Happiness and joy for everyone!!!

nedjelja , 28.01.2007.

I am so happy my heart will burst into flames....The warmth..spreading through my entire body....making me alive...
...Just hold me forever...

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Tako sam presretna....moje oduševljenje ne poznaje granice..!!Stoga sam odlučila ponovno pisati na hrvatskom....Svi se sigurno pitate od kud tolika sreća?!
A pošto se svijet vrti oko mene...objasnit ću vam!!smijeh

..Ja sam zaljubljena!!!

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Upravo sam doznala da je njegov frend koji poznaje jednu curu koja poznaje jednog dečka koji poznaje moju sestričnu iz trećeg koljena koja mi je rekla da je taj dečko koji poznaje jednu curu koja poznaje njegovog frenda čuo od cure koja poznaje njegovog frenda koja je čula od njegovog frenda da mi zna ime!!!!
Ono..Oh Meh Gods!

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...Protect me from the harsh winds...

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I tako sam shvatila zašto trošiti vrijeme na suicidalno-depresivna-mračna razmišljanja kada bi mogla biti tamo vani i trčati za tim tipom koji mi zna ime!!Ono...totalno otkrivenje!!

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..I will wait a lifetime..

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Stoga..ovaj blog više neće biti zloupotrebljavan za takve negativne emocije,već samo za moja isprazna blebetanja o dečku koji mi zna ime!!wink
No...tko kaže da će on biti jedina tema mojih postova?...Mislim....nije jedini tip na svijetu...wink

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...I wanted you to know I love the way you laugh
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain away
I keep your photograph and I know it serves me well
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away, you don't feel me, anymore

The worst is over now and we can breathe again
I wanna hold you high, you steal my pain away
There's so much left to learn, and no one left to fight
I wanna hold you high and steal your pain

'Cause I'm broken when I'm open
And I don't feel like I am strong enough
'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

'Cause I'm broken when I'm lonesome
And I don't feel right when you're gone away

You've gone away
You don't feel me here anymore...

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Warning:Nisam niti slučajno ovim postom namjeravala uvrijediti,pa barem 95% blogova koji se u ovom trenutku nalaze na Blog.hr već sam samo pokušala razveseliti svoju Senpai-chan koja se toliko nadala i molila da jednog dana na ovom blogu osvane jedan normalan,pozitivan post...Ja sam samo slijedila dane primjere...smijeh
Prosudite sami....

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...I wish to taste you...

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Nemoj se ljutit,Senpai-chan....Ma wulim te ja...

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I cannot stand it anymore....
The screams of terror made my ears bleed for so long....The harsh words engraved themselves into my flesh....My soulless eyes poured tears of pain...
Morbid threats made my body shake with sobs...I rocked back and forth shaking my head in denial.... -"s-stop it..."
But you wont stop...You never cared....you never loved me....you hurt me....

Get the FUCK away from her!!! I´LL KILL YOU,I SWEAR I WILL!

You coated your actions in sugar and sweets,thinking I cant see the thruth...
-"It all ends here..."
I look up to the sky and pray that the heaven will send me my salvation....Taking it in my hand...sweet rapture of soon-to-be freedom turn my frozen lips into a smile...
You wont be able to hurt me anymore....The pain will stop and the tears will dry...Only the smile will
remain..I can already see the light...envelop me in your warmth...

-"Čekat ću te u Vječnim Lovištima....zauvijek...."

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....Senpai-chan...what pleasure brings a clouded mind.... :smiles:

Like a pouting child unwilling to share it´s toys,I stand in the way..
Send me away.......
Take my hand and push me away before it´s too late...
Before I demolish it even more,though unknowingly...

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Forgive my ignorance for I am too naive and lost to know better...
I swear I won´t think of it anymore.....so ashamed..

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I´m pathetic even in my own eyes...rage blazing on the inside..
Tearing the dark thoughts..trying to make them vanish..


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..Watashi wa anata no koto shinau..

nedjelja , 07.01.2007.

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..I miss you..

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Neko vrijeme neću pisati...
Nemam inspiracije ni volje....Please,understand..

I will be waiting...

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I miss you..

subota , 06.01.2007.

It hurts so much....
Feeling too empty to be alive....
Too cold to move...
Laying motionlessly on my bed for hours....

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Standing under the boiling hot shower without feeling the warmth...
Walking aimlessly with a blank stare..
Everything seems pointless...
Preparing myself for the inevitable...

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Soon...We will say goodbye forever....
My last gift for you...
Trying to be selfless....failing miserably...
Is it forbidden to feel like this?

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Until then...

I will be waiting...

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...welling up inside of me

četvrtak , 04.01.2007.


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...Take care
.......Have fun

I will be waiting...

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The angels around me...

srijeda , 03.01.2007.

When all the other girls wanted to be ballet dancers
I kind of wanted to be a vampire...

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"Mommy?...Please dont look at me with disgust.."
I looked up and found myself alone..

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When all the other girls played with their dolls,imitating their mothers
I was lost in my fantasy world where no one could reach...

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Climbing trees,hunting animals,running through the forest...
I became branded as weird....so I kept it inside..

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But with time,my other side refused to stay still...
Terrible events brought it fully out..

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Yet despite all my pain,sorrow and darkness...I caught their eyes..
Regardless of my odd behaviour and thoughts,they welcomed me in their arms...
Never leaving my side....
They made me smile,made me cry,made me laugh and swear!


I owe them my everything...
I´ll love them for eternity...And bloody murder anyone who dares to harm them..
And I dont care how pathetic I sound..
My own personal angels.....Thank you for your care..

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Quote for the day:
A good friend will come and bail you out of the jail,
But a true friend will be sitting right next to you saying

"Damn....We Fucked It Up..."

...The angels around me...

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The four christmas spirits...rolleyeskiss

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The punoglavac no Nii-chan!winkkiss

................................And Dina/Senpai-chan,but I dont have her pic...Gomen for not posting this earlier...

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So beautifully decaying..
The rose of my life
Laying forgotten in the snow...
Pearly beads of long lost tears
Adorning the soft petals.
Whispers of vaporizing dreams..

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Comforting void

utorak , 02.01.2007.

Leaden emotions heaving me down...
I am crumbling under their weight...
Beautifully drowning in a sea of misery...
Filled with sorrow,diluted with my tears,stained with my bitter blood...

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Sadness wrapping around me..
Guilt crushing me..
Anger pulling me deeper..
Desperation crumbling me..
All the love I once held is slipping out of my hold...
My smile wavering..

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Darkness taking me..
Pain slowly ebbing away..
The depth has taken me

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