
20 listopad 2008

Od srijede 22.10. krećem sa novom temom a vezana je uz naš planet koji tako nesmiljeno ne pazimo nego žestoko uništavamo prirodu i prirodna staništa, životinjski svijet te kao da će se sve sutra ponovo obnoviti bez razmišljanja da bi ono što smo naslijedili bi morali ostaviti i našem potomstvu.

Nažalost svakodnevno imamo prilike vidjeti u svojem okruženju kako pojedini susjedi, građani našeg grada, stanovnici ovog planeta devastiraju okoliš koji ih okružuje bez ikakvih sankcija ili ikakve moralne kritike ljudi, društva ili okoline koja ih okružuje a njima je to dodatni poticaj za daljnje uništavanje i bahatost.

Pokušat ću time, mada znam da će to biti samo jedna kap u moru problema koji nas okružuju apelirat na sve nas da pokušamo tim mentalnim prapovijesnim bićima koja su nam u susjedstvu objasniti da je kameno doba odavno prošlo te da bi valjalo da krenu na stepenicu više u svom mentalnom razvoju te da se počnu doličnije ponašati u okolini koja ih okružuje te da postanu vrijedni članovi te okoline.

Znam da u današnje vrijeme recesije koja nam kuca svakodnevno na vrata je trošak od nekoliko desetaka megabajta prometa velika stavka no filmovi će ići dva puta tjedno te na taj način ću pokušat smanjiti dodatni promet vašeg interneta i nadam se da će te uživati u tome što će te moći vidjeti te ujedno možemo biti zahvalni National Geographicu što nam omogućava da uživamo u našem planetu kojeg bi istinski trebali voljeti. Filmovi će biti na hrvatskom jeziku no biti će i engleska verzija istog koja će se moći skinuti ili pokrenuti u posebnom prozoru.

From Wednesday 22.10. moving with a new theme is related with our planet so cruel that does not let severe than destroying nature and natural habitats, and the animal world as if everything will be renewed again tomorrow without thinking that what we have inherited have to leave and to our descendants.

Unfortunately, every day we have a chance to see in your environment to some neighbors, the citizens of our town, the inhabitants of this planet devastate the environment that surrounds them, without any sanctions or any moral critique of people, society or the environment that surrounds them, but to them it was an additional impetus for further destruction and sauce.

I will try to do this, although I know that this will be only a drop in the sea of problems that surround us addres to all of us to try these mental prehistoric beings who are in the neighborhood to explain that the stone age has long passed and that would be to move to step more in their mental development and to start seemly behave in the environment that surrounds them and to become valuable members and the environment.

I know that nowadays the recession that we knocks on the door every day is the cost of tens of megabytes of traffic a big item but the movies will go twice a week so that I will try to reduce the additional traffic your internet and I hope that you will enjoy what will and be able to see and at the same time we can be grateful to National Geographic, which allows us to enjoy our planet, which would be true love. Movies will be in the language but will also English version of which will be able to be downloaded or run in a separate window.

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