The cries cannot be...heard anymore

subota , 26.01.2008.

Everywhere around me.
Seeping into my skin.
Coming out of my mouth.
Filling my vision.


My erratic breathing pressed against me like a brick wall,the heart hammering like thunder.
My eyes refused to open.Gushing blood was pooling under me.
Broken bones protruded out of my mangled corpse,sticking out of the once unblemished skin.


The darkness stirred suddenly.Fingers danced across my shoulders,trailing up my neck.
Tickling breath.
Whispered words of love and comfort soothed the pain.
Light.A beam of translucent warmth landed on me as I gazed brokenly at the wanning moon.

Whispering hair

The caress intensified.Sliding across the once again whole body.
Someone´s cheek smoothed down my own.
Thunder.The scent of an electric discharge filled my vicinity.Drowning me in it.

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Moon calling to me,I tried to loosen the powerful hold.To no awail.
The sudden pull jerked me against the storm,away from the much needed light.
Darkness started to consume me.
Shattered dreams,faith and hopes lay scattered before me,reflecting the moon rays.


From becoming free,I became a slave to my hunger,the rage,the vengence,the fear.
A scream stiffled as the darkness closed in on me.The fingers latched on tighter.

Everywhere around me.
Seeping into my skin.
Coming out of my mouth.
Filling my vision.

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