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clover field the movie

clover field the movie :: View topic - Marmot Clover Testing

I was wondering if anyone had done any significant testing on the chance of clover drops from the marmot sign.

If no one has tested this yet, I have a that I could easily ascend and put through the haiku/limerick dungeons and see how it shakes out.

If anyone has suggestion of how to do it better than that, I'd love to hear them./hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me field the movie /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

I dont know, but I'm just now turning level 11 in a hardcore oxy and I've gotten 4 clovers the entire run..

Complete waste and I dont think I'll ever pick it again.

Go for it. I've often wondered where the best place to test that was.I never thought of the dungeons.

Stupid me.Visit The Outpost today!

clover field the movie
It would be a 2.5 percent chance on non-combat adventures.
Vladjimir wrote:
It's already been tested then?/hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me clover field the movie /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

Yes, it's been throughly tested by Strangerer.Wallaby and Packrat are the only totally unspaded ones out there.Blender and Opossum haven't had their exact effects nailed down either, but at least we have a rough idea of what they do.

Silimike wrote:
That has to be sheer RNG clover field the movie got 3 or 4 (I didn't write it down) in fewer than 50 adventures just the other day.~ A M E N ~ Rev | R.I.P.

Blythe | avatar by Cynn
clover field the movie I was Marmot, I got one once, then never got more, then got 2 in the Castle.

I got no more before I ascended.Visit The Outpost today!

Aelfrhian wrote:
That has to be sheer RNG hate.

I got 3 or 4 (I didn't write it down) in fewer than 50 adventures just the other day.I think it's the other way around.

In two HC marmot runs, I got three clovers.Your stomach explodes.

Pimonkey is VERY, VERY sorry about this.
I've been gourdcoring in the Back Alley, and haven't got any clovers yet.
You can't tell me the RNG loves me - I refuse to believe that.(I get clovers on a regular basis on my marmot sign character.)~ A M E N ~ Rev | R.I.P.

Blythe | avatar by
My last run was 1947 turns ( 1st Hardcore), of which maybe 350 were noncombats?

That sounds reasonable...

That comes to about 8.75 clovers in a run.

So 3-4 clovers is bad, but not unreasonable.Visit The Outpost today!

When I tried the marmot sign, which in a HC no dietary path ascension, I got a clover field the movie freakin' clover in the entire ascention.

You'd think in 13 days worth of adventures I'd have gotten at least a couple more, but noooo, the RNG has to hate me.

A lot.
I've done two Marmot runs, with 0 clovers.'course, as I'm doing speed runs, non-comat adventures are something I tend to avoid.
Ive ran the sign clover field the movie times, never gotten more than one clover.Ask me how to save 110%
Remember folks, Marmot is what saved the only 3-day hardcore run.I want my rootbeer float, damnit!
clover field the movie wrote:
Seems to me that's the real problem with Marmot - we work so hard against it, to make sure it never gets a chance to help us.

The other signs help with stuff we try to do as much as possible, like eating, drinking, combat, finding items, gaining substats.It's no wonder people look back on their ascensions and wonder what good it clover field the movie them to go Marmot instead of Possum.
clover field the movie Bizbag wrote:
My first Marmot sign I got exactly one clover, and that was from the shore, where it's a drop.However I gather I chose a bad time to do marmot, there were no clovers to be had that entire ascension even from the hermit.I am now just trying marmot again in the NO skullhead wrote: clover field the movie
MARMOT1,614 non-combat turns = 43 clovers.that's 2.66%Because the percentage is so low, I'm going to up the sample size to 10k.

That's going to take some time though.

My testing multi is also off on another clover field the movie goose chase, to slow down marmot testing even more.

I'll get to 10k in the just don't expect it anytime soon.I'd go with 2,5% for the time being.Incidentally, I'm still working on the blender / opossum mechanic, but brute force shows a 10% turn increase from booze / food.

Has anyone tested Wallaby to see if it maybe gives more HP from HP restorers?That may be pretty elementary, but I can see how it would be beneficial to a run./hardcore = the only channel worth listening to.WadeMcBob75 (#194873): Look for me in /hardcore doling out delicious gifts like hearts, carols, and astral shrooms!

clover field the movie
There seems to be a majority backing the "clover too low a rate" theory, but I have to say that I'm with Aelf on this one.I ran back to back Marmot with one of my guys and as I recall he piled up around 10 - 20 clovers the first time and right around 10 the second time.

But then I run either Teet or no-path with that guy and I was spending a lot of time in myst classes, which means I was spending a lot of time in the Hippie Camp (in disguise).It's a nice place, and with the clovers popping up every 15 - 20 adventures (seemingly), it was that much more pleasant.

Marmot is goodly sign when doing a run as a Myst class (at least when one is making full use of the Hippie Camp)."The keenest eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada." clover field the movie
I'm doing my first Marmot run.

I'm level 8 clover field movie now, and have picked up two Clovers thus far.

Both, ironically enough, exactly when I needed them.I know.

Let's cut his WHOLE BODY off.
clover field the movie I got one clover like every 80-120 adventures or so...

:-/Beats me--I don't seem to have clover field the movie with it...TSF baby!Proud member of Clanopotomus
clover field the movie clover field the movie It might just be because I'm new to hardcore and am wasteful with my adventures, but the past two HC runs I picked that sign (it seemed more useful than the other two myst signs...) and I got like 30+ per run.I don't reccomend myst signs period though, unless it's your first or second run, because I, this run, have benefited way more from degrassi knoll due to the clover field the movie that I don't have to farm it for clover field the movie I need for BMC, Chef-in-the-box, or meat maid.

Plus I can grow mushrooms for my HC diet that comprises originally of reagent dishes and then chow meins.

clover field the movie clover field the movie (Peronix) wrote:
(Peronix) also wrote: clover field the movie True, but I find Degrassi Knoll fills in a safe adventuring gap between the starting areas (that I basically never visit) and the Bat Hole.

Also, I'm biased because I've never been royally RNG-screwed in farming meatcar parts.Quote:
Umm, yeah. So you don't have to farm the springQuote:
Meat maid is great for Oxy, but on clover field the movie path you get more stats per day clover field the movie of MCD11 (if you can it) than the meat maid.

And she doesn't take up a precious brainy skull you could have used for your chef.Quote:
I think chow meins are the main selling point of Muscle signs.

Of course, if you're really getting 30+ clovers, knob shrooms and spices should both be abundant in Marmot.
Haha, I totally love the RNG!PWNED!Waqcku
(Peronix) wrote:
Go look at all of the people on the hardcore leaderboards, and note under what kinds of signs the majority of their runs fall (including all of their best runs.)If you can survive without the micromicro and with the MCD, clover field the movie you're going hardcore for speed, you should go myst sign every single run unless you're picking up a gnome skill or something.Furthermore, very few (if any) of the best HC players bother with chow meins at all in hardcore.

The hippy outfit is just too unreliable to farm, and HC is a race to level 8 anyway.I'm not saying I'm the best hardcore ascender period, but I am on the ascendingest board somewhere and I have to say every single bit of advice you're giving is pretty much wrong from a "I like to ascend quickly in hardcore" perspective.Myst signs are awesome.

The MCD and the jewelrymaking alone make it worth it.

Personally, I prefer the other two myst signs to marmot, but I do intend to do non-myst class under marmot, and if I ascend on a non-clover day, I would be tempted to go marmot.Five tons of Flax,DVvM
clover field the movie (Peronix) wrote:
Mashed Mage approves of this message.(IMHO, muscle signs are by far the best choice while HC ascending.)commiebat wrote: clover field the movie
I think chow meins are the main selling point of Muscle signs.

Of course, if you're really getting 30+ clovers, clover field the movie shrooms and spices should both abundant in Marmot.Potentially intreging concept, especially given the way I personally like to gather my Herb/Spice combos.However, that would lock you into Knob mushroom based Chows, unless you want to extra adventures on the other mushrooms (just what chow farming needs, another lower percentage drop).

For me, the flexibility of the shroom field is valuable in that it allows for stat cat clover field the movie use of the Chows.

Often enough for me, Rat early and Main stat late.I clover field the movie been considering use of Delicious Spicy Noodles Spicy Noodles for that (less farming, makes non-muscle signs more reasonable).

But my question clover field the movie where is the equivalant muscle noodle dish?

I don't know of any muscle noodle dish (at that level of fullness and that can do 20 something muscle stat and 10 or so adventures?Anyway, for my money, muscle sign with targeted stat raising is plenty effective for a reasonably fast hardcore run.Edit:Looking it over, with Della Hippy doing myst, and Delicious Noodles doing moxie, shouldn't Delicious Spicy Noodles be doing muscle?

There seems to be stat cat balance on so many other tiers of the food pyramid, thus I am wonderstruck at the lack of it among this level of dishes."The clover field the movie eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada."Last edited by Mashed Mage on Tue Apr 04, 2006 4:14 pm;

Edited 1 time in clover field the movie
3 clovers in one run?

That's enough isn't it?I normally get 1 or 2 and I love the marmot.(on top of the MCD, not having to clover field the movie about clovers is great)
GodsKook wrote:
The thing that pisses me off?

I didn't get a clover from Marmot.

But I was so close to ascending on day 3 that if I'd been opossum I would've had enough turns to make it.Damn marmot.

Worthless sign. *grumblegrumble* (Yet I clover field the movie pick it.

More the fool, me.)All that is gold does not glitter, clover field the movie all those who wander are lost.
As was mentioned earlier, I would think Marmot's strength would not be of much help in a serious speed run, given the needed adventuring mostly happens in battle dominated zones.

But I clover field the movie otherwise, Narth is right.

So long as your ascension methodology takes you through a decent number of noncombat adventures, picking up one for the end and a couple to take the RNG out of the sewer (though those couple are needed pretty early in the run) is pretty valuable.

(grumble grumble STUPID SEWER grumble grumble Accordian grumble grumble rockless Banjo Strings grumble grumble My Stupidity for waiting until a last minute clover day late in the run grumble grumble)"The keenest eye is that which looks inward.""That still only counts as ONE ""I went out for pizza.

And then I went to Canada."
Dr_Van_van_Mojo wrote:
Couple of off-topic questions there if you're not bothering with the Hippy Outfit, then how do you manage to get decent drinks?

I rely 100% on the fruit I get from the hippy store to make drinks (on top of getting for chow meins).And it's a race to clover field the movie 8?

Am I missing what happens at 8?As for more on-topic, if it's 2.5%, and it seems the better a player gets, the less he/she is aiming for non-monster adventures, then it's going to clover field the movie to the point of not being worth it pretty quickly.

I tried the sign once, and got 1 clover.

For the whole run.

And I'm pretty sure it was during the Friar's quest.

Seems I'd rather get more stats or adventures from food, instead.

Jed wrote: clover field the movie Imp Ale gets really attractive when the alternative is farming the hippy outfit.Jed wrote:
Peak!!!!Jed wrote:
I think the key balancing factor is this, if you start on a clover day, than Marmot is of little use, since you can simply grab them normally.

But on a non-clover day, Marmot is king, as that is the only way to get clovers early in your run(I'd rather be at Marmot's mercy than at the Hermit's).I want my rootbeer float, damnit!
clover field the movie Jed wrote:
clover field the movie To get decent drinks clover field the movie the hippy outfit, farm pre-mixed drinks from the Barrel Full of Barrels every day, starting on the first day of your run.

Make sure to summon cocktailcrafting ingredients religiously too.

Clover for fruit bowls if you get really screwed.

You'll have to drink some non-DB drinks every day too, but if you've got Ode to Booze, you can do pretty well with imp ale and (if you PvP) flower schnapps.At level 8, you can fight yetis and make enough meat so that keeping all your buffs running and using other MP-intensive abilities is easily affordable.A pasta chef penguin from SicilyFound his sauce was all sour and gristle-y.He said "Find me a yetiFor the Boss' spaghettiI'd just die if he chose to dismiss-a me!"
The marmot is an odd thing indeed.

On one run i had...

I had 2 in a row...

At the Cobb's Knobb Treasury.

I started off with a ten-leaf clover too.

So, yeah go 3 dense meat stacks.

Man im lame.
Jed wrote:
The barrel full of barrels (if you know how to use it) and the occasional fruit bowl tends to get me by.

Sometimes it's annoying, but as GodsKook points those imp ales are a lot more appealing than adventuring in the hippy camp.Jed wrote:
Essentially, meat is plentiful from here on out, as the mine, goatlet, and peak all have meat drops that will probably exceed what you're spending on soda water (which is not necessarily true before.) Also, this is when the stat gains become good and stay that way.

So essentially "Peak!".Five tons of Flax,DVvM
Vorthox wrote:
clover field the movie You do know there's a clover adventure in the back alley, right?I've done about 2/3 of gourdcore as a Marmot, and I just realised yesterday that any clovers that Marmot had been getting me I'd been burning straight away...

Stupid homemade auto-attack script...

I really should learn how to use Mafia...
The first time I ascended with the Marmot sign, I only got about four clovers.

I'm mid-way through a Hardcore run and getting quite a few this time- nearly every place I've gone has had drops.
I just did an HC marmot run as a pastamancer, and I got about 2 dozen (not kidding) clovers on the run.

It was the best sign i had ever chosen.

I would highly suggest it.signature image is courtesy of Zerofive1.

GodsKook wrote:
Interesting. So far, I haven't even thought of that option.

I tend to take 20-30 adventures, tops, to have 2 pieces of hippie outfit (sometimes it's the same piece and I need to zap it later).

It always clover field the movie like that was worth it.GodsKook wrote:
clover field the movie Yea, that should have come to me.

Of course, that would also require me to have some cold resist banked and not have to go through the extreme cold weather gear anymore (something very soon on my list).GodsKook wrote:
Am I the only one who waits for a clover day to ascend?

I try to aim for stat days being something between days so I have some flexability on when to start.

If it means I to kill another few days and wait to line up with another stat day before ascending, so be it.

It means I never have to choose Marmot again
I'm running as a Sauceror now, and tonight I picked up two more clovers.

I didn't check the but it seems as though they pop up more when there is none available there.

(Probably my imagination).

I trust that the RNG is just that- random, but I am definitely having a much better run this time with regards to clover.
Jed wrote:
If you're aiming for speed, you don't wait to ascend.

Um, overall speed anyway - waiting might be a good way to set up a single speed run.

I prefer to leap through the gash as soon as I can - dealing with little problems like a lack of clovers is part of the fun.RTFMDisclaimer: All advice offered in this post assumes you are in Hardcore and care about cause dizziness, nausea, impotence or clover field the movie loss.

Use at own risk.

Sven svensson wrote:
If you're aiming for clover field the movie you don't wait to ascend.

Um, overall speed anyway - waiting might be a good way to set up a single speed run.

I prefer to leap through the gash as soon as I can - dealing with little problems like a lack of clovers is part of the fun.Not only that, but waiting for clovers can take several days, and do you really want to spend the equivelant of 1/5 a run waiting for clovers everytime you set up a new run?

I don't. Sometimes, sure, but not every time.I want my rootbeer float, damnit! clover field the movie
I'm about 450 adventures in and have only picked up 1 marmot clover.

I've run marmot once before and got 3 clovers over the entire run.

Obviously, playing fast, you try to limit non-combat adventures so the chance of a marmot clover is even smaller.Getting a clover on day 1 is obviously the best, but the best worse would be anytime before the Yeti's.

When you are above the Stalk, clover's usefulness has plummeted to ensuring a string instrument and making the last part of the run clover field the movie painful.Edit: Oh yeah, forgot about the skeleton.12th HCO AscenderLeaderboards: HCOTT (02/01/06);

SCNP (06/24/07) clover field the movie

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Post je objavljen 18.01.2008. u 23:37 sati.