srijeda, 16.01.2008.

rhetts syndrome

rhetts syndrome

(see also: retts syndrome, rett syndrome, rets syndrome, reiter s syndrome, rhetts syndrome, )

Icecream is nice (ISO The end of the summer was fast approaching and Jacquie, now that her internship was over, had more time to catch up with everyone she hadn't been able to see yet because of work.

And today was Rhett's turn.

It was interesting, seeing just how many of Jacquie's friends were Slytherins.

Although Rhett was also a redhead, and that made him extra special.

So Jacquie, having an entire day free, (She still didn't know how she had managed that) had sent him an owl, asking him to meet her for ice cream.

She had thought about coffee, but Jacquie had ingested so much coffee this summer she was amazed she hadn't turned brown.

And icecream was always good.

Sugar was great.Jacquie had apparated into Diagon Alley a little earlier, wanting to pick up some stuff for her Auror training she would be starting rhetts syndrome about a week.

She had sent it all back to her apartment, and then checking over her outfit to make sure it was ok, she had made her way to Fortescue's to meet Rhett.

Jacquie was always a little bit more picky about her clothes when she was meeting her Slytherin friends.

It was all mothers fault.

She had finally settled on a short, green silk skirt, her sandals with the bells on rhetts syndrome and and a white silk singlet top.

Not too unusual her, but it was better quality than the stuff rhetts syndrome normally wore.Jacquie ordered a chocolate and strawberry sundae, and then made her way out to one of the tables in the sun, waiting for Rhett to show up.
Rhett could be a pretty vain person at times, every so often taking longer to get ready than most girls took, but it was usually only for special occassions that he took over an hour.

Given, he did spend a lot of time on a daily basis messing with his hair in the mirror.

But he couldn't help it if he were blessed with good looks.

It was his duty to maintain them, not only for himself, but for the rest of the world to be able to bask in his glory.

Okay, maybe that was a bit over the top, but he was good looking and he knew.

Tonight, for example, Rhett had taken an extra long shower.

Not only because he wanted to be well freshened up rhetts syndrome meeting with Jacquie, but the extra time in the shower was what he rhetts syndrome felt his tense muscles slowly start to ease and loosen up as he stood in the shower and let the warm water roll down the back of his neck.By the time he got out of the shower, Rhett was already running a little behind.

He dried himself off and pulled on a pair of black slacks and slipped on a black leather bet with a silver buckle.

Rhett then pulled on some socks and his usual pair of black shoes.

Next, he pulled on a dark green fitted long-sleeved shirt and put a casual black blazer on over it.

He tucked his wand into the waist of his pants and covered the top sticking out with his shirt.

Quickly, he squeezed rhetts syndrome gel into his hands and styled his bright red locks into a faux-hawk.

He then grabbed his keys and with one last look in the mirror, headed out, locking the door behind him.

Rhett walked into the coutyard and with a loud pop apparated into Diagon Alley.Hading off at a quick pace of his long strides, Rhett glanced down at his watch.

Thankfully he was only a few minutes late, but still late all the same.

Approaching the Ice Cream Parlor where he was to meet Jacquie, he slowed his pace.

Once he was in sight of the shop, he spotted his fellow red-head sitting at a table outside and a small smirk crept upon his features.

He strode up behind her with a cocky swagger and paused before leaning down slightly and saying rhetts syndrome ear, "Hullo, Luv."Just let me hold you while you're falling apartJust let me hold you and we'll both fall down
was enjoying her icecream.

Ice cream good.

There should be more ice cream for everyone.

If there was more icecream around, there would be less war.

Because people would be far too busy enjoying sundaes to even think about fighting with each other.It was nice to get the to just kick back and relax with someone she comfortable with.

Rhett was one of people she could be the girl her mother raised, with.

She didn't have to worry about flirting, or being nice, she could be a bit of a snob, and not worry about insulting him, because she knew he understood her.

And her mother would be happy, because she had some pureblood friends.

She knew being cut off from the pureblood world cut at her mother sometimes."Hullo, Luv."Jacquie had been so caught up in her sundae, and ignoring most of the ambient sounds around her that she didn't even hear Rhett sneak up behind her.

The first time she noticed his presence was when he spoke, which made her almost choke her spoon as she jumped.

Turning around, she looked up at him with a mock glare before she stood up, coming out from her chair so that she could hug him, the motion making her skirt ride up.

"You scared me cher cuoer!

You really shouldn't sneak up on a girl, it's bad manners." She was grinning now though, glad to see him.Even if she did want to reach up and muss his hair.
"You scared me cher cuoer!

You really shouldn't sneak up on a girl, it's bad manners."Rhett with an amused grin as she jumped and glared at him.

He wrapped his arms around her rather small frame as she stood and gave her a hug, straightening as he did so and lifting her a good few inches off the ground.

The hieght difference between the two was very obvious, Rhett being about a foot taller than her.

He then put her back down and grinned mischievously.

"You know I've never been very good at that whole politness thing," Rhett replied with a tilt of his head as he tucked his thumbs into his belt loops and took a rhetts syndrome across from her at the table.

"You're looking lovely as ever, dear Jacquie," he added, his eyes flickering down at the clothes she was wearing before looking back up at her, a smirk curling upon his lips.

"Nice choice of colors." Rhett still mostly wore green, himself.

It was a rhetts syndrome hard dressing in different colors when the only two ones he had even bought clothes rhetts syndrome was his old house colors.Sitting back in his seat more comfortably, Rhett crossed his arms over his broad shoulder and vaguely glanced around then at the ice cream she already had in front of her.

"Geeze, didn't bother to wait for me, i see," he commented with a mocking scoff.

"And I'm the one with bad manners?" Rhett asked teasingly.

He was trying to seem his charmng and flirtatious self, but it was difficult because he was so completely exhausted.

Dealing with the upcoming school year and figuring out how he was going to go about joining the ranks of the Death Eaters was really taking it's toll on him.

He was good at hiding it, however.

The only clue that he was worn out were the dark circles under his eyes that stood out rather clearly against his pale skin.

Yet he kept his composure and played it off as if everything was normal, besides, he couldn't've turned down Jacquie's request to meet up, it felt like her he hadn't seen her in ages.

"So how have you been, Jaq?" he asked with a small grin.Just let me hold you while you're falling apartJust let me hold you and we'll both fall
rhetts syndrome Jacquie giggled when he picked her up, her legs bending at the knee, her feet coming up behind her and kicking uselessly in the air.

"Put me down!" Everyone was always picking Jacquie up when they hugged her.

The joys of being so short.

And petite. Jacquie had gotten very used to being a tiny, tiny person.

And it was nice, being engulfed in someone's arms made her feel a little giddy.

"And here I thought that politeness came naturally to you purebloods.

All those tea parties and social gatherings." Not that Jacquie was jealous.

She wasn't really the polite society type.

Sure she could be if she had to be, but she felt much more comfortable sitting around with Dam and everyone else, rhetts syndrome of drinks and a game of truth or dare."Nice choice of colors."Jacquie smirked, doing a little curtsey before she sat down.

"I thought you would like them." The truth was that almost everything Jacquie owned was white, black or green.

The joys of wearing red hair and pale skin meant that rhetts syndrome looked best wearing black green.

She wasn't really a rhetts syndrome person, and yellow made her look washed out.

Sure there were other colours, but she liked green.

She would have a good Slytherin.

The Sorting Hat had told her so.

"And you look handsome as ever." It seemed Jacquie had a knack for attractive friends."Geeze, didn't bother to wait for me, i see,"Grinning, she rhetts syndrome another rhetts syndrome of her icecream, the spoon sliding into and then out of her mouth as she sucked on it.

When she was done, she pushed the sundae towards him, offering him the handle of the spoon.

"What can I say, I'm impatient.

And you are more than welcome to share with me if you like Rhett." She took the chance rhetts syndrome look him over.

He looked as rhetts syndrome as she felt.

But working two jobs is what did it to her, she was just better at hiding it, the joys of makeup charms."So how have you been, Jaq?"Jacquie smirked at that question.

Ah small talk, what a joyous past time it was.

Jacquie loved rhetts syndrome talk.

"Busy. I start at the Auror Academy in about two weeks, been run off my feet with the internship.

And then theres working at Euphoria, but a girl has to support herself doesn't she?" Jacquie was actually rather enjoying her bar tending.

And being an Auror was something she was becoming more and more excited about.

"And how about you?

Any fancy parties I should be jealous of?

Or debutantes with broken hearts?

And I heard about rhetts syndrome job.

Congratulations cher cuoer." Jacquie was almost jealous that he would be returning to Hogwarts.

rhetts syndrome "And here I thought that politeness came naturally to you purebloods.

All those tea parties and social gatherings."Rhett laughed and shook his head slightly.

"No, no," he began.

"Snobbiness, power, and being great in bed comes with being a pureblood," Rhett explained with a roguish grin.

"Politeness gets beaten into you." That was partly true.

Most pureblood kids were born with a certain want to rebel against their parents, but it never lasted long.

Purebloods held very high standards for their children, and if they didn't fit that mold, they were forced into it.

Rhett was one of those kids, and his father was the one to beat him into place.

True, not all pureblood families were like this, but a good many of the families Rhett knew weren't the best places to live, nor rhetts syndrome most comforting environment for a growing teenager."What can I say, I'm impatient.

And you are more than welcome to share with me if you like Rhett."Rhett crinkled his nose at the offered ice cream but still kept a small, friendly grin on his face.

"No thanks, don't much like strawberry," he replied in his smooth Irish accent.

"Bubble gum flavoured ice cream with caramel syrup," Rhett said with a smirk and a chuckled.

He was used to people making faces and making fun off his rather odd choice in ice cream, but he couldn't help himself!

Rhett had always loved bubble gum flavoured ice cream, and the caramel just made it even better."Busy.

I start at the Auror Academy in about two weeks, been run off rhetts syndrome feet with the internship.

And then theres working at Euphoria, but a girl has to support herself doesn't she?"Sighing dramatically, rhetts syndrome replied, "If you'd just give in and marry me already you could quit, run away with me to hawaii, and I could buy us a private beach house." He grinned at her teasingly and playfully nudged her foot gently with his own.

Rhett was a huge flirt and did it with almost everyone he talked to.

Every girl he talked to, that is, simply because Rhett was dead set against homosexuality;

It came with being a snobby pureblood."And how about you?

Any fancy parties I should be jealous of?

Or debutantes with broken hearts?

And I heard about the job.

Congratulations cher cuoer.""No, always, and thank you," Rhett answered simply with a laugh.

"I'm starting rhetts syndrome think it might be a bit in over my head," he confessed with a slight shrug of his shoulders.

"You think students have it bad enough with all the homework you have to do, well actually making up the assignments, reading and correcting them all makes it a hundred times more difficult." Rhett rubbed the back of his neck slightly, just thinking about all the work he had ahead of him gave him a headache.

"What did you do an internship for?" he rhetts syndrome with a slight raise of his eyebrows in interest.

"I never heard from the grape vine."Just let me hold you while you're falling apartJust let me hold you and we'll both rhetts syndrome down rhetts syndrome
"Snobbiness, power, money and being great in bed rhetts syndrome with being a pureblood,"That made Jacquie laugh, rhetts syndrome it rhetts syndrome seem to be true.

She had slept with her share of purebloods, and they did tend to be quite good in the sack.

Maybe it was a confidence thing.

Or maybe it was all rhetts syndrome parties that they went to.

They had to do something to alleviate the boredom of those things, and why not turn to sex?

But she understood about politeness being beaten into them.

She hadn't had it beaten, but she had certainly had it drilled.

It seemed like her mother just wanted someone to pass everything on to, since she didn't get to associate in those circles anymore.

"I stand corrected.""Bubble gum flavoured ice cream with caramel syrup,"Jacquie shook her head at Rhett's taste in icecream.

"You really are an odd one, you know that right." But, she didn't have to share her chocolate and strawberry rhetts syndrome pulled rhetts syndrome ice cream back towards her seat, enjoying the creamy taste.

Ce cream really was good.

Chocolate, and strawberries being two of Jacquie's weaknesses.

"You have to elt me try some of it.

I want to know what all of the fuss is about." There had to be something about it that made it so great."If you'd just give in and marry me already you could quit, run away with me to hawaii, and I could buy us a private beach house."Jacquie laughed, his foot in return before clasping her hands together bringing them to her cheek.

"I don't know why I haven't already done that rhetts syndrome get married!

We can move to Hawaii and life will be magical." She fluttered her eyelashes, pretending to swoon.

Not that marrying Rhett would be a bad thing mind you.

It could be quite alot of fun.

Despite the fact that she was a halfblood and not a pureblood.

And Jacquie was far to young to get married at the moment.

And Rhett's Dad would quite possibly kill her."What did you do an internship for?"And there she was, laughing again as he answered her questions.

"I am sure you will be a great teacher Rhett.

All the girl students at Hogwarts will suddenly become very interested in Astronomy I am sure." rhetts syndrome had been a fan of Astronomy herself.

Of course, having a hot teacher like Rhett would have made her far more intereseted.

"And I did my internship with the Interrogators in the Auror Division.

Trying to get some hands on experience for the Academy."
"You really are an odd one, you know that right."Rhett laughed before giving her and uncharacteristically bright smile.

"I'd say unique, not odd," he replied simply with a shrug of his shoulders.

"Besides, you know you like my little quirks, it's what makes you love me," Rhett told her as he leaned his folded arms on the top of the table and smiled at her.

He did have quite a few odd habits.

For example, every time he had rhetts syndrome from a bottle, he had to bend the cap in half, he didn't know why but he just had to.

He also wouldn't rhetts syndrome using a face cloth more than once without it being washed.

He could deal with using a used towel more than once without putting it through the wash, but there was something really gross about doing that with a face cloth."You have to elt me try some of it.

I want to know what all of the fuss is about."He grinned and rose his eyebrows slightly.

"What makes you think I'll share something so holy and sacred to me as my bubble gum ice cream doused in caramel?" he teased.

"I'll be right back," rhetts syndrome said, throwing her a small wink before standing up and going to order his ice cream.

He came back a few moments later and took the seat next to Jacquie instead of from her.

Rhett sat down and pushed the bright pink ice cream drizzled in amber caramel her.

"Go ahead and try a bite, you'll fall madly in love with it," he said with a laugh."I don't know why I haven't already done that Rhett.

Let's get married!

We can move to Hawaii and life will be magical."Rhett chuckled as a crooked grin curled onto his face.

"You can only a guy wait so long before he's forced to on, Jacquie luv," he replied in an airy tone of voice.

To be completely honest, Rhett seriously doubted he'd ever marry, at least not on his own free will.

He already had his heart broken the only time he ever let his guard down and someone in, and he had every intention of never letting that happen again.

Not to mention the inevitable his inevitable joining of the Death Eaters would make any relationship with someone who also wasn't a DE pretty impossible and mind blowingly complicated."And I did my internship with the Interrogators rhetts syndrome the Auror Division.

Trying to get some hands on experience for Academy."Rhett rose his eyebrows slightly in interest.

"Is that so?" he asked.

A future Death Eater and a future Auror, see what he meant by relationships with people getting complicated?

Though, maybe it could work out to his advantage.

Perhaps having an in with the Aurors and Ministry could help him out in the long run...

"That sounds a bit difficult for someone as poor and defenseless as you," Rhett tease playfully, not rhetts syndrome to let on that he was much more interested than he let on.Just let me hold you while you're falling apartJust let me hold you and we'll both fall down
"Besides, you know you like my little quirks, it's what makes you love me,"Jacquie wanted to reach across the table and pinch his cheeks.

Rhett was just adorable sometimes.

Of course, she was sure that he would disagree, saying he was sexy and manly, and all things uncute, so she kept her thoughts to herself.

They were much more entertaining that way.

"I knew that there had to be a reason for my undying affection for you.

And here I thought it was your abilities in bed, but no, it really must be the little quirks.

Like weird taste in Icecream.""What makes you think I'll share something so holy and sacred to me as my gum ice cream doused in caramel?""Because you are madly in love with me!" She grinned, waiting patiently as he went off to get his weird sundae, finishing hers off in the process.

She shifted to rhetts syndrome as he sat beside her, dipping her spioon into the bright concoction closing her rhetts syndrome as she took a taste.

It was, suprisingly good.

"It's really, really rhetts syndrome but sweet. I don't know if I could eat a whoile one." Never again would she laugh at his choice in ice cream sundaes."You can only make a guy wait so long before he's forced to move on, Jacquie luv,"Jacquie put on a pout, rather enjoying this game.

Really, instead rhetts syndrome becoming an auror, she should become an actress.

"Are you telling me you've moved on to lavish your affections upon someone else Rhett?

But... whatever shall I do with my life without you in it?" Her eyes went wide, and she started to tear up, before she collapsed in giggles against his side.

Ok, maybe not acting."That sounds a bit difficult for someone as poor and defenseless as you,"Jacquie poked him in the side indignantly.

"I am hardly poor or defenceless, and you know it!" Jacquie had been known to get somewhat violent in arguments.

She had punched last year's head boy, Charles Montague in the nose, slapped more than her share of idiots, and had only just avoided a cat fight rhetts syndrome Peyton Lennox.

And she was slowly getting used to the idea that she was going to have to be using magic alot more often.

She knew her Slytherin friends found it most amusing that she would rather do things by hand than by magic.
"I knew that there had to be a reason for my undying affection for you.

And here I thought it was your abilities in bed, but no, it really must be the little quirks.

Like weird taste in Icecream."Rhett laughed and lightly nudged her knee with his own.

"Well, I wouldn't go that far," he replied with a grin, shifting his weight and slightly leaning closer to her.

"The quirks are why you love me, but me being a Sex God is the reason you actually keep me around," Rhett said rose his eyebrows slightly in a suggestive manner.

He and Jacquie had always flirted with he eachother, among other things, but they'd never actually gotten that far.

It was rather out of the ordinary for Rhett to be so close rhetts syndrome flirtatious with a girl without trying to get into their pants also.

Whenever he worked on a girl and worked up from flirting buddies to more "close and personal", Rhett usually slept with them, but he'd never done so with Jacquie.He wasn't sure why he didn't but it also might be bacause they started hanging out more towards the end of his 6th year, and after that, rhetts syndrome cut back a lot on his loose, man-whoreish ways due to one girl he had fallen head over heels with.

Some wise investment that turned out to me.

If anything, because of Arie, Rhett was more protective of his emotions and "true self" with people then ever before.

But that didn't include hooking up with no strings attached."Because you are madly in love with me!"Chuckling, Rhett shook his head in amusement.

Much on the same mind set as Jacquie, Rhett was tempted to tell her how cute that was.

But he managed to resist.

"Oh, right," he replied in his smooth accent.

"Must've slipped my mind," Rhett added before smiling at her, flashing off his pearly whites.

It was very rare that he smiled and normally did it under two circumstances.

Either he found something to be truly funny or cute and was with someone he knew well and had let inside his walls a little, or he was using his dashing smile to flirt and charm a girl, but in this case it was only ever used as a back-up or the final rhetts syndrome for getting a girl to fall for him.

In this case, it was a little bit of both."It's really, really sweet.

Good, but sweet. I don't know if I could eat a whoile one.""Aha!" he said triumphantly with a smirk.

"See? You should really comes to terms with the fact that I am amazing and know everything," Rhett said in a playfully airy tone, sticking his nose into the air slightly before grinning playfully at her."Are you me you've moved on to lavish your affections upon someone else Rhett?

But... whatever shall I do with life without you in it?"Rhett grinned and leaned closer to her.

"Aww," he cooed, moving his hand over and sliding it ontop of her's, gently stroking his middle finger over the top of her's.

"Poor little Jacquie." Rhett looked her in the eyes, his grin still upon his face.

"You know you're the only girl for me." He let his hand linger against her's for a moment before teasingly pulling away.

He prided in himself in his abilities to flirt and he knew how manipulative his was, not to mention he'd tld so countless times.

Some of them involved a nice hard slap across the face while having it screamed at him, however.

But, he knew if there was someone to match his skils in that department, it was Jacquie."I am hardly poor or defenceless, and you know it!"Bending slightly at his waist as she poked him, Rhett laughed and poked her right back.

"Well, I've heard rumors, bit I haven't seen it," he teased.

Indeed, Rheet knew more than well enough not to mess with Jacquie or get on her bad side.

She could be one ruthless woman, and though he had yet to be on the wrong side of one of her punches, he was smart enough to know better than to mess with the firey red-head.Just let me hold you while you're falling apartJust let me hold you and we'll both fall down
"The quirks are why you love me, but me being a Sex God is the reason you actually keep me around,"Jacquie laughed at that.

"Ah see now, I rhetts syndrome there was a reason I actually kept you around.

Cute as you are, there had to be a practical reason." She didn't actually know what Rhett was like in bed, and he didn't know what she was like either.

Sure, they both knew the rumors, and there was all the flirting, and the casual touches, but they had never actually done the deed as it were.

Jacquie did occassionally wonder why that was.

She figured it had to do with Arie.

Jacquie was well aware that Rhett had been over the moon about Arie the last year that they were at Hogwarts, maybe before that."See?

You should really comes to terms with the fact that I am amazing and know everything,"Jacquie laughed took another spoonful of Rhett's icecream before she gave him a smile to match his own.

"I know, I know, I am still having trouble with it though." It was nice, after the stress of the summer and her internship to be able to just hang out with Rhett and joke around.

She definately needed more friendships like this."You know you're the only girl for me."When rhetts syndrome hand left hers, after having raised goosebumps across her skin, she ran the tips of her fingers along his cheek.

"I better be sugar.

I don't like to share." And then she stuck her tongue out before collapsing against his side in giggles, stealing another spoonful of his incredibly sweet icecream.

She'd never really felt the desire t slap Rhett.

Maybe because she knew that rhetts syndrome was all jsut a game.

Or atleast it was to her.

And she was pretty sure it was to him too.

They both had far too much fun to be letting slapping come into it."Well, I've heard rumors, bit I still haven't seen it,"Jacquie laughed, and raised an eyebrow at him.

"If you want to see it I am sure you could annoy me enough that I hit you.

It might take a bit, but if you are really that intent on having me hit you." Jacquie was starting to get a better grip on her rhetts syndrome she still got angry enough to want to hit people, but she was getting a whole lot better at not actually doing it. rhetts syndrome

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