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O meni

Ime: Filip
Prezime: nope
Rođen: 8.11
Po horoskopu: škorpijon
Volim: Naruto anime, mjuzu, odomore u školi, vikend, komp zubo, Hevy metal, rock, hrvatski rock, i nešto još od puno tog, džeparac greedy jednu osobu
Mrzim: izdajice glupane/če umišljene bahate i puno ljudi
Najdraža životinja: Zmajwink



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srijeda, 25.04.2007.

Easter onslaught with "Gunny Bunny"

Easter Onslaught With “Gunny Bunny”
It all started with a bunny. One day his life would change forever. He became Gunny Bunny! Bunny was walking (jumping) trough the forest then he got to a weird thingy. He thought at first that that was a stick. But he was wrong! He was just little so he didn’t know what it was. He took the “stick” to his family they knew what it was. It was a weapon for killing animals. They where all scared and they said to little bunny to get rid of it, the little bunny was really attached to this “weapon” he wasn’t afraid. He didn’t get rid of it he hid it and played with it every day. One day something happened the “toy” fired a loud shot the bunny thought it was a lightning or somethin like that he looked up in the sky but there wasn’t a cloud then I happened again. But this time the bunny knew that it was his toy that did the noise and the hole in the tree he liked it. The next day he went shooting the trees and he liked it. After some time he went tired of it he wanted a moving target. So he was walkin again and he got to the magical tree the tree spoke and said he would grant any wish the bunny had. The bunny was feelin great and wished for two more wishes then the tree said “No way dude!!!!” But the bunny was smart and got the tree so the “mage tree” had to grant two more wishes. The bunny asked for a accent like a dude with a gun, and he got it the second wish was that he was no longer little bunny from now on only the mean and dangerous GUNNY BUNNY!!! He got his guns grenades and his mean attitude no longer his was a little scared bunny. The first thing he did was chop down the tree (with a flamethrower) so no one else can have the powers. The first target was the bunny gang who ruled the forest. He got there and shot them all and he said see ya later suckers! Man that’s a bunny with a mean attitude! Next were the men hunters for animals. It was easy he just got there and killed them all. Easter was here and wanted the job of delivering the stuff to the kids. The others said “NO WAY DUDE” then the gunny bunny got angry and killed them all (J). So he went to deliver the presents. He was happy that he was chosen. He delivered it all and the children were happy. Or were they? The presents were filled with bombs and gas grenades. Every man in the whole world was unhappy and then the bunny returned to the forest and saw everyone happy so he killed them all with a 45 smg. He ruled the forest but someone stud up and tried to get the bunny gunny! It was the bunny’s worst enemy called 00Bunny assassin. The gunny bunny knew him from the past and now they meet and they will fight!!! To the end!!!! The bunny gunny started he shot a few shots into 00bunny assassin but he caught them. “You are good” said gunny bunny but not good enough!!!!!!!!! So the gunny bunny went to a direct charge with all of his guns and bombs. They fought until they all died and all the creatures in the entire world with them. Gunny bunny died with a smile on his face and his last words were hehe got ya you sucker!!!!

By: Filip Čukman (a very sensitive artist).
Thank you for reading this hope you had a laugh like me when I was writing it.
next time super and war Squirrels

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subota, 21.04.2007.

Evo me(opet)

ahhhh post na subotu neznam zašto nemam nikaj drugo raditi pa evo me
najrađe bi samo napiso bok ajd bok ali kak je je subota u kvragu učenje zadaće
za ubit sebangbangheadbangheadbangmadmad
kad smo kod ubijanja svi znamo da ćemo jednog dana otići(krepati)
prije ili kasnije na ovu temu nemam puno reći pa idemo na nekaj drugo
na youtubeu sam naso weird al yankovicev spot pjesme yoda poalušajte
jako je dobro Yoda
danas malo karće pa vidimo se
see ya!!!!!!!!!!!!wavewave
use the force

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četvrtak, 19.04.2007.

well here i am

the title says it all only if you know what i mean and you probably don't
but lets get on more important stuff
pa nikaj u školi doasdno za ubit sebangburninmadbangburninmadbangburninmad
i još zadaćeheadbangheadbangheadbang ali danas je bilo bolje
hr smo gledali film R.C. (Robinson Crusoe) lat nismo imali malo smo pričali
jer smo imali zamjenu a tehnički nije tak loš kad ne crtamo barem jer meni je crtanje
puknucuheadbangmadburninmad kaj još povjest počinje pitati ahhhvvv
its driving me nutsnutnutnut so what else new background will arrive soon so get back here in time
see ya wouldn't wanna be yawavewavewave

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ponedjeljak, 16.04.2007.

Nakon male pauze za praznike i još nešto imam za reći

Sada ću pisati postove samo kad ja to želim tako da
mi ne govorite ili u drugim riječima dajete zahtjeve da napišem post
ustvari koliko vremena u životu mi provodimo ne radeći ništa
kolliko vremena provodimo u tuzi u depresiji sva ova tehnologija
(ne kažem da je loša) ali nas "redirectira" ili drugim riječima miče nas
sa puta pravog života mi više ne razmišljamo jer nam sva ta tehnologija
opet da kažem "redirectira" od pravog smisla života a taj smisao je da se zabavimo
život je igra iako moramo razmišljati kadkad
dakle zaključak ljudi trgnite se iz depresije vječnog sna imat ćete vremena kad ste mrtvi spavati probudite se čeka vas život
kad ćete biti mrtvi žalit ćete za prošlosti za sve stvari koje ste mogli učiniti a niste zato ih sad napravite
bok neda mi se više
do sljedećeg puta

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srijeda, 04.04.2007.

Novi post

pa dosadno mi je pa pišem post neznam o čem da pišem
ubuduće mi morate davati teme ako želite nešto posebno
bilo što samo recite danas počinju praznici nema škole sutra niti
10 dana yey!!!partysmijehwink napokon počinju praznici
bilo je i vrijeme u školi nikaj posebno bio sam na porti
bilo je tak dosadno izludio samludludludludludlud
ali ipak sve je ostalo super tražim nove backgroundove i
ostalo na informatici smo radili u power pointu sve to znam
lagano je ostalo smo se igrali to je to vidimo se sretan uskrs svima!!!!
oohhh da još nešto PARTY HARD!!!!!!!!!smijehsmijehpartypartywinkwinkyesyes

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nedjelja, 01.04.2007.

i kept you waiting...i am truly sorry NOT!!!

well the title says it all
ovaj vikend mi je malo lakši jer me roditelji nisu gnjavili
kad bi mi otključali komp bilo bi super ali sad mogu
pa pišem post petak je bio...
neznam kaj da kažem svaki dan škole je isti
ali ima gorih i još gorih i dosadnih dana
dosadni dani su uvijek mrzim školuburninmad
dobar je jedino engleski jer je zabavansmijeh i odmah znam sve jer...
ma jedonostavno znamyes
dodao sam malo životinja i sada tražim novi dizajn
jer znam koliko vam je ovaj dosadan ali otvorio se novi blog iliti tj. ilivamFreestylerov
blog ako neznate ko je on super jer ja vam neću reći a možda da
a vjerojatno ne hehehehehehehehehehe
well it was nice seen ya see yawavesmijehyeswink

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