Pa evo ovo je onak iz dosade jer pametnijeg posla neam.
Mal prije sam se vratila iz vana dosađivala sam se, a bila sam kao na nekom partyu.
Nije bilo zanimljivo koliko sam se nadala da ce biti pa sam se eto vratila.
idem naći neku pjesmicu pa da objavim već dugo nisam=).
evo našla
dark love
It is a night of death, a song of darkness,
wolves vent their pain. The immortal one
Night shrouds her walking form,
a timeless fear.
Her black hair cascades over
white shoulders, and her
full blood red lips part slightly, to taste the
blood streaming from the
pale flesh beneath
Now a night of darkness,
I weep.
stolen emotion
what have you done to me?
a shadow of pain as emotions scream.
once we tasted paradise,
innocent and open,
but your desire died.
a horrific vision of memory -
tears follow rain, follow memory,
love left to die.
in a burst of sorrow,
i hate you.
Ne znam jesam li ju vec objavljivala ali ta je the best