** Budan.blog.hr ** Alternativa, zen filozofija, duhovne teme, haiku, poezija, umjetnost, vizije, mudrosti, razmišljanja, priče

09.01.2007., utorak


Haiku Oz

Chrysanthemum - an internet magazine for modern verse in the tradition of Japanese short poetry

Chrysanthemum - an internet magazine for modern verse in the tradition of Japanese short poetry
Chrysanthemum was originally a Latin word (the same in German & English) that emphasized the connection of the ancient Greek-Roman tradition to the Japanese. The chrysanthemum is known as one of the Five Noble Plants in the Chinese-Japanese tradition.

Chrysanthemum is an international internet magazine that will appear twice a year, and will showcase previously unpublished Haiku/SenryĂ», Tanka, Haibun, Essays and Interviews in German and English. Haiku/SenryĂ» submitted in English will be translated into German, if not already accompanied by a German translation, which is welcome but not required. Tanka, Haibun, Essays and Interviews will appear only in their original language. Submissions in languages other than German or English are also welcome as long as as they are accompanied by a translation into German or English.

Chrysanthemum welcomes work based both on traditional values as well as modern, innovative contributions in form and content, although there will be a special focus on innovative work of quality. Chrysanthemum hopes to achieve a connection between the heritage of the genre and the development and adaption in countries outside Japan.


Chrysanthemum will appear on the 15th of April and the 15th of October. Deadline for the spring issue is the end of February and for the fall issue at the end of August.

Submissions are welcome at any time.

Please send your submissions to Dietmar Tauchner: chrysanthemum@gmx.at
Include your contribution in the body of the email; no attached files.
Please send up to 10 haiku/senryĂ» or up to 5 tanka at a time for consideration. All submissions must be unpublished and not under consideration elsewhere.

If work originally published by Chrysanthemum is submitted elesewhere, please credit the magazine.
All contents are copyright by the authors. All rights revert to the authors upon publication in Chrysanthemum.


Posted by Graham Nunn on December 18, 2006 03:12 PM | Permalink

* * *

A new outlet for haiku in Australia will be launched in January 2007. For thirteen years the monthly literary magazine, FreeXpresSion, published by Peter Pike (currently president of the Fellowship of Australian Writers, NSW Inc.) has comprised stories, poetry and articles from up to 400 subscribers. A haiku section is to be incorporated, and members of HaikuOz are invited to submit material, up to five unpublished haiku, not on offer elsewhere.

Please send these direct to the Haiku Editor, Quendryth Young,
including your postal address.
Please keep a copy of your submission. You will be notified as soon as possible regarding the acceptance of your work. The current annual subscription rate for FreeXpresSion is $42 for twelve issues ($66 airmail overseas). For six months (6 issues) it is $25 ($36 overseas). The magazine is available by direct subscription only. Anyone whose work is accepted receives a complimentary copy on first inclusion. The address is: The Editor, FreeXpresSion, PO Box 4, West Hoxton NSW Australia 2171.

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