
ponedjeljak, 26.01.2009.

Francis je ponovo in

Često ga spominju na televiziji i u tisku.
Osim toga, učili smo ga u školi. Francis Scott Fitzgerald.
Tender is the night, The Great Gatsby i to.
Pisao je o mladim lijepim i uglavnom bogatim ljudima koji su se provodili, pili, putovali,
ženili i rastavljali se.
Drame. Ili, možda, sapunice. Ali i fantastične priče.
Jedan od najboljih američkih pisaca. Hemingwayev prijatelj i materijal za knjige.
Rekoh sebi, moram bacit pogled na to jednom.
Tu odluku sam godinama uspješno odgađala, a onda se dogodio jedan film Woodya Allena
u kojem je on sarkastično spomenuo kako bi nekome trebalo dodijeliti
Zelda Fitzgerald sanity award.
Pa sam malo guglala i jahuala i uputila se u priču o braku Fitzgeraldovih.
Munjena balerina i pisac alkoholičar. Sami zamislite detalje.
A onda, konačno, jednog lijepog ljetnog dana kući iz knjižnice donesoh
Babylon revisited and other stories.

Prva priča bila je The Ice palace. Počinje ovako :
The sunlight dripped over the house like golden paint over an art jar, and the
freckling shadows here and there only intensified the rigor of the bath of light.
.......only the Happer house took the full sun, and all day long faced the dusty road-street
with a tolerant kindly patience. This was the city of Tarleton in southernmost Georgia,
September afternoon.

Kad sam, pri kraju prve stranice, pročitala rečenicu
Up in her bedroom window Sally Carrol Happer rested her nineteen-year-old chin on
a fifty-two-year-old sill and watched Clark Darrow's ancient Ford turn the corner

totalno me osvojio.
Preporučujem ga.

Ah,da po njegovoj priči je snimljen film The curious case of Benjamin Button.
U kinima do vas. Nominiran za Oscara. Brad Pitt, Cate Blanchett, Julia Ormond, Tilda Swinton.
Ta i druge priče besplatno se mogu downloadati na www.projectgutenberg.com.

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I don't want to sell anything, buy anything, or process anything as a career. I don't want to sell anything bought or processed,
or buy anything sold or processed, or process anything sold, bought, or processed, or repair anything sold, bought, or processed.
You know, as a career, I don't want to do that.

(John Cusack, Say Anything)

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