Boys Toys Age 11
The Secret Teachings of All Ages - Illustrated In his own words, this is Dan Brown's favorite source book. NUMEROUS volumes have been written as commentaries upon the secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but the ageless truths of life, like many of the earth's greatest thinkers, have usually been clothed in shabby garments. The present work is an attempt to supply a tome worthy of those seers and sages whose thoughts are the substance of its pages. --From the Preface of the book For more titles like this, go to or type "oaklight" or "dreamz-work" into the search field. In his own words, this is Dan Brown's favorite source book. NUMEROUS volumes have been written as commentaries upon the secret systems of philosophy existing in the ancient world, but the ageless truths of life, like many of the earth's greatest thinkers, have usually been clothed in shabby garments. The present work is an attempt to supply a tome worthy of those seers and sages whose thoughts are the substance of its pages. --From the Preface of the book For more titles like this, go to or type "oaklight" or "dreamz-work" into the search field. (5) OH MY GOD I HAVEN'T BEEN ON IN FOREVER! Summer is ending, it's jacket season here in Ohio, school is back in session, and photography isn't on the top of my agenda. I'm a senior in high school, and decided to change my career path. To what, I don't know right now; but I've decided I'm not going to pursue photography in college. Today was the first day in months I've picked up my camera and decided to shoot. But anyways, I was tagged after my 2 month long hiatus so: 12 truths: What was your: 1.Last beverage - Jamocha/Vanilla Shake 2.Last song you listened to - Umm, music from the TV? LOL I forget. 3.Last time you cried - yesterday, from laughter. 4.What time you woke up today - 12:30 5.Something you can't wait for - To graduate 6.Right or lefty - Righty Which is better? 7.Lips or eyes - Both 8.Hugs or kisses - Kisses c: Do you believe in: 9.Yourself - Sometimes 10. Miracles - Yes 11.Love at first sight - I think once you get to know that person, you can learn to love them, but not just from looking at them, no. 12. Heaven - I like to believe so. Thirty things I love (in no particular order) 1. My family 2. My phone 3. My iPod 4. Music in general 5. Girls 6. FOOD 7. Watching TV 8. Tumblr 9. Dogs 10. Bald Cats 11. My friends 12. Mila Kunis <3 13. Strange but true facts 14. Photography 15. Pizza 16. Christmas 17. Christmas Cookies 18. Christmas Lights 19. Christmas Eve (I LOVE CHRISTMAS SEASON OBV). 20. Leaves changing color 21. God 22. Sleeping 23. Stretching 24. Showers 25. Hot cocoa 26. Riding my bike 27. Driving 29. Water 30. Photoshop Name : Trae Age : 17 Languages : English, some Spanish, and some American Sign Language (ASL) Sexual Orientation : Straight Career Aspiration : Unsure What are your passions: Cooking Hobbies : Eating & sleeping Goals in life : To be successful (How cliche) Favorite books : A Child Called It, The Lost Boy, Holes Favorite movies : Toy Story You watch : That 70s Show, Bad Girls Club, Jersey Shore, The News 1. What Color Is Your Toothbrush: Teal, White, and Grey 2. Name One Person That Made You Smile Today: Allison 3. What were you doing at 8 AM?: Sleeping 4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: Eating dinner 5. What is your favorite candy?: Can’t choose! 6. Biggest pet peeve: When someone says something mean to you in a text, on Facebook, Twitter, etc. but wouldn’t say it to your face. 7. What's the last thing you said out loud?: “Party rock is in the house tonight. Everybody just have a good time.” LOL. 8. What is the best ice cream flavor?: Neapolitan. (How original). 9. What was the last thing you had to drink?: Didn’t you already ask this… 10. What is your shortest time of sleep?: If naps count, then like 5 minutes. LOL. 11. Have you ever made a promise you'd die to keep?: Hmm, probably. 12. Favorite animal: Zebra’s 13. The last sporting event you watched?: Football 14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: Butter 15. Who is the last person you sent a message to on flickr?: LOL, no one Rasti Manual pic 11 (21 pics) Espanol / Spanish: Rasti (fabricado en 1970 por Knittax en Argentina) es un sistema de armado de ladrillos plasticos muy popular en los anos 70. Todo nino de esa epoca (hoy la generacion de 40 anos)y principalmente los hombres en algun momento jugaban armando y creando con estos ladrillos plasticos. De muy buen ensamblaje y excelente terminacion fue lider de mercado superando a competidores (Mis Ladrillos y Lego). Recientemente un grupo empresario Argentino recupero las matrices (que terminaron sus dias en Brasil).Obtuvieron las licencias y volvieron a producirlos. Las fotografias del este producto (Manual de armado)son original vintage de 1970.(21 fotos) . (Subido y fotografiado por Pablo Cesar Cafaro). Ingles / English: Rasti (made in 1970 by Knittax in Argentina) is a system of armed of plastic bricks very popular in years 70. All boy of that age (today the generation of 40 years) and mainly the men at some time played arming and creating with these plastic bricks. Of very good assembly and excellent completion leader of market surpassing to competitors went (Mis Ladrillos and Lego). Recently a group Argentine industralist I reclaim the matrices (that finished their days in Brazil) They obtained the licenses and they returned to produce them. Pics of the product (Build Manual) is of original vintage of 1970. (21 pics). (uploaded and photographed by Pablo Cesar Cafaro) See also: hot toys ironman brio toys australia keel toys dogs big and small toys thunderbirds toys australia art toys for children infant water toys magnetic construction toys |
Cool Girls Toys
Cool Girl Catwoman - Waist upwards Takara's Cool Girl Catwoman. Very good detail, note the "new" mask design and real hair Cool Girls by Takara A.J. McLeod and Jun the swan, members of "Cardinal Garrison." See also: family guy stuffed toys italian toys for children little girl toys antique car toys back issue plush toys trick my truck toys barney plush toys maple wood toys best toys for 2011 |
Garbage Pail Kids Cheap Toys
Garbage Pail Kids! I *love* the garbage pail kids!! I tried to go stand in it to take a photo, but it was *way* too tall for me. We put the two tallest guys in our group in there. Series 2 Cheap Toy Display Box (front panel) As you can read from the box, each pack came with a Garbage Pail Kid figure AND Topps Garbage Can-dy!! See also: science toys uk fisher price toys for 2 year olds naruto toys shippuden free patterns for knitted toys wall toys for kids cheap as free toys rc construction toys 2009 toys for boys |
Coupons For Playskool Toys
Playskool My old playskool wooden puzzles. For children's puzzles these are not that easy...I even had problems with the Jack and Jill one. Spent the day at home with my sick child. She is running a low temp and I am tired too. That along with weather storm warnings and at 5:30 it didn't take me long to make a decision about not going into work today. Larra is sleeping right now, the snow is falling and it is beautiful out. I hope you are all having/had a wonderful day. Dinosaur Parade - Playskool Definitely Dinosaurs These are dinosaurs made by a company called Playskool. Part of their Definitely Dinosaurs line. Some of these small ones came in kids' meals at Wendy's in the 1980's. I took an extra photo of these guys because their faces are so cute! :D Photographing my dinosaur collection! They don't normally live on this shelf, books live here. My dinos live in a box. See also: personalized plush toys go go toys uk kid trax ride on toys vintage construction toys girls toys age 3 4 outdoor riding toys riding toys the hot toys desktop toys 2011 toys for christmas |
Sonic X Plush Toys
iron man, sonic X and bart simpson comics The Iron man is from 2004, the sonic X is from 2005, and the bart simpson is from 2010. Also I got these at seths games and anime(also known as ralphs comic corner) in ventura CA. Sonic X Figures i bought these for $5 and i them online for like $50 See also: 2011 new toys best toys girls car travel toys tomy wind up toys popular toys in 1998 nightmare before christmas toys outdoor toys uk kid learning toys vintage godzilla toys |
Geek Toys For Kids
Nov 9, 2010 [Day 009] “Star Trek” Star Trek Okay call me a geek or a nerd or better yet someone who is intelligent enough to know good television when he sees it? Okay that might be a stretch, but there are a lot of Star Trek fans out there in the world and perhaps beyond our world =D I fell in love with Star Trek from the moment I saw it in reruns as a kid. It was on at 4:00 every day after school and I watched with eyes wide and my head in the clouds I was eight and the future seemed to be limitless. When I got older I realized of course that would be many many generations ahead of where the human race is in modern times. Although that was a realization it still evokes a future vision that I myself would want to be a part of, well perhaps not the original series but the enterprise of my generation. I have probably seen every original series episode at least 50 times each, okay that’s embarrassing. When the Next Generation premiered in 1987 I couldn’t wait and I wasn’t disappointed, though looking back at those first 3 seasons of the Next Generation it’s not so great… But it was enough to make the love I had for Star Trek to become alive in me again. I watched every Saturday night in awe of the new adventures. I was able to go to a couple of conventions (nerd time) in the Portland area and that was a blast and ended up through the years meeting the whole main cast of the Next Generation and most of the original cast along with some of the other Star Trek series. I remember mourning the loss when Next Generation had its final season and although Star Trek Deep Space Nine was already airing, it didn’t have the same feel as the Next Generation did. It did have some characters I grew to enjoy though including Dax, Garak, Quark, and later the return of Worf. Then came Voyager and I was immediately and totally a fan of that show aside from a couple of characters whom I loathed. The storyline although cliche had some wonderful writing and acting over the seasons. The introduction of 7 of 9 in the 4th season, the converted Borg drone was brilliant and I really enjoyed watching her character become human again. Star Trek Enterprise was a huge disappointment and though it did have a couple of good seasons it didn’t hold my interest and I thought the casting was way off. In 2009, the long rumored and speculated reboot of the original series was unleashed and I couldn’t have been more pleased with the results. The new cast (of the original series characters) did a wonderful job of capturing the spirit of the original cast without taking it to a level where it could be laughable (though there were those moments on purpose I am sure). The bonus was Chris Pine as James T. Kirk… a lot better eye candy than Shatner; though Shatner to me when I watched the original series was an old man, funny enough now I am the old man since he was 35 years old when the original series began to air in 1966. Star Trek for me has always been an escape, an hour escape or two hour movie escape from life. It has always painted the future of doing the right thing, acceptance and making life better and easier for all. Live Long And Prosper! PS Yes again trying not to embarrass myself too much, I did paint that background (24x36 canvas panel / Acrylic Paint and wood stars) New toys Saturday night was guy/geek night for me. The wife and kid were out for the evening. I started by buying a few new toys, a Logitech MX Revolution mouse and a Maxtor 160GB HD on sale for $55. I then went home, cracked a few beers, burned and ate some animal meat, and installed hardware. Topped the evening off with Matrix Revolutions, to keep the whole revolution theme going. :) To quote Borat, "I like." See also: lake water toys corgi toys boys toys age 8 outdoor riding toys best toys for 4 year olds 2011 hamster toys for kids most wanted christmas toys swimming toys for kids history wooden toys |
GI JOE TOYS 1980S : TOYS 1980S
Gi Joe Toys 1980s
Cobra Officer, 1982 Technically it's 82-83 but I see little reason to refer to him as an '83 figure simply because of a joint variation. Then I list Duke amongst the '84 Joes when he was really the mail-away for '83. I'm funny like that. That said this has long since been one of my favorite Cobra designs. I much prefer the webgear to mere suspenders of the Cobra Trooper and there's something about the small touches of grey on the shoulders and the mag puch and compass that really make the figure pop. Then there's that silver sigil that shouts "I'm an Officer!, dammit" I think my only nit with this figure, and it's a very minor one, is that they didn't paint the chevron on the helmet. Regardless the last of my prized Cobras is finally mine! :D Thanks again, Ian! A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing... The Search For Zarana pt. 13 When we last left Zartan he was scaling the side of the USS Flagg in the middle of the Atlantic. Once inside he's wasted no time in disguising himself as the highest possible profile. Shipwreck isn't surprised to see Keel Haul walking through a maintence cooridor as he's generally one to roam around his vessel when he's not on the Bridge. What is odd to the sailor is that Keel Haul isn't drenched in his usual cologne... "Keep up the good work!" Zartan directs... Now to find the Joes' database. See also: ride on toys for toddlers popular toys for 8 year old girls smyths toys voucher codes mortal kombat toys naruto plush toys awesome toddler toys wooden building blocks toys |
Gi Joe Toys 2011
Snake In The Water Day: 093/365 Copperhead kills the engine as he and his commissioned Cobra Trooper sit drifting in the water awaiting their prey to come crossing by. The Trooper's hands remain fixed on his center turret controls while Copper mans the side cannons. Another day in the legion of Cobra, and another seaborne Joe patrol destined to be dead in the water. ---------------------------------------------------------------- This is based off a shot I did about a year ago with v1 Copper and a Cobra Troop. I thought it'd be cool to sort of revisit it with the newsculpt versions. I forgot how backheavy this thing is in the water next time I'll have to weight the front. I like this one better than the one I posted at JDs. Oh and I found another location...kinda. Iron Grenadier 2011 03 The Iron Grenadiers are led by Destro. Following the storyline in the comic book series at the time, the file cards indicate that Destro had, at some point, left Cobra and formed his own army. He begins having dreams of world domination, as did Cobra Commander. See also: all elmo toys outdoor toys games smyths toys cardiff tech toys 2011 make rabbit toys popular toys 1980 wooden toys uk ten christmas toys kiss mcfarlane toys mcdonalds ice age toys |
Girls Toys Age 6
Having her mid-life crisis at 50! Totally Stylin Tattoo Barbie (Another shot in the comments) Happy Birthday Barbie! Here's some more fun facts according to AARP (more in the previous photo) • 1989: Barbie joins the Army. By 1992 she serves in four military branches, sporting Pentagon-approved uniforms. Did you know? Number of female veterans today: 1.8 million. Average age: 47. • 1992: Teen Talk Barbie whines, “Math class is tough,” prompting an apology from Mattel. Did you know? Percentage of math doctorates granted to women then: 23. Today: 29. • 1992: Barbie first runs for president. Did you know? Sixteen years later, Hillary Clinton garners 18 million votes in the Democratic presidential primaries. • 1997: Barbie discovers that Share-a-Smile Becky’s hot pink wheelchair doesn’t fit in the Dream House elevator. Did you know? Percentage of Americans over 45 who anticipate making changes in their homes for easier living: 51. • 2004: Barbie and Ken break up after 43 years together, then reunite in 2006. Did you know? Percentage of divorced couples over 40 who get back together: 6. • 2009: At 50, Barbie is the world’s highest-earning doll, with $1.2 billion in annual revenue. Did you know? Women’s median annual income for full-time work in 1959: $3,200 ($23,360 in today’s dollars). Today: $35,102 for all women; $20,810 for women ages 55 to 64. 7 days /winter 2010 /day 6 SUMMER! quit playing with your food ! Yep,I was one of those kids,just ask my daughter she'll tell you yes, my Mom taught my kids to play with their food at a young age.Anyway LOOK what I got for Christmas! yummy pears from Harry and David + recipes,I'm gonna do all of them. yum.Thanks Hannah and Darin,I'm also having fun with them. Its like getting a toy ;) See also: train toys for kids fisher price water toys bocchetta plush toys safety first ride on toys rc toys value of antique toys hasbro electronic toys airplane toys kids creative toys for boys kersa vintage toys |
Large Godzilla Toys
Large Photo small case this is the small showcase in my office - lot's of Ultraman & Godzilla figures - mini popy & yamakatsu - also keep my Gegege no kitaro small models in here (by kabaya) along with some on my cereal premiums, cracker jack items, cool old metal cars and lots of Figures on Bottom shelf - Godzilla Godzilla (large and small with silver fins) by Yamakatsu c. 1984 See also: corgi toys spare parts unusual toys for children china toys market guinea pig toys for kids 2 years old toys hot toys truetype narrow shoulder hot toys iron man mark plush toys dog |
Good Toys For Christmas
Rebmans Elephant Sign Carnival and Holiday Supplies Warehouse 1047 Earl F. Rebman colorful elephant sign General Merchandise Holiday Goods Toys and Carnival Supplies Warehouse - Shop 9 to 9, For Lease - Lancaster Pennsylvania 2009. Halloween costumes Christmas trees ornaments Dark Side of the Moon display candy cane columns nostalgia Rebmans Sign Carnival and Holiday Supplies Warehouse 1100 Earl F. Rebman sign General Merchandise Holiday Goods Toys and Carnival Supplies Warehouse - Shop 9 to 9, For Lease - Lancaster Pennsylvania 2009. Halloween costumes Christmas trees ornaments Dark Side of the Moon Room display candy cane columns nostalgia See also: free toys canada not made in china toys brio toys australia toys games popular toys 1980 taf toys best 3 year old toys infant play toys star trek toys 2011 outdoor riding toys |
HOT TOYS T1000. TOYS T1000
Hot Toys T1000
1999 Cannondale T1000, 25" Aug.-Sept. 2008 updates: (a) Deda 215 Anatomic handlebars, silver, (b) right 9-speed Ultegra STI shifter, (c) cork handlebar tape w/ 7 coats shellac, (d) Nitto Technomic stem, (e) Brooks Flyer Special saddle, (f) new rear wheel rebuild with Mavic A-719 "bombproof and high endurance" touring rim, (g) Rivendell "Jack Brown" 700x33.33 tires, (h) SKS 45mm fenders. SunFire T1000. Last few minutes in this Data Center. Another viewpoint. See also: john deere toys 1 16 beach sand toys hot toys rambo best toys for 11 year old boys fisher price water toys victorian toys for kids mattel toys website toys for adults in india old littlest pet shop toys 2011 toys for christmas |
Hot Toys Store
The Original Lego Toy Storage and Sorter Box | Award Winning BOX4BLOX Lego Organizer Makes it Easy to Sort and Store Lego | Great Gift Idea For Lego Loving Kids | Made in USA Introducing BOX4BLOX, the award winning toy storage solution for organizing and storing Lego. BOX4BLOX was voted "Best New Home Organizing Product of the Year" by National Association of Professional Organizers BOX4BLOX eliminates all the hassles of keeping Legos organized in the home and actually makes clean up time fun. BOX4BLOX works like a coin sorter, grading the Legos through a series of different sized grids, so the Lego bricks end up in a tray with similar sized blocks, with all those hard to find tiny bits and pieces ending up in the bottom tray. No need to tip the Legos all over the Floor BOX4BLOX is an attractive ten and a quarter inch cube manufactured from ABS plastic, the same high quality plastic used to manufacture Lego. BOX4BLOX holds approximately 1500 - 1700 Lego bricks. BOX4BLOX is not only for the kids as Moms love the BOX4BLOX, making it a practical gift idea for every boy and girl who loves Lego. BOX4BLOX is made in the USA and available exclusively online (11) Mattel Hot Skatin' Barbie Display Barbie Hot Skatin' toy store sample display. Used at toy fairs for prototype toy display. Plexiglass interactive with light feature. Dimensions: 12"x12"x36" Freelance production artist / designer assistant: Alex Calder White Plus Studio / Mattel, El Segundo, CA. Toy Balloons Toy hot air balloons. At the toy store with Caden, these were hanging ceiling. See also: popular toys for christmas mermaid toys for girls top toys for boys 2011 fishing toys for kids barbie car toys big boys toys nz massive cuddly toys free patterns for knitted toys autism toys for boys hot toys terminator t 600 |
Top Toys For Girls
[12/365] Toys on a Wardrobe I've recently been clearing out my bedroom (which has had boxes, etc, littering it for the past 6 months at least) and so thought I'd take the chance to take a photo of the collection of toys that sit on top of my second wardrobe. The wardrobe is my "technology cupboard" where I keep all my cables and old hardware which I don't use anymore, but on top I stick my old cuddly toys and the boxes of a few newer toys (mmmm Airport Express). Some of my favourites up there include Sonic the Hedgehog, Bubbles (from the Powerpuff Girls), The Queen of Hearts (from Alice in Wonderland - if you press her she says "Off with your head!"), a camel I was given from my parents when they went to Egypt (it sings some God-awful Egyptian thing when pressed), and Timothy Rabbit, a tiny little thing that I was given the day I was born! Day 12 of 365 for a minute there, i lost myself Karma police, arrest this man He talks in maths He buzzes like a fridge He's like a detuned radio Karma police, arrest this girl Her Hitler hairdo is Making me feel ill And we have crashed her party This is what you get This is what you get This is what you get when you mess with us Karma Police I've given all I can It's not enough I've given all I can But we're still on the payroll This is what you get This is what you get This is what you get when you mess with us And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself And for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself For for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself Phew, for a minute there, I lost myself, I lost myself ~Karma Police, Radiohead See also: discount toddler toys pokemon plush toys australia star wars stuffed toys donate toys transformer toys optimus prime buy batman toys where can i buy barney toys classic toys anchorage |
Vintage Star Wars Toys
My Vintage Star Wars Kenner 1977-1984 Toy Collection, Early Bird Mail In Kit, Vinyl Cape Jawa, Double Telescoping Lightsaber Luke... Star Wars Early Bird Kit (all figures still sealed in original bags) with mailer box. original 12 figures (with Luke Double Telescoping Lightsaber). Vinyl Cape Jawa. My Vintage Star Wars 1977-1984 Toy Collection 025 Vintage Micro Series sets from Empire Strikes Back. Vintage alarm clock. Vintage Darth Vader Action Figure Collectors Case (with original cardboard box). See also: buy peppa pig toys as seen on tv toys for kids best children toys transformers toys barricade i spy toys kid ride on toys best toys for 3 yr old boys recommended toys for 3 year olds thunderbirds toys australia popular toys for 1 year olds |
Pictures Of Transformers Toys
Transformers (2004) Yeah sooooo, this is a picture of what about half of my Transformers collection looked like back in 2004. Yes, it's much bigger today. I'll have to take some recent pix soon. I was thinking about Transformers because I'm making another huge purchase of these little plastic and metal action figures. In a few days I should be receiving two large packages with classic G1 Transformers inside. Many of them with their original boxes. I believe one of which was never opened *squeal*. By the way, for all you wannabe pimps out there... The ladies love this stuff. Transformers Movies Leader Toys - Robot modes Here are 4 leader class toys from the Transformers movies for characters that will show up in Transformers Dark of the Moon. L-R: Sentinel Prime, Optimus Prime, Ironhide, and Starscream. I didn't put leader class ROTF Megatron in this picture since he has another new body in DOTM. See also: sell star wars toys buy teletubbies toys beast wars transformers toys pet toys the movie cars toys best toys 2011 for girls galt baby galt toys |
The Dark Knight Hot Toys
Dark Knight Batman motorcycle 5378 Why So Serious The Dark Knight - Batman motorcycle batcycle Movie Billboard New York City with Met Life Clock Tower painting New York City 23rd Street and Park Avenue Dark Knight Joker TShirt The most popular of our Dark Knight tshirts - this big detailed painted image of Heath Ledger as the Joker... WOW See also: free christmas toys for kids michael jackson thriller doll hot toys pedal toys for children sid science kid toys new hot toys the hot toys buy toys online best toys in the world hot toys john connor hasbro toys online |
Wholesale Novelty Toys
The Toy Mansion Built in the 1880s by James F. Toy in Sioux City Iowa. The life record of James F. Toy and the history of banking in Iowa have been pretty much one and the same thing, for he ranks among the pioneer bankers of the state and through a period of practically a half century his name has stood in the forefront among the successful and influential financiers of this section of the country. The distinction which he has attained in his particular line of business entitles him to specific recognition among the representative men of his day and generation in the state with which his entire active life has been identified. Mr. Toy was born in Wilmington, Delaware, on the 5th of January, 1850, and is a son of Neal and Rebecca (Rusk) Toy, the latter of whom was a native of Pennsylvania and of old Quaker stock. The father was a native of Londonderry, Ireland, from which country he was brought to the United States at the age of twelve years. On attaining mature years he engaged in the quarry business in Delaware, where he remained until 1867, when he came west, settling near Waterloo, Iowa, where he engaged in farming for about six years. In 1873 the family moved to Storm Lake, Iowa, where the parents resided until their deaths. James F. Toy attended the public schools of Wilmington, Delaware, and completed his education at St. Mary's College., His first employment was as a clerk for Anderson & Cutts, at Waterloo, with whom he remained three years, after which he went to work for a and retail implement house, remaining on the inside two years and then going out as a traveling salesman, his territory covering the Illinois Central Railroad from Dubuque to Sioux City. In 1873 he went to Storm Lake, Iowa, where he engaged in the lumber, coal and agricultural implement business under the firm name of Green & Toy. A year later Mr. Toy purchased his partner's interest and carried the business on under his own name for three years. In 1877 began his identification with the banking interests of this state, when he became associated with Messrs. Dean and Harker in the organization of the Storm Lake State Bank, of which he was made cashier. In 1878 he severed his connection with that bank and bought the private bank of Sutfin & Hay at Storm Lake, which title was soon changed to the Banking House of James F. Toy. Under his able management this became a very successful institution. While here he published a newspaper for the purpose of advertising his bank, called the "Toy Advertizer," and which gave indication of his progressive and original bent of mind. In 1881 Mr. Toy started another bank at Alta, Iowa, followed later by others at Sioux Rapids and Fonda, these being but the first of a large system of banks, about nineteen in all, which he controls in this state. He installed a private telephone system between his Storm Lake and Alta banks before any telephone exchanges had been established in this part of the country. This line was at that time a novelty and served well as an advertisement, people coming miles to see the wonderful instrument. In 1883 he organized the Farmers Loan & Trust Company, with a capital of three hundred thousand dollars, which was transferred to Sioux City, Iowa, in 1889. It maintained quarters in the Toy building at Fourth and Jackson streets, the largest brown stone office building in Sioux City at that time, which was burned in the big fire there. In 1908-09 he built the present office and bank structure at Fourth and Nebraska streets, which now houses the Toy National Bank and the Farmers Loan & Trust Company, two of the strongest and most influential financial institutions of this city. Mr. Toy is president of the Toy National Bank, the Farmers Loan & Trust Company, the Iowa joint Stock Land Bank and the Toy National Incorporation, as well as of his many other banks. On June 16, 1875, at Waterloo, Iowa, Mr. Toy was united in marriage to Miss Mary Brubacher, daughter of Washington Brubacher, a member of the firm for which he worked for three years, the family being numbered among the pioneers of Waterloo. Mr. and Mrs. Toy celebrated their golden wedding anniversary in 1925. To their union were born three children, namely: Grace H., who is the wife of J. W. Van Dyke, of Sioux City; James Fred, Jr., who now lives in Hollywood, California; and Carlton B., who is vice president of the Toy National Bank. Politically Mr. Toy has always maintained an independent attitude, voting according to the dictates of his judgment as to men and measures. He is a member of Tyrian Lodge, No. 508, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons; Sioux City Consistory, No. 5, Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite; and Abu-Bekr Temple of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. He was president of the Sioux City Commercial Club for several years. He is now a member of the Chamber of Commerce, the Sioux City Boat Club and the Sioux City Country Club, and also belongs to the Greater City organization and to t Novelty architecture Randy's Donut's, Inglewood, CA -Novelty architecture is a type of architecture in which buildings and other structures are given unusual shapes as a novelty, such as advertising, notoriety as a landmark, or simple eccentricity of the owner or architect. Many examples of novelty architecture take the form of buildings that resemble the products sold inside to attract drive-by customers. See also: world war 2 toys for children wooden toys brisbane fisher price girls toys children wood toys big boys toys nz tomy toys singapore adaptive toys for children with disabilities |
studeni, 2011 | ||||||
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