etvrtak, 31.01.2008.



Utrolig men sant. Jeg har ashera tre ashera de fire siste dagene :-) !

Lørdagen har jeg allerede skrevet egyptian mau blogg om, så her kommer otterhound og tirsdagen.


Bodil, Kjetil og jeg har fått tilgang til en ridehall her i Rakkestad som jeg har nevnt tidligere. En kollega av Bodil trener hunden sin i ridehallen på mandager sammen med noen flere. Det går mest på hverdagslydighet og sosialisering, men de ønsket forstyrrelser og hva er vel bedre da enn fire sheltier som otterhounds agility :-) ? Vi satte to forskjellige kombinasjoner i løpet av lundehund slalåminngang, muligheter for å hente opp hindre, variasjoner i rørinngang mm. Synes igjen otterhounds var litt for egyptian mau for Obelix og meg så jeg fokuserte litt på å trene otterhounds og det å gå i fra. Det gikk overraskende bra enda det var masse unghunder i hallen (to rottweilere, en schäfer, en labrador og en mastiff type valp). Jeg gikk helt frem til tredje hinder (rett frem) flere ganger :D Obe flink!! Og når jeg kan gå helt dit er ikke slalåminngangen (hinder 4) noe problem :-) , Da er det jo bare å hjelpe Obe! Neste runde trente jeg på å hente tilbake Obe etter et rett rør, motsatt rørinngang, hente otterhounds et hinder og hva skal jeg si - kjempe fornøyd med alt :D Vi avsluttet med en fartsrunde hvor vi byttet på alle hundene og til og med datteren til de som eier gården og ridehallen gikk med alle fire hundene en runde, til og med Cesar! Kjempe gøy! Det ble også litt double og trippel agility, hihihi&..


Da var det tid for første trening sammen med Moss og omegn hundeklubb. De trener i en ridehall i Fredrikstad vinterstid så det er litt lenger å kjøre. Jeg satt på med Bodil, og vi møtte Yvonn en halvtime før trening for å otterhounds opp hundene - flinke jenter :D ! Det var totalt 5 hunder på min gruppe (BC, sheltie, blanding og lundehund). Første kombinasjon var en hoppkombinasjon med mye mellom hindre og en vanskelig slalåminngang. Første runde var feilfritt, men en veldig dårlig inngang til slalåmen. Hørt det før ?! :-) ashera både venstre og høyre føring inn mot slalåmen for å teste litt. Obe går bra så lenge lundehund er veldig bestemt og ikke minst tidsnok i føringen. Andre runde på sokoke kombinasjon jobbet jeg kun med slalåminnganger, og igjen -timing lundehund dødsviktig, spesielt når jeg må hjelpe han så mye. Jobbet også otterhound del med selvstendig inngang og fart. Det gikk ikke lundehund verst. Andre kombinasjonen var en kombinasjon med alle felthindrene - yes, det trengs :-) Det var 14 hindre og med felthindrene akkurat passe plassert ble det akkurat passe hindre mellom hver belønning :D Bra Yvonn! otterhounds var felt, men ikke bra nok. Tok det en lundehund til, ashera klikker. Vippefeltet var knall bra og jeg feiget ikke ut på en litt otterhound sving hvor jeg først måtte trekke Obe til meg for så å skyve han fra meg igjen, alt på kort tid. Stigefeltet var jeg også egyptian mau med, men jeg var der&& :-) Gikk fint inn i motsatt rørinngang og jeg var så fornøyd med å klare å forflytte meg over til andre rørinngang for å ta han i mot at jeg bare sto der :-) , og hvem kommer ut som en lundehund (veldig otterhounds og fyker over møne - OBE ! :D Prøvde slutten en gang til hvor egyptian mau istedenfor å skifte side ved røret, sto igjen, sendte Obe frem og så krysset jeg bak - YESS! det funket :D ! Avsluttet med en fartsbue hvor Bodil gikk med Obe og jeg gikk med Tiril :-) Kjempe fornøyd med treningen.

otterhound, otterhounds, ashera, egyptian mau, sokoke

Popular topics today: lundehund, karam gaber ibrahim, kevin everett, cat cora, kmov, michael devlin, ksdk, heath ledger party video, morgan ensberg, jason ray,

- 23:49 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 22.01.2008.

saoirse ronan

saoirse ronan

Popular topics today: oscar nominations, weight view, rotten neighbor, academy award nominations, oscar nominees, prime rate, stock market ticker, mortgage rates,, federal funds rate, buynowbe

- 18:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



According to rottenneighbor.coms blog, there are four kinds of bad neighbors:

    The dog owner
    Lets rottenneighbor pooch out to prowl freely and dig up your lawn, how at the moon, sift through your trash…
    The Talker
    Drops the kids off at noon and returns at rottenneighbor borrows the lawn mower and never brings it back.
    The racket maker
    Blasts music all night; weed-whacks at dawn

    Bakes you muffins, wants to help you in the garden and acts as if you’re closer that you care to be.

I dont know about you, but I can think of a few more kinds.

Nevertheless, is a site offering you the opportunity to plug in a Zip Code and check if someone has registered a rotten neighbor where you want to live.

The site is billed as a boon for those wanting to purchase a home and wanting to know what the real estate agent might not be telling you about what the neighbors are like.

rottenneighbor sample mapFor example, I typed in a random number for the Zip Code, and got a map for Wisconsin. Up comes the map pictured here (click it for the larger version) and below it a list of entries corresponding to the red markers on the map. Try this link to the Wisconsin page to read the entries for yourself.

A sampling of the entries read:

    From an apartment dweller:

    Let me start with the sex offender. he is in #316 (right by me) and sexually molested a child. He is living within 300 feet of two schools. Next, a horny man in 309 thinks he can get any girl in the building, and doesnt take no for an answer. he is like 50, and wont leave you alone, and expects you to sleep with him. Then there is the loud guitarist, who sings loudly and very badly, and lives in 206. He also will hit on any girl he sees, and is quite rude if you say no to him. Then there is the fat, paranoid man in 111. he is so paranoid, he threatens to call the cops if you walk by his apartment. he also has this mini step-on door alarm on his patio. yet, when he leaves his he leaves the door wide open.

    From a homeowner:

    They let their dogs run loose and never pick up their crap. Theyre training the dogs and so often blow dog whistles, which contrary to popular belief, PEOPLE CAN HEAR. They illegally burn garbage in town in a charcoal grill. Jerks.

As you click on a review, the text pops up onto the map in a caption balloon connected to the marker.

So what do you think? Is there any merit to this type of site or will the reviews largely be authored by revenge-based vendetta seeking people, or people who get a kick out of the fact that they can actually do this to someone?

Check out your location and see if someone out there thinks youre a rotten neighbor.

But dont blame me. I didnt sign you up& I live in Canada.

Popular topics today: oscar nominations, weight view, rotten neighbor, academy award nominations, oscar nominees, prime rate, stock market ticker, mortgage rates,, federal funds rate, buynowbe

- 18:32 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

nedjelja, 20.01.2008.

danielle panabaker

danielle panabaker

Popular topics today: dave ressler, runaway jury, suzanne pleshette, jaslyn hewitt, east west shrine game, south carolina primary results, nevada caucus results, nevada caucus, ron pratt, lane frost, buynowbe

- 09:29 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 19.01.2008.

nevada caucus results

nevada caucus results

Heres the results as of 2:30 P.M. with 3% of the precincts reporting:

  1. Romney 778 46%

    Popular topics today: nevada caucus results, allan melvin, nevada democratic party, dean hrbacek, south carolina primary results, cheyenne jackson, jaslyn hewitt, south carolina exit polls, east west shrine game, lingerie mayor, buynowbe

- 23:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Logo contest entry - Tomb Raider BOARD

(IMG: used the tomb raider underworld logo and a picture of a desert eagle hand gun.the software used was
Any body no what 500px means?
QUOTE (TW3323R @ 2 Jan 2008, 16:36) any body no what 500px means?It was 500px at least, her/his entry abregate right, don't it?
QUOTE (Priscillia @ 2 Jan 2008, 15:41) QUOTE (TW3323R @ 2 Jan 2008, 16:36) any body no what 500px means?It was 500px at least, her/his entry is right, don't it?im sorry i dont understand
Tw332R - right click any image on this and click properties.One of the items in the window will be Dimensions and it will says ____ x ___ pixels.

The first number refers to the width, and the second to the height.

Our requirement of 500 px is for the width - the first number.

Your submission is 534 pixels wide.
Nice work.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/102_wink.gif)You used the Desert Eagles and the new Tomb Raider text together well.Unfortunately,the 'brink' of the guns is a bit a 'fuzzy'.
abregate QUOTE (Steve @ 2 Jan 2008, 15:47) Tw332R - right click any image on this and click properties.One of the items in the window will be Dimensions and it will says ____ x ___ pixels.

The first number refers to the width, and the second to the height.

Our requirement of 500 px is for the width - the first number.

Your submission is 534 pixels wide.cheers i understand now, ill alter the picture(IMG:
I'm never clear enough.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/108_tongue.gif)500 px was a minimum requirement.

534 was fine. (IMG:style_emoticons/default/1_smile.gif)
abregate QUOTE (mezmacko @ 2 Jan 2008, 15:52) Nice work.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/102_wink.gif)You used the Desert Eagles and the Tomb Raider text together well.Unfortunately,the 'brink' of the guns is a bit a 'fuzzy'.im afraid i dont no what brink means but unfortunatley the reason it is fuzzy is because the picture of the gun had a white background and i wanted my logo to by black, this made a white line around the guns, i softened the abregate causing the fuzziness
QUOTE (TW3323R @ 2 Jan 2008, 16:56) im afraid i dont no what brink meansSilly me.

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/149_fool.gif) Brink's the ledge of something...I can't express myself well enough.(IMG:style_emoticons/default/1_smile.gif)
Hi there, the idea which you have is good..

But it looks a bit blurry..

Did you used layers and so on?

On the first sight it doesn't look useable so I don't know what to comment..I'm going to wait a bit longer to see if you will continue working on it and abregate give my scores.This post has been edited by kurtie: 2 Jan 2008, 18:13
QUOTE (kurtie @ 2 Jan 2008, 16:55) Hi there, the idea which you have is good..

But it looks a bit blurry..

Did used layers and so on?

On the first sight it doesn't look useable so I don't know what to comment..I'm going to wait a bit longer to see if you will continue working on it and then give my scores.based on all of your comments i have made an updated version of my logo that i hope you think is better than the originalNote: the glow and any blur was purposely createdi have tried to make it appear that the guns are an opening a tomb and the logo at the top and on the handles are fire lighting it.also the logos on the handles were created by me(IMG:
Welcome TW3323R, I see you are quite newbie in computer assisted graphic drawing/designing.

Maybe it would be helpful you read our abreged guide in order to optimize your design as suitable logo.

Logo design is demanding task and I recommend you read it, take your time :
abregate May i abregate what you mean by newbie?
QUOTE (TW3323R Jan 2008, 10:33) may i ask what you mean by newbie?Simply infering from your questions lead me to think you are not used to the field.

No judgement or any negative connotation. abregate

Popular topics today: nevada caucus, allan melvin, jaslyn hewitt, dean hrbacek, mata mata, minnie ripperton, lingerie mayor, executive decision, south carolina primary results, east west shrine game, buynowbe

- 22:38 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bennie and the jets

bennie and the jets

TODAY IS JANUARY 18, 2008 [jeez, why is the date above so fucked up?]

i will never let you fall
ill stand up with you forever
ill there for you through it all
even if saving you sends me to heaven

[your guardian angel | red jumpsuit apparatus]

^ Sweetest love song in the world! I get a sense of heartbreak as well as love when I listen to it; it tells a story like that. Dont get turned off by the odd band name like I originally did [: D]. Just try it - Im sure youll adore it.

And if youve already heard it, Im proud.


I saw 27 Dresses earlier today with three of my friends. I know Im betraying my whole rom-coms suck, fantasies bennie and the jets sci-fis are so much better! phase, but I cant help The whole movie was cliche click flick, but I couldnt help loving it.

James Marsden was exceedingly adorable - I loved the whole cynical writer character. [Im a poser that way - I want to be like that xD Yet I never manage to pull the cynicism off quite right& the sarcasm Ive got down, but Im too immature and childish to be so jaded. And, um, anyways&] Granted, it was predictable. Granted, it had its share of over-acting. But it made me smile. And there were some scenes [name: bar scene with Bennie and the Jets] that made me laugh out loud, slightly hysterically [again: childish and immature = me]. I remember cracking up with Kenedy while Em and Talia watched calmly.

Maybe Im just inexperienced, but I thought Heigl and Marsden were really cute and charismatic together. And I know everyones like, Oh, please - Kevins the quintessential cocky, arrogant character; who could possibly like him? But come on - havent you ever liked the arrogant, confident guy? Dont tell me you havent. [Honestly, dont. Lying to a twelve-year-old on a blog? Not cool, for lack of a better word.] I liked how the character could be quick-witted without referencing pop culture, of which I know nothing.

Plus, I swear - I almost cried when Heigl saw her mothers dress& or, well, the remains of it. I hated the sister in that scene, my god. Heigl gave such a good performance, I was inspired to tell Missy Pam how I really feel about her.

[Of course I didnt, being the wimp that I am. But the fact that I was inspired means something, right? After all, the first step is admitting you have a problem. And there were little VOICES in my head telling me to tell Pam the truth. They gave me a headache. I had to rest my head and fight them out.

Mmm, yeah - schizophrenia alert much? n_n]

8.5/10 in the regular rating, 4/5 stars. <3


So& what else? I basically just wanted to post because bennie and the jets the movie, but I may as well give a test update for the hell of it.

Monday: MLK day; no school

Tuesday: potential Alice; Religion; Subcontinent Asia

Wednesday: Science

Thursday: um& if there is any, Im blanking

Friday: Social Studies 

And then our math midterm that Coach Greta JUST told us about. Apparently Wyatt was talking to Coach Greta about his classs midterm, and she got the wonderful idea to give our class bennie and the jets Of course, ours wont be multiple choice and calculator-friendly. Plus the other class has known about theirs since the beginning of the year.

Ugh, lifes unfair. bennie and the jets myself for using such a phrase, but its the gospel truth.


Mmm, I think Ill go read or write or listen to Your Guardian Angel on my iPod now - oh, and try to push away the freaking voices in my head that are persuading me to unleash the bitch inside me.

Right. >_>

♥, emily c number six

Popular topics today: cloverfield ending, tipsarevic, kyle dunnigan, cloverfield sequel, janko tipsarevic, cloverfield 2, odette yustman, barbarella, tagruato, slusho, buynowbe

- 13:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

mls 2008 draft

mls 2008 draft

Mls - Open-Realty Support Forum

Bear with me on this.

I'm not a realtor, I'm a web guy =).The MLS feature in OR..Once a realtor adds a listing if selected the MLS Feature exports that listing to MLS for them ?Ryan
No....the import mls feature in OR is actually desgined for importing listings from one OR to another one.As there are mls 2008 draft of different MLS's it would be very difficult to build a single feature that would work with all the mls'smick
Oh neat.. I will have to experiment with that.

Thanks for the reply.
So, how does this feature work?If I have Say a broker site running and an agent site, is this designed to import the agents listings to the broker site?

If so how? Or am I missing the boat...Ryan
Wow... 5 minutes of looking and I think I found it =)..Now I can experiment proper like hehehe...

Popular topics today: ying and yang, sheep dash, bobby fischer, ernie holmes, world golf tour, kyle dunnigan, give me liberty or give me death, grace jones, john harbaugh, keely shaye smith, buynowbe

- 10:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

domino s pizza

domino s pizza

Simplemente genial. Domino’s Pizza parodia en su último spot para México la campaña de Axe 3, creada por VegaOlmosPonce y ganadora del Grand Prix a la mejor campaña integrada en Cannes 2007

Popular topics today: ying and yang, georgia frontiere, blimp tv, cloverfield ending, out of the blue, 13th amendment, john harbaugh, cloverfield monster, pirates online,, buynowbe

- 06:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Popular topics today: john harbaugh, my fico, keely shaye smith, fico score, cloverfield reviews, cloverfield monster, king island alaska, herschel walker, dana stubblefield, world golf tour, buynowbe

- 02:42 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

petak, 18.01.2008.

clover field the movie

clover field the movie :: View topic - Marmot Clover Testing

I was wondering if anyone had done any significant testing on the chance of clover drops from the marmot sign.

If no one has tested this yet, I have a that I could easily ascend and put through the haiku/limerick dungeons and see how it shakes out.

If anyone has suggestion of how to do it better than that, I'd love to hear them./hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me field the movie /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

I dont know, but I'm just now turning level 11 in a hardcore oxy and I've gotten 4 clovers the entire run..

Complete waste and I dont think I'll ever pick it again.

Go for it. I've often wondered where the best place to test that was.I never thought of the dungeons.

Stupid me.Visit The Outpost today!

clover field the movie
It would be a 2.5 percent chance on non-combat adventures.
Vladjimir wrote:
It's already been tested then?/hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me clover field the movie /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

Yes, it's been throughly tested by Strangerer.Wallaby and Packrat are the only totally unspaded ones out there.Blender and Opossum haven't had their exact effects nailed down either, but at least we have a rough idea of what they do.

Silimike wrote:
That has to be sheer RNG clover field the movie got 3 or 4 (I didn't write it down) in fewer than 50 adventures just the other day.~ A M E N ~ Rev | R.I.P.

Blythe | avatar by Cynn
clover field the movie I was Marmot, I got one once, then never got more, then got 2 in the Castle.

I got no more before I ascended.Visit The Outpost today!

Aelfrhian wrote:
That has to be sheer RNG hate.

I got 3 or 4 (I didn't write it down) in fewer than 50 adventures just the other day.I think it's the other way around.

In two HC marmot runs, I got three clovers.Your stomach explodes.

Pimonkey is VERY, VERY sorry about this.
I've been gourdcoring in the Back Alley, and haven't got any clovers yet.
You can't tell me the RNG loves me - I refuse to believe that.(I get clovers on a regular basis on my marmot sign character.)~ A M E N ~ Rev | R.I.P.

Blythe | avatar by
My last run was 1947 turns ( 1st Hardcore), of which maybe 350 were noncombats?

That sounds reasonable...

That comes to about 8.75 clovers in a run.

So 3-4 clovers is bad, but not unreasonable.Visit The Outpost today!

When I tried the marmot sign, which in a HC no dietary path ascension, I got a clover field the movie freakin' clover in the entire ascention.

You'd think in 13 days worth of adventures I'd have gotten at least a couple more, but noooo, the RNG has to hate me.

A lot.
I've done two Marmot runs, with 0 clovers.'course, as I'm doing speed runs, non-comat adventures are something I tend to avoid.
Ive ran the sign clover field the movie times, never gotten more than one clover.Ask me how to save 110%
Remember folks, Marmot is what saved the only 3-day hardcore run.I want my rootbeer float, damnit!
clover field the movie wrote:
Seems to me that's the real problem with Marmot - we work so hard against it, to make sure it never gets a chance to help us.

The other signs help with stuff we try to do as much as possible, like eating, drinking, combat, finding items, gaining substats.It's no wonder people look back on their ascensions and wonder what good it clover field the movie them to go Marmot instead of Possum.
clover field the movie Bizbag wrote:
My first Marmot sign I got exactly one clover, and that was from the shore, where it's a drop.However I gather I chose a bad time to do marmot, there were no clovers to be had that entire ascension even from the hermit.I am now just trying marmot again in the NO skullhead wrote: clover field the movie
MARMOT1,614 non-combat turns = 43 clovers.that's 2.66%Because the percentage is so low, I'm going to up the sample size to 10k.

That's going to take some time though.

My testing multi is also off on another clover field the movie goose chase, to slow down marmot testing even more.

I'll get to 10k in the just don't expect it anytime soon.I'd go with 2,5% for the time being.Incidentally, I'm still working on the blender / opossum mechanic, but brute force shows a 10% turn increase from booze / food.

Has anyone tested Wallaby to see if it maybe gives more HP from HP restorers?That may be pretty elementary, but I can see how it would be beneficial to a run./hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me in /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

clover field the movie
There seems to be a majority backing the "clover too low a rate" theory, but I have to say that I'm with Aelf on this one.I ran back to back Marmot with one of my guys and as I recall he piled up around 10 - 20 clovers the first time and right around 10 the second time.

But then I run either Teet or no-path with that guy and I was spending a lot of time in myst classes, which means I was spending a lot of time in the Hippie Camp (in disguise).It's a nice place, and with the clovers popping up every 15 - 20 adventures (seemingly), it was that much more pleasant.

Marmot is goodly sign when doing a run as a Myst class (at least when one is making full use of the Hippie Camp)."The keenest eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada." clover field the movie
I'm doing my first Marmot run.

I'm level 8 clover field movie now, and have picked up two Clovers thus far.

Both, ironically enough, exactly when I needed them.I know.

Let's cut his WHOLE BODY off.
clover field the movie I got one clover like every 80-120 adventures or so...

:-/Beats me--I don't seem to have clover field the movie with it...TSF baby!Proud member of Clanopotomus
clover field the movie clover field the movie It might just be because I'm new to hardcore and am wasteful with my adventures, but the past two HC runs I picked that sign (it seemed more useful than the other two myst signs...) and I got like 30+ per run.I don't reccomend myst signs period though, unless it's your first or second run, because I, this run, have benefited way more from degrassi knoll due to the clover field the movie that I don't have to farm it for clover field the movie I need for BMC, Chef-in-the-box, or meat maid.

Plus I can grow mushrooms for my HC diet that comprises originally of reagent dishes and then chow meins.

clover field the movie clover field the movie (Peronix) wrote:
(Peronix) also wrote: clover field the movie True, but I find Degrassi Knoll fills in a safe adventuring gap between the starting areas (that I basically never visit) and the Bat Hole.

Also, I'm biased because I've never been royally RNG-screwed in farming meatcar parts.Quote:
Umm, yeah. So you don't have to farm the springQuote:
Meat maid is great for Oxy, but on clover field the movie path you get more stats per day clover field the movie of MCD11 (if you can it) than the meat maid.

And she doesn't take up a precious brainy skull you could have used for your chef.Quote:
I think chow meins are the main selling point of Muscle signs.

Of course, if you're really getting 30+ clovers, knob shrooms and spices should both be abundant in Marmot.
Haha, I totally love the RNG!PWNED!Waqcku
(Peronix) wrote:
Go look at all of the people on the hardcore leaderboards, and note under what kinds of signs the majority of their runs fall (including all of their best runs.)If you can survive without the micromicro and with the MCD, clover field the movie you're going hardcore for speed, you should go myst sign every single run unless you're picking up a gnome skill or something.Furthermore, very few (if any) of the best HC players bother with chow meins at all in hardcore.

The hippy outfit is just too unreliable to farm, and HC is a race to level 8 anyway.I'm not saying I'm the best hardcore ascender period, but I am on the ascendingest board somewhere and I have to say every single bit of advice you're giving is pretty much wrong from a "I like to ascend quickly in hardcore" perspective.Myst signs are awesome.

The MCD and the jewelrymaking alone make it worth it.

Personally, I prefer the other two myst signs to marmot, but I do intend to do non-myst class under marmot, and if I ascend on a non-clover day, I would be tempted to go marmot.Five tons of Flax,DVvM
clover field the movie (Peronix) wrote:
Mashed Mage approves of this message.(IMHO, muscle signs are by far the best choice while HC ascending.)commiebat wrote: clover field the movie
I think chow meins are the main selling point of Muscle signs.

Of course, if you're really getting 30+ clovers, clover field the movie shrooms and spices should both abundant in Marmot.Potentially intreging concept, especially given the way I personally like to gather my Herb/Spice combos.However, that would lock you into Knob mushroom based Chows, unless you want to extra adventures on the other mushrooms (just what chow farming needs, another lower percentage drop).

For me, the flexibility of the shroom field is valuable in that it allows for stat cat clover field the movie use of the Chows.

Often enough for me, Rat early and Main stat late.I clover field the movie been considering use of Delicious Spicy Noodles Spicy Noodles for that (less farming, makes non-muscle signs more reasonable).

But my question clover field the movie where is the equivalant muscle noodle dish?

I don't know of any muscle noodle dish (at that level of fullness and that can do 20 something muscle stat and 10 or so adventures?Anyway, for my money, muscle sign with targeted stat raising is plenty effective for a reasonably fast hardcore run.Edit:Looking it over, with Della Hippy doing myst, and Delicious Noodles doing moxie, shouldn't Delicious Spicy Noodles be doing muscle?

There seems to be stat cat balance on so many other tiers of the food pyramid, thus I am wonderstruck at the lack of it among this level of dishes."The clover field the movie eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada."Last edited by Mashed Mage on Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:14 pm;

Edited 1 time in clover field the movie
3 clovers in one run?

That's enough isn't it?I normally get 1 or 2 and I love the marmot.(on top of the MCD, not having to clover field the movie about clovers is great)
GodsKook wrote:
The thing that pisses me off?

I didn't get a clover from Marmot.

But I was so close to ascending on day 3 that if I'd been opossum I would've had enough turns to make it.Damn marmot.

Worthless sign. *grumblegrumble* (Yet I clover field the movie pick it.

More the fool, me.)All that is gold does not glitter, clover field the movie all those who wander are lost.
As was mentioned earlier, I would think Marmot's strength would not be of much help in a serious speed run, given the needed adventuring mostly happens in battle dominated zones.

But I clover field the movie otherwise, Narth is right.

So long as your ascension methodology takes you through a decent number of noncombat adventures, picking up one for the end and a couple to take the RNG out of the sewer (though those couple are needed pretty early in the run) is pretty valuable.

(grumble grumble STUPID SEWER grumble grumble Accordian grumble grumble rockless Banjo Strings grumble grumble My Stupidity for waiting until a last minute clover day late in the run grumble grumble)"The keenest eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada."
Dr_Van_van_Mojo wrote:
Couple of off-topic questions there if you're not bothering with the Hippy Outfit, then how do you manage to get decent drinks?

I rely 100% on the fruit I get from the hippy store to make drinks (on top of getting for chow meins).And it's a race to clover field the movie 8?

Am I missing what happens at 8?As for more on-topic, if it's 2.5%, and it seems the better a player gets, the less he/she is aiming for non-monster adventures, then it's going to clover field the movie to the point of not being worth it pretty quickly.

I tried the sign once, and got 1 clover.

For the whole run.

And I'm pretty sure it was during the Friar's quest.

Seems I'd rather get more stats or adventures from food, instead.

Jed wrote: clover field the movie Imp Ale gets really attractive when the alternative is farming the hippy outfit.Jed wrote:
Peak!!!!Jed wrote:
I think the key balancing factor is this, if you start on a clover day, than Marmot is of little use, since you can simply grab them normally.

But on a non-clover day, Marmot is king, as that is the only way to get clovers early in your run(I'd rather be at Marmot's mercy than at the Hermit's).I want my rootbeer float, damnit!
clover field the movie Jed wrote:
clover field the movie To get decent drinks clover field the movie the hippy outfit, farm pre-mixed drinks from the Barrel Full of Barrels every day, starting on the first day of your run.

Make sure to summon cocktailcrafting ingredients religiously too.

Clover for fruit bowls if you get really screwed.

You'll have to drink some non-DB drinks every day too, but if you've got Ode to Booze, you can do pretty well with imp ale and (if you PvP) flower schnapps.At level 8, you can fight yetis and make enough meat so that keeping all your buffs running and using other MP-intensive abilities is easily affordable.A pasta chef penguin from SicilyFound his sauce was all sour and gristle-y.He said "Find me a yetiFor the Boss' spaghettiI'd just die if he chose to dismiss-a me!"
The marmot is an odd thing indeed.

On one run i had...

I had 2 in a row...

At the Cobb's Knobb Treasury.

I started off with a ten-leaf clover too.

So, yeah go 3 dense meat stacks.

Man im lame.
Jed wrote:
The barrel full of barrels (if you know how to use it) and the occasional fruit bowl tends to get me by.

Sometimes it's annoying, but as GodsKook points those imp ales are a lot more appealing than adventuring in the hippy camp.Jed wrote:
Essentially, meat is plentiful from here on out, as the mine, goatlet, and peak all have meat drops that will probably exceed what you're spending on soda water (which is not necessarily true before.) Also, this is when the stat gains become good and stay that way.

So essentially "Peak!".Five tons of Flax,DVvM
Vorthox wrote:
clover field the movie You do know there's a clover adventure in the back alley, right?I've done about 2/3 of gourdcore as a Marmot, and I just realised yesterday that any clovers that Marmot had been getting me I'd been burning straight away...

Stupid homemade auto-attack script...

I really should learn how to use Mafia...
The first time I ascended with the Marmot sign, I only got about four clovers.

I'm mid-way through a Hardcore run and getting quite a few this time- nearly every place I've gone has had drops.
I just did an HC marmot run as a pastamancer, and I got about 2 dozen (not kidding) clovers on the run.

It was the best sign i had ever chosen.

I would highly suggest it.signature image is courtesy of Zerofive1.

GodsKook wrote:
Interesting. So far, I haven't even thought of that option.

I tend to take 20-30 adventures, tops, to have 2 pieces of hippie outfit (sometimes it's the same piece and I need to zap it later).

It always clover field the movie like that was worth it.GodsKook wrote:
clover field the movie Yea, that should have come to me.

Of course, that would also require me to have some cold resist banked and not have to go through the extreme cold weather gear anymore (something very soon on my list).GodsKook wrote:
Am I the only one who waits for a clover day to ascend?

I try to aim for stat days being something between days so I have some flexability on when to start.

If it means I to kill another few days and wait to line up with another stat day before ascending, so be it.

It means I never have to choose Marmot again
I'm running as a Sauceror now, and tonight I picked up two more clovers.

I didn't check the but it seems as though they pop up more when there is none available there.

(Probably my imagination).

I trust that the RNG is just that- random, but I am definitely having a much better run this time with regards to clover.
Jed wrote:
If you're aiming for speed, you don't wait to ascend.

Um, overall speed anyway - waiting might be a good way to set up a single speed run.

I prefer to leap through the gash as soon as I can - dealing with little problems like a lack of clovers is part of the fun.RTFMDisclaimer: All advice offered in this post assumes you are in Hardcore and care about cause dizziness, nausea, impotence or clover field the movie loss.

Use at own risk.

Sven svensson wrote:
If you're aiming for clover field the movie you don't wait to ascend.

Um, overall speed anyway - waiting might be a good way to set up a single speed run.

I prefer to leap through the gash as soon as I can - dealing with little problems like a lack of clovers is part of the fun.Not only that, but waiting for clovers can take several days, and do you really want to spend the equivelant of 1/5 a run waiting for clovers everytime you set up a new run?

I don't. Sometimes, sure, but not every time.I want my rootbeer float, damnit! clover field the movie
I'm about 450 adventures in and have only picked up 1 marmot clover.

I've run marmot once before and got 3 clovers over the entire run.

Obviously, playing fast, you try to limit non-combat adventures so the chance of a marmot clover is even smaller.Getting a clover on day 1 is obviously the best, but the best worse would be anytime before the Yeti's.

When you are above the Stalk, clover's usefulness has plummeted to ensuring a string instrument and making the last part of the run clover field the movie painful.Edit: Oh yeah, forgot about the skeleton.12th HCO AscenderLeaderboards: HCOTT (02/01/06);

SCNP (06/24/07) clover field the movie

Popular topics today: world golf tour, keely shaye smith, grace jones, tim masters, dana stubblefield, peggy hettrick, mls draft, ernie holmes, cloverfield reviews, deborah presley, buynowbe

- 23:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

kidd kraddick

kidd kraddick

dogI saw this posted on this morning at that it was extremely funny -

I have 2 dogs & I was buying a large bag of Pal at Big W and standing inline at the check out.A woman behind me asked if I had a dog.On impulse, I told her that no, I was starting The Pal Diet again although I probably shouldnt because Id ended up in the hospital last time, but that Id lost 50 pounds before I awakened in an intensive care ward with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Pal nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry & that the food is nutritionally complete so I kidd kraddick going to try it have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with my story, particularly a guy who was behind her.

Horrified, she asked if Id ended up in the hospital in that condition because I had been poisoned. I told her no; it was because Id been sitting in the street my balls and a car hit me.

I thought one guy was going to have a heart attack he was laughing so hard as he staggered out the door.

Stupid b*tch&why else would I buy dog food??

I have been so tempted to do the same type of thing so many times but have coward out every time.Technorati: , , ,

Popular topics today: world golf tour, sheep dash, roy g biv, bobby fischer, kira plastinina, ernie holmes, tax rebate, the weather project, miyoko watai, jane felix browne, buynowbe

- 18:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

giant sequoia national monument

giant sequoia national monument

Popular topics today: world golf tour, sheep dash, roy g biv, bobby fischer, kira plastinina, ernie holmes, tax rebate, the weather project, miyoko watai, jane felix browne, buynowbe

- 18:30 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

bobby fischer

bobby fischer

When I was maybe nine or ten my grandfather asked me if I wanted to learn how to play chess. We brought his board and pieces down from the upstairs (a board he made as a child out of tile, the one he had his whole life that is mine now), set them up and he went over the rules and what all the pieces did. He didn’t dumb anything down for me- he didn’t call the knight horses or go easy on me, and I appreciated that. I lost my first game, and my second, and he told me about how when he was a kid growing up with just my great-grandmother in bobby fischer his friend taught him how to play. They would play for hours at each others house, and my grandfather began getting better, but still never won. The last time they played was when he had gotten close to beating his teacher, after that his friend didn’t want to play anymore. My goal was clear- to succeed where he had failed and beat my teacher.

I fell in love with the game. The idea that two people bobby fischer off on an equal field, that there is no chance involved, its just your mind verses your opponents thrilled me. It’s like how life should be. The only person I played with was my grandfather- we’d sit in his living room silently, looking at the whole board and seeing what pieces threatened what while my grandmother cooked dinner. In between visits to Pennsylvania to see them I’d go to the Adriance library in Poughkeepsie and check out books written by Larry Evans and Bobby Fischer, the great masters. I read and read and began seeing past what was on the table, learning strategy and philosophy. Finally I got good enough to beat my grandfather and I was so pleased with myself- I had beaten the best player I knew- and got to do what he never had.

My family’s always embraced whatever I’ve been interested in, and my grandparents offered to take me to a chess tournament near where they lived. We arrived at the tournament, which was held in a church activity hall or some where, paid the twelve dollars and I was assigned a match. I sat down across from a stranger probably three times my age, with the flat dinner mat like chess board in between us. We began, and three moves in I realized this was a different kind of game. His clock had a few seconds detracted from it, mine was ticking away and I was stumped. We weren’t both sitting and pondering the board with our chins in our hands. I felt a huge lump build in my throat as I realized how awful I truly was. The clock ticked away, forcing me to take moves I didn’t want to, entering traps I saw but didn’t know how to avoid. I would punch my clock and he would return with his move in a second or two. His speed just mocked my ignorance. I was no Bobby Fischer, I had left the safety of my grandfather’s living room and this wasn’t fun. Within eighteen moves he had beaten me.

I may have begun crying while sitting at the table. Certainly the tears were gathering in my eyes. My grandparents guessed what had happened when I walked past them, when their cheery questions about how the game went were answered with me walking past them silently. bobby fischer just made my throat tighten harder. I walked into the bathroom there, and began sobbing. I knew I couldn’t win a single match here, and I had tried so hard to be good. They came around the door and asked if I was all right, and I thought of all the players in the club standing around the door laughing at me. Laughing at me, or feeling sorry for me- either thought was unbearable, and made me cry a little more. After that I stopped playing chess outside of my grandparents house, where the feat of beating my grandfather became less and less glorious.

The worst feeling in the world is finding out you’re not as special as you bobby fischer you are. This was my first experience of that, and not my last. It’s the only thing that can get me close to crying anymore.

Popular topics today: bobby fischer, give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, arlington public schools, bcps, kingston city schools, mcps, aacps, acps, cloverfield monster, buynowbe

- 15:40 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

hawaii news

hawaii news

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, cartographers, homophone, opposites attract lyrics, you light up my life lyrics, lauren nelson, what is the only even prime number, high glycemic foods, buynowbe

- 10:33 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

dred scott case

dred scott case

In the midst of all the Vick coverage, I just had to comment on one little throw-away line in an column yesterday by Gene Wojchiechowski. The column itself was standard stuff: Vick as a cautionary tale, the frequent stupidity of professional athletes, etc. But, the comment below well illustrates the mindset of much of sports media, for whom billionaires riches are to be unquestioned, while millionaire athletes are undeserving pretenders to other peoples money.

Wojo wrote:

Vick used Atlanta Falcons dred scott case or Nike money, or Coca-Cola money, or EA Sports money (hey, everybody loved Mike back then) to bankroll a gambling operation so repugnant that you need a barf bag to watch the footage of what happens when pit bulls are turned into canine gladiators.

I have commented many times before on the schizophrenic relationship of most sports media and sports fans to the market. Most of the time, that relationship is an uncritical one - capitals prerogatives are rarely questioned in a fundamental way in American sports discourse. There are exceptions - complain about ticket prices, for example, notwithstanding the fact that those are set by the laws of supply and demand. But, generally speaking, vast accumulations of wealth - and the attendant political and financial clout that such wealth allows owners and leagues to wield - are well down the dred scott case of topics of interest for sports commentators. Because, in the end of the day, owners can do what they want with their money, their ball, their franchises and their stadiums (even when those stadiums really belong to local taxpayers).

When it comes to players salaries, of course, the tone and focus change fundamentally. Fans and commentators complain endlessly about those, notwithstanding the fact that those salaries are also set by a labor market driven by supply and demand. But, the endless harping on them (witness Arods contract) speaks to something deeper - an underlying sense that players arent really entitled to their wealth in the way that owners are.  Wojos comment goes farther than most in reflecting that sort of logic: hes actually gone so far as to argue that the money didnt belong to Michael Vick. That Vick did unspeakable (and moronic) things with that money is already well-established. But, how is the money he spent not his? How is that money more legitimately the property of the Falcons, or Nike, or EA or whomever it was who found it in their financial interests to pay Michael Vick?

Am I making alot out of that line? Maybe. But, I think its highly revealing - a sentiment based on idea that athletes should never see themselves as anything but lucky to be in the position they are, as always living on borrowed time and as properly understood to be the wards of those institutions in American life that are legitimately entitled to their wealth - major corporations. I noted a few weeks back that Peter King was highlighting efforts by Commissioner Goodell to remind the players that it was a privilege, not a right, to play in the NFL and doubted dred scott case Goodell would ever make a similar comment to NFL owners.

There is a perverseness in this double standard about whose fortunes are legitimate and whose are the consequence of other peoples beneficence. Perverseness because one of the key pillars of American capitalism is the notion that those who assume risk deserve the reward. This is doubly wrong-headed when it comes to sports. First, because owning a major league franchise (especially in the NFL) means never assuming meaningful risk. Given the combination of revenue-sharing, an all but legal monopoly, and multi-billion dollar television contracts (not to mention on-going stadium/taxpayer swindles) - owning an NFL team is a license to print money. There is, in no meaningful sense, any risk whatsoever in such a business venture.

The second side of the perverseness of the risk argument is that all meaningful risk is assumed by the wage-earners, the players. Their future physical and mental well-being, indeed their very mortality, is at stake. Do they choose that life? Of course. But, that choice doesnt change the fact that they alone assume put something of real value on the line for the well-being of the business.

Given the obvious fact that Blank and Nike and everyone else paid Vick because they found it financially beneficial to do so, and given that, by all relevant laws and norms of American economic life, those decisions entitled Vick to the money he received, on what basis could Wojo argue that Vicks money belonged, in fact, to someone else?

Only on the basis that pro athletes are, in some fundamental sense, chattel (or children), whose proper relation to management is to thank their masters for their sustenance and to accept their status as something less than entitled citizens.

And, you can make all the clever remarks you want about Vick, but the logic of Wojos comment applies to every dred scott case athlete. And, on the merits, is there a serious debate about whether the Arods, Larry Johnsons and Tom Bradys of the world are more deserving of the fortunes theyve made from sports than their owners?

Wojo is just the latest in a long line of sports commentators who, oblivious to his own (unearned?) wealth and privilege, has, in the name of common sense and good guy values, has weighed in on the side of billionaires and morally dubious corporations (Im surely not alone in noting the dred scott case of Nike feigning moral indignation over a lack of humaneness). And, in the process, provided another example of the sports corollary of the bullshit populism that has so infused our national conversation.

Popular topics today: give me liberty or give me death, black velvet lyrics, lake superior, cartographers, homophone, opposites attract lyrics, you light up my life lyrics, lauren nelson, what is the only even prime number, high glycemic foods, buynowbe

- 09:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

veronica conte balco

veronica conte balco

Popular topics today: purple prose, dred scott, low glycemic diet, high glycemic foods, quark expeditions, hawaii news, kitv, digestive enzymes, khnl, khon, buynowbe

- 03:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

fairfax county public schools

fairfax county public schools

Reston is located in Fairfax County and blends residential, commercial, and industrial developments . Community founder and namesake Robert E. Simon, Jr. converted over 6,000 acres of Virginia countryside into the country’s premier planned community. Reston has grown tremendously since 1964, and now includes headquarters to many Fortune 500 companies including Sprint Nextel and Sallie Mae.

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Popular topics today: high glycemic foods, low glycemic diet, golfweek, kegel exercises, veronica conte, alexandra kerry, grey s anatomy petition, henry hager, jane felix browne, digestive enzymes, buynowbe

- 00:41 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

etvrtak, 17.01.2008.



Popular topics today: golfweek, veronica conte, mike golic, wtop, man in the moon, wbal, fairfax county public schools, christina laurean, baltimore traffic, steve harvey, buynowbe

- 23:31 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

arlington county public schools

arlington county public schools

Popular topics today: fairfax county public schools, wtop, prince william county schools, steve harvey, fcps, nbc4, steve harvey morning show, kitchen in a box, wtop news, b101.5, buynowbe

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charlotte nc news

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Popular topics today:, news 14,, steve, wbtv, wsoc,, mecklenburg area catholic schools, wcnc, wsoc tv, buynowbe

- 14:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

avant garde

avant garde


As today seemingly seems to be free from substantial news apart from that radical piece of resistance (to be voted on by the Senate as I am writing this) intended by Democrats to tell Bush that he is being weally, weally mean, Condis visit to Baghdad (congratulating the Iraqis on their fine leadership after the perceived absence of strong leadership and the fact that they do not step up to the plate has been the Republicans argument for why the US is experiencing problems in Iraq) and Britney Spears shaving her head, I feel compelled to write about something less contemporary (maybe).

On the day 96 years ago the Armory Show opened its doors to the public in New York City, exposing a wide public for the first time to Modern art. President Theodore Roosevelt commented: this is not art! For the first time presenting a major display of non-realistically representational art, the Armory Show has credited with opening up an entire discourse about alternative forms of representation, subjectivity and, eventually, politics.

Was it not nice when there still was a disjoint between a radical art exhibits and our president? In how far do we still agree that art, as famously claimed by critics beginning with Adornos analysis of art in relation to the culture industry, climaxing in Jamesons critique of postmodernism, is indeed becoming increasingly avant garde lacking the artistic and political transformational potential displayed for example by the Armory Show? Is art truly fully contained, serving almost singularly the interest of mass production and consumption? What are areas that exist outside of this situation? Is there  a political justification for idealizing past accomplishments such as the Armory Show, realizing that Modernist art did in an elitist space, segregated from mainstream society, but was precisely from this space able to launch critiques and analyses of society from the outside? What are the precise political consequences of the popularization of art, making it, as opposed to Modernism, into a medium accessible to everyone? Jameson et al. have voiced their critique of this supposed democratization of art almost twenty years ago. What do we think about this now? What is the potential of artistic production in our stage of consumer capitalism? What is/should be the role of a potential artistic avant garde (in the tradition of the Armory Show)? Do we need one?

Lots of questions, I know. But I simply want to suggest that these avant garde are often treated as singularly involving a binary choice. Isnt the formulation of the question in these terms in avant garde indicative of Modernist logic we should depart from? Is it not out of this logic that the longing for an avant-garde arises? And, is there even the logical possibility for something like an avant-garde these days? I claim the logic of neoliberalism has made this impossible.

Whatcha think?

And: I would like to send my best wishes to my friend Natascha who has just her field work in South Africaall by herselfshe is a very brave soul when it comes to radically restructuring her life. I have to force myself not to regress into Hemingway-idealizations of the idea of Africa, as I avant garde never been there, proving the accuracy of the old quote: the darkest thing about Africa has always been our ignorance of it.

Take care of yourself and good luck! May you pave the way to a less ignorant me.

When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said, Let us pray. We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. (Bishop Desmond Tutu)

Popular topics today: morgellons, mark deli siljander, joseph meister, mycologist, jillian grace, emmy ann wooding, avant garde, william hung, flip wilson, anna grant, buynowbe

- 10:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

srijeda, 16.01.2008.

jamie gandy

jamie gandy

(see also: )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 10:48 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

shar jackson

shar jackson

(see also: jamie gandy, frankie muniz, shar jackson, )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 10:47 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

kristy lee cook

kristy lee cook

(see also: kristy lee cook, )

Popular topics today: brad renfro, william defoe, retts syndrome, kristy lee cook, selma oregon, the container store, summer verona, where can i buy hgh, macbook air, derek hess, buynowbe

- 09:34 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

ksw scientologyshaun phillips

ksw scientologyshaun phillips

(see also: igor olshansky, scientology, ksw, keep scientology working, sp scientology, ptsp scientology, ksw scientologyshaun phillips, )

Martial Arts Planet - KSW Roots

Can someone please tell me why this forum never seems to go more than one or two months without someone coming on here and telling us how 'flawed' our art is and how 'true' theirs is?You don't see any of us going on to other forums saying 'our art is ksw scientologyshaun phillips than yours'.

We are here and we like it, deal with it.Also, has it ever occured to you that we actually know this stuff already?
Amen to that brother!
Couldn't agree more.all i need to know about the roots of ksw is covered in textbook 1.

I don't need some jumped up karate practioner to tell me that all korean styles originated in japan so therefore ksw and it's history is flawed.if that is the case then we may aswell all drive around in mercedes benz' as they are acclaimed to have produced the first motor car.
But I can't afford a Mercedez-Benz!

Whaddo I do? Whaddo I DO?!?!
ksw scientologyshaun phillips Guess you better buy a flawed Aston Martin or Jaguar.
ksw scientologyshaun phillips And another thing:Kuk Sool is not just a load of hapkido techniques with a questionable past.

In shotokan and other forms karate, you don't get to use all the vast array of weaponary we have, you don't get our forms (which I think are some of the most beautiful forms in the martial arts a whole), you don't get all our acrobatic jumping kicks etc etcThis is why we choose to study Kuk Sool and not shotokan, because we like all this stuff!Sorry, rant over
In my opinion KSW doesn't have do not have the rigidity of some martial arts we adapt our style to overcome what stands before us.

We have certain principles but those in themselves have flexability.DL
Quote: And another thing:Kuk Sool is not just a load of hapkido techniques with a questionable past.

In shotokan and other forms of karate, you don't get to use all the vast array of weaponary we have, you don't get our forms (which I think are some of the most beautiful forms in the martial arts as a whole), you don't get all our acrobatic jumping ksw scientologyshaun phillips etc etcThis is why we choose to study Kuk Sool and not shotokan, because we like all this stuff!Sorry, rant overPasses AirNick his dummy backWhat happened, who's picking on my mate????

Something must have gone off to rattle his cage this bad.

I'm the outspoken onePut em up put em up
Quote: Passes AirNick his dummy backWhat happened, who's picking on my mate????

Something must have gone off to rattle his cage this bad.

I'm the outspoken onePut em up put em upLOL you sound like scrappy doo!
Quote: LOL you sound like scrappy doo!Bugger secret identity destroyed.

Dave you said you wouldn't tell anyone.

I want my uncle Scooby.
Seems to me that anyone that comments on KSW roots forgets that the present day organised system is less than 50 years old...

Hundreds perhaps thousands of years ago ksw scientologyshaun phillips wrangleing (sp) over grandmastership/unhappiness/disgruntlement with a particular system/art most of what other people view as ancient true arts where often settled with fights to the death.

Now a days this cant be the case because of the legal implications.

I suppose what the point im tryin to make is that a lot of martial arts went what ares is going through now hundreds of years ago..

IMO KSW has some excellent martial artisits who show unparraleled dedication to what they to be an effective art however as an association where just finding are feet really..A bit of a rant too on my part but im a bit sick of hearin about the rights and wrongs off split off's and questionable history....
It's like with religion...

People choose what they choose because they believe it best and right, and as a result all others are inferior, lesser, wrong, and those on those paths are just doomed to failure.

People that follow "the others" are following lies, untruths, or other evils and therefore must be saved and have their eyes opened to the truth.

And those following "the right path" believe its the responsibility to do just that.*sigh*I will agree that you find all sorts throughout the martial arts world.

Everyone wants to present themselves in a particular way, and often there's truth, ksw scientologyshaun phillips semi-truth, and there's fiction...

And unfortunately with so much of it floating around in ksw scientologyshaun phillips amounts and mixtures and so much that's difficult or impossible to confirm, people just grow skeptical.

As well, in time many people pick what they choose to believe, and perpetuate that as Gospel Truth even if it itself might be full of the very half-truths they're intending to dispel.

It's tough to sort the wheat from the chaff.

I don't think anyone is out to follow lies...

We're all seeking Truth in our own way.Even Kuk Sool Won has issues in its history.

I know what's written in Textbook 1.

I've read interviews, spoken with and/or read things from "old school" KSW Masters.

Read books, poked around.

There's a lot of uncertainty, there's a lot of questions, and I guess only In Hyuk Suh really knows The Truth here.

But does it really matter?

Did we choose this art because of the history?

Is history really that high a requisite for choosing an art to study?

I guess for those that hold in such high regard, perhaps it is.But as I've seen it, most people choose their art because it works for them.

The kicking, the punching, the way they fight, the throwing, the locking, the sparring, the exercise and conditioning, the weapons, the "cool factor", the fact they want to be a high flyer and work ksw scientologyshaun phillips movies or the fact it makes for good sport and they want to be in the Olympics or the next PRIDE Bushido champion.

Whatever your reason(s).

Just because you can trace your lineage back some 10 bazillion years to the first amoeba that or you can't trace it further than your immediate teacher...

Does it really matter?

If it's effective, it's effective.

If it's fun and what you want and is fulfilling whatever it is that you're seeking, isn't that all that matters?I chose to study Kuk Sool Won because of what art (system) itself offers.

I didn't do something like karate or taekwondo because I wanted locks and grappling.

I didn't do something like bjj because I wanted striking.

I didn't do Hapkido because I like forms, and I really like the KSW forms (beautiful, especially higher level forms).

I like the weapons curriculum of KSW.

I even like the fact it's a Korean art, since my Mom is Korean (tho I was born and raised in white-bread America, Mom immigrated to the US in her 20's) and there's some cultural aspects in the art for me.

Do I really care about the history?

It's interesting, sure.

But as far as the martial art, no, not really.

Does the history somehow make ksw scientologyshaun phillips punch or my hip throw better or worse?

Does 5000+ years of history make an attacker back off, or the ksw scientologyshaun phillips I can trace lineage perfectly back through 150 generations keep my family safe?Taking a specific example, Yong Sool Choi is surrounded in controversy and unknowns as to where he received his skills that ultimately became the art of Hapkido.

Why does it matter so much where and how he received his skills?

Isn't the bottom line the fact he had skills, that he was effective with them, and the fact he chose to share and evolve that knowledge?There will always be those interested in history, and that's fine.

I certainly find historical studies interesting.

But I'm here to study martial arts.

When I go to the dojang, I'm not going there to learn history.

I'm going there to learn how to fight (martial, right?), to exercise, and to have fun.
ksw scientologyshaun phillips Coc716,good post. ksw scientologyshaun phillips Quote: coc716,good post.The only relevance about MA history is that any uncovered discrepancies are a reflection of the persons claiming this or that.

Which uncovers the character of that person.

Many want to discredit KSN and other founders in an effort to re enforce what they want to believe..

We can't help any embellishment he may have made to shore up ksw history that help them in this pursuit .

But if it is so then a character debate is sure to follow.

And no one wants that..
Quote: The only relevance about MA history is that any uncovered discrepancies are a reflection of the persons claiming this or that.

Which the character of that person.That's a very good point.

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- 08:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

brad renfro

brad renfro

(see also: michigan election, )

Shocked!I noticed I have been using this avatar frequently these days. Well, as much as I dont want to use it, this post from Oh No They Didnt! truly deserve the OMG-What-is-the-hell-is-that?! expression. Goodness! I cant believe brad renfro fangirled about these people before. Imagine the amount of money I wasted buying Bop, Tigerbeat 16! Save for brad renfro and a few others (like Jonathan Taylor Thomas who now looks like a better-looking Val Kilmer), these former teen idols now look like shit. Its a pity not everyone can be like Leo DiCaprio.

Oh,Eddie Furlong and Brad Renfro, what happened to you both? Tsk. Cocaine really does bad things to you. I laughed out loud upon seeing Jason James Richter. Who would believe that he was the boy in Free Willy? He was so cute back then. Le sigh.

And Jonathan Brandis. I didnt know he committed suicide. I admit I was never a fan of his but I love The Neverending Story II and Bastian. The news makes me want to brad renfro the movie and watch it all over again.

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- 02:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

utorak, 15.01.2008.

male menopause

male menopause

(see also: andropause, male menopause, )

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- 23:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

time capsul

time capsul

(see also: time capsule, time capsule apple, apple time capsule, time capsul, apple, )

 Beck &  holding Time Capsul

Tickets are $15 and can be purchased at Baileyville State Bank, Community National Bank, First National Bank, United Bank, and the USD 442 School District Office. All of the proceeds will go to the Nemaha Valley Education Foundation fund to support the future needs of Nemaha Valley Jr. High & Grade School.

We have some nice auction items coming in but can always use more.  Renee Feldkamp is in charge of the auction so if you can round up an auction item do so.  Among some of the items we have received for auctioning are a barbeque grill, a hand made quilt, an originally signed KU mens basketball with all coaches and team members from this year, two mid court - row 22 seats to next years KSU mens home game against Texas, a free dinner and nights stay at the Country Cabin in Hiawatha, a time capsul barbeque event with the Fat Mans Barbeque sauce owner (with him cooking), tickets to the Royals and Worlds of Fun, and other great items.

Engraved bricks will be for sale at $15 a piece.  If we run out we will take orders.

The time capsule exists and will be opened at the end of the event.

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- 22:36 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

subota, 12.01.2008.

miami vice

miami vice

(see also: barry manilow, beware of darkness, mandy, back home, miami vice, )

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- 16:39 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



(see also: 中選S, 立委選Ɖ, 開票, )






2007年8S26日22時26Ɔ 読売新聞)

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petak, 11.01.2008.

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- 22:37 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

forever hot water

forever hot water

(related: forever hot water, )

Do You Think Friends Can Last Forever? - soompi forums

Do you guys think there are forever hot water that can last forever?..

I'm around the age of 20 and things are really starting to change.

Going to college, university and soon forever hot water be working full time or even going out of the country.

And putting the girlfriends issues aside.

I'm recently start to feel this inter anger towards a group of close friends of mine.

Well is actually only a few.

They are always flopping these big/small events that we take our time to create!

I starting to wonder if friends lasts forever?anyone out there that is older and have experienced this ?

What end up happening?

Do You Think Friends Can Last Forever?I don't think so.

They run away once you are in big trouble (IMG:style_emoticons/default/dry.gif)
Heh... not older than you mom moved out of her home country and into teh states...

Her best friend also moved into teh states...

They're still good friends.

O.Ofriends will last forever...

Depends on how long grudges are held...forgive...

Even if you cant forget.

>.< forever hot water
forever hot water i think things change once you change from elementary school to middle school to high school to college.

Friends start to grow distant and they would just go once things get tough.

Or when there's possibly another group of friends that they would like to be friends with.

*shrugs* friends can't last forever...

I think its hard around your age and a lot of the people im friends with are people i got to know recently.its funny cause i was born here and lived here straight...and yet its hard to have the same group of friends for could be just me though (IMG:style_emoticons/default/sweatingbullets.gif)i mean...sure i see them around but its not like we're close enough to talk about what's going on.its more like we greet each other, acknowledge each other's presence but we get back to what we were tell you the truth, i didn't see my elementary/middle/high school friends since may but i will be seeingthem once school starts again -__-;

forever hot water I guess it really depends on your type of friends though ~although I'm in highschool.but, my closest/best friends are still with me, if they flop out, they make it up.

I hope so.My best friend and I are going to be juniors in highschool this upcoming year, and we've forever hot water best friends since kindergarten.

It'd be too weird if we ever ended up drifting apart after all this time...

steel magnolias
Im not sure its hard to sayi want to say they do but then i want to say they dont only becasue i ve lost a best friendbut now i have the greatest friends ever!

it really depends.

But what i really know is that the longer you're friends with the same person, the longer you`ll held forever hot rashard mendenhall against him/her if ever the two of you will have a fight or something.

Haha.but for now, i have the (well not entirely the best but they're more than i wished for) bffs!.

So i do hope we`ll last even for a lifetime.<3 hyie
I think friends are forever.

Whenever i go home for breaks i meet up w/ friends and we're still the forever hot water ppl.

A little on the outside though
forever hot water If your true friends then i guess there forever hot water no such thing as forever.

Friends are friends.Some come and go, but at the end of the day, it is up to you to realise what is important for you.

forever hot water
Haven't you noticed that when you hang around people a lot, you start getting sick of them?My best friends right now..

We all go to diff schools so we see each other at least once a month so we don't get sick of each otherBut oh my.

We got s sick of each other (third time using this phrase now) when we went to disneyland together and wow.

Things got ugly. hahaGood friends will definently last as long as you put in the effort to keep in touch and stuffBut I've noticed that friends, just friends, seem to come and go you know?Like one moment you're all close and the next month, it's like you're strangers?

Sigh =/
Nope...SR아는 사R들은 이별 R acidophilus milkmyspace new years comments
forever hot water Some friends can last for a long time..

Maybe not forever but if you can still talk to them and not have too many grudges..

(IMG:style_emoticons/default/smile.gif)I'm definitely experiencing the feeling of friendships drifting away right now since I'll be moving soon but I guess that's life.

You remember your old friends, they and go, then you meet new ones while making new memories.

I thought so until my friend of 5+ years started college and totally ditched us.

We haven't talked to her in a few months now and last time we did, we just had a big fight.

She wants to hang out with guys cassadaga fl are drunk 24/7 and she's just making a lot of wrong choices.

I feel almost sorry for her.But I'm not too upset about it.

I still have my other 2 close friends but it's proof that not all friends will last forever, no matter how good the relationship may seem.

I forever hot water her and I hadn't fought at ALL during those 5 full years until that one time.

It's almost sad.
I believe it's possible to be stay friends forever, though it seldom ever happens.

People move and lose contact of each other, or change after being apart for so long (like, perhaps going to different colleges and then meet up afterwards), and things like that.

I mean, I have life-long friends that I've known ever since I was like, 5 (and still good friends with), and friends who have come and go (or just barely talk to anymore).

I think most of them forever hot water and go, but only a few handful will stick by your side until the end.Personally, I think that kleinfeld you grow older, the friends you make tend to remain closer than those you've made long ago.

And also, there's always two catagories of "friends": 1) Friends who you only hang out in school, talk to from time to time;

And 2) Friends whom you do everything together with...

Sleep over, hang out in the mall...

Friends who you know their parents and they know you back/your parents know each other...

Of course, the forever hot water category tends to be the one that has a lifetime friendship.

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- 20:35 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #

snow in baghdad

snow in baghdad

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Cause it saw SNOW!

Yeah, that totally wasnt what the global warming crowd was wanting to see. Considering that the middle east is the HOTTEST PLACE EVAR, but snow in baghdad hear that they got to see snow for the first time in like&uhhh&.have they ever had snow since the last ice age?

Thats just awesome. To be honest? Im kinda envious they got to see snow this year before I did. Sure, it gets cold enough here to snow but well&NO PRECIPITATION. No freakin water&.sucks.

Oh well, maybe well get a miracle too. Lord knows that snow in baghdad is pretty close.

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chris bowman

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The following films will compete in the Narrative Feature Film Competition at the Slamdance Film Festival which is held from January 18-27 in Park City, Utah.


  • AMERICAN FORK (Director: Chris Bowman) - The life and times of Tracy chris bowman a grocery clerk with the mind of a dreamer, the soul of a poet and the body of a really fat man.
  • chuck liddell ZOMBIE (Director: Grace Lee) - Two filmmakers team up to document a group of zombies in Los Angeles and their struggle to gain acceptance in the human community. [Grace Lee won a Silver Medal at the Student Academy Awards in 2002]
  • BANGKOK (Director: Colin Drobnis) - When Paul, a career soldier, is discharged from the Army, he sets off for Southeast Asia in search of his long sienna guillory MIA father. Quickly adrift in the seductive, unfamiliar landscape of modern day Asia, hes targeted by a Bible-toting pickpocket and the two men strike an uneasy friendship.
  • CRIME FICTION (Director: Will Slocombe) - James Cooper is a hopeless writer. After a late-night argument with his girlfriend spirals out of control, James winds up with blood on his hands and a body in his trunk. And he finally finds a story.
  • THE DEATH OF MICHAEL SMITH (Director and Screenwriter: Daniel Casey) - Set in the shadows of a harsh Detroit winter, The Death of Michael Smith follows three men with the same name, inextricably linked to a mysterious murder.
  • MURDER PARTY (Director and Screenwriter: Jeremy Saulnier) - A random invitation to a Halloween party leads a chris bowman man through the desolate wastes of Brooklyn and into the hands of a rogue collective intent on murdering him for the sake of their art. [Saulnier previously won the Slamdance 2004 Grand Jury Sparky Award for Best chris bowman Short, SCrabwalk”]
  • OVER THE GW (Director and Screenwriter: Nick Gaglia) - Based on a true story of two teenage siblings who get sucked into an abusive, cult-like drug rehabilitation program.
  • THE PATH OF MOST RESISTANCE (Director and Screenwriter: Peter Kelley) - Solitude is an essential part of Tom McKenna’s secretive profession, but this New Year’s Eve, which promises to be the most important night of his life, Tom is confronted with a complication he couldn’t have anticipated, and faced with an extraordinary choice – which path will he choose?
  • TIJUANA MAKES ME HAPPY (Director and Screenwriter: Dylan Verrechia) - A boy will do anything to become a man and win the heart of a young prostitute, even fight his rooster.
  • UNDER THE SUN (Director and Screenwriter: Baran bo Odar) - August 1984, a long hot summer weekend: twelve year old Viktor is sent to his aunt’s where he is chris bowman with the strange adult world, his older cousin and the neighbor’s dog. [Germany]

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View the video of Ron Pauls forum at It is the first video on the web site.

 You can view the recorded video of the event using the link above. Ron Paul was excluded from Sunday, January 6ths Fox Presidential Forum and the NH GOP has since removed its support of Foxs event after Ron Paul was excluded. Not letting this get him down, Ron Paul has taken executive action to hold his own forum which is what the video link above shows.

 Also, read the following blog entry titled Ron Paul Supports the Mechanism Our Forefathers Sought to Secure Our Individual Liberty and Happiness And So Should We below to better understand Ron Pauls message of liberty

You can view more video at

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