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15.09.2012., subota

Moć koncentracije

English then Serbian below. Excerpts from Swamiji Jogananda's Book on The Power on Concentration and advice for daily life.
Engleski pa srpski dole. Odeljci iz Swamiji Joganandanice knjige o moci koncentracije i saveti.
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"There are various degrees of faith... Faith is intuitive belief, knowledge from the soul that cannot be shaken even by contradictions... In harmony with God, you will find the road to true success that is a balance of spiritual, mental, moral and material achievement.
Too much time is spent on superficial interests. …When students are with me, I tell them: "Remain calm. Do not feel as if you have to talk all the time. Dive inside and you will see Grace which is in the base of all beauty.”
Unpeaceful people are like butterflies, they concentrate on films and useless activties. If you place God before all, it is completely all right that you occasionally watch the movie, but they are most often a waste of time. In the early fazes of your spiritual path, you have to look for peaceful places where you can regularly go alone and be free to think of God. When you are with people, be with them with all your heart; give them your love and attention. But also, allocate time to be only with God. I rarely see anyone in the morning; it is my time for loneliness. And do not so often vist “social circles”. There is no happiness to that. Choose your company. Choose some wise person or good friends who will endow you with spiritual thoughts and you will be preoccupied with God.
Reading valuable books is better than wasting time on stupidity. Yet better than reading books is meditation. Concentrate your attention inside. And you will feel one new power, one new strenght, one new peace -- in your body, mind and spirit. Your problem in meditation is that you do not last long enough to achive the results. That is why you do not succeed to realize the power of concentration of mind. If you let muddy water to remain still for long enough, the mudd will go down on the bottom and the water will become clear. In meditation, when the mudd of your restless thoughts starts to go down, Divine power starts to reflect in the clean waters of your consciouness.
…Firsly, most people do it with half strength. They use approximately 10% of their attention. That is why they have no power to succeed. Besides that, maybe their karma, the consequences of their wrong deeds from the past, created the state of cronic lack of success. Do not believe that you are not capable for anything. Often when you can’t succeed in something, it is because you decided in your mind that you can’t do that. But, if you succeed to persuade your mind in its power to attain things, you can do all! With communication with God you change your state from the state of mortal being to the state of immortal being. When you do that, all connections which limit you will be broken. That is a very huge law that needs to be remembered. As soon as your attention is concentrated, the power of all powers will come, and with it, you can attain spiritual, mental and material success. I used that power in my life again and again, and you can do that too.
I know that that Divine power can never fail. Although all other powers that you gain will brng you pieces of success; that success will not last. But when attention divnely concentrates, it will always shine like one big light that will reveal God.
When some problem stops you – when you do not see the solution or someone to help you – enter mediation. Meditate until you find the solution. It will come, I checked it hundreds of times, and I know that concentration of the power of attention never fails. That is the secret of success. Concentrate and do not stop until your concentration becomes perfect. Then you aim after what you want. As a mortal being, you are limited, but as God’s child, you are limitless. Concentration is all. First you dive inside; learn to concentrate your mind and feel God’s power. Then you aim for material success. If you want health, first go to God and get connected to with Life which is in the essence of all lives; then apply the laws of health. You will see that it is more effective then the reliance only on doctors.
Communicate with God, and then aim for health, or money, or look for partner in life.
In order to get a response from God, you have to mediate deeply. Every day, meditation has to be deeper than the previous day. Then you will see that your attention, as soon as it is concentrated, removes the turmoils of your mind and you feel that God’s power is born in you. That power can destroy all the seeds of the lack of success. “
From the book "Concentration of the power of attention for gaining success: Prayers Responded" (Sections: To be practical means to first look for God, and Mediation removes mental limitations), Paramhansa Jogananda (1893-1952)

"...Postoje razni stepeni vere. ...Vera je intuitivno ubedjenje, znanje iz duse kojeg ne mogu da poljuljaju ni protivrecnosti. ...
U harmoniji sa Bogom naci cete put ka istinskom uspehu koji predstavlja ravnotezu duhovnog, mentalnog, moralnog i materijalnog postignuca.
Suvise se vrema trosi na povrsna interesovanja. …Kad su ucenici sa mnom, ja im kazem: "Ostanite tihi. Nemojte da osecate da morate sve vreme da pricate. Zaronite unutra i videcete Ljupkost koja je u osnovi sve lepote. …
Nemirni ljudi su nalik na leptire , koncentrisu se na filmove i beskoristne aktivnosti. Ako imate Boga pre svega, sasvim je u redu da povremeno gledate filmove, ali oni su vecinom tracenje vremena. U ranim fazama duhovnog puta, vi morate da trazite mirna mesta gde mozete da redovno odlazite sami i da budete slobodni da mislite na Boga. Kada ste sa ljudima, budite sa njima svim srcem; dajte im svoju ljubav i paznju. Ali, takodje odvojite svoje vreme da budete samo sa Bogom. Ja se retko vodjam sa bilo kim ujutru, to je moje vreme za samocu. I nemojte suvise da posecujete “drustvene skupove”. U tome nema srece. Birajte svoje drustvo.
Izaberite nekog mudrog coveka ili neke dobre prijatelje koji ce u Vas uliti duhovne misli, i bicete zaokupljeni Bogom.
Citanje vrednih knjiga je bolje nego tracenje vremena na gluposti. Ali bolja od citanja knjiga je meditacija. Usredsredite svoju paznju unutra. Oseticete jednu novu moc, jednu novu snagu, jedan novi mir – u telu, umu i duhu. Vas problem u meditaciji je sto ne istrajavate dovoljno dugo da biste postigli rezultate. Zato nikad ne uspevate da shvatite moc usredsredjenja uma. Ako pustite da blatnjava voda stoji mirno dovoljno dugo, blato ce se staloziti na dno i voda ce postati cista. U meditaciji, kada mulj vasih nemirnih misli pocne da se talozi, Bozija moc pocinje da se odrazava u cistim vodama vase svesti.
…Pre svega, vecina ljudi sve radi sa pola snage. Oni koriste otprilike desetinu svoje paznje. Zato nemaju moc da uspeju. Pored toga, mozda im je njihova karma, posledice njihovih pogresnih dela iz proslosti, stvorila stanje hronicnog neuspeha. Nemojte da verujete da niste sposobni ni za sta. Cesto kada ne mozete da uspete u necemu, to je zato sto ste u umu odlucili da to ne mozete da uradite. Ali, kad uspete da ubedite svoj um u njegovu moc da postize stvari, mozete da ucinite sve! Komunikacijom sa Bogom vi menjate svoje stanje od stanja smrtnog bica u stanje besmrtnog bica. Kad to ucinite, sve veze koje vas ogranicavaju ce se pokidati. To je veoma veliki zakon koji treba zapamtiti. Cim se vasa paznja usredsredi, moc svih moci ce dooci, a sa njom mozete da postignete duhovni, mentalni i materijalni uspeh. Ja sam stalno iznova koristio tu moc u mom zivotu, a i vi to mozete da ucinite.
Znam da ta Bozija moc nikad ne moze da omane. Iako ce vam sve druge moci koje sticete doneti delice uspeha, taj uspeh nece potrajati. Ali kada se vasa paznja bozanski usredsredi, ona ce uvek sijati kao jedna velika svetlostkoja ce otkrivati Boga.
Kada vas neki problem osujecuje – kada ne vidite resenje i nikoga da vam pomogne – udjite u meditaciju. Meditirajte dok ne nadjete resenje. Ono ce doci, ja sam to proverio stotinama puta, i znam da usredredjivanje moci paznje nikad ne omane. To je tajna uspeha. Koncentrisite se i nemojte da prestajete dok vam koncentracija ne bude savrsena. Onda tezite za onim sto zelite. Kao smrtno bice vi ste ograniceni, ali kao Bozije dete vi ste neograniceni. Povezite svoju koncentraciju sa Bogom. Koncentracija je sve. Najpre zaronite unutra; naucite da usredsredite svoj um i da osetite Boziju moc. Onda tezite za materijalnim uspehom. Ako zelite zdravlje, najpre podjite Bogu i povezite se sa Zivotom koji je u osnovi svih zivota; potom primenite zakone zdravlja. Videcete da je to mnogo efikasnije nego da se oslanjate samo na lekare. Komunicirajte sa Bogom, a potom tezite zdravlju, ili novcu, ili trazite partnera u zivotu.
Da biste dobili odgovor od Boga, morate duboko da meditirate. Svakog dana, meditacija mora da vam bude dublja nego prethodnog dana. Tada cete uvideti da vasa paznja, cim se usredsredi, otklanja nedostatke vaseg uma i vi osecate da se u vama radja Bozija moc. Ta moc moze da unisti sve seme neuspeha.“
Iz knjige "Usredsredjivanje moci paznje radi postizanja uspeha: Uslisene molitve" (Delovi: Prakticnost je u tome da najpre trazite Boga (pa onda sve ostalo), i Meditacija uklanja mentalna ogranicenja), Paramhansa Jogananda (1893-1952)


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