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O meni

Ime: Filip
Prezime: nope
Rođen: 8.11
Po horoskopu: škorpijon
Volim: Naruto anime, mjuzu, odomore u školi, vikend, komp zubo, Hevy metal, rock, hrvatski rock, i nešto još od puno tog, džeparac greedy jednu osobu
Mrzim: izdajice glupane/če umišljene bahate i puno ljudi
Najdraža životinja: Zmajwink



black angel
my angel way
naruto blog



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četvrtak, 31.01.2008.

you hate me

in this darkness
no one can see
there is no light no joy
you someone is watching
you know someone wants you
i am that one but
you threw me away
i gave you my heart
you broke it
and caused me to suffer
if thats the way you like me
i can suffer until the end of my life
i will always be here
with you in my broken heart
i will never stop
thinking about you
i will sleep
by my thoughts of you
and when i awake
once again i will
be full of sorrow
because of the thought
that you hate me
btw svaka pjesma koju napišem je bazirana na boli i zato ih i pišem

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srijeda, 30.01.2008.


some people have no heart
i wish i had no heart
because i couldn't be
heartbroken i wouldn't
have felt that pain
the pain that you caused
the shattered heart i
have is because of you
i wanted to be without fellings
because of the pain
and now i have to live with it
for that i will
never forgive you

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utorak, 29.01.2008.

love and hate (1)

i hate you
because i love you
i wanted to tell you that
i wanted you to know whats on my mind
and in my heart
i do everything to make you
like me but you don't notice
i wanted you to know my pain
i want you to fell it one day
so that you can know how i felt
when i realized i couldn't have you
my heart fell and broke like glass
i felt empty but still we are friends
so i am healing with every day
and i hope that one day that i will
be full again and i can leave this place
so i will have no more pain
or suffering
i will have peace and i will dissapear
in the darkness

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subota, 26.01.2008.

lies and envy

we all tell lies
i tell them
you tell them
we tell them
they tell them
we are all sinners
we all commit crimes
but we also have a heart
we have fellings
and they are our weakness
you can kill a person
but you will feel guilty
if you don't i envy you
if u still have a full heart
if u haven't been heartbroken like i have
if u haven't been hurt like i have
then i envy you
then i wish i was never hurt
then i wish i was never heartbroken
then i wish i was dead
then i wish i was without fellings

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petak, 25.01.2008.


danas je petak kao što svi znaju i bio je ok dan ali imao je i svojih padova
ali u zadnje vrijeme (par dana) je sve loše ili mi se tako barem čini
sve šale koje su bile smiješne nisu tak puno više
i okrenuo sam se ovim pjesmama i kroz nijih ustvari mogu sebe izrazit
i nitko me neće kritizirat
tak evo još jedne.....
as i walk through the hallways
my heart is beating slower and slower
my pain will soon go away
my fellings will haunt me forever even in my death
i wanted to be a angel of death
but as my wish came true then i had
to live on with all the pain
so i choose death over life
and my body fell to the ground and
my spirit died
i will now never be here again

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srijeda, 23.01.2008.

just bored again

dosadno mi je pa ću uzet tren da osmislim malo poezije opet.........
dragons fly but i cant
why cant i fly, why cant humans fly
why do we lie, why do we hurt each other
why do we betray each other
they say that friends are for comfort and to stand by your side
but in our world that is not true
in our world lies are like truth
in our world love is hate
in our world... i can die in peace
in our world none will care
in our world none will trust me
in our world... i will not love her anymore
i will have peace and my heart will be a stone atlast

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utorak, 22.01.2008.

just bored

bilo mi je dosadno pa mi je došlo da ovo napišem
nobody knows who i am
nobody knows the real me
nobody understands me
nobody knows why do i exist
nobody knows what i am
nobody knows why do i hate
nobody knows why do i love and hate at the same time
nobody knows what i will do
nobody knows me
nobody knows why i am here
nobody knows why i haven't killed myself
malo sam u depresiji ovih dana i ima pomisli ubijanja ali valjda ću preživit

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srijeda, 16.01.2008.

mala objava

pa imam neš za objavit moj prijatelj i ja smo otvorili blog o nekim osnovama virusa i počeli smo s batch (bat skraćeno) fileovima ali o tome možete čitat na http://hackingfordummies.blog.hr/ i ako imate pitanja onda šaljite mailom koji su u boxu bez spamova i ostalog inače ćemo vas bannat a sad da se vratim na ovaj blog.... neznam kaj da napišem ko nastavak za priču pa ako imate kakvu ideju recite mi pls jer imam dovoljno drugih gluposti da razmišljam i još tražim info o ovim batch fileovima al će bit zabavno jer sam našo nekaj zabavnijeg naughtynaughty pa idem tražit još cya

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