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četvrtak, 30.09.2010.

Morgue man "back to life"

louis vuitton bags news Emergency services in southwest England released a report, the agency in the past 3 years there were 62 serious medical errors, of which 34 cases attributed to human error. The most absurd has been declared to be a dead man "back from the dead."

gucci shoes According to reports, in 2007, a man by the emergency personnel declared dead after a series of checks, and was transported to the morgue. But suddenly, a nurse found that the man is still breathing, then the man "back to life", the body fully recover. The report found that 23 accidents attributed to equipment failure, there were 34 accidents is human error, including 9 cases of diagnostic errors.

Gucci flat shoes In 2008, a severe chest pain patients were medical neglect, separate stairs, and then almost died. Surveillance video showed emergency personnel without any inspection of the patients, did not help either in the case of stair climbing. Emergency services in southwest England, said a doctor on this, this serious only a small proportion of medical malpractice, the probability of less than about three hundred thousandths.

tiffany jewelry But he also said that the agency is open to encourage employees to report any accident, and immediately investigate the lessons learned.

30.09.2010. u 03:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 29.09.2010.

World weird phobia

louis vuitton bags news , 27-year-old British man Neil is not the case once more - 27 years, as long as he will begin to see the girl nervous, dizzy or even insanity, into extreme anxiety. British media September 23, 2009 reported that Neil called the world's "most painful man," suffering "woman-phobia," he did not even girls who held hands, but do not expect, like people fall in love with the girl as love.

gucci shoes It is reported that in ordinary work, Neil, and normal and no different. However, as long as Neil and the young girl a contact, the disease will immediately attack him miserable. "I have tried to make life difficult for would like it, and pretend in the most normal tone and the girls exchange, but still to no avail. Dizziness and the feeling of fear will be directly into my brain, I can not control it." Neil said in an interview When that pain.

Mud phobia

Gucci flat shoes Yorkshire one called "Cinderella" of the pig may be the world's first pig head with obsessive disorder since birth, it has been refused and the brothers and sisters playing in the mud. Custom-made for it until the owner of the four little boots, it was finally agreed and mud close.

Fear Button

tiffany jewelry Waterlooville, Hampshire UK in 22-year-old girl Gillian Lam Hopkins with a rare "button phobia", she is like to see any button to see the same fear of cockroaches. According to Gillian said that she was 7 years old buttons aware of their fear, because since then, she has refused to wear uniforms with buttons. Gillian said: "For me, the touch buttons, touch a cockroach as horrible as I feel they are dirty and filthy."

29.09.2010. u 04:22 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

World weird phobia

Women phobia

louis vuitton bags news , 27-year-old British man Neil is not the case once more - 27 years, as long as he will begin to see the girl nervous, dizzy or even insanity, into extreme anxiety. British media September 23, 2009 reported that Neil called the world's "most painful man," suffering "woman-phobia," he did not even girls who held hands, but do not expect, like people fall in love with the girl as love.

gucci shoes It is reported that in ordinary work, Neil, and normal and no different. However, as long as Neil and the young girl a contact, the disease will immediately attack him miserable. "I have tried to make life difficult for would like it, and pretend in the most normal tone and the girls exchange, but still to no avail. Dizziness and the feeling of fear will be directly into my brain, I can not control it." Neil said in an interview When that pain.

Mud phobia

Yorkshire one called "Cinderella" of the pig may be the world's first pig head with obsessive disorder since birth, it has been refused and the brothers and sisters playing in the mud. Custom-made for it until the owner of the four little boots, it was finally agreed and mud close.

Fear Button

tiffany jewelry Waterlooville, Hampshire UK in 22-year-old girl Gillian Lam Hopkins with a rare "button phobia", she is like to see any button to see the same fear of cockroaches. According to Gillian said that she was 7 years old buttons aware of their fear, because since then, she has refused to wear uniforms with buttons. Gillian said: "For me, the touch buttons, touch a cockroach as horrible as I feel they are dirty and filthy."

29.09.2010. u 04:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 28.09.2010.

British 12-month record 227 "supernatural event" record over previous years

louis vuitton bags news 27 published a study, the United Kingdom in the past 12 months, down a record-breaking total of 227 people shocked "supernatural event" (paranormal events).

gucci shoes Reported that the UK is unknown phenomenon over the past year surge in the number of events. The study is based on police reports and other official statistics came out, and by the Church of England clergy and "anomalies of the Science Research Council," President of the pastor (Rev Lionel Fanthorpe) compiled into a "weird side of science Report "(The Fringe Weird Report) was published.

Gucci flat shoes In 227 cases, "the supernatural events", the "ghost hit" event accounted for the majority. Followed witnessed the "UFO" (UFO). Next is to hear a strange sound and saw the phenomenon of fantasy on the road. In addition, the report also includes ghosts (poltergeists), crop circles and ghost of the legendary events such as a large black dog.

tiffany jewelry In previous years, the British recorded "supernatural event" is about 140-180. However, this figure has been rising steadily in recent years. Pastor Fansuo Pu said: "The popularity of the phone and the network era of technology, information dissemination speed, of course faster, but the record-breaking figures, last year and this year's" supernatural event "number, there are higher than usual trend. "

28.09.2010. u 03:51 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 27.09.2010.

After stealing the U.S. Fool helpless police for rescue trapped garbage truck

louis vuitton bags news There was a recent U.S. case of eccentric: A thief stealing in the supermarket, in order to escape the police chase and jump into the garbage truck to hide. In the garbage truck did not expect to get working on rolling equipment, which were desperate for help fool had pulled out a cell phone alarm, and the police pulled him when he was dying.

gucci shoes news from dumbfounding that the case in the U.S. city of Alliance, Ohio, is a party to the case of 37-year-old man this year, James Bulley grace.
Gucci flat shoes James, 24, sneaked into the morning at a local Wal-Mart supermarket in the theft of about $ 1,000 worth of items, in order to escape the police chase and jumped into the supermarket garbage trucks parked in the backyard. Rolling equipment to work in the garbage, James tried various methods can not break free, he had to in order to escape the police is searching for his fight calls.

tiffany jewelry Reported that the local police received a phone call to quickly find the bike has been pulled out of the garbage truck for some distance, but this time James has been in the car and rolling with about eight tons of garbage an hour-long shocks. A police official said that when James was almost pulled out of breathe, if he calls the timely disbursement of almost certain death.

27.09.2010. u 04:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 25.09.2010.

Super strange phobia

louis vuitton bags news In today's rapidly developing society, afraid of heights, fear of snakes, ghosts have been nothing remarkable, and

Modern society, millions of people suffering from an unknown "phobia" for the community through

Disease, has announced the U.S. site in the top ten super weird phobia list, many of whom are students

Live in will be exposed to everyday, is really the "super-strange."

One. Afraid to take a bath (Ablutophobia): Among them, the majority women and children.

II. Afraid of purple (Porphyrophobia): Although each person is different favorite color

However, for those afraid of a certain color is really rare.

III. Fear of the chin (Geniophobia): reported that fear of the chin are usually also afraid

Distressed look in the mirror, because as long as the mirror to see your chin will always be so afraid of the chin

In panic.

IV. Afraid to look in the mirror (Eisoptrophobia): In response to that fear, some scholars point out

Occur in young women than men; modern women focus on appearance, looks as if that person will be on

A sense of fear in the mirror.

Five. Fear of being tickled (Pteronophobia): modern hate physically contact, not

Said to be close itching more than feared the move would.

VI. Fear of paper (Papyophobia): Anxiety is a common problem for modern people, including fear of paper

Zhang said the patients, the friction of paper or paper touch the sound, will make them feel abnormal


LV Monogram Multicolore news VII. Afraid of his name (Nomatophobia): As the new generation of parents often give their children

"Strange" name, such as pizza (Pizza), Highway (Road), etc., so that children shy from

I introduced, thereby creating a phobia name.

25.09.2010. u 04:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Interestingly, knowledge of beer

gucci shoes news "Beer is God loves us and hope that our well-being of evidence." - Benjamin Franklin

"Who invented beer was a wise man." - Plato

The language from these celebrities, we can see a history of beer.

The history of beer dates back to 6000 BC, but to say to people who really love beer, and that

Or the Sumerians in 2000 BC.

Gucci flat shoes news Obviously, beer can make your life colorful, but now the staff all know beer

Road, the beer is a very dangerous thing. There are examples to illustrate the history of beer dangerous.

In 1814, a London brewery 100,000 gallons of beer tilted out of the streets from the time

Poor residential areas flow. The incident destroyed the two houses, a pub, leading to life-saving

Death. This is the one who is compassionate, because he is not forbidden temptation to live free beer

And drink a few mouthfuls, the next day, this gentleman just because alcoholism and death.

In each country, allowing drinking age is not the same, usually between 16 to 21 years

, And some places in India to allow drinking age is 25 years old, this is the best in the world to allow drinking age

Large a country. Do you think you are generally allowed to drink alcohol is not to the legal drinking age

, Of course, these legal drinking age is relative to the situation where you are speaking. For example, the British

tiffany jewelryCountry's legal drinking age is 18 years old, but when you are 5 years old at home is to drink.

25.09.2010. u 04:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 24.09.2010.

President pleased that leaders Pibi

louis vuitton bags news Colombia's largest rebel "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia," the military leader Jorge Bu Lise

Neo (of Name not sound of sword Iraq) 22 in the afternoon and was killed fighting government forces.

Is New York attending the UN General Assembly that Colombian President Santos in the news,

First are pleased to congratulate the leadership of the military, he said: Briceno standard of terrorism in Colombia

Chi figure, he was killed is always engaged in terrorist activities endangering national security of the anti-government armed forces "

Brother of force, "" the most heavy blow ", which is a historic event, far-reaching impact on Colombian society


Garzón, said Vice-President of Colombia, this is a model of military operations, clean and beautiful, in line with

Standards of international human rights organizations, but he tips the military not to be triumphalist, we must continue to adhere to crack down on anti-

Government armed forces, peace and stability as soon as possible so that our compatriots enjoy.

Briceno is the "Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia," the number two leader, aged 57, outside recognition

As he was "the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia" military leaders, the organization's most influential leaders, but also

Is the most radical leaders, since he started in 1975, has been involved in anti-government armed groups to advocate adoption

And the government to take measures against terrorism, his activities reached the peak of the last century 90's, he built a

LV Monogram Multicolore news Series of terrorist attacks against the public, planning to kidnap soldiers and police that he, create social terror, while

Also engaged in drug trafficking, and assassinations, in death he had inflicted at least 62 arrest warrants, five judgments, two extradition

Requirements, and 25 of drug trafficking, kidnapping, murder and other charges in the criminal investigation.

24.09.2010. u 04:31 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Most schools in the British genius

gucci shoes news A school in the United Kingdom 80 students recently accepted a collective IQ test showed that as much as 32 school

IQ of more than 148 students, to join the "top-IQ club Mensa," the strict criteria, of which 8

Student's IQ up to 160 and 161, which almost Einstein's IQ, this school was the British media

Body known as the "school with the most talented."

Gucci flat shoes news "Top-IQ club Mensa" is launched in the UK, more than 100 countries around the world will have

Members of the Association of IQ as the sole member of the organization qualifications, is their intelligence must be

2% of the population age of the most top-notch person, that is, the conditions for joining Mensa is at least as high as 148 IQ

. British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking, the famous 20th century German-American physicist Einstein

Tanzania, Microsoft founder Bill Gates and the U.S. are as high as 160 IQ, and most ordinary British

The average IQ is only 100 or so.

King of the highest IQ of school students is 16-year-old Edward Roberts, 161 points in IQ among the list

First, Einstein and Stephen Hawking's IQ than the much higher one point. Edward is reading the "quasi-high level" test

Test courses, including music, French, biology and chemistry. Edward said: "Although I hope to join 'the door

Sa 'club, but the test results so good I think. My friend joked with me love:

'Oh, you're a genius! 'After leaving school, I want to do research, I may be engaged in medical

tiffany jewelryWork or a musician, at least for now, I still can not determine their own future. "

24.09.2010. u 04:28 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 23.09.2010.

Two pairs of shoes worth 18 billion

louis vuitton bags news Aged 68-year-old New York City Mayor Michael R. Borg net worth of more than 18 billion U.S. dollars of billionaires, in the "Fu

Booth, "ranked the world's richest 23 standings. Deal or No Deal of the rich and the many different, so rich cloth

Long Boge has over ten years to live "Stingy" life.

Bloomberg's two pairs of leather shoes are black leather shoes classic style, size 9EE number (U.S. feet

Code, the equivalent of 41 yards). When he was mayor in 2001 before he started to wear two pairs of leather shoes, has put on 10

Years. Bloomberg great care of his shoes, two pairs of shoes usually take turns to wear, wear a pair every other day. And a

After the change the old Dan soles worn out, do not lose, but go get cobbler mend some repair, or replacement of soles

Continue to wear.

Now both have been wearing leather shoes on the mark without a trace, so that Mr. Bloomberg himself not remember

What brands have. New York shoe experts, Michael Bloomberg, at least two pairs of leather shoes is a pair of shoes

Company "Cole Haan" manufacturing. The brand, a store clerk also said the shoes should be in the public

Division launched a years ago, called "Dennehy" the old school shoes retail price of 328 U.S. dollars, but the present

Before the shutdown.

LV Monogram Multicolore news Reason he wearing two pairs of leather shoes for 10 years, not because it "could not afford." A spokesman for Bloomberg

Situluose said: "Mr. Bloomberg could buy any shoes he wants, but he loved it. That two pairs

Shoes are very comfortable and practical, so he feels no need to buy new shoes. "

23.09.2010. u 04:13 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

One worm war

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Recently, the U.S. in some areas flooded less annoying bugs extreme, some of the Chinese's battles with bugs

, Defeated they had to discard furniture or bags, and some even had to move out of apartments.

Los Angeles County Kewen Na "South Point" (South Point) occurred in an apartment this summer, "people pest war

"15 residents were bug bites, of which two ethnic Chinese residents were bugs one out.

Reported that, with 130 tenants, "South Point" apartments that broke out early in June this year, "human worm war"

Gucci flat shoes news The landlady had found bugs in all the 15 residents to replace the carpet, a comprehensive and high spraying

Temperature sterilization, but there are still people complaining about the night after the bug, or are "retaliation was black and blue." As unbearable

Bug harassment, this apartment two Chinese residents, a bug has been dismissed, another has decided to move out of this

A "bug nest."

Yiruilanuo carrying a yellow transparent bottle, pointing to the inside of a mother gave birth just a few bugs and

Little bug, this is evidence that she would sue the landlord, her family's clothes all the infected eggs are rotten secret

Sealed up and sent to laundry room fumigation with 120 degree heat for an hour, mattresses and carpets were all thrown away, for

On new housing estates around the bug spray medicine. But then, one night was their buttocks or die

Bug a harsh retaliation a bit.

Reported that New York was invaded by bugs! The city's five administrative buildings, there have been bugs to all traces

Such as Times Square AMC theaters, the Empire State Building, Time Warner Center, brand underwear shops, the famous clothing

tiffany jewelryShop, Brooklyn, Kings County district attorney's office and hospitals.

23.09.2010. u 04:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 20.09.2010.

British auction Qianlong imperial jade seal

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Baolong UK auction house has announced the auction in November Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong's jade seal, a conservative valuation to

Less than 500 million pounds (52.58 million yuan) above.

Baolong auction houses auctioneer
Asaph Hyman introduction, this Yuxi made in 1793, is a

3 Yuxi in one, above the dragon totem representing the king and the motto - "self-reliance."

Asaf said they did not know when this Yuxi leave China, but the speculation is very likely the world in 19

Century to the end of the beginning of the 20th century during the Boxer movement was out of the Forbidden City. Fifties and sixties of last century, a

Of European collectors get these treasures, then gave it to his son. Now, this man

Plans to auction off Yuxi.

Asaf on the market is very bullish white Yuxi, described it as "a symbol of China's imperial heyday"

. He said: "There is no kind of art can convey the same as Yuxi, the links with the emperor himself. In our hands

Is an exquisite work of art, it is so expensive is one of the major historical factors. "

November 2009, Emperor Qianlong's "Eight Cheng Mao-read treasure" Yuxi Fu than the auction house was nearly Lundun Su

LV Monogram Multicolore news
3.15 million pounds (about 40 million yuan) was sold. This Yuxi was in 1790 to celebrate Emperor Qianlong

Reigned for 55 years and 80 specially made birthday is Qianlong's imperial jade seal one of the favorite old age.

20.09.2010. u 04:39 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

China and the United States

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Kissinger wrote President Nixon and the early 70s, I visited China, opening the U.S. foreign affairs

China's opening up policy. At that time, the country office also "cultural revolution" among the destruction. This later

For decades, China has experienced double-digit growth.

Today, China has a large middle class, has the world's fastest train and the huge foreign exchange reserve

Equipment. In addition, the country is the largest holder of U.S. Treasury bonds.

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Kissinger wrote then, all greatly enhanced the Chinese people's self-consciousness. Sometimes people

Will accuse the Chinese pride, and I do not agree. I also believe that China's policy on Iran to see

The risk of proliferation of nuclear weapons.

He also stressed that future generations of people, a very big challenge is how to let the Chinese and U.S.

States reach a consensus view of the world. The United States has its own values and beliefs, and China. I

We must learn side by side together to continue to develop. This is so far not been resolved, giant

Great geopolitical challenges. However, I believe, these two countries has a very constructive cooperation between

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A bright future. Because we have common interests, and we still never really used the whole

The angle the ball to be treated.

20.09.2010. u 04:36 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 18.09.2010.

How to see a doctor or waste money?

louis vuitton bags news It is often said, what can save money, money alone can not see a doctor province. The medicine is now more sophisticated

, More and more sophisticated equipment, increasing the cost of medical treatment, a trip to the hospital, ranging from 1 200 to more than

A thousand dollars. So how to choose hospitals, doctors could not wasting money?

1, selected visiting time: the best choice for the morning. Physiologically speaking, energetic people at this time,

Focus, quick thinking, very useful for correct identification of disease.

2, No. newly diagnosed'd better general: most of the patients to hospital when they are looking for expert medical treatment, if only

Only such a pragmatic mind. But you have to understand, experts far beyond the registration fee out of the ordinary out-patient

Sample will no doubt increase the expenses your doctor. If patients suffer from a general doctor can diagnose and treat common diseases,

If the number of experts have linked to is a waste.

3, go to the hospital dressed simple point: a lot of people think that the patient's clothing with the "drugs" have a slightly off

Together, the rich eat brand-name drugs is common, for "resistance" to consider, many doctors will

For patients with "bling" to prescribe it is not hard to understand.

LV Monogram Multicolore news 4, patient medical records to bring the old: a lot of people do not like when the doctor with medical records, each time an easier route and spend a few

Dime buy on a medical history, a bad habit. Old medical records with you on the history of some

Important test results and medication, these data are an important reference for medical treatment.

18.09.2010. u 04:37 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

The more calls the more charge?

gucci shoes news You may have encountered such a situation, and the wife on the phone is the hot pot, the phone suddenly no electricity

; Or is that just half an urgent matter, he would face power outage strikes the cell phone. If there is a spare battery around also

Well, to not really embarrassing. So what is the advanced way to make mobile phones have been call it?

Korean scientists developed a new technology that can transform the sound into electricity, mobile phones using this technology

After surgery, people talking at the same time to charge their cell phones to talk to the longer, your cell phone battery storage of electricity

Volume will be more. If so, young people love talking on the phone becomes the next renewable energy resources.

Gucci flat shoes news Princeton University scientists have created Maikeermai Carpen an energy collection device, He

Said the new study is very interesting. "However, the question is whether there is enough noise can act as a

Mobile source of energy.

South Korean scientists, the main component of the calamine solution can use sound waves into electrical energy generated little material

. The technology can telephone conversations, to charge their cell phones can also use the traffic noise generated peak

Current, for the national grid. Voice channels can have a variety of applications, such as using a telephone conversation to the mobile phone charge

tiffany jewelryElectricity, or sound walls near highways passing vehicles can use the noise generated electricity. "

18.09.2010. u 04:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.09.2010.

Case of Black-landlord "street"

louis vuitton bags news 19-year-old Wang is the second-year student of London University of Arts, majoring in graphic design. Admitted to school

Quarters of the first day, Wang regretted. Previously seen in the online luxury decoration, beautiful and comfortable desk

Large beds are not only old book tables and chairs, a small single bed. A few months later, Wang in China

People near the school site to see a large single room rent, the conditions better than many of their own living quarters, including

All costs only á 500 per month.

Wang will be linked with each other, the man claiming to be the same with Wang, are from Shanghai, but also with regards to the small Shanghai dialect

Wang, Zhang brother told him to Wang. Brother Jen Chang, with the promise that the said Wang after the tenant moved out two weeks, Wang

To move over when can. Wang took the money from small hands, Zhang brother also wrote it was like two

The receipt, signed two 11 well received.

Wang thought elsewhere, the original speech accommodation. Three weeks later, Wang called Brother Zhang

Identify themselves to move past things, but Zhang said that the original Colombian girls are not moved to live, can not vacate the room

. Wang asked unsubscribe gold, much of Colombia has suddenly changed their tone, said, in black and white signed, money is not returned


Many Chinese students studying in the UK in particular, Black-faced landlord rent already common. Many illicit sub-

Sub rely on leasing Kengmengguaipian. The City to work in East London, Leo said that he had passed the UK

Of the housing site to find an apartment, the landlord claims to be a furniture designer. Leo then to the busy

LV Monogram Multicolore news Meeting each other to provide the bank account of á 100 deposit and send text messages to tell each other the money remitted to go, but still have not

Respond. Leo again, so he calls the other phone, they are nothing to be transferred to voice mail.

17.09.2010. u 04:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Prisoner lawsuits addiction

gucci shoes news A U.S. prison inmates is a lawsuit seems to have become addicted to a total of more than 3,800 submitted from

Indictment, ultimately he was fed up of the prosecutor to court on charges of "reckless action."

33-year-old American man Jonathan Li Riches users by e-mail to steal credit card secret

Code jail, has been in prison in Kentucky, served 10 years in prison but he was not restless. In

Gucci flat shoes news Pinches Every day throughout the United States court to submit 4 copies of the indictment, the accused people, including former U.S. President George W. Bush

Apple CEO Steve Jobs and the singer Britney Spears, and even Somali pirates, ancient Greek philosophy

Home Plato and the great dictator Adolf Hitler became the object of his action.

Bridges said he prosecuted the world to spend a day a month to write the indictment does not sleep hard

Night, fingers bending stiffness, shoulder paralysis, and his "contribution" should be counted Guinness Book of World Records. Not

Guinness Book of World Records had apparently selected by the Committee, said they did not agree to this, huff Riches

They also reported the.

So far, Bridges has been at least more than 3,800 petitions submitted. Kentucky prosecutors

That these strange cases a waste of judicial resources and court time, and with "reckless actions" crimes

tiffany jewelryProsecution of the Riches, a team of officers who specialize in a letter he sent to prison, will remove such indictment.

17.09.2010. u 04:25 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 16.09.2010.

So stupid thief

louis vuitton bags news United Kingdom a 24-year-old thief Antony Thrope August 20 accidentally dropped onto a mobile phone stolen people

, The post actually send text messages you want to recover, police cell phone photo captured him well.

If the world has this book called "thieves Manual", it's the first chapter should be a warning that criminals can not stay

Any evidence. This book is also likely to be included as a thief high Thrope's case the consequences of ignoring the basic rules

Case study.

High Thrope a family in Cambridge last month to stealing a laptop computer, mobile phone has accidentally fallen

Theft of people at home. But he can not remember where off the phone, they send text messages saying, "No matter who took

The best return my phone as soon as possible. "Unexpectedly, the police are checking phone pictures inside, they quickly recognized

This is a 3 burglary criminal record high Thrope.

High Thrope has tried to provide a fake alibi to prove, and said his cell phone before the incident,

90 minutes lost. September 10, he continues to lie in court, and that it was standing outside the house

LV Monogram Multicolore news To the flat surface associates with the cell phone lighting. But the judge did not accept his innocence and pointed out that the evidence was

The repeat offenders who have been to show the house were stolen. First, the high Thrope mobile phone in the house, and the thief

After the light on, so he called for the associates with the cell phone becomes an excuse for lighting ridiculous.

16.09.2010. u 04:26 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

One hundred years later we will become extinct?

gucci shoes news Australia has a well-known microbiologist Mingjiaofenna, he recently made a bold prediction:

As the population explosion, natural resource depletion, climate change is difficult to control because overlap in a human

Will be extinct within a hundred years.

Fenner how accurate the prediction? Sham of the author as simply not qualified nor the guts to make a comment

. Even the scientific community, I am afraid it is difficult to make the right judgments. Thus, aside predicted correctly and

And whether the subject matter is not deep, I just want to predict where the contents of their personal views on


Gucci flat shoes news Fenner said in his prophecy: "No matter what we do now, all too late." Again revealing

Meaning that the face of such harsh living environment, too late to remedy the situation, but to accept the seat of human

The fate of pending death. This argument has a bit too negative.

Days can not win is a fact, but humans with their own living environment and living conditions for desperate struggle

Also a fact.

Fenner said that the "extinction theory" of the authority he has, on the human smallpox virus eradication made

Important contribution, is a gentlemen scientists. Because of his special status, since his words and deeds

tiffany jewelryHowever, influential. Therefore, to some forecasts, especially such as the human end of the forecast should be careful like

Of it carefully, try to make it a positive number, positive number, to avoid misleading the public opinion, a negative impact on the world


16.09.2010. u 04:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.09.2010.

Obama had children

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President Obama have to book it! This time he transfiguration children's book author, launched the "song for you: give me

Daughter's letter, "he did not vote to children, about 13 American pioneer history of


This 40-page children's books, will be Nov. 16, that is, two weeks after the U.S. mid-term elections listed on the first brush to be

India 500 000. Obama will donate the money to scholarship fund for children of military personnel killed and disabled school.

Book and requested the master of children's book illustrator Lauren. Long-en (Loren Long) assisted him in the drawing, the cover is Obama

Ma 2 1000 Jinsha Xia and Maria, holding their dog in the green grass, "Wavelet" walk of the screen. 2004

Years, when he was Illinois Senator Barack Obama signed with Random House Publishing 1.9 million U.S. dollars, a total of 3

LV Monogram Multicolore news
Book contract, including this children's books. According to Random House said that children's books even before the Obama White House


Obama is not the first U.S. president to write children's books. Former President Carter left office years later, in 1995

Published "The Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer", the old former president Roosevelt has not, in

1895, jointly written with others "in the heroic stories of American history" (Hero Tales from American


15.09.2010. u 04:48 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Mother sentenced to life can not access

gucci shoes news The judge said, prohibiting her from the Internet to help her "return to the real world."

Britain in the second half of a mother, the mother invited a friend and started playing online, "Small World"

Computer games. At first, the mother one hour a day playing games, but last August, she has gradually

Addicted, "as play games, she slept only two hours every night", and sometimes around the clock.

She inadvertently doing housework, home stained the ground litter on the streets. Two pet dogs were hungry alive

Died at home. Even so, she inadvertently processing. Her three children were 13 years old, 10-year-old and 9 years old,

The age of the body are long. Of the mother regardless of the child up to 6 months, "the development of heinous things, and she

Just remember to buy food without cooking. "The mother made this several charges related to child abuse and

Cruelty to animals.

Maidstone Crown Court the case by the court. Templeton counsel Ailun Kang said that as a master

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Housewives, the mother had dutifully, but due to a heart attack a few years ago after the death of her husband, her temperament

Change, "only willing to indulge in the computer's virtual world," "isolated themselves."

The mother pleaded guilty. The judge sentenced her to 6 months imprisonment, suspended for two years, not life

Use of computers and the Internet, and life may not keep pets. In addition, she volunteers 75 hours to be done.

15.09.2010. u 04:45 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 14.09.2010.

Saw sex slaves

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Missouri senior vice president and adolescents with intellectual disabilities become sex slaves, and was abuse, imprisonment for up to 7 years of cases,

This case occurred in Missouri, lebanon, Edward Bagley, who is a suspect in 2002

Then only 16 years to get to know the victims, they can provide opportunities for her to be a model as an excuse to trick her

Move into the activities of a mobile home, then drugs to control her actions, and sexual assault to succeed.

In 2004, girls 18 years old, Edward, and others to deceive her signed "sex slaves contract", is also tattooed on her slave mark. Since then, she suspects they often violence, including: beatings with whips and bamboo, Le neck, flesh, electric shock, or nails with needle and piercing her body, and her lifted her off in dog cage, even a water torture and so on.

In 2005, Edward began to advertise on the Internet that can be webcast abuse sex slaves, or even

People to join the ill-treatment, resulting in four 31-year-old to 62-year-old man, to pay or provide cigarettes, computer hard drives,

Meat, food or clothing the way for opportunities for abuse and violations of girls. In addition, the suspects had also forced a small

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Women to nightclubs strippers, money, and had for her abortion.

Girls lived 7 years inhuman life until last year, in February, she was by Le neck and shock, leading to heart

Jump stop and was taken to hospital after first aid, the matter before it was reported.

14.09.2010. u 04:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Couples with

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Life, people often find that some couples are similar in appearance, so that they are long years of living in

Together, with the "husband and wife with." However, according to "America Online" network latest report, the United Kingdom, "Personality and Individual Difference

Differences "magazine published in the latest Michigan State University, a new study suggests that this argument does not make sense

"Couple with" not much has been said that simple.

Clinical Psychology Post-doctorate Mick Shirra Hamm Pakistan Germany led the study, he and colleagues studied

Minnesota Twin and Family Research Centre of the 1296 pairs of data on married couples. Results issued

Now, the couple looks for similarity is indeed higher than normal, but not because of the formation of marriage, but because

Marriage, people tend to mate choice when the physical characteristics most similar to themselves heterosexual.

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The study also found that husband and wife marriage lasts longer, does become more similar, but not the main

To be reflected in the appearance on the. Compared with the appearance, temperament and movement between husband and wife characteristics of interaction and transfer more easily

Dye, for example, speak love one gesture, the other will be a similar feature.

14.09.2010. u 04:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 13.09.2010.

Hawking's rosy

louis vuitton bags news Following the world-renowned physicist Stephen Hawking published a new book advocating non-God created the universe after he said on television:

"Theology is not necessary." His words certainly would be controversial.

It is reported that Hawking in CNN's talk show "Larry King Live" said

: "God may exist, but science can explain the universe without a creator."

cheap louis vuitton bags news 60-year-old Hawking in the new book "The Grand Design", said because of the gravity of the universe

Itself can be started from scratch. Hawking claims, "spontaneous creation" is the reason the universe and human existence.

Asked if he caused his own enthusiastic response from the views of the book, Hawking said: "Science more adequate

Answered in the past has always been the problem belongs to the religious sphere, very complete scientific argument, and theology is not necessary

. "

Hawking said that his new book, try "How does the universe and our place in which" presents a

"A broad picture."

cheap louis vuitton bags news Hawking on the Oprah Larry King said: "The science is sufficient to explain the universe, we do not need God to explain

Why have the world have that, or natural law were the reason. "

13.09.2010. u 04:19 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Microsoft's funeral

gucci shoes news Two hearses, a group of people wearing dark clothes, carrying the coffin mobile phone design - the purpose of this strange procession

, From the slogan, one can get to know. The vehicle's slogan is "Windows Phone 7 platform will bury competition

Opponents! "

"This march is an internal event for the celebration of Windows Phone 7 finally completed the development.


For Microsoft, this is indeed a time for celebration, after marathon development, WP7 representative

Finally into the RTM code phase. They could not wait to plan the October 11 a special conference held

Place in New York Broadway.

gucci outlet news In fact, this is the meaning of the funeral more - Microsoft Windows Mobile, and eager to get rid of the Yin Kin

Shadow. In other words, Microsoft is buried not competitors, but their own past. They want to show a "

Whole new "Windows Phone. Either buried or buried, regardless of how much will lead to bickering. Micro

Soft war machine has been running, it will mobilize all resources (Office, Xbox, Zune, Bing),

Waiting for acceptance tests on the market.

13.09.2010. u 04:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 11.09.2010.

Longevity of the Kingdom of Japan's deep "missing door"

louis vuitton bags news Japanese Ministry of Justice on the 10th that the country had 234 354 more than hundred years old, while the whereabouts of the household do not have

Out of which 120 senior citizens over the age of 77 118 people, 150 persons over the age of 884 over-aged.

Despite missing on centenarians throughout Japan reported already overwhelming, known as the CPE, but 23

Million figure is still shocking, shock the Japanese archipelago and the whole international community. People have eed: World

Recognized longevity of the Kingdom, Japan, in the end how it? Elderly mysterious disappearance, first exposed the Japanese Government residence

Management loopholes. Second, the inherent way of life and social structure led to the collapse of Japan's elderly "lost" in

Another reason.

cheap louis vuitton bags news If we say that although the first two reasons are still very helpless, "extenuating circumstances", then "disappeared door"

The final cause of the furiously pounding Japanese moral bottom line - as claimed by such means pension, elderly parents

Is to conceal the fact of death. This year on July 29, Tokyo Adachi, a 111-year-old in the living has become a white male

Skeletal remains were found in his home. Justice anatomy shows that the men have died over three decades. In this

30 plus years, their families were receiving the old age pension total 18 million yen. A month later, police

Grounds of suspected fraud arrested the eldest daughter of the elderly and granddaughter. The incident also led to a chain of anti-Japanese Islands

Should ultimately lead to a staggering 230,000, turned out.

Although the Japanese government announced that due to statistical reasons, the disappearance of 230,000 centenarians will not affect the Japanese

Louis vuitton Cosmic Blossom news The average life expectancy, nor will it affect local governments in the administration. But Zeng Yi in the world longevity rather arrogant powers

Exposure to the Japanese so proud of "spiritual impact" would be difficult for such a casual statement by the Government and calm

11.09.2010. u 04:04 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Philippine President said the Government received a letter be offended

gucci shoes news Manila hostage kidnapped during the incident, Philippine President Aquino III, did not assume the responsibility of command

, Not to answer the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Chief Executive Donald Tsang's phone, was criticized for poor performance. Aquino III in

Acceptable to the local media, the actually ridiculed Mr Tsang called him directly to the practice, "a governor of the Philippines

Trying to call Barack Obama, the two countries will not allow the provincial governors and their leaders call. "He

Said that they have to apologize, "repeated an apology is not good for us."

He also claims that in hostage incident received a letter from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government, "to teach"

He should be how to do everything, Aquino claimed that he was offended, but it is to make the Philippines and Hong Kong

Relations strained, he did not want those who open letter.

Aquino III, the SAR Government on the "people" send a letter to him, his indiscreet remarks, Chief Executive's Office confirmed that

Chief Executive Donald Tsang last month on the 26th wrote to Aquino, the Philippine authorities hope that the report shall be deposited

On behalf of the incident, authorities and the gunmen of the negotiation process, especially the gunmen asked why we do not promise to change

Safe release of hostages taken and so on, but stressed that the letters in order to raise the tone of respect and courtesy, at the same time thank Manila when

Council to assist the SAR government officials in the local rehabilitation work, the investigation authorities believe Manila is an independent, comprehensive

And professional.

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Government and people an apology, but later also known as an apology letter will be drafted, in conjunction with the hostage-taking incident report sent to

To Hong Kong.

Aquino III, that the Philippine government will review the internal procedures of crisis management, crisis management to enhance the police accident

The ability to review and improve procedures for the internal crisis, and the mistakes of officials to take action.

11.09.2010. u 04:00 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 10.09.2010.

Human mother calf

louis vuitton bags news India, a 47-year-old woman breastfeeding a day to several times its own calf, in her view, since the unfortunate cow died

After that, she naturally assume the responsibility to take care of calves.

Living in the Indian desert state of Rajasthan villages Chouthi Bai said: "In Dallas, after her mother died,

I hug it and give it the snake feeding. For me, no difference between this and take care of babies. "

cheap louis vuitton bags news She said: "I feed it every 3 to 4 times, as is the same as feeding a baby." Which is the first calf

Calf seems to be dependent on meticulous care of the owner. Now, the little calf has been unable to leave Chouthi Bai. She

The neighbor said the field work, she will join with a small calf.

Louis vuitton Cosmic Blossom news In India, cattle are the main god Shiva's mount, more than 80% of Indians are Hindus respect cows, such as worship

Per head of cattle back seems to take the Lord Shiva, visited the Indian land, that is indeed the sacred religious feelings

It is difficult to understand the secular vision.

10.09.2010. u 04:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

What is the concept of 75 thousand U.S. dollars?

gucci shoes news) Annual income of 75,000 U.S. dollars in the U.S. What does the concept? According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2008

, Middle income Americans, 50,303 U.S. dollars, average income of 68,424 U.S. dollars (average income higher than the middle income

Nearly 20 thousand U.S. dollars, because the addition of wealthy property raised the average). This means that as long as a

Person's income 10% higher than annual average income, you can enter the ranks of well-being of persons. Look, as opposed to the U.S.

State of the consumption level, the annual income of 75,000 U.S. dollars is what the concept.

The summer of 2009, an American named Jessica spent 280,000 U.S. dollars in the city of Blaine, Minnesota

Rich area of housing bought a three-storey independent house situated in a golf course, beautiful scenery and the environment

Quiet. This building houses the indoor area of 500 square meters, Hall 4, 5 bedroom 2 plus two garage Guardian Housing Week

Wai is a green, whole house's area is 2500 square meters. 280 thousand U.S. dollars means that Americans eat or drink

The annual income (not tax deductible factor) save up less than 4 years can buy a villa known as the Chinese people


gucci outlet news)According to the U.S. housing monitoring body in 2010 released 54 major cities housing information, the highest city in the price

City, San Jose, California, the average price for the 499,950 U.S. dollars. In the U.S., more than 4 rooms housing occupy

90% of the total number of rooms, indoor area, median 177 square meters, the middle value of the property area of 1416 square meters

. This means that Americans, even the most expensive city in the price, buy a big house of nearly 200 square meters, only

Be 7 years on it.

10.09.2010. u 03:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 09.09.2010.

Factory shells at home

Graham Laing British man aged 65, an electrician, usually loved to play the role of class

War games, but no one thought of his family even a weapons cache hidden in his specially built a car

louis vuitton bagsStock up all kinds of weapons. The collection cannon (with shells), rockets, missiles, grenades and more than 30 branch

Length of the guns, enough to fight a real version of the war.

7 police surrounded his home, sending remote control bomb-enter Ryan's house and found these weapons

. cheap louis vuitton bagsRyan was in possession of illegal weapons, arrest him, for the time being released on bail. It is reported that the majority of Ryan's arms are

Was purchased from the network.

Ryan is obsessed with weapons. In 1983, he established the Wu Sidun and Norton Shooting Club, the current fear

Louis vuitton Cosmic BlossomAppointed chairman of the club. He said the collection of weapons used by the military are not copies, but also in ancient

Dong's easy to buy shops or dealers.

09.09.2010. u 04:57 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

American University offers "zombie class"

A university in the United States will open a new curriculum to attract eyeballs - zombies course, it was reported that the other out of mind

gucci shoesConference universities is the University of Baltimore, who will be invited to The Arnold cloth is prosperous Berg (Arnold

Blumberg), Professor zombie class, The Arnold cloth is prosperous Berg has written a book on the zombie movie, and he

Or the Geppi Entertainment Museum, specializing in American popular culture.

Elective this course students will see 16 classic zombie movies, and read a lot of zombie comics. End

They can choose to write their examinations in the zombie ideal script, or draw zombie comics.

University of Baltimore School of Design Dean Jonathan media said that this is a fun, unusual class

gucci outletProcess, from which we can reach a lot of knowledge. He said: "They think this course is very strange, it does not

To pass this course, literature and the media that they can learn the creative process works, how to work with these anti-

Reflect our times. "

It is reported that the university is not the first school offering the course zombies. Columbia University in Chicago

University professors have many years of zombie course of history.

09.09.2010. u 04:48 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 08.09.2010.

84-year-old Kenyan man, legendary life in primary school

gucci shoes news)Ma Luge is a farmer in Kenya, life is not illiterate, live in poverty. Childhood family was poor, his father

Money for his education, he stocked at home to help animals. Of the last century 50's, Ma Luge participate against British

Colonial uprising - "Mao Mao" campaign by the British colonial authorities jailed eight years, who still have time


Before 2004, Ma Luge has 15 children, 30 grandchildren, as well as the grandchildren. On

In that year, he decided to attend primary school.

January 2004, Ma Luge wearing a blue sport coat, shorts, stockings, walked into Kenyan Duolei especially the

Kapp is willing Du Yi Waugh primary, and a group of around 6 years of primary school students learn together. This year he has 84 years of age this, Ma Luge created the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest primary school students.

Since then, Ma Luge many countries and regions in the world have become the image of free primary education spokesman.

gucci outlet news)In 2007, Kenya, a large-scale outbreak of violence after the elections. Ma Luge moved into a refugee camp.

However, even in refugee camps, Ma Luge still insist on dragging a lame day, 4 km walk to school


"It's very difficult, and no one to help me walk, and my school is a back and forth, but thirst for learning led me to

Go every day. "- Ma Luge

08.09.2010. u 04:09 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 07.09.2010.

Test document: diagnosis of prostate cancer a few drops of blood

Japan developed a gold particles using high-precision diagnosis of prostate cancer test document. With only one or two drops of blood

Liquid, will be able to provide blood samples within 15 minutes to judge whether the people with prostate cancer.

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High, check whether the recurrence of prostate cancer, can not detect small amounts of prostate specific antigen.

This test document can be as high-precision detection of prostate cancer tumor marker of prostate specific antigen, from

The contribution for early diagnosis. In the development process, the researchers improved antigen for the rapid diagnosis of influenza

gucci outlet news)Colloidal gold immunochromatographic assay using gold particles with the combination of antibody and serum prostate specific antigen response

To detect the level of the latter. If excessive levels of the antigen, test document appears on the test strip inside the red line.

Currently, developers are working with other medical businesses in order to reach results as soon as possible on the practical development

07.09.2010. u 04:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 04.09.2010.

Somalia "primary" pirates

Extending from the Gulf of Aden to the Indian Ocean, a vast sea, armed Somali pirates in speedboats and ships away wealth

Ask for ransom with one of the wicked image.

gucci shoes news)Robbery against ships, while the real life of these pirates, remains largely unknown. Agence France-Presse reporters Jin Rishen and Ru Caifang

Reveals a number of Somali young people to "Luocaoweikou" experience.

Ahmed Sabu Lai, 27 years old, with many living in the Somali coastal town of hobyo peers

Like the sea, the fishing was his only source of livelihood.

"Probably since 2003, where the fishing industry began to decline, almost impossible to eat sea," he said.

Loss of income sources, Osable have joined the ranks of the pirates. He clearly remember, one in 2008

Day, he threw away fishing nets, the first sea and ships, "I'm not afraid, because if I quit as to starve.


In 2009, Osable and companion to the sea and ships are lost in the Indian Ocean.

"We lost, and then the heavy rain ... ... we do not know where," he said, "

gucci outlet news)We found a number of yachts. Who should be tourists on board. This is where we ask them, they say that we

Seychelles. We are at a loss, did not even think of taking them. "

"Later, we saw two patrol boats and a helicopter ... ... all over," Osable

Said. Then half a year to piracy in the name of the suspect, he was a temporary detention Seychelles through the end

In a "pirate-for-hostages" action back home.

04.09.2010. u 04:20 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

European early human cannibalism

Early in the Upper Cave Man of Europe cut off children's heads, brains drinking, cannibalism, is a part of daily diet.

cheap coach bags news)The gland multi-advantages accept cave in Spain (Gran Dolina) fossil bones unearthed there early stone cutting

Be marked with signs. Research shows that 80 million years ago the first humans in Europe, cannibalism was routine

Part of life.

In bison, deer and wild sheep bone pile, the scientists found that at least 11 human children and adults were

Massacre of the wreckage. The bones have been broken into pieces in order to obtain evidence of nutritional bone marrow. There is evidence that the subject

The brains of victims were eaten.

Scientists believe that early humans eat the same kind, is to meet the nutritional needs is to kill the neighboring

Enemy tribes. Castro said that The gland multi-advantages accept caves in the vicinity of food rich in resources, so they

Do not need to eat the same as the last resort. On the contrary, such acts may be widely used to address the neighboring

Tribes on a competitive basis.

Research indicates that children will be targeted because they had less ability to defend itself.

coach outlet news) human bones are eaten era, extending hundreds of years, that this behavior is not Board

Limited to the period of food deprivation.

Because of human bones and animal remains were dumped together, the researchers speculate that the behavior of cannibalism does not have

Have religious significance.

04.09.2010. u 04:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 03.09.2010.

The world's first air gay wedding

December 6, SAS will be from Stockholm to New York flight on the A340, the world's "first

"To hold the air gay wedding.

gucci shoes news)Scandinavian Airlines from Sweden, Denmark and Norway co-operation. To the world's first same-sex pile air

Love the wedding, they planned a special race, in addition to free air wedding ceremony, the winning prize also

New York, including two Scandinavian fly business class return air ticket, three nights accommodation in New York, New York, Los Angeles flight ticket

And three-night stay in Hollywood.

gucci outlet news)Scandinavian Airlines said the flight was held at the civil wedding, there is precedent, however, the air gay wedding

Is the first. They said that Scandinavian Airlines is the world's thinking of the three countries most open to all, in the air

To play a gay wedding "pioneer", doing my part.

Scandinavian Airlines also plans to host the U.S. version of the contest, the winners can be treated to a honeymoon in Sweden.

03.09.2010. u 04:35 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Bruni romance and plastic Insider

A book on French First Lady Bruni's "secret life and lover," the book will be in France in mid-September

Available, it is about the Bruni and President Nicolas Sarkozy's love life before marriage. This book introduced in France

Since much controversy.

cheap coach bags news)Country Flammarion publishing method Publishing Group, said: "book Mengliao full, comprehensive Jiemi cloth

Lugny with her story of secret lovers, and her plastic surgery before and after the insider. It gives us a chase

Risk women by fame and fortune, if the circumstances are very attractive.

The book's author is a French woman Bess Ma Lawu years, she was author of the famous French star Jie Mi

Zidane's personal life is known.

Bruni's "romance" will be very complex. Since her 19-year-old became popular after the T station, many men

People threw himself at her feet. Before her marriage to Sarkozy, she worked with "Rolling Stone" singer m

Kejiageer, "Bruce King" Eric Clapton and other stars pass through scandal. 90 of the last century

coach outlet news)Age Bruni and the French in the famous publisher Jean-Paul Luo Angtuo Wang cohabitation period, and Enthoven's

Son Raphael in love. Raphael, a philosophy professor, was already married. In 2001, La

Pervan and first wife divorced, married "father of the girlfriend," Bruni wife, second life, a son,

But that marriage lasted only six years on end.

03.09.2010. u 04:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 02.09.2010.

Unbearably lonely man to do simulation doll girlfriend

A 50-year-old Italian businessman because he can not bear to be lonely after his girlfriend broke up with intolerable, it took 18 000

U.S. dollars (about 122,000 yuan) in front of his girlfriend, a customized exactly the same proportion of the inflatable doll real


gucci shoes news) the man put together a bunch of pictures of ex-girlfriend, and told the Italian system of inflatable doll

Manufacturers Yage Botuo Lin (Diego Bortolin) said: "I want a customized exactly the same with her." "

People are pictures of a blonde Qiaoxiaoqianxi. But my client asked for dolls bigger breasts, buttocks

Greater curvature of the Department of the curve a bit. We have done is very realistic dolls. True in many places simply Jiugen

The planet. "

Botuo Lin declined to disclose the name of the customer's name, his family company located in Treviso, the name called "

The temptation "to make it exact inflatable doll known.

Bo Tuolin the system inflatable doll is usually about 5,000 U.S. dollars each. However, because these dolls are especially off

gucci outlet news)Production, so it particularly expensive. Botuo Lin said: "Because we want to copy the masters of everything, including her

Body, nails, and her teeth. "

This inflatable doll with a weight 58 kg, 160 cm high. Botuo Lin said that her body is very soft, can be

Pay any difficult move. Botuo Lin said: "She is my girlfriend so far seen the most perfect."

02.09.2010. u 04:49 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

The mother smiles, the brain child forever

For most people, the mother is the most important person in his life. But you may not know that the mother's face

A person's brain activity unique role. The researchers found that mothers face will stimulate children to see

Brain cells.

cheap coach bags news)The research team from Canada, Britain and other countries of the scientists. They recruited 20 volunteers

Those who accept the experiment, subjects were an average age of 35 years.

Subjects were parents watching their photos, celebrities photos and pictures of strangers. The researchers used

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to record the subjects see different photos of brain activity.

The researchers found that subjects saw photographs of his mother, the key parts of the brain cell activity becomes live

Jump, and this part of the brain associated with cognitive and emotional function.

Father's face deep in the brain can react to the subjects, but the intensity and the subjects face to see her mother

Pang generated when the intensity of reaction compared to "poor relation."

"Celebrity Face" on subjects far less brain stimulation face stimulation intensity of their parents, but compared to "

Passers-by "face, public figures face some stimulus.

British "Daily Telegraph" quoted study team member, University of Toronto professor Maliaer

coach outlet news)Sali Du, then reported that the brain subjects face a strong reaction to the mother can be attributed to subjects in the childhood

Frequently seen on the mother.

"In fact, even if the children become adults, many years away from their parents, this brain response still exists, said

Out of its persistence, "Ahl Sully Du said.

02.09.2010. u 04:33 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 01.09.2010.

British stripper, 1 / 4 million annual salary for the outstanding student

Latest survey found that strippers work is often not popular British actor, or model a small increase in income

gucci shoes news)Channel, and the channels of their annual income could be more than 500,000 yuan.

High unemployment is the same old tune, in the continuing difficulty of finding work, high to low on the status of

Can be said that more and more common. A British survey found that as much of its domestic 1 / 4 strippers with university

Calendar, the majority of the professional dancers are not to be ashamed of, but voluntarily to show "young flesh" to please the guests.

Leeds University spent a year visited more than 300 dancers, strippers often survey

Not popular child actors or models, of which most dancers have a university degree in art, just jump

Striptease as a part-time work only, and that can be inspiring. In addition, the income of strippers than Xu

Many university students have a good annual income of up to 530,000 yuan.

gucci outlet news)Therefore, the stripper has not a traditional job that is only for the life of the forced prostitution

The humble woman, not only most people voluntarily entered the ranks of dancers, there are very high on the job satisfaction

Degree. However, where the only drawback is that job security and welfare is not good enough, some scholars called on the British

Government for the dancers to develop good working practices to ensure their safety.

01.09.2010. u 04:10 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Sudan coup chiefs fortune: more than 86 married wife to marry his daughter make the dowry

68 years in southern Sudan Langbeck chiefs came out of the state, not only married 76 wives and 86 daughters have fertility

Of these, 38 currently pregnant wife and children, he packed for "continuously married daughter," a local

Richest man.

coach outlet news), the Sudanese men, aged 15, woman aged 10 can get married, men marry when cattle shall Shihai

Dowry giving woman. Through this special "gift cow" custom, chiefs A quart of come up with a fortune at age 30

The "clever." He decided to return for the use of bovine married sister to marry a wife, and then desperately to have children and do

May be a daughter, so that after they married, they can cover more dowry.

Ah-Marquardt state of the economy, there are 60 head of cattle to marry a wife as a marriage ceremony to be sent, but the phase

Right, as long as her daughter can marry a "salvaged in this." Thus, in his marriage to continue under the current

He has 76 wives, and gave birth to a total of 86 daughters, 65 sons, of which there are 38 wives are pregnant,

Home, not to mention the number of cattle, the daily high finance helped him the most money for the local people.

A Marquardt in an interview with several wives, the first 16, said his wife, and does not mind her husband to marry more

More girls entered, because "each have more of a girl, some of our family even more wealthy." These girls feel

Marry a wealthy chiefs will have a life-long sustenance, the whole family will therefore have a sense of security.

cheap coach bags news), as long Sudan civil war, land was barren, there are very few young men more, the

To polygamy is very natural. In particular, live in A quart of Dinka tribe, if the wife is not married

Education or leaving, the husband can divorce, and all the woman to return to the original gift of cattle; if for any reason the woman after marriage

Death, may be equally female and male cattle.

01.09.2010. u 03:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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