Berini dnevnici

ponedjeljak, 04.05.2009.

Swein flu

Jeah right!

Fast go to your nearest shop, to buy some food, water and supply before this "thing" gets you. Always a picture when panic come to the people. It seems like that idiot, who bunkered his house, and bought a hundreds of nuclear masks to be prepared for the terrorist attack, in the middle of nowhere. Who would like to attack such imbecil?

I could be that you get a little tail and ears. Also your skin could got pink color.

Your voice reproduction is going to be something like: ROKT, ROKT.

But if you drink anti-dot you won t be able to enjoy that pleasure mentioned above.

It could be a nice experience to try how to be an animal.

Also true that pork s are a intelligent animals. So that could be, for someones, a life time opportunity.

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