of indexes 1 and 2. Third team is one who has most of indexes 1, 2 and 3 etc.
10.2.2. If two or more teams have same number of relevant indexes judges compare indexes on the left till they found which team has more indexes. If that can not be done judges compare indexes on right till they found which team has more indexes. In that case judges skip as many indexes as there are teams with same indexes.
10.2.3. If two or more teams have same indexes compared, and same indexes on left and right, judges calculate all total points from all judges and disciplines. Better place will get team which has biggest subtotal score.
10.2.4. If teams have difference in subtotal score from article 10.2.3. less then 1% they will share place.

10.3. Protest
10.3.1. Protest against giving points is not acceptable.
10.3.2. Other protests are handed over to the delegate not later than 10 minutes after finishing of the age class in discipline of competition.
10.3.3. The judges decide on legitimacy of the protest.
10.3.4. All protest on judges even about giving points is handed to EC not later than 15 days from championship. EC decide on legitimacy of the protest, and GA in 2nd instance.

Zagreb, 24th January, 2010

Alen Šćuric
EMA president

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Representatives in EMA:

  • Austria
    Antonio Parancin

    Bosnia and Herzegovina
    - Marija Topić Ramljak, SMBIH

    - Denitsa Valentinova Damianova

    - Alen Šćuric, HMS

    Czech Republic
    - Miluše Vápeníková, CMTF

    - Patrick Goussard, AMF

    - Tibor Tandi

    - Roberta Ruggeri

    - Ljiljana Porobić, MMA

    - Wojciech Wojtków, PMA

    - Mihai Ludovic Kiss phD, AMR

    Irina Voytsekhorskaya, RMA

    - Dejan Đjurić, SMS

    - Katarina Babušikova

    United Kingdom
    - Eileen Chesire, UKMF

    Mihai Kiss phD (Romania)

    Dean Đurić (Serbia)

    general secretary:
    Alen Šćuric(Croatia)

PHOTOS from European majorettes' championship

  • Dancing majorettes Roma, Italy

    Kynsperk Majorettes, Czech R.

    H.Vertesszolosi Sportegysulet Mazsorett Szakosztalya, Hungary

    Zagrebacke mazoretkinje, Croatia

    Mazoretkinje sonta, Serbia

    Mostarske mazoretkinje, BaH

    Fešta Kotor, Montenegro

    Street Ladis Albi, France

    Laške mazorete, Slovenia

    Medness, Cluj Napoca, Romania

    I.Nima, Nitra, Slovakia

    Putney Shangri-La majorettes London, United Kingdom


  • adress:
    Trebez 25
    10090 Zagreb




    • Every year we organize European Championship (1999 Croatia, 2000 Czech Republic, 2001 United Kingdom, 2002 Poland, 2003 Slovakia, 2004 Croatia, 2005 Romania, 2006 Italy, 2007 Montenegro, 2008 Romania, 2009 France, 2010 BiH...) in September. The best year was with 80 teams from 10 countries and more then 1.700 majorettes participated in championship. Championship is organized in senior (15 years and more), junior (12-14 years old) and cadet (8-11 years old) category. In this championship we have competition in parade march (100 m long) and stage choreography (12x12 m). Teams can participate to dance with batons or/and pom-poms. Every majorette is presented a medal (for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place) in each category, and we present cups for each team wining one of the first 3 places. To European championship can come up to 3 teams per country (first 3 places in their national championship, or if they don’t have national championship 3 teams chosen by national federation).

    • We organize seminars and exams for judges (we have 16 international judges from 6 countries).

    • We organize seminars for majorettes and trainers.

    • We give information about shops where teams can buy majorettes equipment (batons, pom-poms, uniforms etc.).

    • We organize collaboration between teams, associations and federations.

    • We organize festivals of majorettes, and participation of teams from other countries on different national championship.

    • We organize commercial performances and tours by collaboration with international managers (average fee for those tours is 4.000-5.000 EUR per 3 days).

    • We organize meetings of EC and other committees of EMA every year, and every time in different country.

    • By participating in our activities teams from different countries learn from each others, and with new experience and dancing technique their performance becomes much more attractive (especially in comparation with other teams from their country).

    National association (federation, organization) can become member of EMA on one of the meetings of EMA’s General Assembly. If there is no National association, one or several teams can temporary become members with all possible rights including voting and participating in European championship. As you establish National association, it automatically becomes a member of EMA.
    Each member association must pay annual fee of 175 EUR per year, except for the first year of the membership. Teams (without association) doesn’t pay fee.

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