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29.10.2005., subota

Genetic or Not?

Zvijezda ženske NBA lige Sheryl Swoopes objavila je da je lezbijka. Obavijest i link o tome sam dobio preko lokalne LGBT mailing liste. Međutim, odmah nakon slanja poruke, uslijedila je još jedna u kojoj ista osoba komentira: "Tako mi i treba kad ne pročitam članak do kraja prije nego pošaljem e-mail. Super je da je izišla iz ormara, ali isto tako je izjavila da ne misli da je rođena kao lezbijka. Baš nam to treba! Daje argumente onima koji tvrde da je homoseksualnost izbor!"

Nakon toga je uslijedila poplava komentara na ovu izjavu, od kojih su mnogi zaista vrijedni pročitati:

"A lot of women that I've talked to that have come out later in life (including me) had some clues, but really didn't know. For me I think it was self-denial as well as a poor experiment when I was young. But having been in a hetero marriage and clueless up to a point in your life could lead people to think that they were not "born this way". It's unfortunate that a such a highly visible person would make a statement such as that, but I'm not surprised."

"I'm a little surprised at these responses of "disappointment." Overall, it seems that whether or not she thinks she was born gay, she's still an example of a successful, high profile, gay person succeeding. I'm glad that we have people like that to point to, and we should be happy to share a story like this. I really don't think people should make such a fuss over whether homosexuality is a genetic or social behavior; are you trying to defend something that's wrong? The bottom line is that it's a form of attraction and love, which should be the least of people's concerns in this day and age."

"Additionally, some people do feel right away, or at an early age, they are gay while others do not. Humans are complicated. I think in general our society as a whole should keep in mind that sexual idenity and preference is a personal thing that isn't always rigid, not everyone comes to it the same way and thus it doesn't fit into a nice, neat box. I don't think we should feel threatened by a few people saying they weren't born that way, because clearly many people are born gay. The research indicates this true more conclusively every day."

"It's always interesting to me to find people in our community that wave the diversity flag… and yet, when someone within the community thinks differently or feels somewhat differently… they are outcasted or thought of being less of a gay person for what they think and believe. As much as I might disagree with Swoopes… I'm very proud of her for having the *&^% of doing what she did!... and coming out!!!!"

"I see no difference between choice or born quality. Equality is equality. As long as people aren't hurting each other then everyone deserves equal treatment. Would it be fair to discriminate against people who choose to part their hair on the left? Of course not. It does not matter whether the attribute being discriminated against is chosen or inborn – it’s wrong either way. It would be like arguing against oppression of dark skinned people and getting caught up in an argument about whether it's okay to discriminate against white people who intentionally tan themselves to dark brown. Sure, they had a choice not to tan so dark… but it doesn't matter!! Discriminating against dark skin is stupid whether the person was born that way or if they chose to be that way. Keep your focus on the point that discrimination is wrong – how the person got there is completely irrelevant."

"I agree with Kevin. The wrong people are worried about the genetic connection. I understand that professionals need to discuss the genetic versus the desire for these types of things. However, us common folk need to stay focused on general acceptance rather than 'Why'. Don't let people derail your defense of diversity by bringing up the genetic question."

"I don't think that it matters if you are born "that way" or not. We all have preferences. Personally, I don't need biology to confirm or deny my preference. In fact if being gay is found to have a biological root I am afraid that people who perceive homosexuality as incongruent would work to have us eradicated through biological means. (i.e. turning off a gay gene or giving pregnant women hormones to encourage a hetero disposition)"

"Discriminating against homosexuals is wrong regardless of choice just like it's wrong (and illegal ) to discriminate against Jews, Muslims and Hindus because of their lifestyle choices and beliefs. Solution: refuse to engage in discussions about whether homosexuality is genetic, stating clearly that you won't entertain the notion that it matters whether or not it "can be helped".

"How" we came to be different does not matter. If we let this divide us it will. We need to stick to the fact that whatever the reason, we are who we are, and entitled to be treated respectfully in the legal realm. If we were to take this stance you have taken, we would not get anywhere with the legal realm. Why you ask, the list has already answered that by showing we all have varying ideas of "why" we are who we are. The Black folks and the Jews were not told to give a scientific reason for "Why" they are who they are, but the law says that discrimination with them is not OK. We just need to stick with the idea that discrimination is wrong for what ever reason."

"If we awake tomorrow morning to television broadcasts across the globe touting the undisputed proof that homosexuality is genetic and "cannot be helped", would we all of a sudden see the discrimination and intolerance disappear? I guess I’ve actually become quite the skeptic that we can ever expect that. I do not believe at all that we can win folks over with love (or at least not all of them). Rather, I seek to clarify my position and have them understand that there are other viewpoints (i.e. they can still think they are moral, but the majority?) It is precisely because I do not hope to convert anyone, that I refuse to pretend to agree with them or pretend that I am not also tolerating them and expect it back.

"I know quite a few people who've gone from being rather homophobic & bigoted to being quite accepting and supportive in the past 5-10 years. I don't think any of them have done so because they've decided that I (or others they've known) was "born this way". Nor is it because they've decided they respect my (their) choice. No – it's because they've learned that it really just doesn't matter – that regardless of the reasons for people's differences, civil rights are due to all."
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