
utorak , 15.01.2008.

Bare feet grazed over the cool concrete roof of a tall tower raising above the town skyline.
The whiping wind trashing about wildly did nothing to stop me from my path.

Come,take me...

The bloodied clothing twirled around me in a silent dance beconing me closer.A whispered promise tickled past my ears,deafening the howl.

Come,take me...

Stepping near the edge,my eyes scanned over the rapidly darkening sky as the lights start to shine brighter. Soft rays of pink, orange and yellow glided away with the reciting sun as night’s heralds twinkled down secretively.

Come,take me...

Standing directly on the edge, I raised my arms stretching them parallel with the ground. The wind turned gentle, caressing my face, drying my tears, allowing me to heal.

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She stood there, purposely testing my ire, thinking I am no threat to her. How bloody wrong she was. Glaring at her back, I felt the burning inferno just bellow the surface of a cold exterior. The flames licked the insides of my shredded mind and I had to grit my teeth together not to allow them to surface. They all thought I was weak, timid and meek. And I was certainly trying my hardest to keep them believe I was sane. But she was calling to me. Screaming at my carnal instincts, blind to the danger. My hands twitched in anticipation unwillingly.

Memories of pain, tears, blood, smiles, laughter, hugs, kisses, dreams, sunny afternoons, autumn rains, warm tea, ice-skating, train rides, moonlight, sparkling snow and Christmas trees crust over like scorched wounds and flake away with the wind.

Wither Away.

Serenity covered me as I took the last step over the edge.With a gust of wind,I plummeted to the awaiting ground.Descending as if in a slow-motion movie,a mangled scream ripped itself from my smiling lips followed soon by insane laughter that startled humanity.


Madness embraced me feverishly as the rage broke out of its chains taking full control set on one thing only. Revenge.
Then nothing…but darkness.

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