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subota, 29.01.2011.

Ukraine crocodile swallow phone

coach outlet Peter Burrow eastern Ukraine Dnepr Khabarovsk city aquarium feeding a crocodile in Africa recently, "irritated": it is swallowed, the phone falls into water after the visitors lead to gastrointestinal disease and began a hunger strike. However, this fall into the belly of the mobile good performance crocodile, had been able to continue to work and heard bursts of tone.

coach bags A month ago, there was a young woman named Lima aquarium visitors want to use mobile phones during a visit to the crocodile took a close-up, the results of the phone into the water accidentally. Only 14-year-old alligator named Gina quickly swallowed the phone as a food. Surprisingly, the phone was in the belly Gina can properly receive the signal: if the mobile phone number dial Lima, crocodile belly ring will be heard.

coach outlet said the area did not believe the zoo, "crocodile eat phone" argument. Now, she only wants to find his mobile phone memory card, so as not to lose contact friends and cell phones store photos. Aquarium staff said Alexandra Gina, after ingestion of mobile phones become more listless, loss of appetite, but do not want to move, even for his past very much like to eat living creatures also could not get interested. Veterinarian, said Gena stomach is likely to endure pain is torture. Currently, this crocodile has accepted enema therapy, but still failed to turn mobile phones into trouble excreted.

coach outlet reported that Gina next week will receive a whole body fluoroscopy to determine the phone's specific location in the body. Because of surgery on the veterinary and crocodiles are quite dangerous, but also reptiles, wound healing takes a long time, so the phone will be removed by surgery is the last resort of last resort. African crocodiles are long-lived, because of the incorrect use of veterinary mobile phone does not want Gina to affect health.

29.01.2011. u 02:20 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 28.01.2011.

British Broadcasting Corporation for the fun of atomic bomb survivors in Japan to apologize

coach outlet Position, a spokesman for the British Broadcasting Corporation, for the fun of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors file the quiz show "harm caused" apologize. 22 Agence France-Presse quoted a spokesman for the broadcaster as saying: "We (program) regrets the damage caused."

coach bags Last December the BBC broadcast the quiz show "QI", a dig through Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors of two, said he was "the world's most unfortunate people." This is called the Pass of Xinjiang survivors (transliteration), died last January at age 93. He is the only one recognized by the Government of Japan after two people who survived the atomic bomb was.

coach outlet Japan records, p. 6 August 1945 in Hiroshima mission, suffered the first atomic bomb exploded after being burned, the next day train back to Nagasaki, three days after the atomic bomb hit again. The show was broadcast in Japan caused the audience dissatisfied. Yamaguchi said the family can not forgive "(BBC) to belittle his father's experience." Some Japanese people and Japanese Embassy in London to get in touch, to protest to the British Broadcasting Corporation.

coach outlet Saying by Agence France-Presse, "QI" program previously been involved in a person or a subject for recognition of "harm." However, the spokesman said, "Japanese audiences to consider the sensitivity of the subject, we understand the reasons they feel wrong program."

28.01.2011. u 02:29 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 27.01.2011.

Published in the Journal of Chinese comics

coach outlet Scheduled for Feb. 26 issue of the first issue of young Japanese comic magazine "magazine! SPIRITS "(School Library) will be published in a Chinese fantasy stories in the history of cartoonists" KILLIN-GI (Kirin children) "(tentative name). This means that a flourishing Japanese comics will usher in "reverse imports", the author is in the "Dora A Dream", "Dragon Ball" and other Japanese comics grew up under the influence of China's young generation. Has become the universal language of "MANGA (comic)" Today is not only the readers, even the author began to go international.

coach bags This Chinese cartoonists pen name L. DART, 25-year-old, was born in Hebei Province, now lives in Shanghai. He grew up hours will be interested in Japanese comics, the university after their creation. Readership survey results revealed that he comic magazine in China, "Long Man Youth Sunday" on the popularity of serialized works even more than the translation of the magazine's popular Japanese comic book published in "Detective Conan."

coach outlet This caused the Japanese publishing houses Shogakukan attention. Shogakukan in Shanghai headquarters editorial staff to select in the "10 most promising Chinese cartoonist" list, which has been published L. DART work opportunities. Editor Hayakawa guide your disability Japanese comics via e-mail to their skills, the entire production process took more than 1 year.

coach outlet Hayakawa admitted that "he understood the profound Japanese comic surprise. Compared with Chinese characteristics, the author, we are more familiar with Japanese want to 'rule' is introduced to Japanese readers cartoonist. The future, we want to continue from the young Chinese people discover new talent. "The work is published in a single chapter of about 60 pages of comics. The story is the hero three Sun Ce Hero, works into the fantasy elements. L. DART said in an interview: I hope that readers will love this Japanese work.

27.01.2011. u 01:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 26.01.2011.

U.S. spy sentenced to 14 years of selling information

coach outlet Former senior officials of the CIA 14 years ago, Nicholson betrayed U.S. intelligence imprisonment; 14 years after his release, he has not approached for abetting his son "old customers" rather than a sin, aggravating 8 years.

coach bags Early 90s of last century, the CIA Nicholson branches in many countries in Southeast Asia office. Returned in 1994, he served as deputy director of the CIA office in Malaysia.

coach outlet Shortly after returning home, Nicholson incident, was charged in Southeast Asia and Switzerland, providing information to Russian agents. Nicholson eventually jailed for 23 and a half years.

coach outlet But then, U.S. intelligence found that Nicholson did not stop spying, one of his son "inherited his father" and continue to provide information to the Russian request for his father and "compensation for imprisonment." Nicholson, 18, admitted in court, in prison, "with the help of his son," he continued to provide information to Russia. Because we wanted to help the children to repay education loans and a variety of household debt.

26.01.2011. u 03:07 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 25.01.2011.

The truth of the French Revolution: only 10% of the aristocracy who were beheaded

coach outlet History and life, many things will be simmering rumors are often covered up the truth, such as the July 14, 1789 in the Bastille, Paris, France, the French Revolution broke out, there are some rumors from the truth.

coach bags Bastille break a rumor that hundreds of prisoners freed; and the fact is that the Bastille at the time held only 7 prisoners. A rumor that a person is to quickly make the guillotine nor painful deaths; and the fact is that people on the scaffold is often cut due to die several times. Rumor is that many people died in the gallows aristocracy; but the fact is that only 10% of the aristocracy who were beheaded.

coach outlet Rumor is the guillotine was the main method of execution; and the truth is that 40 people died in the Great Revolution, most people were shot, burned or drowned. Rumor is that when the King of King Louis XVI of France Latter Mary finds a place for million Bennett heard that there is no bread to eat people, she said coldly: "Let them eat cake!" The fact is, this is fiction to say.

coach outlet Later, French President Francois Mitterrand said: "The French Revolution is like life itself, is a mixture. Both inspiring, but also unacceptable. In the Revolution, I hope intertwined with the terror, violence and love smells." This words were penetrating, thought-provoking.

25.01.2011. u 02:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 24.01.2011.

Boarded the 200-meter-high icefall Norway Madman

coach outlet Two extreme sports enthusiasts has climbed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo, about 200 km northwest of Egyptian Durfee Ewer
frozen waterfall, so that humans first set foot on the top of the icefall. Since last winter, minimum temperatures often Egyptian Durfee Ewer region will drop to minus 15 , the local stream of about 200 meters high waterfall is frozen solid and the icicle, it has thus become the climbing spot, climbing from around the world Then pour in climbing enthusiasts, want to be conquered this great "still torrent," the first person, but unfortunately the time in the next few months are not successful, until Will Gardner and the arrival of Christian Pondera and equipment in addition to safety sling They are only outside the climbing aid with the ice ax.

coach bags Pondera 40, living in California adventure sports photographer, he talked about the extraordinary achievements of the two excited: "to be the first one to climb the waterfall is really very lucky, we Only when the temperature began to climb minus 10 , so the process is difficult, but fortunately we have wrapped themselves very tight, and warm enough to wear. "

coach outlet said: "Falls is beautiful and very suitable for photography, so I stopped from time to time during the climb to take pictures, and Gardner climbed to the top of the big bang. Successful, we feel that they are in the top of the world, and a At other times think this is a raging torrent, we feel excited. "

coach outlet Of course, this movement is very dangerous. December 26 last year, the British motor vehicle driver trainer David Church had tried to climb up in Cumbria, England Hartley examination of frozen waterfalls, but he climbed to the sudden drop of more than 20 meters high, is alive to death. Church of the physical good, he was a good triathlete.

24.01.2011. u 02:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Boarded the 200-meter-high icefall Norway Madman

coach outlet Two extreme sports enthusiasts has climbed in the Norwegian capital of Oslo, about 200 km northwest of Egyptian Durfee Ewer
frozen waterfall, so that humans first set foot on the top of the icefall. Since last winter, minimum temperatures often Egyptian Durfee Ewer region will drop to minus 15 , the local stream of about 200 meters high waterfall is frozen solid and the icicle, it has thus become the climbing spot, climbing from around the world Then pour in climbing enthusiasts, want to be conquered this great "still torrent," the first person, but unfortunately the time in the next few months are not successful, until Will Gardner and the arrival of Christian Pondera and equipment in addition to safety sling They are only outside the climbing aid with the ice ax.

coach bags Pondera 40, living in California adventure sports photographer, he talked about the extraordinary achievements of the two excited: "to be the first one to climb the waterfall is really very lucky, we Only when the temperature began to climb minus 10 , so the process is difficult, but fortunately we have wrapped themselves very tight, and warm enough to wear. "

coach outlet said: "Falls is beautiful and very suitable for photography, so I stopped from time to time during the climb to take pictures, and Gardner climbed to the top of the big bang. Successful, we feel that they are in the top of the world, and a At other times think this is a raging torrent, we feel excited. "

coach outlet Of course, this movement is very dangerous. December 26 last year, the British motor vehicle driver trainer David Church had tried to climb up in Cumbria, England Hartley examination of frozen waterfalls, but he climbed to the sudden drop of more than 20 meters high, is alive to death. Church of the physical good, he was a good triathlete.

24.01.2011. u 02:21 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

nedjelja, 23.01.2011.

Retired collectively determine the space shuttle before the United States "last flight" schedule

coach outlet NASA announced that space shuttle will be increased before retiring in a collective mission, which "last flight" will be "Atlantis" No. 28 June this year, implementation. U.S. space agency said that in this flight, "Atlantis" was to carry called "Raphael" multi-purpose logistics module for the International Space Station to transport supplies and spare parts. This line will be the first 135 of the U.S. space shuttle missions.

coach bags U.S. active duty three space shuttle were "Discovery", "Endeavor" and "Atlantis" No.. Earlier, the U.S. space agency plans to "Discovery" and "Endeavour" was finished last after the flight, so that the shuttle be retired. But President Obama signed the "2010 NASA Authorization Act" request for additional time the space shuttle mission. The mission required the additional funding authorized by the U.S. Congress is still needed for approval.

coach outlet "Discovery" the last flight was originally scheduled for November 1, 2010, but a series of failures led to the launch was postponed to February 24 this year; "Endeavor" launch scheduled for April, it will to the International Space Station Shipping Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer 2. This equipment is mainly used for search for antimatter and dark matter, related items from the Chinese American Nobel laureate Samuel Ting of MIT is responsible, including the Chinese scientists, including more than 600 researchers worldwide to participate.

coach outlet The United States has so far built six space shuttle, where "Enterprise" as the prototype, and a further five working machine, namely, "Columbia", "Challenger", "Discovery", "Atlantis" number and "Endeavor", but "Challenger" and "Columbia" in 1986 and 2003, the disintegration of the explosion. It is reported that several other destination after the shuttle will be retired as a museum.

23.01.2011. u 02:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 22.01.2011.

Queen of the assassination of several confusing

coach outlet 1842, Queen Victoria, the second time through thrilling moment. At that time, she was a carriage ride through the tree-lined road in London, she did not know that a man named John Francis was raised the pistol aimed at her, but ultimately did not fire it. The next day, the Queen's carriage after the same road, although very fast horse, but also large-scale security escort, but this time Francis decided to take action. He fired a shot the Queen's carriage, and then be plainclothes policemen caught. In a biography on Queen Victoria, the authors believe that the motivation and Edward Francis, like Oxford, just to be famous. Francis convicted of treason, the implementation of the death penalty, but the last sentence was commuted to exile to the colonies.

coach bags Just one month after the incident, another man named John William Bean Queen Victoria opened fire towards. This is very interesting from the assassination incident, Bean loaded the gun, only the paper and tobacco, so that assassination could not have succeeded. Although Bean's behavior on the personal safety of Queen Victoria did not cause harm, but he was still sentenced to death. Prince Albert that such punishment is too harsh, so encourage the Parliament passed the "Treason Act 1842", under the new law, an attempt to attack or intimidate the monarch, will be subject to flogging and imprisonment for 7 years the maximum punishment. So Bean was commuted to imprisonment for 18 months.

coach outlet 1849, yet another similar incident, when Queen Victoria's carriage through the Constitution Hill Road, London, the Irish unemployment William Hamilton's driving them towards the Queen fired a shot. Hamilton was charged under the 1842 Act, he pleaded guilty in court, then the maximum penalty to be imposed exile --- colony for 7 years.

coach outlet I just like the Queen Victoria, British politicians have repeatedly attacked her puzzled. Lord Shaftesbury wrote: "dissolute George IV full of life, selfishness and sin, but no one confirmed an attempt to assassinate him. The gentle, kind-hearted young woman (referring to Queen Victoria) has been 4 exposed to imminent danger. "

22.01.2011. u 03:08 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

Queen of the assassination of several confusing

coach bags , 1842, Queen Victoria, the second time through thrilling moment. At that time, she was a carriage ride through the tree-lined road in London, she did not know that a man named John Francis was raised the pistol aimed at her, but ultimately did not fire it. The next day, the Queen's carriage after the same road, although very fast horse, but also large-scale security escort, but this time Francis decided to take action. He fired a shot the Queen's carriage, and then be plainclothes policemen caught. In a biography on Queen Victoria, the authors believe that the motivation and Edward Francis, like Oxford, just to be famous. Francis convicted of treason, the implementation of the death penalty, but the last sentence was commuted to exile to the colonies.

coach outlet Just one month after the incident, another man named John William Bean Queen Victoria opened fire towards. This is very interesting from the assassination incident, Bean loaded the gun, only the paper and tobacco, so that assassination could not have succeeded. Although Bean's behavior on the personal safety of Queen Victoria did not cause harm, but he was still sentenced to death. Prince Albert that such punishment is too harsh, so encourage the Parliament passed the "Treason Act 1842", under the new law, an attempt to attack or intimidate the monarch, will be subject to flogging and imprisonment for 7 years the maximum punishment. So Bean was commuted to imprisonment for 18 months.

1849, yet another similar incident, when Queen Victoria's carriage through the Constitution Hill Road, London, the Irish unemployment William Hamilton's driving them towards the Queen fired a shot. Hamilton was charged under the 1842 Act, he pleaded guilty in court, then the maximum penalty to be imposed exile --- colony for 7 years.

coach outlet I just like the Queen Victoria, British politicians have repeatedly attacked her puzzled. Lord Shaftesbury wrote: "dissolute George IV full of life, selfishness and sin, but no one confirmed an attempt to assassinate him. The gentle, kind-hearted young woman (referring to Queen Victoria) has been 4 exposed to imminent danger. "

22.01.2011. u 02:52 • 1 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 18.01.2011.

Super precautionary measure how the virus attacks

coach bags Influenza virus genome only a few more than 10,000 nucleotides (the human genome has 3 billion pairs of nucleotides), but split into eight separate RNA segments. They are copied, after the assembly. It is easy to produce new viruses, once the body's immune system to produce virus that completely unknown, it may form a super-virus.

coach outlet said: "For example, H1N1, H1N2 and other seasonal influenza viruses, it may also occur with the new gene rearrangements, but not necessarily be highly pathogenic with a specific gene sequence of super flu viruses. Therefore, we must hedge against in the first place, maybe the future will face a challenge of influenza virus. "

So, how should we attack a super flu virus?

coach outlet Sun Yongchang said the country's scientists and laboratories dedicated to influenza virus in drug development, design or eliminate the influenza virus is a host cell to infection or inhibit influenza virus replication, or inhibiting the transcription of influenza viral protein translation, But many of these studies also failed to use in clinical practice. "Because drug development is a complex rigorous, long process cycle, particularly the development of anti-infective medicine and other drugs not the same, research and development has a certain degree of difficulty. China should soon be able to bring in foreign-related technologies to help research and development. "

18.01.2011. u 02:14 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 15.01.2011.

Take a minute to leave the desk help to reduce the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure

coach bags Leave the seat each time even if only 1 minute, would also reduce the risk of overweight and risk of hypertension, in addition to avoid fatal cardiovascular disease are also helpful. The researchers also found that more than 2 hours a day standing, often relatively small waist circumference, blood pressure is relatively normal.

Conducted by the University of Queensland, Australia, the study investigated a total of 4757 adults living habits of the week, each of the participating investigators are carrying out a time for measuring walking and running portable pedometer. The researchers measured their waist circumference, blood pressure and C-reactive protein levels (heart disease in patients with relatively high levels of C-reactive protein).

coach outlet Present the results of the study published in the "European Heart Journal" (European Heart Journal), the study found that compared with regular sedentary people, who often got up and activity up to 4 cm smaller waist at least.

15.01.2011. u 02:02 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 14.01.2011.

Japanese invention "temperature Mirror" in the mirror will be able to know whether the fever

coach bags Japan now is the influenza epidemic of the season, a local technology company announced yesterday that a mirror-like the invention of thermometers, one need only look in the mirror of a photo, you can determine that they have no fever.

According to reports, NEC Asia Shuttle Infrared Technology Co., Ltd. said that it invented the "body mirror," is like a small mirror; it can not touch the case of human skin to measure the temperature of the mirror. Reports that will show Mirror mirror on the degree of body temperature. If the person has a fever in the mirror, the mirror will sound a reminder.

coach outlet The novelty of the thermometer, there are two different prices, a price 98,000 yen (about 7791 yuan), and the other priced 120,000 yen (about 9540 yuan), is the airport of the thermal imaging the price of less than one into the camera. The latter generally used to check whether passengers have contracted infectious diseases.

The company released a statement saying: "We expect the company held a reception, schools, hospitals and public facilities are suitable for use of this product." The company hopes to sell 5,000 a year temperature mirror.

14.01.2011. u 02:45 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 13.01.2011.

New Zealand introduced a sleeper jet

coach bags To make long flights more comfortable, Air New Zealand launched the world's first passenger aircraft set up a sleeper coach, the media that such a revolutionary design, air travel may become the most important decades of progress.

Take over long-haul aircraft in economy class passengers may have had this experience, more than ten hours of flight, because of crowded seating, arrive at their destination, the legs become numb, swollen feet have outgrown shoes, and because time curled up in the seat, the passenger health will be threatened, so in the traditional economy class and a foreign name "cattle tanks," like the same ride to cattle.

coach outlet Air New Zealand introduced the idea of sleeping aircraft began in 2006, last Dec. 22, the world's first air couch with Boeing 777-300ER aircraft was finally delivered in Seattle, and flew from Auckland today for the first time Melbourne.

Air New Zealand said they After the study, eventually achieved in economy class sleeper, the idea is in fact a number of airlines have been imagined before, but have not achieved. This couch is the air side by side arm of the three seats away, and then rose pedal to make it even into a simple bed, so that 2-3 adults Sleeping, mainly for couples or families design. The first 11 aircraft, a total of 22 air emission couch, two passengers can buy two full price tickets, half-price ticket one way to enjoy the entire air couch. Travel agents said that price is relatively reasonable, especially long flights, and passengers, said in an interview time, willing to buy such a sleeper ticket, this seat will make people become more intimate flight. Experts said that economy class economy class sleeper greatly enhance passenger comfort, and as they embrace this couch seats that will open a new era of air travel.

13.01.2011. u 02:55 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 12.01.2011.

Into the nation's best professional software engineer

coach bags to the best and worst work of a national survey of software engineers in 2011 is the best time, but it is the drilling rig workers in the worst of times.

Job site, the results of the survey released on Wednesday that software engineers have the best job, because the increasing public demand for high-tech gadgets, but also iPods, tablet PCs and other equipment applications in droves.

coach outlet The survey pointed out that software engineers have good employment prospects, low pressure, less physically demanding and competitive salary. On the other hand, oil rigs or gas pipelines have become the worst workers in the work. Drilling rig workers in the work of the danger of the Gulf of Mexico from April last year, a drilling rig explosion caused the deaths of 11 people is evident. Their hard work environment, work in shifts 12 hours a day.

Top 5 best work including mathematicians, actuaries, statisticians and computer systems analysts, their annual salary is more than twice the lowest paid work, both salaries were more than 83,000 U.S. dollars and only more than 3 million.

12.01.2011. u 03:59 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 11.01.2011.

Former U.S. vice presidential candidate's wife passed away will "retaliate" flower husband

louis vuitton outlet Former U.S. Senator John Edwards's wife Elizabeth Edwards, died of breast cancer. She put all property in his will divided three children, no mention of her husband. Elizabeth died on 7 April, when he was 61 years old. British "Daily Mail" January 6 Elizabeth Wills disclosure of the contents of the wills before her death set 6 days. Chosen as the eldest daughter, Catherine Elizabeth, executor. Will text her, the husband does not once mention John Edwards.

"Daily Mail" reported that Elizabeth died in North Carolina home, her friends, three children and Edwards stood by her bed. Elizabeth Edwards in 1977 and married with four children, son Wade died in a car accident in 1996. Elizabeth and John Edwards in January 2010 announced the separation, she intends to divorce her husband before his death.

Edwards, Democratic presidential candidate was once one contender. December 2007, the U.S. tabloid "National Enquirer" exposed John Edwards extra-marital affairs. "National Enquirer," said Edwards and 40 years old female producer Lailihengte having an affair, with a daughter. This affair from July 5, 2006 start. At that time, Edwards's office to a company to pay 10 million U.S. dollars, please make Edwards the other propaganda video, which accept business enterprises in the first 5 days, just by the Hunter incorporated in Delaware.

About 5 months later, Edwards announced his campaign for the Democratic presidential candidate. After a two-Edwards office and paid to Hunter's company about 1.5 million. Hunter followed Edwards campaign tour across the United States to participate in, or even to visit Africa. Edwards acknowledged this relationship in 2008.

11.01.2011. u 02:32 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 10.01.2011.

Sunscreen to protect our skin?

louis vuitton outlet In addition to the visible solar radiation, but also including smaller wavelength than visible light, ultraviolet light, but more intense. Because it is not within the visible spectrum, the human eye can not be perceived. However, once exposed to the sun, invisible but will endanger our health. When these high-intensity ultraviolet radiation to your skin, will produce free radicals and may directly damage your DNA. Short-term ultraviolet radiation will burn the skin, and long-term damage is the cause of skin aging, accelerate and generate millions of new annual cases of skin cancer. Earth's surface UV radiation to our body, including ultraviolet B (UVB) and ultraviolet A (UVA) two.

Shorter wavelength UVB ultraviolet rays penetrated the skin is not very deep, they will severely damage DNA, also induced skin cancer, sunburn and the main reason. UVA ultraviolet rays penetrate more, it can produce deep dermal layer of skin, free radicals, long-term exposure to UVA irradiation causes premature skin aging and immune system problems.

UV sunscreen products in the skin and reach the surface of our skin, causing damage put them isolated before, like put on our skin, a body armor. It contains UV-absorbing organic molecules and shading can be absorbed, scattered and reflected UV inorganic pigment. In order to achieve the best protective effect, a dose of sunscreen products must contain sufficient organic molecules and inorganic pigments shade and evenly to the face in order to fully absorb.

Sunscreen products labeled SPF (Sun Protection Factor) value represents the SPF of the product. Sunscreen products with high coefficients of most of the skin barrier sunburn photons. In short, the use of a sunscreen SPF factor of 10, after each 10 per beam irradiation in the ultraviolet to the skin; and use sunscreen SPF factor of 20 after exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin only 5 beam. Because sunburn caused mainly by UVB, while the value of a high SPF sunscreen products may do nothing for most of UVA ultraviolet light. Therefore, in order to give the skin a more comprehensive protection, sunscreen must be isolated from the function of UVA ultraviolet radiation. This is in the U.S. market is the ingredients of sunscreen products must contain sufficient quantities of zinc oxide, benzene, ketone Asian Buddhist or titanium dioxide.

10.01.2011. u 06:45 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

subota, 08.01.2011.

80-year-old Japanese adventurer, Everest summit attempt to challenge the oldest record

coach bags In 2013 to 80-year-old challenge to Mount Everest (8848 meters above sea level), this 78-year-old Japanese adventurer Yuichiro Miura, the cumulative ongoing training. If successful ascent, he will become the world's oldest person Everest summit.

coach outlet a 75-year-old Miura successful ascent of Mount Everest, was the Guinness organization recognized as the oldest person summit. But subsequently found a 76-year-old male mountaineer in Nepal in its 76-year-old before the summit, this record is modified.

louis vuitton outlet Now go out feet Miura weight, weight training will be put in backpack. He also rode a bike to and from home and office (located in Shibuya-ku, Tokyo) and high end mountain (in Hachioji, Tokyo), with one-way about 45 km.

burberry scarf Miura plans to travel abroad this year and 2012, respectively 6 km above sea-level challenges and 7 km-level peak, in May 2013 to the Mount Everest from the China challenge. Miura said: "The fight with the generation, less and less. I have even up to 80-year-old dreams of the challenges go on."

08.01.2011. u 01:50 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 07.01.2011.

U.S. $ 380,000,000 out of the lottery win big prizes

coach outlet U.S. "big Millions" lottery (Mega Millions) in prize money accumulated to 3.8 billion U.S. dollars, to attract the country's 41 states and the District of Columbia people buying lottery tickets, hoping one fell swoop into a rich prize.

4 evening, the "big million" out under the eye, two from Iowa and Washington, DC, will be equally lucky this astronomical bonuses. Present their identity has not yet announced, they can receive a one-time bonus, you can also receive points for 26 years. The big million lottery prize money is the fourth highest in U.S. history, but also the "big million" Gaming has always been the second highest prize, the highest U.S. lottery prize once in 2007, the prize money of 3.9 billion U.S. dollars.

louis vuitton outlet The fad began to set off from the weekend. In Washington, DC, many people stood in the street for hours, just to buy a dollar of the "big Millions" lottery, lottery until 4, just before the evening away. The small town in northern Arizona, is ushered in a large number of "interstate" Gambling of the public, because the adjacent Utah and Nevada are not "big Millions" lottery sale. "Big Millions" is a way out by Yao Zhu, and as long as the purchase of five numbers and the roll out of the five encoded beads can win the award unanimously. It is understood that the "big million" probability of winning only a hundred million 1 / 24000000. Last year, the "big Millions" and "strong luck" (the United States, another large lottery) to achieve cross-selling agreements, which greatly expanded the pool, increase the prize amount.

burberry scarf "Washington Post" reported that in addition to Lottery, the Washington local governments as much-anticipated "big Millions" lottery - it is extremely difficult for the government to bring an additional fiscal revenue. In Washington, DC, who bought the lottery must pay 8.5% income tax. The Washington DC government's budget in 2012 there have been a deficit of $ 400,000,000. This time, the winners from the Washington, DC, will be assigned to one hundred million over seventy-seven million U.S. dollars (about 1.17 billion yuan) in prize money, will pay $ 15,080,000 (about 99.58 million yuan) in income tax.

07.01.2011. u 02:24 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

četvrtak, 06.01.2011.

Per thousand survey said there are 42 Korean women had been sexually abused

coach outlet According to a recent survey shows that South Korea, for every 1,000 adult women in Korea have been raped or suffered 42 attempted rape.

coach outlet Reported that the Institute of Social Welfare, Yonsei University, on the 1583 South Korea has conducted an interview survey of adult women. Survey, 20 responded that the experience had been raped, and 53 had experienced attempted rape, two of which have experienced up to 10 people. In addition, suffered genital contact or genital touching of the victim and other compulsory indecency 109.

louis vuitton outlet Institute for victims of different types in terms of giving "weighting coefficient", and calculated per 1,000 women in the damage index. The results showed that suffered rape or attempted rape, 42 people suffered serious indecent 73.2 people. Subjected to intentional physical contact with each other close to the other side of the body part or sexual abuse of women, there are 289.9 per 1,000 people. Among them, 527 were victims of sexual immorality telephone, the largest number.

burberry scarf The report also pointed out the survey encountered in the rape or attempted rape of Korean women, only 12.3% reported the matter to the police, the victim of sexual molestation and even fewer reported. In addition, victims of serious sexual indecency with 5.7%, and minor victims of sexual harassment, only 4.1% reported the matter.

06.01.2011. u 04:12 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 05.01.2011.

French people tired of people ranking

coach outlet French politics for women, will be Royal (Segolene Royal) and the first lady Carla Bruni (CarlaBruni) high profile abroad, but the new poll published in the French tired of people on the list, they are among the best.

coach outlet VSD magazine commissioned the Harris Interactive polling institute (InstitutHarris Interactive) showed that the implementation of the poll, people in all walks of life, 52% of people feel that the most tired of politicians, followed by athletes (37%), TV personality (35%), artists (34%) and the pair of celebrities (24%). According to the poll, among the political class of people, people wave Du Xiahong first name special (Poitou-Charentes) President of Royal area, 73% of respondents said that Royal boring.

louis vuitton outlet 70% of the respondents said German Interior Minister HE charges (Brice Hortefeux) for the boring politicians, ranked No. 2; campaign right National Front party (Front National) President of the Ray-Ban (Marie Le Pen) ranked No. 3 by 64% , No. 4 boring politician French President Nicolas Sarkozy (Nicolas Sarkozy).

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05.01.2011. u 02:23 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

utorak, 04.01.2011.

U.S. man indicted peep wife Mail

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04.01.2011. u 02:57 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

ponedjeljak, 03.01.2011.

Brazilian woman 2 days from the coffin, "Resurrection"

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03.01.2011. u 02:42 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

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