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I cannot stand it anymore....
The screams of terror made my ears bleed for so long....The harsh words engraved themselves into my flesh....My soulless eyes poured tears of pain...
Morbid threats made my body shake with sobs...I rocked back and forth shaking my head in denial.... -"s-stop it..."
But you wont stop...You never never loved hurt me....

Get the FUCK away from her!!! I´LL KILL YOU,I SWEAR I WILL!

You coated your actions in sugar and sweets,thinking I cant see the thruth...
-"It all ends here..."
I look up to the sky and pray that the heaven will send me my salvation....Taking it in my hand...sweet rapture of soon-to-be freedom turn my frozen lips into a smile...
You wont be able to hurt me anymore....The pain will stop and the tears will dry...Only the smile will
remain..I can already see the light...envelop me in your warmth...

-"Čekat ću te u Vječnim Lovištima....zauvijek...."

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....Senpai-chan...what pleasure brings a clouded mind.... :smiles:

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