Garnet Filter Media
- Material through which water, wastewater, or other liquid is passed for the purpose of purification, treatment, or conditioning. (2) A cloth or metal material of some appropriate design used to intercept sludge solids in sludge filtration.
- The selected materials in a filter that form the barrier to the passage of filterable suspended solids or dissolved molecules. Filter media are used to remove undesirable materials, tastes and odors from a water supply.
- device that uses materials designed to treat effluent by reducing BOD and/or removing suspended solids in an unsaturated environment; biological treatment is facilitated via microbial growth on the surface of the media.
- A precious stone consisting of a deep red vitreous silicate mineral
- Any of a class of silicate minerals including this, which belong to the cubic system and have the general chemical formula A3B2(SiO4)3 (A and B being respectively divalent and trivalent metals)
- The garnet group includes a group of minerals that have been used since the Bronze Age as gemstones and abrasives.
- any of a group of hard glassy minerals (silicates of various metals) used as gemstones and as an abrasive
- Garnet is a name of Middle English origin, derived from the dark red gemstone, which was in turn named for the pomegranate that the garnet crystals resemble. The surname Garnett comes from an Old English occupational surname referring to a seller of hinges. It is both a surname and a given name.
i am keeping this version for me,
i have made some with onyx and have no clue what to name them, so any suggestions are welcome
Garnet - MIN00080
Garnet from Wrangel, Alaska. The crystal is approximately 14mm in diameter.
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