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ponedjeljak, 28.02.2011.

Economics Somali pirates

coach outlet Pirates boom is a vivid metaphor of economic globalization. Boat captain and pirate ship in Somali waters almost daily fighting concentrated on how to make money, lose money and how all things. "As more and more rampant piracy in Somalia, the media often portray them as vicious criminals: the innocent people hostage, demanding huge ransom client was incensed. A large extent is indeed the case: Last week, a group of pirates hijacked a tanker destined for the United States; 1 late January, flaws in the rescue operation but failed, another group of pirates killed two Filipino crew members. But there is another way to assess these pirates: As a businessman, They intelligently figure out how the flow of international trade, and figure out what slice of their own. "pirate industry," the boom is a vivid metaphor of economic globalization. freighter captain and pirate boats staged every day in the Somali waters concentrate on how the battle make money, lose money and how all things.
coach bags First, we must understand the customer, to understand the modern multinational, the key point is to understand that they do not like embarrassment. Remember, the subject of any challenge, whether it is the face of lobby groups, government, or Twitter, a young man home, and their instinct is to yield. Imagine then the poor they will face Duan Zhaoqiang how to do: without a fight. Not surprisingly, the pirates hijacked a ship only, open back to the port, Fangchuhualai that received millions of dollars in ransom after the release, as long as no harm to anyone, the modern multinational companies are always willing to remain silent and pay for.
coach outlet Second, as the economy changes in the pattern, remain flexible, ready to transition. Somalia has not always been a hotbed of piracy, pirates concentrated in the Puntland region, the pillar industry was fishing. However, after the fall of the government, unable to protect its territorial waters, the vessel entered the territorial waters of other countries, Pirates of the fisheries resources. But, as the old saying goes, the sea there is always another fish. When the Asian countries, the machine running, the large quantities of supplies to Europe, the most economical route is through the Suez Canal, which means a huge cargo in front of Puntland after the first fishermen, they need to do is obtain from a very small part, but also Bond traders said that the 1 / 4 basis points. So these fishermen transformed when on the toll.
Third, the use of sophisticated tools to equip themselves. Do not let IT departments lagging behind the trend. Pirates, like other industries, is fundamentally an information business. If wheat or hijack a shipment of cement, probably less than the number of extortion, ransom. The hijacked ship is a stylish Samsung 3D TV, and if the boat is even better iPhone. Fortunately, now the ship is equipped with Automatic Identification System (AIS), such a computer system to record each boat and crew and cargo on board the detailed data. This is no doubt helpful to the customs and ship managers, but, unfortunately, can invade pirate smart one, they know what the ship should start with. City of London, any expert will tell you that insider trading was only worth doing, but pirates have long understood this.
coach outlet Fourth, properly paid employees. A pirate attack on the economic data, like McKinsey, and time to study an action, orderly. Every time the cost of piracy attacks around 6,000 dollars. Investors provide capital in exchange for 1 / 3 of the ransom. The money for the payment information, boats, guns, and pirates often chew the strong narcotics - Arab tea, and the remaining profit equally by all the pirates. "Commando," the youngest players are only 14 years old, they will first of all on board, this is a dangerous task, the maximum probability of being killed, but it can take more than 30% of the share. I am afraid that the veterans investment banks are familiar with this business model.

28.02.2011. u 03:08 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 26.02.2011.

One Hyde Park

coach outlet Can see from the name of the lot Jingui. "Hyde Park One," the largest Royal Park in north London - Hyde Park, Kensington Palace, where (Kensington Palace) is the home of Princess Diana during his lifetime, can be described with the British royal family with an air-breathing; southern knight Bridge Street brought together many of the world's top luxury goods stores, has the most Chinese people like Burberry, as well as Diana's "quasi-father", the famous Egyptian Fayed had bought the Regal's top store Harrods UK's oldest (Harrods); adjacent to the Mandarin Oriental Hotel (Mandarin Oriental Hotel) is the foreign dignitaries visit to Britain, one of the preferred accommodation.

coach bags "One Hyde Park" by After the demolition of an office building are built at the site, including the four diamond-shaped residential building connected to the external walls of glass and steel structure, 15 different building stone from Turkey, Italy , Brazil, China and Egypt. Apartment room lighting will slowly change color with the sunrise to sunset, from the polished marble floors and European oak trim. According to reports, an average of four apartment buildings adjacent to each other ordered from west to east, respectively 10,12,16 and 14 layers. Double the height of the underlying platform for the entire project of shops and reception facilities. This design staggered to each other so that each block of apartments to enjoy both the front and back of Knightsbridge, Hyde Park, the landscape, without affecting the side of the neighbor's privacy.

coach outlet Between the adjacent two buildings separated by a glass elevator shaft, so that would not get the whole project looks like a bunker, but also to allow some light through it. Designers specially made for this full-size models to ensure the design intent can be realized. Lots and real estate so expensive, security is impregnable. Entrance with elevator and iris scan identification system, the entire estate has explosion-proof glass protection, air cleaning system to prevent the poison gas attacks, security personnel from the famous SAS Royal Air Force retired Special Forces team, there is an "emergency refuge room "apartment owner can be encountered when the kidnapping or extortion shelter. Allegedly, the chamber door is 10 cm thick steel plate, residents can hide in the chamber within 10 seconds and won the time of evacuation for help. British media said the security system so that even James Bond would be proud.

coach outlet Room service is also less than the five-star hotel, the room heating system 450 feet from underground geothermal, apartment owners will enjoy the services of 50 full-time staff, as well as the Mandarin Oriental Hotel offers 24-hour room service, UK TV Cooking star Blumenthal (Blumenthal) will be there to open his first restaurant, the world super sports car manufacturer McLaren (McLaren) phase of the real estate is also a good location and high popularity, will be carried out in the Office of the underlying real estate, F1 formula sports car show.

26.02.2011. u 02:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 25.02.2011.

A concept

coach outlet Computers are becoming faster and faster computing speed, in addition, the speed of your computer faster and faster. If one day, the computer becomes an incredible computing speed, their time will come to master artificial intelligence. The computer will be able to simulate the human brain, resulting in awareness: not only is a fast operation, composition, including driving, writing, decision making, social ... ...

coach bags If you can digest the idea, then there is no reason not to believe the computer will become more powerful. They will continue to develop, and ultimately far more than humans. Their speed of development will continue to grow, the inventor eventually get rid of them - human beings - of control, leading their own development process. Imagine if a computer scientist is itself a super-intelligent computer, what happens? It will work with incredible speed, can easily use vast amounts of data, not even for a fun way to play the farm.

coach outlet Super intelligent computer may be related to dominate the world of the future of mankind, but one can not foresee their behavior, but there are a lot about artificial intelligence theory: Perhaps the integration of humans and machines will become super-intelligent "cyborg" by artificial intelligence to expand the limit of human wisdom; perhaps artificial intelligence will help the human resistance to aging, have eternal life; perhaps humans will be able to make sense of scanned into the computer, and thus the same as the software is always "live in" computer; perhaps computer will eventually have a human nature, the ultimate eradication of mankind. All these theories have one common: humanity itself will change the future of humanity and the human compared to 2011, fundamental changes will occur. The fundamental change in humanity itself point in time, called "Singularity."

Although the singularity sounds like science fiction, but in fact more like a scientific prediction. Of course, if the singular point becomes a reality, then it is the second language after being elected, the history of mankind's most important events. Singularity is not a new theory, it is only a relatively new theory. As early as 1965, British mathematician I · J · Gould once described the "intelligence explosion" concept: "super-intelligent machine is able to transcend all human intellectual activities, machinery, human beings can create the machine, then the super-intelligent machines will be able to manufacture a better machine. There is no doubt that after this 'intelligence explosion' occurs, will be far beyond human wisdom, the first ultra-intelligent machine is the final creation of human. "

coach outlet Singularity term borrowed from the astrophysics comes, in astrophysics, it means a point on the time and space, in the singularity of ordinary laws of physics do not apply. NASA workshop in 1993, the science fiction writer Vernor Wenger said: "In 30 years, mankind will have to create super-human intelligence and technological means, and soon after, the human era will end."

25.02.2011. u 02:46 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 24.02.2011.

British island to be recognized as the world's first "dark days of the island"

coach outlet Has been strange from around the world, "SOUL" in the media after another. Many people see their bodies lying in that bed, while he floats above the body. Now, scientists have obtained through a special experiment convincing evidence that "OBE" experience is just the result of confusion.

coach bags Just use with virtual reality goggles and probe technology, scientists will be able to fool the brains of volunteers, so they believe their souls are temporarily created into a 3D computer role. Volunteers experienced the special feeling of being with those who believe they have "SOUL" to experience the feeling of the people in line.

coach outlet Swiss neuroscientist Olaf ? Blank (Olaf Blanke) is a world-renowned professor of human consciousness experts. He asked volunteers to wear virtual reality goggles are so immersed in their computer-generated landscape. It is reported that the software creates a three-dimensional room, and the role of a person like (Avatar) living which can mimic the role of the person wearing the goggles movement and posture. In addition to goggles, the volunteers wore the skullcap with electrodes, experiments began, this hat will keep monitoring the brain activity of volunteers.

coach outlet In one experiment, volunteers were a baton hit arms, and he saw the arm of the Avatar was computer-generated stick percussion. Incredibly, the volunteers actually immersed in the virtual world, and believe that their souls in the body rather than his Avatar's body. Volunteers also head of the electrode cap to capture the "SOUL" experience of the brain model.

24.02.2011. u 02:52 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 23.02.2011.

Found: 100% of men like one-night stand

coach outlet Valentine's Day just passed, the air still keeping a touch of roses, a female singer in the bar to sing: "You in the end there are several good sister, why each sister is married to tears." Sentimental nostalgia, are a man complained Fa.

coach bags Countless pop songs such as, on the men "red flag does not fall at home, outside, colorful flags fluttering," the allegations are common. Psychological research shows that men tend to find psychological affair is much higher than women. Women have an affair, will likely be alienated from the original partners, men are most able to enjoy peace of mind, "Qi blessing." While these acts contrary to modern civilization and moral instincts, but it is a long evolutionary history in human form, men behind the formation of natural selection reproductive strategy - to pass genes.

coach outlet Assuming an attractive opposite sex stranger walking leisurely, to say to you: "I find you attractive, you are willing to spend the night with me?" If you're a woman, you will rage, I feel insulted; if you men, that situation can not be the same. In fact, in a similar study, 100% of the women are on this situation said "no" while 75% of men think they went peach blossom, the other 25% of the male partner is taken into account up to now, only that a "no." Thus, men do much more than women bother to bring.

coach outlet Evolutionary psychologists explain from the perspective of gene transfer was more men than women bother to bring reason. Same sex, men are almost no investment, women most likely to conceive September. In theory, a private life within one year of casual ancient male pregnancy can lead to many women gave birth to a large number of offspring, but an ancient women no matter how many people have sex with in one year can only be one child. Male sexual behavior obtained from the short-term gains to be much larger than the female reproduction, which makes short-term male sexual behavior have evolved much more desire than women.

23.02.2011. u 02:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 22.02.2011.

British study: "Man's nature is good" men and women are different

coach outlet "Three Character Classic," said "Man's nature is good", but some people feel that good character comes from nurture. British study shows that genes and environment on the formation of "good society" has the role of the character, but the men and women are different, more kind to women born.

coach bags Researchers at the University of Edinburgh in the UK the new issue of "Biology Letters" magazine reported that they conducted a survey of 958 pairs of twins, both identical twins have identical genes, but also a genetic difference in dizygotic twins, to study the extent to which genetic and environmental impact of their character.

coach outlet This study uses a questionnaire survey, the main focus on these twins "good society" of the character traits, involving civic responsibility, work obligations, and so helpful. The results show that genetic and environmental aspects in the formation of good character role, but not the same as between people, and there is significant gender difference: women's good character in the extent of about 50% from the gene, these men a proportion of only about 20%, mainly by men nurture good character. In other words, women "were the beginning of the good" level than men.

coach outlet Gary Lewis, the researchers said that in the human nature is "the good" there is much debate on this issue, this study supports the view that people are different, some people were born with more good gene effects, while others are subject to acquired a greater environmental impact, this also shows that ought to be "socially useful" education and training.

22.02.2011. u 03:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 21.02.2011.

Ai He then swallow statue found in the trash

coach outlet Zahi Hawass, the Egyptian Minister of State Heritage 17, announced that the Egyptian Museum, lost in the riot that swallow statue of Pharaoh Aihe be found, this is the fourth Egyptian Museum located in the recent riots in the missing pieces of cultural relics.

coach bags said the statue is a 16-year-old boy joined the march in the Liberation Square near a trash found. The boy's uncle, a professor at American University in Egypt, he recognized the statue will be the return of Egyptian Antiquities.

coach outlet This statue statue Aihe swallow that made by the color of limestone, ceramic Pharaoh wearing the blue crown, holding the sacrificial tray, stand in snow on top of stone base. Egyptian Museum tower Yasar Wadi said that this is the most beautiful statues of Ai He swallowed one that shows the pharaoh of Egypt during the artists in their craft, this statue will fix a special exhibition at the Egyptian Museum exhibition .

coach outlet Egypt, January 25 since the outbreak of massive protests nationwide, located in the Liberation Square, the National Museum of the destruction of the Egyptian elements into 8 pieces of cultural relics lost, so far recovered four. Ongoing inventory of the museum artifacts.

21.02.2011. u 02:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 19.02.2011.

New Zealand staged a "win-wife" Contest

coach outlet New Zealand's TV operators Mediawork rock Broadcasting Corporation (the Rock) started at local time on 7 for 20 days in a "win-wife" contest. The winner can take a plane to Ukraine vacation and a chance to win a Ukrainian bride. This event of a launch, hot lead in New Zealand, voices of doubt continued.

coach bags Reported that the last five finalists must submit character from friends and family assessment reports, as well as the designated psychiatrist MediaWorks issued psychological tests and test reports of marriage. In addition to having the opportunity to choose the bride, the winners also receive 12 days of free accommodation and 2,000 New Zealand dollars (about 10,000 yuan) prize, with Ukraine, which does not include the cost of women's return to New Zealand.

coach outlet Rock program director Brad King said: "This game was very interesting. The final day of competition, the winner is willing to marry his chosen bride, or even return to New Zealand, depending on their individual decisions. In fact, we do not arrange anyone getting married, or with any female returned to New Zealand. "

coach outlet Allegedly, the program has been a launch of many people to question and criticism. Subu Rudd Ford said social activist, the program will be the most important business of marriage, the marriage as a surprise winner of the contest prizes Songji, very offensive.

19.02.2011. u 02:47 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 18.02.2011.

Woman on the list had lost when light 1 billion fortune bare die

coach outlet 62, the United States hundreds of millions of women rich Patricia Shack Lurgi is the 80s of last century the United States Social Queen, who was a guest of the Queen of the American wealthy Crutch's third wife, she then divorce "breakup fee" of up to 10 billion U.S. dollars. January of this year, with the number of banks and luxury wine estates to recover her mortgage foreclosure, the woman on the list for decades, "lost gold" life halted.

coach bags Patricia was born in Iraq, his father was an English translation. Patricia returned to England at age 16, belly dance in a nightclub having a first husband - pornography publishers ROM Selma gay, then as a pornography actress and nude model fame. Patricia soon left her husband to New York, where he met her second husband, her 35-year-old millionaire older Crutch.

coach outlet Crutch is the largest private media group, "Media International" founder, has seven television stations and 14 radio stations and a number of outdoor media assets, billions of dollars. The Crutch already married at that time fell in love with exotic Patricia, at divorce in 1981 and married her. In 1986, Crutch will be a top media company to sell its media tycoon Rupert Murdoch, fetched $ 4,000,000,000, in the same year Forbes ranked the second richest American.

coach outlet With the huge family property, Patricia life ever after on the big spenders. In addition to New York, London, Scotland and other places to purchase real estate and private hunting grounds, Jin and Yuan Patricia bigger spread into the rich circle.

18.02.2011. u 02:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 12.02.2011.

Darwin Australia is called "Lightning Capital" of a thunder on a March day

coach outlet In the northwest coast of Australia, Darwin, due to special geographical location, year, there are 3 months, almost every day in the thunder. Therefore, the researchers observed Darwin thunder and lightning to be the best place.

coach bags Place in Darwin, bringing lightning, thunder cloud, the formation of almost every day. Huge cumulonimbus, area and even can reach 3,000 square kilometers, large enough to accommodate the entire Tokyo, dry winds from inland Australia, air, sea, blowing warm, moist air, in Darwin over the collision, a strong updraft, smuggle large amounts of water gas, a huge thunder cloud, the question arose.

coach outlet The clouds of ice crystals and hail after the collision friction, resulting in a large number of static electricity, when the accumulation of negative charge in the clouds below, toward the surface discharge, it becomes all the thunder and lightning are known, in particular, is the thunder before, it was also felt incredible sign. Local residents said, "(thunder ago) to hear the voice of the air friction metal, you can clearly feel." Local: "surrounded by static electricity, even to the end, Mao Duli up on the arm."

coach outlet A harbinger of this strange fact is that in addition to the naked eye to see the lightning, there is another not see the lightning, Osaka University professor with a research team that can not see around the lightning pursue, through research team special equipment, and NHK's high-speed camera to capture the first time, the full face of the mysterious lightning.

12.02.2011. u 04:00 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 11.02.2011.

British father of the modern version of Cinderella has been relentless abuse for 12 years

coach outlet A 27-year-old British woman, aged Joanne fo li (Joanne Foley) sued her father, since she was 4 years of age on long-term abusers of 12 years.

Joanne (Joanne Foley) suffering from diabetes, referred to as a nurse after her parents divorced father to take care of, but the color change from childhood, like a modern version of Cinderella.

Joanna from 4 years of age to encounter a ruthless treatment of his father, not only gratuitous slap hit her, pull her hair, she fell to the floor will step on her fingers, or even every day she says she hates her, and she was very sick to the group ; even 5 years old, her father had used packing tape around her hands and feet, eyes and mouth, stuffed her bags and threatened to send her away.

coach outlet 9-year-old Joanne have arranged home, but her father and stepmother of three sisters born to the next but nothing needs to be done, what a gift to any sister, but she only household goods or squeeze lemon pitcher device; in Joanne 16 years old, suddenly one day out of the house at night, she never connect with his father; already a mother of two children, Joanna, in contact on the half-sister facebok, decided to stand up against her father. But her father, aged 73, denies 13 charges related to child abuse, the case is still before the Court.

11.02.2011. u 02:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 10.02.2011.

Farewell to the "holiday syndrome"

coach outlet The first one: beat the pericardium. Follow the centerline of bilateral medial upper arm, from top-down beat, 1 or 2 times a day, every 20 minutes. The second measure: beat the Heart Sutra. Follow bilateral medial upper arm by the side of the body, from the down beat, 1 or 2 times a day, every 20 minutes. The third measure: beat the gallbladder. Follow the bilateral middle thigh (from hip to knees start), beat the top-down, 1 to 2 times a day, every 20 minutes.

Experts: Holiday tapping pericardium, heart comfortable Jieyu effect can be achieved to help regulate sleep and mood; "the main bile catharsis," tapping Gallbladder help to promote digestion, metabolism and absorption, but also to ease the gas machine.

Particular need to be reminded that:

1. Pat approach: Solid palm shoot, beat the feeling of pain that shot when the right. Shike Jia on the palm of your hand each time the skin flap from the palm of your hand into the clear air to the body of ideas, hand out the skin, you can catch the palm of your hand with an aggregate of ideas and action. Tapping intensity from person to person only, in order to be able to endure for the degree, the more pain the better, when you start making a little pain, then pain will be reduced.

coach outlet 2. After beating the best body to relax, take a break, better results. A serious illness, fever or physical weak are advised not to make this method.

10.02.2011. u 07:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 09.02.2011.

New research shows the "3-year-old to see the old" reasonable

coach outlet Children as early as 3 years old demonstrated over active, lack of concentration or impulsive behavior will allow them to grow up facing many problems. The crack lies in the growth of self-control during the Institute.

coach bags Recently published in the National Academy of Sciences, said a study by researchers in New Zealand on the 1000 follow-up study of children found that low scores in self-control children will grow up to face the financial, health and property, etc. problems.

coach outlet Lack of self-control mainly for the low frustration tolerance, lack insist on target to achieve is difficult to focus on a task. Other indicators include excessive activity, without thinking to action, difficult to wait, restless, and do not seriously so. "According to the overall trend of high and low scores, the results of the behavior of children grow up to become predictable," said lead investigator, said Duke University psychologist Moffett.

coach outlet The study also shows that children grow up with low scores will face the breath, gum, venereal disease, overweight and high cholesterol and blood pressure and other health problems. Will also appear in the financial and other issues, such as credit card debt.

09.02.2011. u 04:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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