Susreti pjesnika KLOŠTAR - 2008, CASCINA MACONDO, The Heron's Nest, Calico Cat, Ludbreg 2008
"Susreti haiku pjesnika KLOSTAR 2008" - Klostar Ivanic, HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY CASCINA MACONDO, The Heron's Nests, Calico Cat International bilingual haiku contest, Mainichi 2007, Ludbreg - Kalendar 2008 ------------------------------------------------ Udruga 'Tri rijeke', HPOI, Ivanić Grad poziva Vas na 'Susrete haiku pjesnika K l o š t a r 2008.' koji će se održati u Kloštar Ivaniću, u jesen 2008. godine. N A T J E Č A J - Odrasli natjecatelji i učenici srednjih škola - slobodna tema - 3 haikua na hrvatskom standardu kajkavskom narječju čakavskom narječju engleskom jeziku Haiku niz - tema: RIJEKA - 5 haikua - Učenici osnovnih škola - - slobodna tema - 3 haikua na hrvatskom standardu kajkavskom narječju čakavskom narječju Molimo šaljite neobjavljene haikue. Haikue, u svakoj kategoriji posebno - napišite na papir formata A4 i navedite šifru a podatke o autoru (i školi) molimo navedite na poleđini. Datum zatvaranja natječaja: Poštanski pečat subora, 31.05.2008. Molimo da o nagradnom natječaju obavijestite haiku prijatelje, a o točnom datumu održavanja susreta obavijestiti ćemo sve natjecatelje. Svoje radove molimo šaljite poštom na adresu: Udruga 'Tri rijeke', Kolodvorska 44, 10310 Ivanić Grad Ili e-mailom na: S veseljem očekujemo Vaše radove i Vaš dolazak. U Kloštru je uvijek lijepo! ----------------------------------------------- The 5th International Haiku Contest: 'Klostar Ivanic 2008', Croatia Organized by ‘Three Rivers’, Haiku Association, Ivanic Grad, Croatia Haiku in English only. Deadline: In hand May 31, 2008 Free of charge. Open to all. Contestants must be 12 years or older. Send only unpublished haiku. Theme: Any theme is welcome, but remember Nature and man as a part of it. Haiku may be send by post or by e-mail. Results will be on the Internet no later than October 1, 2008. The haiku meeting will be held during September or October in Klostar Ivanic, Croatia. Prizes: First Prize: USD 50,00 Second Prize: USD 30,00 Third prize: USD 20,00 Commendments Postal address: Tri rijeke, Kolodvorska 44, 10310 Ivanic Grad E-mail: ----------------------------------------- Dragi Boro, saljem ti napokon rezultate natjecaja za ludbreski Kalendar 2008, pa ih mozete staviti na Karolinine stranice. Izrada Kalendara napreduje, nadam se da ce biti gotov mozda vec krajem sijecnja. Puno pozdrava svima! Boris Nazansky RESULTS OF THE 7th INTERNATIONAL HAIKU CONTESTHAIKU CALENDAR LUDBREG 2008 REZULTATI 7. MEĐUNARODNOG NATJEČAJAZA HAIKU-KALENDAR LUDBREG 2008 The number of 482 haikus written by 69 authors from 17 countries (Australia, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Germany, Great Britain, India, Ireland, Israel, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia and United States of America) were received for competition to the 7th international haiku contest Haiku Calendar Ludbreg 2008. Here are the results. Na 7. međunarodni natječaj za Haiku-kalendar Ludbreg 2008 pristigla su 482 haikua od 69-ero autora iz 17 zemalja (Australija, Bosna i Hercegovina, Bugarska, Filipini, Francuska, Hrvatska, Indija, Irska, Izrael, Nepal, Novi Zeland, Njemačka, Rumunjska, Sjedinjene Američke Države, Slovenija, Srbija i Velika Britanija). Evo rezultata. First Prize ($ 100)Prva nagrada (100 američkih dolara) 1. Dubravko Korbus, Ivanić Grad; Croatia/Hrvatska **** Old apple tree ...handing a bough full of Springthrough the window Stara jabuka ...kroz prozor pruža granupunu proljeća The wide open window, welcoming the awakening of nature, unifies – with the extraordinary warmth the juxtaposition of an apple’s old age and the springtime’s youth. With his/her inner eye a reader can see that this window has just been opened and that the bough full of spring is trying to find its way into the room. As if it has been knocking on the windowpane in an attempt to get inside, which it actually did, helped by a stronger whiff of a springtime breeze. Haiku experience that lasts much more than one single moment. Usporednost (jukstapozicija) starosti (jabuke) i mladosti (proljeća) sjedinjena je neobičnom toplinom okna raskriljenog buđenju prirode. Zamislivo je da je prozor netom otvoren i da grana jabuke puna proljeća koja ga je dodirivala (kucala o staklo tražeći da uđe) kroza nj proviruje usuđujući se ući tek s dahom jačega povjetarca. Haiku-doživljaj koji (ipak) traje mnogo dulje od trenutka. Second Prize ($ 50)Druga nagrada (50 američkih dolara) 2. Silva Trstenjak, Štrigova; Croatia/Hrvatska *** white bindweedfilling the holesin the old hedge bijeli slakpuni rupicestare živice The life of bindweed (just this particular white one) finds its purpose in filling the holes in the old hedge. Haiku is not only written and poetized, haiku is - lived. A poet knows how to live it, but here she is only to register it: those who trully live their haiku are indeed the white bindweed flowers. Život slaka (baš ovog, bijelog) usvrhovljen je punjenjem rupica u staroj živici: jedan bijeli cvijet – jedna, možda dvije, gdjekad i tri rupice. Haiku se ne piše i ne pjeva nego – živi. Pjesnik(inja) zna živjeti haiku, ali ona je ovdje samo zapisatelj(ica): oni koji uistinu žive ovaj svoj haiku jesu bijeli cvjetovi slaka. Third Prize (3 x $20)Treća nagrada (3 x 20 američkih dolara) 3. Petar Tchouhov, Bulgaria/Bugarska ** she falls asleepher shadow continuesreading pala je u sannjezina sjena nastavljačitati Here we find the associative idea of subtlety to Fragonard’s Girl Who is Reading which has been known to many of us being the motive of the famous tapestry. The girl falls asleep from time to time, but her shadow on the wall, illuminated by the light of the fire-place, never stops reading. Asocijacijski priziv finoće Fragonardove Djevojke koja čita koju mnogi poznaju i kao motiv čuvenoga goblena. S vremena na vrijeme ona mora pasti u san, ali njezina sjena (na zidu, osvijetljena vatrom iz kamina) čitati ne prestaje nikada. *** Honorable Mention (alphabetical order) 1. Dejan Bogojević, Serbia train siren –only a dog movedat the station zvižduk vlaka –na stanici se pokrenusamo pas 2. Toni Calvello, USA snow stormschool bus lightsbleed through the squall snježna olujasvjetla školskoga busakrvare kroz zapuh 3. Adina Enachescu, Romania In rivality:the concert by Bachand the summer rain Suparništvo:Bachov koncerti ljetna kiša 4. Željko Funda, Varaždin; Croatia Draughty waiting room.Among the passengers’ feeta plastic bag shifting. Propuh u čekaonici.Između nogu putnikaklizi vrećica. 5. Vasile Moldovan, Romania Begging for rain,some gipsy girls dance barefootin the road’s dust U molitvi za kišubosonoge ciganke plešuna prašnjavom putu 6. Ivana Vanja Niković, Serbia the morning fog –confused bumping into each otherthree an I jutarnja magla –sudarismo se zbunjenidrvo i ja 7. Jennifer Nolan, Ireland The soft tips of arabbit’s ears emerge like sailsfrom meadow-grass waves Meki vršci zečjihušiju – jedra nad valovljemlivadne trave 8. John Ower, USA graveyard at night –a black cypresspoints towards the stars groblje u noći –crni čempres pokazujeka zvijezdama 9. Mladen Pokić, Zagreb; Croatia Child’s handin a joyous dreamreached for a bird Dječja rukau nasmijanom snuposegla za pticom 10. Ivo Posavec, Koškovec; Croatia Autumn wind.Flying nest follows the lastflight of the birds Jesenski vjetar.Za zadnjim letom pticaleti gnijezdo 11. Lanie Shanzyra, Philippines autumn morningmaple leaf on the windowshivers jesenje jutrojavorov list na oknusamo drhturi 12. Constantin Stroe, Romania Old man in winter –his postbox is emptyagain and again Zima – starčev jepoštanski sandučić prazanopet prazan 13. Venčeslav Špilak, Cestica; Croatia forest pathlittle puppies forgottheir pawprints na šumskom putupsići su zaboraviliotiske capa 14. Eduard Tara, Romania Crescent summer moonmy little son caressinghis unborn brother ljetni polumjesecmoj dječačić milujenerođenog brata 15. Tony A. Thompson, USA cherry blossoms falloutside the hospitalold men talk of war izvan bolniceosipaju se cvjetovi trešnjestarci govore o ratu Dubravko BilićZdravko KurnikBoris NazanskyZdenko OrečMirko Varga ------------------------------------------------------ ----- Original Message ----- From: Cascina Macondo - Pietro Tartamella To: .a.Pietro Tartamella info@ Sent: Thursday, January 10, 2008 5:22 PM Subject: cartoline con haiku pervenute a macondo HAICOM HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY CASCINA MACONDO PRESENTA HAIPOMACŇ - UNA PER TUTTE, TUTTE PER UNO HAIKU POSTCARDS MAILING ART COLLECTION CARTOLINE CON HAIKU PERVENUTE A CASCINA MACONDO Amici Haijin sparsi nel mondo che viaggiate e incontrate luoghi e popoli e idiomi ovunque voi siate che un vostro pensiero sia per tutti noi comunitŕ.Cercate una cartolina. Scrivete sul retro, a mano, in modo chiaro e leggibile, un semplice haiku. Il tempo dedicato a cercare una cartolina, il tempo dedicato a scrivere un haiku seduti su una pietra, sotto un pino, al tavolo di un bar, che siano per voi un buon tempo. Apponete il francobollo, scrivete la data, firmate con nome e cognome, spedite a: Cascina Macondo – B.ta Madonna della Rovere, 4 10020 Riva Presso Chieri (TO) – Italy LE VOSTRE CARTOLINE DIVERRANNO HAIGA CLICCA SU QUESTO LINK PER LEGGERE LE CARTOLINE HAIKU PERVENUTE FINORA Abbiamo cercato di trascrivere il piů fedelmente possibile il testo originale. Se vi č qualche errore o imprecisione ciň č dovuto semplicemente alla grafia poco chiara, o decisamente illeggibile, dell’autore. *** HAICOM HAIKU INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY CASCINA MACONDO PRESENTS HAIPOMACŇ - ALL FOR ONE, ONE FOR ALL HAIKU POSTCARDS MAILING ART COLLECTION POSTCARDS WITH HAIKU SEND TO CASCINA MACONDO Haijin friends worldwide, you who travel and meet places and people and languages, wherever you are, let one of your thoughts become community for us all. Look for a postcard. Handwrite on the back, in clear writing, a simple haiku. May the time you spend in finding a postcard, the time you spend in writing a haiku, sitting on a big stone, under a pine-tree, at a coffee table, be a happy time. Attach a stamp, add the date and your full signature, then send it to: Cascina Macondo - Borgata Madonna della Rovere, 4 10020 Riva Presso Chieri - Torino - Italy YOUR POSTCARD WILL BECOME A HAIGA tihis CLICK ON link to read yours received so far We have tried to write down the more closely as possible the original text. If there is some mistake or error this is simply due to spelling unclear, or decidedly unreadable, author. CASCINA MACONDO Centro Nazionale per la Promozione della Lettura Creativa ad Alta Voce e POETICA HAIKU Borgata Madonna della Rovere, 4 10020 Riva Presso Chieri - Torino - Italy tel. 011-9468397 - cell. 328 42 62 517 - -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear Friends and Readers of The Nest, One last reminder that, if you haven't already done so, there are only two more days in which to get votes to me for your favorite haiku from The Heron's Nests of 2007. The deadline is midnight, January 15! Voting is a wonderful opportunity, not only to honor the poems and poets who have most deeply touched you, but also to get further in touch with the aspects of haiku that speak to you most compellingly. For voting guidelines, please go to: Again, if you haven't already done so, I hope you're planning to purchase a copy of the paper edition of Volume IX. It's going to be a wonderful collection. For for costs and where to send a check, go to: The information is in the left-hand column. With my best wishes, as always, Christopher Herold ----------------------------------------------- Jadran Zalokar, Rijeka.........................wrote: bok boro ovo salje sasa lp jadran ----- Original Message ----- From: sasa To: Undisclosed-Recipient:; Sent: Monday, January 14, 2008 10:17 AM Subject: Mainichi 2007 International First Prize Premier Prix Silence of dawn The snow drifts down On top of fallen snow - Philippe Breham (France) history folded in its wings ... a dove in sulfur wind -Darrell Lindsey chambers pulsing in the washed-up jellyfishwanmg moon -Michael Welch the blue moon white asparagus is growing in the dark -Richie Matsuzawa Second Prize Second Prix autumn drizzle stares at the ocean dead whale's eye -Arturas Silanskas (Lithuania) cracked steeple- a stained glass window reddens the mist -Elizabeth Crane late summer moon a monarch lands on the lighthouse -Barry Goodmann : a pure spring bubbles farther, the ocean's roaran old man sighs -Manuela Miga (Romania) ciel d'ete- le souffle d'un enfant deplace les nuages -Jessica Tremblay (Canada) Terres saupoudrecs d' or. .. Gauguin resterait penaudCulture de colza. Riviere vaseuse- avec etiquette de firme flotte en ondoyant un chiffon -Dan Pomarjanschi (Romania) -Simona Frosin (Romania) Ecume des j ours la neige se fixe aux tempes reves sans retour -Martin Gabriel (France) pierre lisse et nue et moi qui m'inquiete du temps qu'il me reste -i-Angele Lux (Canada) Waves lay on the shore shadow of drowned womansalt light at daybreak -Clelia Ifrim (Romania) harvest moon juice drips from my full lips into my palm -Raquel Bailey a: S. A) shadowless buoy splits the tide sunset -Lori Freshwater a: S. A) like a fat man dancing on the roof this typhoon! -Robert Wilson a: S. A) autumn com rows in the moonlit garden empty labyrinths -Nanci Pritchard a: S. A) indian summer the ant moving a sunbeam on the fine sand -Slavko Sedlar (Serbia) Honorable Mention English and French sunset: I am a red spot between sky and sea -Sergio de Paolis Vincenzoni (Italy) pale sun- a late grasshopper shares my path -Ann Schwader (U. S. A) ramy June bite marks on the ping pong racquet -Jiirgen Johansson (Sweden) with second wife on the grave of the first -knee-high grasses -Jasminka Predojevic (Croatia) fish moon the ghostly movements of a night-heron -Warren Gossett (U. S. A) snow flurries a childhood friend reappears -Peggy Lyles a: S. A) under the blossomed lime tasting from the cup of tea alone in the night -Maria Tirenescu (Romania) starless night the nun puts on her white bathrobe -Petar Tchouhov (Bulgaria) country silence chips of the full moon in the horse's eye -Zeljka Vucinic-Jambresic (Croatia) Echo of just one shot from a hunting gun -or was it suicide? -James Kirkup (Andorra) Damp autumn morningA man on an iron balcony Unfurls a Spanish flag. -Stephen Henry Gill (Japan) A white peony collapsing into pieces the darkness moving -Tetsuhiro Inagaki (Japan) Rice paddies filled with water Each village Becomes a kaleidoscope -Yoshiko Saito (Japan) MayDay; the nursing home opens all the windows -Kim Horne (Canada) Roissy-CDG passer la douane dans des chaussettes trouees -Philippe Quinta (France) . . msomme- la lune deja un peu moins ronde -Damien Gabriels ( France) Parking de la gare roulade de feuille morte seul dans mon auto -Gilles Brulet (France) Par la fenetre la lune tatoue ta memo ire sur rna peau -Michel Le gac (France) Feuilles mortes dans un bruissement leger la fin du livre -Richard Jodoin (Canada) juillet en lambeaux ... peut-on ravauder l'ete au fil de la vierge? -Anick Baulard (France) une tourterelle instruite par le bouleau oublie qu'elle est triste -Lise Ouellette (Canada) cigarette du mardi- le moteur a 4 temps de la tondeuse en pleine forme -Jean-Claude Cesar (France) mon pere au bout du champ un chapeau -Renee Simard (Canada) Sans feu ni lieu a I' ecran un peuple depone mot d' amour sur rna table -Claudette Chouinard (Canada) pluie d'ete un mot s' agrandit dans mon calepin -Helene Leclerc (Canada) fin de vacance dusable dans rna poche reclame la mer -Michele Chretien (Canada) autre jour de pluie tout seul sur la corde a linge un maillot de bain -Yves Brillon (Canada) au clair d'une demi-lune solitude -Charles Andre Nadeau (Canada) Assoupissements quand scintillent les mars aux vitres du train -Henri Chevignard (France) vieil amant perdant sa douce vieille chataignes au sol -Janick Belleau (Canada) sur la cloture un gant perdu fait de l' auto-stop -Louise Vachon (Canada) Cheveux blanchis I' homme, la Palestine en image, souffre, souffre encore -Abderrahmane El Gorfte (Maroc) lune a minuit- l' eclat des pommes givrees sur la branche nue -Verica Zivkovic (Serbia) International Children First Prize Penniless children cough blood on their rags and think Panglossian thoughts - Jessica Hendel (U. S. A.) age 16 International Children Second Prize soaring clouds of smoke roasted sweet potato in each hand Beijing winter -Alyssa Zhang (Canada) age 12 The grips of my racket Getting worn out Proof of my improvement -Yaki Morii (Japan) age 13 It's a pig pod for killing mosquitoes It looks like smoked bacon Thanks for working -Kodai Hamaguchi (Japan) age14 the old turtle step by step he views the little things -Lauren Packer (Canada) age 11 I play tennis Like a rapid river I sweat a lot -Rei Nakamura (Japan) age 14 From hydrangea To sunflower Changing flowers like my minds -Marina Hamaguchi (Japan) age14 Creation Hot spicy Korean food Dynamite -Noriyasu Nakanishi (Japan) age15 International Children Honorable Mention In the rain I put up a blue umbrella Let's go shopping -*Jun Kitamura (Japan) A morning I hold a piece of bread in my mouth I run and run to school -*Tomoyo Nora (Japan) An elephant "Pao- n pao- n pao- n" Pleasant -*RinNakamura (Japan) I want to float A ring on blue sky Swimming there -*Yuka Morishita (Japan) ------------------------------------------------ Jadran Zalokar, Rijeka..........................wrote: bok boro ovo salje dusan zamolio sam ga da skenira tvoj i moj haiku i posalje mi lp jadran ---------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Dusan Vidakovic To: Jadran Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2008 11:46 PM Subject: Re: Srecna Nova i Antologija Dragi Jadrane, pokusacu da Vam ovih dana skeniram i posaljem ono sto ste trazili, mada se moja sestra, koja mi je u prethodnom periodu obavljala poslove skeniranja, preselila na drugo radno mesto gde joj skener nije pri ruci. A sam, moram priznati, nisam bas vest sa skenerom koji imam na poslu, iako znam da je "upravljati" tom spravom prilicno lako. Za sada, obavsetavam Vas da je Vas haiku objavljen u ovoj knjizi Promrzle usi. To me miluje bura djetinjstva. a da su zastupljeni i sledeci autori iz Hrvatske: Devide, Ivancan, Paljetak, Maretic, Bilosnic, Matousek, Cekolj, Plazanin, Spanovic, Bukva, Matuka, Busic, Varga i Funda. Srdacan pozdrav/Sve najbolje. Dusan Vidakovic --------------------------------------------------- ----- Original Message ----- From: Jadran To: Dusan Vidakovic Sent: Monday, January 07, 2008 8:05 AM Subject: Re: Srecna Nova i Antologija Drragi i uvazeni prijatelju Dusane! Vama i Vasima neka je sretna i blagoslovljena 2008. godina! Hvala na informaciji. Ukoliko ste tehnicki u mogucnosti molim Vas da mi mailom posaljete skeniranu naslovnicu antologije i samo Vas i moj haiku. I sam cu pokusatii pogledati na sajtu izdavaca. Uz srdacan i prijateljski pozdrav, Jadran Zalokar hvala za prekrasnu haiga-fotografiju ----- Original Message ----- From: Dusan Vidakovic To: Jadran Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2008 8:01 PM Subject: Srecna Nova i Antologija Uvazeni gospodine Zalokar, pre svega, Vama i Vasima zelim sve najbolje u ovoj, tek "otpakovanoj", 2008. godini. Ovih dana mi je do ruku dosla Antologija svetske haiku poezije Milutina Djurickovica "Sapat Okeana" u kojoj je sa po jednim haiku zastupljeno vise od 600 autora iz 100 zemalja, medju kojima ste, razume se, i Vi.Vise o ovoj knjizi imate na sajtu izdavaca Srdacan pozdrav/Sve najbolje. Dusan Vidakovic ----------------------------------------- Dear Editors, It was brought to my attention that in your web site, you have placed haiku recently entered/won prizes in my haiku contest 'Calico Cat'. I am glad that you watch the Calico Cat contest, and I am always happy to share any information and material from the activities I conduct in my Live Journal, including the contest. In this case though, there is no reference that the three haiku have been entered the Calico Cat International bilingual haiku contest, and that two of those haiku were prize winners. As I hope you know, haiku placed in contests are considered publications, with all the copyright rules & regulations involved. So, in order to use those haiku in your web site, you had to ask the author's permissions (which hasn't been done), and also to acknowledge the place of those haiku's first publication (i.e., the Calico Cat contest at this URL: ; or, the URL of the 6th contest's results: ) As editors of an international web site, I am sure you respect and obey all copyright laws. Please contact the poets Valeria Simonova, Kilmeny Niland (her name is misspelled in your site), and SAŠA VAŽIĆ to obtain their permission. Please add the reference to the Calico Cat International bilingual haiku contest, and one of the above URLs -- as a place of the first publication of those three haiku. Thank you for your cooperation. I wish your site a success! In haiku friendship, Origa ------------------------------------------------------- bok boro velika pusa lorici i hvala na savjetu ako se tko pobuni mi cemo mu se izviniti ali nacelo jest SVE STO DOLAZI NA INTERNET ima AUTORSKA PRAVA ali nema instance koja to moze kontrolirati osim kada se radi o ZNANSTVENIM RADOVIMA mi nikoga necemo pitati za dozvolu svakome treba biti cast da bude CITIRAN ili OBJAVLJIVAN na MREZI ali ako se osjeti netko povrijeden mi cemo mu se izviniti nitko nikoga ne KRADE niti KOPIRA lp jadran ----------------- bok jadrane! za svaki slucaj izmjenit cu haiku i postaviti nove uz obrazlozenje origi: ----------------- Postovana Origa, navedena dva haiku od Valeria Simonova i Kilmeny Niland su zamijenjena s haiku Borivoja Bukve i Masaoka Shiki: Golub mira na drzavnoj granici ispusti govno. Borivoj Bukva, Croatia A dove of peace on the national border dropped his chit. koliko je duzi moj zivot? krhka noc... Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902) how much longer is my life? a brief night... Ja osobno skokno sam do "Raja" i pitao Shikija mogu li objaviti njegov haiku, On Shiki, sretan je da smo ga se sjetili i dao potvrdan odgovor: DA, objavi! Potom sam pitao svoje vise Ja, i kazalo mi je: Slobodno objavi svoj haiku, glupo je da me pitas!? U danasnje vrijeme pored toliko zakonskih regulativa, bon tona i uljudjenog ponasanja, medjuljudskih odnosaja i svega ostalog, znak je da je nasa civilizacija na kraju svoga puta i definitivno u k..... Meni je pricinjavalo veliko zadovoljstvo izvrsiti zamjenu ispisanih haiku novim, prema Vasem naputku gdja Origa. Uz srdacan pozdrav, zelim Vam svako dobro u 2008. godini. Borivoj Bukva KAROLINA RIJECKA ----------------------------------- |
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