The angels around me...

srijeda , 03.01.2007.

When all the other girls wanted to be ballet dancers
I kind of wanted to be a vampire...

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"Mommy?...Please dont look at me with disgust.."
I looked up and found myself alone..

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When all the other girls played with their dolls,imitating their mothers
I was lost in my fantasy world where no one could reach...

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Climbing trees,hunting animals,running through the forest...
I became branded as I kept it inside..

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But with time,my other side refused to stay still...
Terrible events brought it fully out..

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Yet despite all my pain,sorrow and darkness...I caught their eyes..
Regardless of my odd behaviour and thoughts,they welcomed me in their arms...
Never leaving my side....
They made me smile,made me cry,made me laugh and swear!


I owe them my everything...
I´ll love them for eternity...And bloody murder anyone who dares to harm them..
And I dont care how pathetic I sound..
My own personal angels.....Thank you for your care..

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Quote for the day:
A good friend will come and bail you out of the jail,
But a true friend will be sitting right next to you saying

"Damn....We Fucked It Up..."

...The angels around me...

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The four christmas spirits...rolleyeskiss

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The punoglavac no Nii-chan!winkkiss

................................And Dina/Senpai-chan,but I dont have her pic...Gomen for not posting this earlier...

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