27.10.2011., četvrtak


Carbon filter for bong - Filter taps.

Carbon Filter For Bong

carbon filter for bong

    carbon filter
  • Carbon filtering is a method of filtering that uses a piece of activated carbon to remove contaminants and impurities, utilizing chemical adsorption.

  • (Carbon Filters) Eliminates odors in composting bins.

  • An air filter using activated carbon as a cleansing agent

  • A water pipe used for smoking marijuana or other drugs

  • A bong (also water pipe) is a filtration device for smoking, generally used to smoke cannabis, tobacco, or other substances.

  • a dull resonant sound as of a bell

  • ring loudly and deeply; "the big bell bonged"

carbon filter for bong - Mini 5.5

Mini 5.5 Inch Glass Hookah. Great for Traveling. Weighs Just Above a Half Pound! Will Fit in Most Cup Holders! This Hookah Is Great for Traveling! Very Easy to Use and Put Away in a Small Spot! Hookah Is Portable, Durable and Strong. Takes Only Seconds to Setup and Clean! Easy to Use! Hookah Will Last a Long Time!

Mini 5.5 Inch Glass Hookah. Great for Traveling. Weighs Just Above a Half Pound! Will Fit in Most Cup Holders! This Hookah Is Great for Traveling! Very Easy to Use and Put Away in a Small Spot! Hookah Is Portable, Durable and Strong. Takes Only Seconds to Setup and Clean! Easy to Use! Hookah Will Last a Long Time!

This is a mini 5.5 inch glass hookah. Made out of strong glass. Glass has a nice painted design on it. The bowl is made out of beautiful dark wood on the outside and metal on the inside. Rubber garment makes stem and vase connection a tight fit so it will not fall and break! Hookah is very easy to use. Set up, using the hookah and clean up are all easy to do! Setup and clean up takes seconds! This hookah is very durable. This hookah is very light weight. It weighs just above half a pound. This hookah is great for traveling because you can smoke and when you are finished, unscrew the hose and put it away in a small space because of its compact design. Great compact design makes it so it can be stored basically anywhere! This hookah is very easy to move from place to place. This hookah is very durable and will last a long time! Tobacco will not fall out easily when in use. The hookah disassembles into 6 pieces. This hookah will fit in most cup holders! Colors Vary from blue, green, red and brown. We will ship out one of these colors UNLESS a request is made through Amazon messages.

77% (12)



a water bong my gf bought, she is into Reggae music so she chose a red, yellow, green one...

i took this picture with my Motorola Droid, was edited with a PicSay app from the Android Market.



MY first bong :) perk and icecatcher, shortly after this picture got a matching ashcatcher! :)

To bad I broke it D: buzzzkill.

carbon filter for bong

carbon filter for bong

Glass Hookah Shisha Nargila + Tongs + All Rubber Garments. Comes Ready to Use!

The hookah you are purchasing is the first picture. The 2nd picture is just showing what the hookah looks like when taken apart. This is a Glass hookah. Hookah is portable, durable and strong. It is 9 inches tall. The bowl is bigger than normal. The bowl is deep so you can fit a lot of tobacco in it. The vase has a beautiful design and is made out of thick cut glass so it will not break as easy as others. This Hookah is very durable. Also the vase and bowl are sturdy. The hookah will not wobble and fall like other hookahs! This hookah can move from place to place without falling and breaking because of its sturdy design. Also some color schemes might vary (hose, stem, bowl, etc).

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