besserdechnaya diary

petak, 31.07.2009.


Okay. I've got it all planned. Now all I need to do is start booking and make it real. *takes a deep breath* EEEEE !!! I'm actually going to London and Glasgow ! Two weeks from now ! Whee !To balance the squee, here comes the whining. I won't get HP6 until Wednesday or so. And my download restrictions is totally evil and I don't know if I can get BSG and SG:A tomorrow. Pity me. Now.

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četvrtak, 30.07.2009.

money makes the world go round, world go round...

I want to declare something deeply controversial that will certainly create confusion and maybe even scorn or anger : I love Deutsche Bahn ! The reason ? Try checking for train tickets in the UK and you will notice why. *gives the Deutsche Bahn homepage a really big hug*I'm also close to a panic attack but I compensate with heavy denial and an everything-will-work-out attitude. Because first tender calculations have me breaking the 600 barrier already - just for plane tickets, hostels and WorldCon ticket.Right now, I'm telling myself that being broke is a valuable experience for life everyone should make once. And as long as I plan really really careful I might even have some money left for food. Or paying the rent for September.Also, remind me to not go near any comic book shop in London because that would be my certain death. I'd die happy, though.

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srijeda, 29.07.2009.

mood swings make life more interesting lalalala

London !!! Whee ! I'm going to London ! I'll spend the rest of the day making travel plans ! Because this year, no one will stop me ! I'm abusing the exclamation mark and I don't care ! Whee ! It will also be a small miracle if I pass my exams ! But I don't care ! Whee !Somehow I also totally accidentally ended up reading the Lucifer issue "Lilith" last night instead of learning...and it made me squee a lot but I'm in no condition to write something coherent about it.Oh and I want to go to Oxford, too, and see if there's a Jordan College and I want to go to Cardiff because that's where Doctor Who is being filmed and I want to see Chester again because it has the most beautiful cathedral with the most beautiful stained glass windows and you know what ? I kinda wonder if Tadfield really exists...*runs off giggling* No, my life is not controlled by fannish obsessions.Edit: this is more difficult than I thought it would be...I guess I'll just have to switch hostels every day because so much is booked already. And I can't decide between leaving at July the 25th or the 29th. I'd love the 25th because I've been waiting for this for about 5 years and I don't want to rush through the city...okay, let's try to keep this at 500...

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utorak, 28.07.2009.

Revenge of the Slack

First of all : apologies for the subject title. I've reached that point of stress when nothing really matters and looking at wallpaper gives me giggling fits.I'm also backing out, I'll bear the consequences of my excessive procrastination of late and postpone one of the exams for a semester. Yes, that would be the one on marketing. And believe me, it's not an easy decision. Okay, okay, it's easier than I thought it would be. But it still means dealing with this stuff for 7 more months. There's just no way I'll get all this sh...shiny information into my head till Monday. Not without cutting back learning for the really important stuff. Also, no way I'll survive a double exams just because the profs didn't bother to do some coordination. The afternoon exam is way more important than this marketing crap.Uhm yeah, you needed to know that because I feel better if I can defend myself in public. And that sounds really stupid but you get my meaning.Also, no way this admitting defeat is effecting my mood because oh sweet procrastination, amazon just mailed that the new Lucifer book will arrive tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Yeah.

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ponedjeljak, 27.07.2009.

ignore me, I'm in love

Actually, I planned on watching the whole season 1 of the new Doctor Who (no, I did not skip my lectures today to watch it, I don't do stuff like that) and then I wanted to try and write some halfway coherent thoughts on it.Then I watched The Doctor Dances.EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*takes a deep breath*EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!What I'm trying to say is....OMG I LOVED IT !!!!!I mean, after all those talking and squeeing about this ep and Jack and my expectations were high and I just loved it so much and....EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Okay, the thing is, I'm a hopeless angst-addict. I love my meta. That's all true. But that doesn't mean I can't appreciate something as beautiful and charming as this. The reason why I'm wary of most "happy ending" stuff is because I often just can't buy it. It falls flat to me. But this one didn't. I can't remember the last time an episode made me feel so happy and glowy and shiny. As I said, I'm in love. I didn't even mind the tiny bit kitschy element of Nancy and her boy because the Doctor was totally right in his reaction. For once, everyone gets to live *beams*. And I loved Eccleston quite madly in this scene. I mean, I loved him from the very first moment on and my love grew even stronger during Dalek but his display of joy in this scene...seeing him so sincerely happy for once...*sighs*Now let's get to the inevitable. Jack. Fortunately, I wasn't let down....oh who am I kidding here ! I loved him ! He had great chemistry with Rose and the Doctor from the first moment on and this brings me to... BANANA ! SONIC SCREWDRIVER ! I was inhaling water all the way through that scene !And damn, wasn't that scene with the Doctor and glowy little thingies just beautiful ?And dancing ! The Doctor dances ! And you know, the ep before was actually kinda scary...But the dancing ! And Jack ! And happiness !I stop here !The finale is going to break my heart, right ?Also and totally unrelated, did you know that "squeegee" is an actual word ?And that my mood theme are pink kittens ? I really need to fix that some time soon.

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nedjelja, 26.07.2009.

football (or is that soccer ?) silliness

Did you ever wake up and everyone seemed Greek to you ? Fortunately for my sanity, I realized that it's the Confederation Cup taking place. My first reasoning went like "OMG Greece has annexed Germany and Otto Rehagel is trying to take over the world !". What I soon realized to be a completely silly idea. Then my next thought was "OMG I've slept through a whole year and it's the World Cup already !". Then I actually felt disappointed that I couldn't go to the match. So instead of turning into a sorry heap of self-pity after my last report, I turned into a sorry self-pitying heap of someone who would like to see football. See, this worries me because my interest in football follows a strict 2 years cycle. And this is just one more reasons to do only written exams in the future. I mean, who knows what might happen next time I'm having my report depression phase ? I might publicly admit to liking figure skating.Hey, it could be worse ! I might be a closet fan of Curling...

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subota, 25.07.2009.

stupid supid I'm really ding-dong *sings*

* Ever walked through the rain until all your clothes were soaked, until the skin on your fingers started to turn blue and shrivel, until you actually could hear the water in your shoes - not because you had to but because you could ?* I turned in the forms for switching one of my subjects (art history to sociology) today. It's hard to describe how scared I was of that. Not because I think I made the wrong choice. I'm looking forward to studying sociology with almost fannish anticipation. But bureaucracy is one of the last strongholds of sociophobia for me.* I have a report to hold on Thursday. Know how much I've written so far ? The title. I don't want to *whines*.* Some ramblings (and huge spoilers) about As was to be expected, I liked it. Quite a lot actually. The man needs to write mor comic books. Yes, I'm aware that he's writing X-Men at the moment and I've heard stuff about a Firefly comic.On the other hand, the story works just fine as it is. Technically you could call the whole thing a set-up. The vampires just returned, the big bad revealed... it's just the beginning. But the last page works just as good as the last scenes from the Buffy and Angel finales. Actually, it's like a good combination of the two. It's got the final statement of Angel of the good fight is what it's all about but it also has the hope of that last moment of Buffy smiling. So I'm a bit conflicted if I would want a sequel or not (but it's not up to me to decide anyway ;-) ).If there will ever be another TV show, though, I'd love to have a Fray show. I don't want to know what happens after the Buffy and Angel finales (concerning Angel, I lean toward the "They're all dead !!!" side). So a show set in the future would be really cool. But that's another thing I don't have any influence on but a fangirl can dream, can't she.Speaking of cool...everything about the book is just so damned cool (in a good way). Melaka is cool and snarky without ever getting annoying - or looking like a cheap Buffy or Faith clone. Urkonn the Watcher demon - how can I not love him ? It's a real pity she had to kill him. I know it was necessary to fit into the whole coming of age theme and all...that's the only thing I would like to have changed for a TV show ;-). He could come back this being the Buffyverse and all... Hm...I think, I'm getting to easily emotionally attached to demons...Oh and the meta ! The angst ! I knew something else was up with her twin brother dying but I really didn't guess that twist. (Might be because I read the book in one sitting without thinking much ;-) ) One's own twin as the leader of the enemie's army...the implication of it all...eeep ! I'm too tired to say anything intelligent. Just Wheee !!!Also loved the artwork. Nice to see a female comic book "superhero" character with realistic body proportions.* The fourth Lucifer book arrived before book 2 and 3 and when I got it out of the package, I got a glimpse of a certain beloved Endless with a penchant for black clothing and Disney movies on the back cover. Never had my self-control abilities been tested before like in that moment.* Went to the Wittenberg town festival last weekend. Lovely town but didn't have any time to visit museum. Just saw the Castle Church, Town Church, bits of the Cranach-Houses and Luther's cellar in the Luther House. Most go back there later. Went to all the Corvus Corax concerts, though. The guys are all cute but if you ask me, they need a bigger repertoire. But then you don't really go to their concerts for intellectual entertainment ;-).Had to stand in one of the last rows during the night concert. Saw Duo Pampatut before. Yes, I actually was late to a Corvus Corax concert because I rather went to see two middle-aged overweight guys hauling snarky remarks at each other and the audience. I can't really describe it. Their kind of humor is a crude mix of British humor and...Farscape. And sometimes downright silly. *loves*I also bought a skirt. My first skirt in...many years. It's very very pretty. And yes, you needed to know.On the way home (at 2 in the morning) the train was late. Which led to breaking into the station (it was fucking cold outside !) and me being home at 4 in the morning.* I'm very tired and exhausted and I start to wonder if maybe wandering around in the rain for about 20 minutes wasn't such a good idea after all. But I've got Farscape season 4 and Due South season 3 and 4 lying on my desk so I'm fine.

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petak, 24.07.2009.

read a drunk girl talking about various things, mostly comics...

Okay, so here's one more thing that will add to forever marking me as one of the most boring persons on the planet: I don't really find being (kinda) drunk enjoyable. Not like that anyway. You see, I've learned to exercise a good deal of control over my mind. And if you are unfortunate enough to know me in real life, you know what I can be like when sober. The point being not dolphins or that gorillas have nests but that right know I'm rather pissed off at myself. My mind is perfectly clear but I have trouble exercising control over my body and that is just frustrating as hell. I mean, I want to read my comic books damn it, but I have to be happy with hitting the right keys *groans*. I'm on a tight schedule, damn.And it's not my fault really. Today I was to my first meeting with the mythology working group people and they decided the newbie should have as much whiskey as she wants. Yes, I'm weak and greedy. But do you have any idea how much my comic books cost ? I just ordered all so far published Lucifer books.Anyway, last night I read my very first X-Men book. And rather liked it. .So okay, you might argue it's not the "real" X-Men as I've read the first of the Ultimate story line but it's great fun. And I want to congratu... you know...I want to say thank you to whoever who had the idea to remake the whole story set in current years. It's a good thing for newbies. And with all the snark going on I feel quite at home. You might argue that they overdid the snark and cool factor a little but I don't really care. I care about almost all characters and that's what's really cool.I mean...I've only seen the movies and Jean and Scott didn't do anything for me. And now I actually like Jean (although I'm still having a tiny little crush on Neil Gaiman's 1602!Jean) and Scott is actually quite interesting. Not a character I would obsess about. But interesting. More interesting than Wolverine actually. That's my main grip with the book. What the fuck was that thing with Wolverine ? I really hope there's more to his actions than that. I mean... the guy switched teams because he developed some sort of feelings for Jean ? Huh ? Maybe if you consider that that's probably the first time that he's been treated nice by other people and made something like friend...but I refuse to accept his kind of crush as any sort of explanation for switching teams. That's just stupid boring character development. It's not that I dislike Wolverine or anything... mabye it's just the fangirls annoying me or something...Anyway...I like the characters. Said that before, didn't I ? But yes, the postmodernism or whatever you want to call it works well for me. You know, stuff like the characters poking fun at comics clichs like the costumes or the nicknames and stuff. And I just like the snark. And given that I usually don't connect to teenager characters and this time I do probably means something.But yeah, 18 year old Storm is pretty cute really. And I love Beast. He's such a geek. And I can totally understand now why people want to see him in the next movie. He's cool.Magneto...seemed a little over the top at times for me but who am I to judge. My brain also seems to be uncapable of not thinking of Magneto as Ian McKellen. Which brings me to...shades of grey. I know why from all the superhero fandoms I got attracted to this one. Such pretty messed up meta. I'm not saying anything deep here but whenever do I anyway. I'll just try not to think of the money and time that will get spent on this new fandom...Uhm yeah, I'll stop here before my head hits the keyboard...Oh and "Deine Lakeien - White Lies" arrived today and I know that will probably make me look like a pathetic fangirl - well, I am a pathetic fangirl so what am I worrying about ? What I'm trying to say is, I'm in love with Alexander Veljanov's voice. And right now I can hear him singing some pseudo duet with Sabine Lutzenberger (Helium Vola) and I'm dead and what's the next song called on this album ? "Lost" ? Take the vidding program away from me before I can re-install it !!!

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četvrtak, 23.07.2009.

and the pointless shallow fannish random post of the day is ...

I couldn't resist and downloaded a crappy version of the new Doctor Who pilot (for studying British pop culture of course !). And then spent 40 minutes laughing my ass off. And swooning over the Doctor's cuteness. You know that feeling of hopelessly falling for a character after he had been on screen for mere seconds ? He's just so wonderful eccentric and everything's so camp and over the top and how I love British humor and accents. I'm one of those shallow British accent whores, I admit it.It's one of these days when I'm convinced I grew up in the wrong country.Also on my personal fannish assimilation crusade: I made my Mom watch K-Pax. Now she's in love with it and forces every unsuspecting costumer to rent the movie. Having a mother working in a video shop is so cool. I can indirectly influence the viewing habits of other people. I already talked my mother into trying to talk her boss into getting the new BSG mini on DVD. Muahahaaaaa!!!And now I will not tell you of the great amount of university related trouble I am in thanks to procrastination. *saunters away humming innocently*

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srijeda, 22.07.2009.

more musical babbling !

As a balance to the other post I just wrote :Let me tell you some more stuff (that probably doesn't interest you) about me and music. Yesterday I was to the ballet version of Joseph Haydn's "The Creation". You've got to love an opera house where you can get a full ballet company, the Gewandhausorchester and a whole opera choir for the price of 5 an evening ;-). There were many things to love about the performance (personally, I would have never thought that I might get obsessed with ballet at all ;-) but the costumes are very helping ) and the 10 minutes of standing ovations afterward were very earned (not kidding you, everyone did actually get up from their seat and clapped till their hands hurt; yes, opera visitors can get really excited, too ;-) ). But there was one particular thing that had me grinning like mad through the whole evening. Some time ago I talked about the kind of colours I sometimes see when listening to music. It's like a dark underground on which illuminating colours are dancing. The stage setting of the ballet included one big dark screen on which abstract watercolour paintings were projected, accompanying the music. So let me summarize : a famous orchestra, a choir with great solists, the wonderful dancers of the Leipzig ballet company and the wonderful choreography of Uwe Schulz and THE colours on a big fat screen for everyone to see. Synaesthetic nerves go BOOM. A very blissful BOOM.Today I indulged in some more musical bliss (uhm...I'm not the only one who gets these...intense reactions from listening to music, right ?). I've been waiting for this concert for almost a year. No, it wasn't anything really fancy. Just Brahm's sonatas for violin and piano. But oh the joy of hearing something live that one has been listening to on CD for years ! The piano is like an ocean that engulfs you, the violin is a yearning given form ...and I better stop here before I sound even more like a bad romantic novel.

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ponedjeljak, 20.07.2009.

spam ! because I feel like it ! yeah !

OH.MY.GOD. I want to go there. I really do. But about 60 for the ticket plus train ticket plus hotel...*cries* Oh well, let's look at the bright side. There's no ensemble I absolutely want to see there this year. *still wants*

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nedjelja, 19.07.2009.

three things : two fannish, one real life + meme

Let's start with music. I've just returned from an extremely successful CD hunt which makes me a happy fangirl indeed. Over the last week I've became something of an closer acquaintance of the floors of most music shops of this town. Dear shop owners, just because the music is from the Middle Ages doesn't mean you have to store the CDs in the darkest, dustiest little corner you can find, thank you. Anyway, last Tuesday I emerged from one of those close encounters of the dusty kind with an ensemble named Ioculatores. It was love on first hearing. But 20 is just too much for one single album. So today when I was on my way to another shop to order said album for 17 (still too much, but at least a little less) I suddenly decided to go into one little obscure shop I've never been before and lo and behold : they had my beloved CD for 9. I hope the shop saleswoman will soon recover from meeting me in my hyper excited happy state of fannish obsession. It's not a pretty thing to witness. Also bought two more CDs because I just don't know when to stop.On to comics. I'm happy to say that my expectations were met and I'm at the verge of a great new obsession. My expectations were of a conflicting kind, though. On the hand I started reading with having in mind that this is not Sandman and not Neil Gaiman so I lowered them just to be careful. On the other hand, the Sandman universe is one extremely dear to me and so my expectations were extremely high. I don't want to compare "Preludes&Nocturnes" with "Devil in the Gateway" (I wouldn't know how) but the effect the both had on me is the same : I want more.And just as I hopelessly fell for messed-up, detached, tragic Dream back then, I already feel rather attached to messed-up, rather detached but very snarky Lucifer. "Manipulative, charming and dangerous" indeed. I just have a weakness for enthralling bastards with style.And I was very thrilled that two of my favorite minor characters from Sandman - Remiel and Duma - had cameos. I love my messed-up angels. If Carey gives them some larger roles I'll build him his own shrine next to Gaiman. I can imagine that Duma must be a rather tricky character to write in comic form, just relying on pictures to describe him. I'd also be happy if neither of the two nor Lucifer himself dies in the end because my favorites dying the end is getting kinda old.I also loved the "additional" mythology parts of "The Morningstar Option". It keeps the Sandman mythology intact while adding more. Actually, I'm rather fond of this story as a whole. It's wonderful meta with gorgeous artwork...the irony of Lucifer working for Heaven, the musings about desire (and a good thing Desire itself didn't show up although I wouldn't mind a truly meaningful appearance from one of the Endless some time, I'd die for a Death/Lucifer conversation ;-)) and I liked that in the end Lucifer wasn't a very nice guy after all and only used Rachel for his purposes. I wonder if that ever comes back to bite him like Dream's treatment of Lyta. Speaking of coming back...I sense more or less planned story-arcs, yeah ! Here's hope for another madness like "Kindly Ones". There's a prophecy, hints of apocalypse, mysteries, lot's of story threads and all in the first book. Needless to say, my expectations just reached a whole new level of "high".The only thing that had me really bothered were the avoidable language mistakes in "Six Card Spread". That was distracting. And why does almost every story set in Germany have to do with Nazis (even when it features a Cabaret) ? I hope that turns out to have some greater significance because I don't see how it's related to the main story, except for providing some connection between Melos and Jill.Oh well, now I can only sit and wait till my next package from London arrives.***Having two parents with a job is really cool. My family has been having money problems for as long as I can remember. And now with them both working and all the flats rented my family is suddenly in the strange position of having extra money. Yesterday I got sent 50 for no reason in particular, wheee ! Although my Mom recently complained that her job would be so much easier if it wasn't for that horrible things called "customers" ;-). I also got sent violet-scented soap. That made me strangely happy (don't you dare to laugh). For once it seems like I'm getting over my gift-paranoia (never claimed sanity) and because that's just one of the things I've been looking for without knowing it (never claimed to be free of vanity either).I interpret "current" as in "I've been actively searching for related stuff on the internet during the past few months".1. Current fandoms TV : Lost, BSG, Farscape, Due South, Babylon 5Music : Early Music/"creative anachronism", some Gothic/Wave, R.E.M., Helium Vola and I start to name all the bands I like at the moment my hand will fall offBooks : Comic books in general, Sandman, Lucifer, Good Omens, Neil Gaiman's work in general, mythologyI would also like to point out that I consider my university subjects fandoms, too. 2. My first fandom in getting first totally obsessed about something ? biology/astronomy/archaeology books count ? I was planning on becoming a good science geek as a kid and learned all the Latin names of my dinosaurs collection. Things turned out rather different, didn't they.But the first ultra beloved TV show of mine would be TNG. Started watching when I was 8 and Data was quite the important identification figure for me as a kid.3. My most recent fandoms..."recent" as in "got obsessed over the last few weeks" : Early Music, Lucifer, Good Omens and while I've been watching Due South very slowly over the last months, I finally got hooked last week with the arrival of the new Ray.4. 5 fandoms that mean a lot to me :Oh dear...TNG as already mentioned provided quite the important identification figure for me when I was younger and not exactly your role model of a happy well-balanced child.Sandman touched me on so many levels and showed just how very much the whole catharsis thing can exist. If something rips your heart out and you want to thank the author for it, the story is either very good or your quite the masochist or probably both.My mythology introduction book has always been there. I seriously don't remember when it was given to me, who gave it to me and where and's just there. I guess my love for all things old and obscure was ignited by it. I'm planning to write my master paper related to something mythological.Babylon 5 is a very weird thing for me because I know I watched it when I was 12 but I couldn't remember much from it. Except Londo and G'Kar. I forgot about the existence of John Sheridan but even before I started rewatching one or two years ago, I could still tell you what colours and style their clothing was like and hum the tune of "No Hiding Place" ;-). Made quite the impression on me, these two. And I wonder whether I should blame JMS for my love for snarky, messed-up characters.And a fandom I've stopped being into a long time ago but which changed my life in ways that TV shows probably shouldn't : Earth Final Conflict.5. Tag 5 people to complete this :I'm an equal opportunity tagger and I value free choice, so everyone just do what you want with this meme.

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subota, 18.07.2009.

...and sometimes the sad fate of the obscure fan can reach a short state of "happy ending"...

It's lying in front of me, it's packaging violently ripped away. It's smaller than I expected, but then it's only the first fours issues. The book's cover is smooth and shiny. I touch it gingerly. I lift it to my face and inhale the sweet smell of this particular kind of comic book paper. My finger wanders aimlessly through the pages. My eyes take in first impressions of the artwork. I catch a glimpse of an already known character ("Whee ! Remiel !"). It's just too damned easy to spoiler yourself with this kind of books. So I put it back. For a short time.Real life is a guilty conscience for me at the moment. Nothing big, really. Just all this little should-haves accumulating to a nasty dull pain in the back of my mind. The number of pages of reading I'm behind has entered the four-digit figures some time ago. I feel no motivation whatsoever for the whole student representative business as I am fully aware that it is one big bad idea. It's all for the wrong reasons. I'm definitely not cut out for this kind of job. As a matter of fact, I'm not cut out for anything that requires me to work together with other people. Nasty little personal demon of mine, isn't it ? At times I even think I prefer the angst to this phases of reluctance and even disgust I'm going through sometimes. But I can forget all about this and more (and face it again and more) in a good story. I can loose and find myself in a book. It's a trivial thing to say but it's true. Stories simply are the best kind of drug.And there is no feeling like going home to a beloved universe, even if it won't exactly be the same. And Mike Carey better not screw with it. But I have hope.So may real life nuisances firmly stay in real life this evening for I'm going to Hell, anyway.

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 18:56 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

petak, 17.07.2009.

the sad fate of the obscure fan aka gratuitous whining

So I went out to nurture my latest interest. And soon discovered what my fascination for Early Music has in common with pretty much every other interest of mine. It's a painful struggle (and rather expansive one, too) to satisfy my obsession even a little bit. Sometimes I think, that maybe I do have a slight sado-masochistic streak...I mean, all I want to do is to walk into a nice shop with a good range of albums and waste a horrendous amount of time with listening to samples and then spending a horrendous (but still acceptable) amount of money on CDs. But this won't happen. Because the city's largest shop for classical music has only a small range of overpriced Early Music. Which means listening to Amazon samples again and shopping at Amazon as well.It seems like everything I like is connected with an extreme difficulty to get it. What doesn't keep me from trying to get it but it can also be a rather time consuming process. The life of the sad fan of obscure fandoms is of fundamental simplicity for he is always searching, always hunting, always following his obscure and little desires. But the way to getting what he wants is often complicated and lonely and can at times even be dangerous. Yet his desires will never allow him to fully rest and be content and so like very few other species he understands (or needs to understand) the meaning of the journey as the destination.*sniffles* Can someone hug me now, please ? *feels lonely* *thinks of the girl she addicted to Neil Gaiman and of misshallelujah* And it seems like I'm dragging people down with me as I go along ! Hey, wait, that's actually quite an uplifting thought...Instead of sitting here and moping around, I should go and create some more fans of obscure things ! Why suffer alone ! *cackles happily and madly*

javascript: void(0);" onclick=" = ''; alert('Autor je zabranio komentiranje ovog posta.'); u 16:16 • 0 KomentaraPrint#

srijeda, 15.07.2009.

I named the baby (aka my new computer) Meredith

I named the baby (aka my new computer) Meredith.Stuff I watched: I saw Casino Royal and really liked it a lot. Which rather surprises mea little as I had never bothered watching any Bond movie before. But this one works for me. It's rough and violent in a very aesthetic way. It's rare for me to be actually paying attention during lenghty action sequences. I'm still fiercely in love with Heroes and this week's SGA was made of fluffy happy crack. I saw the first two eps of Doctor Who - Mawdryn Undead and I have to saym Turlough must be the universe's lousiest assassin ever. He also screams in a very girly way. Five seems a bit hard to pin down based on two eps. He seems oddly calm so far. But compared to Two, probably every Doctor seems calm. Except for Ten. Or Nine. And maybe Six, Seven and Eight, who I still haven't met.I'm halfway through with Wyrd Sisters by Terry Pratchett and I rather love it so far. I can tell how it ends but that doesn't really matter. Now, I'm no Shakespeare expert but the whole references and stuff make me filled with glee.And halfway through the semester I realize that I have much much more to read than I expected. This really shouldn't come as a surprise after two years. But I was still hoping...

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- "Rent" is way cooler than I expected it to be. And much more fun than the opera.- The zoo at night is also way cooler than I expected it to be. Hyenas! Lions are adorable when asleep! I got mocked by a little penguin!- Other things I noticed during the local museums night: I'm really rather glad I stopped studying art.- Today I learned how to conjugate adjectives. It hurts the brain at first but you feel better afterwards.- I have lots and lots of university stuff to do and I really need to start doing it. Pity me.

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My current state of mind can be best described like this

My current state of mind can be best described like this: right now the best thing to do seems to be stalking my parent's house and taking pictures of my cat with my phone. That is to stay, I feel slightly exhausted and maybe a little brain dead but also just a bit fluffy on the inside. Uhm...yes.So, university life seems to have all the ups and downs of all the previous semesters so far. Which is to say a general interest in what classes are actually about with a growing dislike for the classes themselves. Oh, well. Speaking of university, last Friday I went to the local history museum and things like that always make me feel a little regret about not having chosen history as a "real" subject. Oh, well.And I finally got around to watching the end of Kyou Kara Maou. Which didn't end with the ending I was believing it had for about a year. Which completely confused me but in a good way. And I finally got around to watching Yami no Matsuei which had been on my to-watch-list for about a year now. Fucked-up but intense and oddly beautiful relationships - I still love thee. I also started with Noir but it fails to fully grab me even on second attempt. It's a bit to slowly paced for my taste, whereas Yami no Matsuei felt a little too rushed.This post of a bit blahness was brought to you by my exhausting myself over sad attempts at playing badminton. Now I die. Or watch Supernatural and House.

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weather and movies and Doctor Who

Have I complained about the weather lately? I mean within the last 24 hours? See. It's hot. It's way too hot for being a good little student and studying for next week's exam all day. But I'll be doing it anyway because right now the most important goal in my life is finishing with learning for this particular exam this very weekend so I can go and watch PotC2. Yes.So, last Monday I saw "Hui Buh" which is a cute enough movie. And I need to stop slashing kids movies. Some day. I mean, come on, it has Bully Herbig as the lead, how can I not?And I watched another Doctor Who serial, which I ...liked. I think. It wasn't bad that is. It starts as your standard quest story in which our heroes have to set out to find a couple of magical items to regain their freedom while evil forces threaten the guy who sent them on the quest in the first place.What I liked about this one is that despite the "machine controls all evil impulses and makes everyone Good and Happy" it didn't come across as preachy as I feared when I read a short summary. During the first episode mind control stuff gets stated matter-of-factly. But of course we quickly learn of the evil forces who plan on corrupting the system. We don't get the "man was not meant to be controlled by a machine" line until the end, when the machine gets destroyed by the same being that planned on using it for his own evil purposes.And as with any good quest we get to visit different fancy locations! The one with the mind controlling brains - you gotta love mind controlling talking evil brains - is clearly an analogy on the whole story. Then there's the one with a citadel, inhabited by a scientist, getting over-run by mutated plants due to an Experiment Gone Wrong.The one about the ice and the wolves and the crazy hunter guy...I didn't really get. I tried watching it two times but somehow my concentration gets lost as soon as they are in the cave and have to battle the ice soldier thingies. But what I'm realizing just now is that in the end Ian is quite ready to leave the crazy hunter guy to his death. The situations, however, gets quickly resolved by having crazy hunter guy grab Susan so when he gets killed by the warriors it's really a good thing - but still, it's kinda ironic that Ian gets accused of murder in the very next episode.The "Ian gets accused of murder" ep has the interesting side effect that Ian doesn't get much to do for a change. I'm definitely growing more fond of the guy now, but my first impression of him had been "the guy who does stuff" so it's nice to have a scenario where he completely depends on the others. And yay for Barbara and Susan the detectives. I liked the "guilty until proven innocent" approach, I did, however, figure out that it was the wife quite early. I'm also getting tired of the formula of having the guilty discriminate her or himself by blurting out details they couldn't have known. Still, I like Barbara for being the one who figures stuff out.Susan - I'm still in two minds about Susan. The screaming and constant panicking are grating my nerves but she has her cheeky outspoken moments. I don't know, yet.

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