--------------- --- On Sun, 1/11/09, valerio orlić From: valerio orlić Subject: sastanak Hrvatskog književnog društva i suradnika Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 1:24 PM ---------------- U SRIJEDU 14.01.2009. SASTANAK DRUŠTVA U 18 SATI U VELIKOJ DVORANI FILODRAMMATICE 1,- izbor članova u izborna tijela -uredništvo časopisa, (poezija, haiku ,proza, lektura, itd) -organizaciju manifestacija -međunarodna tijela odbor za prijem članova tajništvo i marketing i ostalo 2,- daljni rad društva tiskanje knjiga članova deruštva priprema novog broja časopisa društva i pod razno prijedlozi i ideje članova o poboljšanju društva, te aktiviranje i mlađeg književnog sastava društva u odbore društva te razno... 3, web stranica, članske iskaznice 4, razno, nadamo se što većem odazivu članova iz rijeke i županije a ostali članovi mogu putem maila iskazati sve ideje i prijedloge ------------- Književna večer s Vesnom Krmpotić Rijeka 27. siječnja 2009. 19:30 h Savez udruga Molekula, Delta 5 P R O G R A M 19:30 Otvaranje književne večeri 19:35 "Razgovor ugodni" s Vesnom Krmpotić 20:15 Čitanje izabranih pjesama i proze ------------------ --- On Tue, 1/13/09, Zarko Milenic From: Zarko Milenic Subject: Rijec To: Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 3:19 PM ------------- Dragi Boro! Evo web stranice mog casopisa Rijec: Posalji mi svoje senryu za idući broj. Srdacno, -- Zarko ---------------------- Dragi prijatelji, haiku, senryu i sve ostalo pošaljite našem Žarku Mileniću u Brčko za časopis RIJEČ. ---------------------- --- On Wed, 1/7/09, Boris Nazansky From: Boris Nazansky Subject: Re: zanimljivo, pogledaj: To: Date: Wednesday, January 7, 2009, 1:20 PM Dragi Boro, srdacan ti pozdrav uz zýelje za svako dobro u 2009. godini. Saljem ti rezultate natjecaja za ludbreski Haiku Calendar/rokovnik 2009, pa te molim da ih - ako je ikako moguce - obznanite na "Karolininim" web-stranicama kao sto ste do sada uvijek cinili. Pozdrav i svim haiku-kolegama u Rijeci i oko nje! Boris ------------------ RESULTS OF THE 8th INTERNATIONAL HAIKU CONTEST HAIKU CALENDAR LUDBREG 2009 REZULTATI 8. MEĐUNARODNOG NATJEČAJA ZA HAIKU-KALENDAR LUDBREG 2009 The number of 310 haikus written by 106 authors from 21 countries (Australia, Austria, Bangladesh, Belgium, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Trinidad & Tobago and United States of America) were received for competition to the 8th international haiku contest Haiku Calendar Ludbreg 2008. Here are the results. Na 8. međunarodni natječaj za Haiku-kalendar Ludbreg 2009 pristiglo je 310 haikua od 106-ero autora iz 21 zemlje (Australija, Austrija, Bangladeš, Belgija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Filipini, Francuska, Grčka, Hrvatska, Indija, Kanada, Nizozemska, Novi Zeland, Njemačka, Poljska, Rumunjska, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Slovenija, Srbija i Trinidad i Tobago). Evo rezultata. First Prize ($ 100) Prva nagrada (100 američkih dolara) 1. Enes Kišević, Zagreb; Croatia/Hrvatska **** woman in the dark tears lit up her weeping face for a while ženi u mraku suze načas osvijetle uplakano lice Second Prize ($ 50) Druga nagrada (50 američkih dolara) 2. Marc Bonetto, France/Francuska *** snow over snow silence after silence snijeg preko snijega tišina nakon tišine Third Prize (3 x $20) Treća nagrada (20 američkih dolara) 3. Silva Trstenjak, Štrigova; Croatia/Hrvatska ** one after another morning sun lights candles of ice jednu za drugom jutarnje sunce pali svijeće od leda Honorable Mention (alphabetical order) Počasno priznanje (abecedni poredak) Raquel D. Bailey, USA/SAD Ernest Berry, New Zealand/Novi Zeland Jim Kacian, USA/SAD Magdalena Lubomirova Borisova, Bulgaria/Bugarska Jacek Margolak, Poland/Poljska Jasminka Nadaškić-Đorđević, Serbia/Srbija Oana Aurora Posnaines, Romania/Rumunjska Dragan J. Ristić, Serbia/Srbija Stjepan Rožić, Ivanić Grad; Croatia/Hrvatska Ana Ruse, Romania/Rumunjska Valeria Simonova Cecon, Italy/Italija Barbara Strang, New Zealand/Novi Zeland Eduard Tara, Romania/Rumunjska Željka Vučinić-Jambrešić, Ivanić Grad; Croatia/Hrvatska Verica Živković, Serbia/Srbija Zdravko Kurnik Duško Matas Boris Nazansky Zdenko Oreč Mirko Varga -------------------- --- On Sun, 1/11/09, Ray Rasmussen From: Ray Rasmussen Subject: Announcement: Modern Haibun and Tanka Prose Journal To: Date: Sunday, January 11, 2009, 5:09 PM --------------- Announcement: MODERN HAIBUN & TANKA PROSE: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS.Call for Submissions.Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose.Issue 1. Summer 2009.You are invited to submit haibun and tanka prose for the Summer 2009 premiereissue of Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose. The submission deadline is March 31,2009. Submissions will NOT close earlier than the deadline.Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose is a biannual journal-a print literary journal,a PDF ebook, and a digital online magazine-dedicated to the publication andpromotion of fine English haibun and tanka prose. We seek traditional andinnovative haibun and tanka prose of high quality and desire to assimilate thebest of these Japanese genres into a continuously evolving English tradition. Inaddition to haibun and tanka prose, we publish articles, essays, book reviewsand interviews pertinent to these same genres.Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose specializes in fine haibun and tanka prose. Allselection decisions will be made at the sole discretion of the editor.Previously unpublished work, not on offer elsewhere, is solicited.Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose, Baltimore, Maryland USA. Website:. Jeffrey Woodward. Email up to five haibun, five tanka prose, and fiveshort works to the Editor at MHTP(dot)EDITOR(at)GMAIL(dot)COM . Beforesubmitting, please read the detailed submission guidelines and haibun and tankaprose selection criteria on the website Haibun & Tanka Prose looks for top quality haibun and tanka prose innatural, modern English idiom. No payment for publication. No contributorcopies. Publishes a print edition (6" x 9" trade paperback), a PDFebook, and an online digital edition.Thank you for sharing this call widely.Sincerely,Jeffrey Woodward, Editor, Modern Haibun & Tanka Prose ----------------------- --- On Sun, 1/4/09, The Heron's Nest Webmaster From: The Heron's Nest Webmaster Subject: The Heron's Nest Is Celebrating! To: "The Heron's Nest Webmaster" Date: Sunday, January 4, 2009, 11:39 PM The Heron's Nest Is Celebrating!We have published our Tenth Volume and are selecting work for year numbereleven.It is time to pause and thank three kinds of Families for our success andendurance.First, the Staff Family with whom I have been privileged to work -- andpleasurable work it is. Kudos to the all-volunteer staff, especiallyChristopher Herold and his vision. We, the current six, have successfully andamicably survived three retirements, found new folks to fill in, and kept ongoing under the fearless leadership of John Stevenson, new Managing Editor. Thanks also to the Families of the Staff for their patience and help. They know who they are. Some must smile at our seeming whimsy. "You type and read for endless hours for absolutely no money at all?" Forgive us a dab of pride. With December's edition, we have published our 77th Issue spanning 10 Volumes. We switched from monthly to quarterly publication after Vol. VI. Every scheduled issue of the journal has been on time. Unique among English-language haiku journals, The Heron's Nest is available in both print and electronic formats. We have publicly shared nearly 5,000 haiku (not including Memorials, we will go past that milestone with the next issue in 2009). These haiku have been rigorously edited, now selected by a panel of five Editors up from Christopher alone the first year. All works are available without charge, searchable by poet, at the web site archives. Yes, herons do puff out their feathers and can raise their crests. Yet, I know I speak for all of us when I say that above all, as we celebrate, we humbly thank our contributing writers: our Family of readers and poets. Christopher Herold, the Founding Editor, has told me he had no notion that his dream for a journal would lead to the size and quality that has resulted. He especially is pleased, as are we all, that poets writing in English contribute from so many countries, regions, and cultures. Now, listen with us as the "virtual" champagne cork pops, see the bubbles rise in crystal stemware. Our noisemakers unroll with a kazooing "Whee!" Confetti is in the air . . . Paul MacNeil for The Staff, January 2009 P.S. - Please remember to send your Readers' Choice votes before the January 15 deadline. Instructions can be found at the link --- The Heron's Nest ---------------- --- On Tue, 1/13/09, The Heron's Nest Webmaster From: The Heron's Nest Webmaster Subject: Heron's Nest Voting Reminder To: "The Heron's Nest Webmaster" Date: Tuesday, January 13, 2009, 2:27 PM Please be sure not to miss the January 15th deadline for Readers' Choice voting. We want to hear from you! Instructions can be found at the link --- The Heron's Nest ------------- --- On Mon, 1/12/09, From: Subject: Samostalna objava vizuelnih dela i Gradjansko novinarstvo To: Date: Monday, January 12, 2009, 1:12 PM Sponzori: Axelfoto - foto oprema, Moj pogled na svet, Fotografije Srbije Medijski sponzor Mreze: Chillout, Urban bug, K-013. Dragi clanovi, Nastavljamo sa razvojem Mreze u pravcu vece slobode i sirenja mogucnosti izrazavanja, promocije, informisanja i umrezavanja kao sto smo i obecali. Prvi put posle skoro 6 godina od postojanja Mreze uveli smo SAMOSTALNU OBJAVU VIZUELNIH DELA. Dovoljno je ulogovati se i u okviru "Kreiranja sadrzaja" izabrati opciju "Slika". Kratko uputstvo na toj stranici ce vam pomoci da brzo i jednostavno objavite svoju fotografiju. Stara galerija ce ostati u funkciji, a sva nova dela ce biti objavljena direktno na glavnom delu sajta u novoj galeriji. Pojedina ce biti prerzentovana u okviru prve stranice kao sto je to slucaj sa unikatnim nakitom koji je postavila Stojana Curcic. Fotografije mozete komentarisati koristeci formu ispod svake od njih. Sada, sa svojim nalogom, mozete samostalno objaviti svoja tekstualna (proza, poezija, istrazivanja, biografije, eseji, drame) i vizuelna dela (fotografija, slikarstvo, scenografija, arhitektura i enterijer...). Novi deo sajta - "Gradjansko novinarstvo" ce polako zameniti stari deo koji su ispunjavali iskljucivo saradnici. Mozete da postavljate svoje clanke i fotografije sa zanimljivih i znacajnih dogadjaja kojima prisustvujete kao sto su izlozbe, festivali, konferencije i td. O svemu ovome vise procitajte u okviru sajta. Ukoliko imate neko pitanje, ili nejasnocu, slobodno se javite na mobilni telefon 063/82-44-873. Srdacan pozdrav, Tihomir Stojanovic autor i koordinator "Mreza Kreativnih Ljudi" Web: Mail: GSM: + 381 / 63 / 82 - 44 - 873 Skype: tihomirs Google talk: mrezakreativnihljudi -- Ako ne zelite da primate newsletter Mreze, this link Da bi ste osvezili Vase preference i da bi ste se odjavili posetite this link ------------------------------------------------------------- Društvo haiku pjesnika - Rijeka Karolina Riječka ------------------------------------------------------------- U Rijeci, 14.01.2009. godine Borivoj Bukva |
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