srijeda, 26.10.2011.


A good digital camera - Gsm spy camera.

A Good Digital Camera

a good digital camera

    digital camera
  • A camera that records and stores digital images

  • a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction

  • A digital camera (also digicam or camera for short) is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor.

  • Usually captures images with the help of a CCD chip. The image data received is then saved to special memory cards or other storage media. (SmartMedia, xD-Picture Card,  Compact Flash,  Memory Stick,  SD Card,  MMC Card)

  • Well

  • benefit; "for your own good"; "what's the good of worrying?"

  • having desirable or positive qualities especially those suitable for a thing specified; "good news from the hospital"; "a good report card"; "when she was good she was very very good"; "a good knife is one good for cutting"; "this stump will make a good picnic table"; "a good check"; "a good

  • well: (often used as a combining form) in a good or proper or satisfactory manner or to a high standard (`good' is a nonstandard dialectal variant for `well'); "the children behaved well"; "a task well done"; "the party went well"; "he slept well"; "a well-argued thesis"; "a well-seasoned dish";

Biyernes Santo II (Good Friday)

Biyernes Santo II (Good Friday)

Good Friday (Biyernes Santo), a public holiday in the Philippines, is commemorated with solemn street processions, the Way of the Cross, the commemoration of Jesus' Seven last words and a Passion play called the Senakulo. In some communities the processions include devotees who self-flagellate and sometimes even have themselves nailed to crosses as expressions of penance or in fulfillment of a vow accomplished in thanksgiving or exchange for a granted request or prayer. After three o'clock in the afternoon of Good Friday (the time at which Jesus is traditionally believed to have died), noise is discouraged, bathing is proscribed and the faithful are urged to keep a solemn and prayerful disposition. Towards late afternoon and evening there is the procession of the dead Christ. The figure of the corpse of Jesus is taken in solemn procession and borne on a decorated hearse, after which it is venerated by the faithful. Some even accord the image with the proper funeral rites such as laying the body in state or, in some instances, by smoking the seated corpse of Jesus over a fire in accordance with local, pre-hispanic funerary customs. Such a procession may involve a various number of other saints, and tradition dictates that the last image in the line is the Sorrowful Virgin.

In fact, the great sorrow that is attributed to this day gave rise to the Tagalog idiom "Mukha kang Biyernes Santo", which could literally be translated into English as "You look like Good Friday". This means that the person looks so sad that he resembles the sorrows of Jesus Christ on His passion day.

Kaylee-Mini Vivitar Camera

Kaylee-Mini Vivitar Camera

I splurged and spent $10 on a mini digital camera at Walgreen's the other day. Just a few test shots to see how it worked. Of course I have a willing model all ready to be photographed. Still working out the composition and the viewfinder. Still, I am pleased with the shot - not too shabby. And sadly, better quality than what I'm getting from my current cell phone (although that's not the primary purpose of my phone).

a good digital camera

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- 12:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Best digital camera for beginners : Digital camera review india.

Best Digital Camera For Beginners

best digital camera for beginners

    digital camera
  • A camera that records and stores digital images

  • A digital camera (also digicam or camera for short) is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor.

  • Usually captures images with the help of a CCD chip. The image data received is then saved to special memory cards or other storage media. (SmartMedia, xD-Picture Card,  Compact Flash,  Memory Stick,  SD Card,  MMC Card)

  • a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction

    for beginners
  • The Basics | Intervals and Power Chords | Open Chords | Muting and Raking | Learning Songs | Song Library

best digital camera for beginners - Canon PowerShot

Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide

Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide

Get the very most out of your Canon PowerShot G11 camera.
Now that you've got a new Canon PowerShot G11 10.0 megapixel digital camera, take this handy book along to help you tap all the tricks and features that your cool new camera has to offer. Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide, sized perfectly to fit in your camera bag, includes pages of step-by-step techniques, beautiful full-color examples, and professional tips sure to help you capture exactly the images you want. Understand all the technology your new camera has to offer—such as new face recognition software, a 5x optical zoom, faster electronics, and much more—with this step-by-step guide. It's so handy, you can check for tips while you're shooting!
Provides no-fail techniques for getting the most out of your Canon PowerShot G11 digital camera
Walks you through the PowerShot G11's new features and functions, including face recognition software, 5x optical zoom, RAW image format capture, a wider aperture than standard PowerShot models, faster electronics, and remote capture
Elevates your photography skills to a new level with photography secrets from professional photographer and author Charlotte Lowrie
Teaches you photography essentials and offers beautiful, full-color examples to inspire you on your next shoot
Move from standard shots to power shots with Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide.

Now that you've got a new Canon PowerShot G11 10.0 megapixel digital camera, take this handy book along to help you tap all the tricks and features that your cool new camera has to offer. Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide, sized perfectly to fit in your camera bag, includes pages of step-by-step techniques, beautiful full-color examples, and professional tips sure to help you capture exactly the images you want. Understand all the technology your new camera has to offer—such as new face recognition software, a 5x optical zoom, faster electronics, and much more—with this step-by-step guide. It's so handy, you can check for tips while you're shooting!
Provides no-fail techniques for getting the most out of your Canon PowerShot G11 digital camera
Walks you through the PowerShot G11's new features and functions, including face recognition software, 5x optical zoom, RAW image format capture, a wider aperture than standard PowerShot models, faster electronics, and remote capture
Elevates your photography skills to a new level with photography secrets from professional photographer and author Charlotte Lowrie
Teaches you photography essentials and offers beautiful, full-color examples to inspire you on your next shoot
Move from standard shots to power shots with Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide.
Top Ten Canon PowerShot G11 Photography Tips
Amazon-exclusive content from author Brian McLernon

1. Keep the camera steady. The small size and light weight of the Canon PowerShot G11 make it the go-to camera of choice for quick snapshots of people, locations and dynamic action. Even with that convenient portability, it is still important to hold or support the camera as steady as possible to produce crisp, sharp images, especially at the longer focal lengths of the zoom range. Use a tripod or self timer to fire the camera at shutter speeds slower than those you can safely handhold, usually @ 1/20 second and longer.
2. Watch the edges of the frame. Before taking the picture, quickly scan the edges of the viewfinder or LCD image to make sure no part of the subject is cut off or goes out of the frame in a distracting way. This applies to hands, arms, legs and feet in people photos, and architectural or natural elements in scenic photos. Linear objects that run out of the picture frame tend to take the eye with them and can diminish the impact of your main subject. Overly bright objects on the edges will cause the same effect. Use background elements to frame and visually contain your subject to help keep the viewers eye within the frame.
3. Use backlighting to make your subject pop. Backlighting a scene, where the sun or the main light source is behind the subject, can really help make it stand out and is a very effective way of separating the subject from the background. Backlighting creates a rim of highlights around the outer edges of the subject and usually requires a stop or two of positive exposure compensation or flash to open up the shadowed side of the subject that’s facing the camera. Backlit photos are most successful when the picture is composed utilizing a darker toned background.
4. Pan the camera with the subject to convey action. Panning the camera to follow a moving subject requires a little practice and the right timing but can yield dramatic images of sports, dynamic action or events and celebrations. Panning allows the subject to occupy virtually the same spot in the frame while the background is rendered as a horizontal or vertical motion blur. Panning along with a moving subject can also tame a busy background and reduce it to pleasing streaks of color. Choose a slightly slower than normal shutter speed of say, 1/30 or 1/20 second and track the subject as it moves across the picture plane. Backgrounds are equally important in panning shots; a monochromatic background won’t produce the contrast or color streaking that makes panned shots look their best.
5. Choose the right aperture. The right aperture or f/stop setting can often make or break a successful photograph. In the caption of every image in the Canon PowerShot G11 Digital Field Guide with the exception of those of the camera and accessories, I list which ISO, shutter speed and aperture combination I used to make each of the resulting shots so readers will be armed with the exact information they need to go out and make a similar image. While aperture does control the intensity of light entering the camera, it also controls the amount of depth-of-field or selective focus that will be present in the final image. Anytime I want to diminish the importance or details of a background, I employ a larger aperture and possibly a longer lens focal length setting. For rich scenic or macro shots where I want as much detail as I can get, I use a smaller aperture. Think of aperture as a tool to make more or less of the elements in the photograph sharper or softer.
6. Fill the frame. The great photographer Robert Capa once famously remarked “If your pictures aren’t strong enough, you’re not close enough”. Trying to create a meaningful photograph of a subject that is too far away, too small, or lost in the chaos of a scene will surely result in unsatisfactory images that neither please the photographer nor create the intended emotional response. You don’t need a lot of competing details in the frame to produce compelling imagery. Keep the composition simple and hone in on the subject by physically moving closer or zooming in to reduce distracting elements from the shot. In many cases, less is more.
7. Shoot horizontals and verticals. Magazine and newspaper photographers often strive to give their editors the most choices in regards to layout options by shooting both horizontal and vertical images of the subjects they are assigned to shoot. Many times in the shooting process, new compositional ideas will present themselves to the keen-eyed photographer who begins taking pictures with a definite shot in their minds eye, but who is sensitive enough to recognize new ones as they appear in the course of the shoot. Having both horizontals and verticals of the same subject affords options and flexibility when creating albums, slideshows or web sites.
8. Reverse-engineer photos you like. Be on the lookout for photos or scenes that you see and really like in newspapers, magazines, movies and television programs and then try to figure out how they were accomplished. Where was the sun or the lighting placed in relation to the subject or scene? What time of day do you think it was? What focal length lens/white balance setting or camera angle was used? Once you have a rough idea of the techniques used, go out and try to recreate a similar set-up and photograph it as best as you can to match the original. Many of my favorite photo ideas came to me in a darkened theatre or auditorium or while flipping through a magazine.
9. Backgrounds, backgrounds, backgrounds. In my photo classes and workshops, I always stress the importance the background plays in successful photos. The background is the palate upon which your subject rests and should relate to the subject or enhance its importance or can simply be a wash of out of focus color elements. Similarly, a background that provides dramatic contrast to the subject, for example a full body image of a sequined ballerina in an old abandoned factory will set up a dynamic tension in the viewer’s eye that makes for a memorable photo.
10. Point of view. The background can be further controlled by where the camera is placed. The G11’s small size makes it ideal to be placed in unusual locations where a larger camera wouldn’t fit and moving the camera around will yield a wide array of interestingly different interpretations of the same subject. Considering this, I often get down on my knees or lay on the ground when photographing children to mimic their world-view, or shoot from a lower camera angle when photographing CEO’s or sports stars to exaggerate their stature and magnify their importance. Many interesting images can be accomplished by simply moving the camera around to different points of view.
Photos from Author Brian McLernon (Click to enlarge)
Cedar Breaks National Monument, Utah
As we walked up to the scenic lookout, the grand vista of Cedar Breaks National Monument opened up before us. I was immediately struck by the contrast of the orange canyons and my friends blue shirt and knew if I could the two together it would make a good photo opportunity. Having a body in the picture give the image scale and warm and cool tones in a photograph can often create an interesting visual tension between the contrasting colors and make the shot more appealing. As we finished snapping our photos and the conversation ebbed, the mystery of the desert scene before us put us in a contemplative mood. I quietly adjusted my G11’s lens as far wide as it would go and took a few steps back to compose my frame. I quickly noticed a strong visual line of my friends head merging with the slope of the canyon sand on the lower left, so I placed her head in the upper right and lined up a strong diagonal. I also noticed my composed image was following the Rule-Of-Thirds, in that my foreground subject occupies the right third of the frame, while the horizon/sky occupies the top third of the frame.
Specs: ISO 400, f/8, 1/500 second with a 6.1mm lens setting.
River Rocks, McKenzie River, Oregon
The McKenzie River runs right past one of my favorite camping spots in all of Oregon. The channel runs fast and clear in this section and is popular among white-water rafting and kayaking enthusiasts for its technical and challenging runs. At normal flows, these large rocks are exposed and offer a nicely detailed foreground element to juxtapose the rushing water. While I have photographed many of the boats and kayaks that have drifted by, I never really did a nature study of this small rapid. On the last camping trip of the summer with my new Canon PowerShot G11 along, I thought it would make a prime candidate for a time exposure. I climbed down some slippery rocks about five feet to the river’s edge and set up my Bogen/Manfrotto tripod, and with the quick-release plate, securely attached my G11 to it. Since there is really no “decisive moment” to a shot like this, I could have used the self-timer feature, but I had the Remote Switch RS60-E3 in my bag so I used it instead. To retain the maximum detail in the shot, I set the aperture to f/8 in Manual mode and used manual focus to focus on the exposed rocks. Checking the LCD, this aperture setting indicated a shutter speed of 2 seconds which I knew would provide enough time to render the water in a nice linear blur. After making a few exposures, I decided to add 1/2 stop exposure compensation to bring up the value of the entire scene and render the water truly white.
Specs: ISO 100, f/8, 2 seconds with a 7.6mm lens setting.
Seagull, Astoria, Oregon
Having lunch one weekend afternoon at an outdoor cafe in Astoria, Oregon after attending the annual crafts fair, I noticed a large collection of seabirds being fed by some tourists along a cement barrier wall separating the Columbia River from the rest of the town. As I watched the scene unfold, my eye was drawn to one particular seagull that appeared to be disinterested in the free food and was walking back and forth on top of the wall, possibly in an attempt to dislodge the debris wrapped around its left ankle. I knew if I could get close enough to allow the maximum zoom setting of the G11’s lens to fill the frame with the bird, it might make an interesting shot. I finished up lunch, paid the bill and slowly walked over to the wall while checking the G11’s LCD to see my composition come together. It was a fairly overcast day so I was slightly limited in the settings I could choose to get a sharp photo of the quickly moving seagull. I adjusted my shooting position to a spot where I would have an unobstructed background, free of buoys and boats, and waited for my little friend to make his way back to me. I set the camera to continuous shooting mode because I wanted to shoot as many photos as I could while the gull was in position, and this mode allows a higher number of “keepers” for fast moving subjects. After shooting several frames while panning as the gull walked back and forth, I reviewed my shots on the LCD and decided this one was my favorite. I like the fact that the eyes and beak are sharp but the feet are slightly blurry, indication the lateral movement.
Specs: ISO 100, f/8, 1/250 second with a 29.4mm lens setting

76% (13)

(most favorable set) the simpliest happiness

(most favorable set) the simpliest happiness

This picture shows the simple light trying its best to give off its light and energy in the endless darkness. the shadows of light sheds on the ceiling, giving us a feeling of comfort and pure grateful happiness. abstract.
I used digital camera, placing under the object and zoomed out a little bit to see the overall effect.
I took this picture because light is easy for beginner photographers to shoot, and also I wanted to show the importance of everything around us. This light is one of the simpliest kind we can find in IKEA, and the bulb in it is the most common one as well. but without this light, I would be scared when coming upstairs to my room. It does its job silently without asking for any payback.
I think this kind of pictures are really common, and the theme is not unique, but I just feel like taking it myself. I don't assume there's any special meaning to me personally.



Meet my new child ;)

A wonderful EOS 400D... well, this is the best I could get as a beginner.

I know, that's the crappy 18-55 Lens Kit lens :(
It's a really crappy lens.. but you won't find another lens as cheap as this one.

Now on with my photography lessons. A new camera is not enough to make good shots ;)

PS: I'm really hating Canon because my version of the kit did not include the camera manual. Neither on paper or on CD! I had to download it from Canon's website!! Ratts! I would have paid those 50 extra cents for a cd or a few bucks for some paper!! That's quite bothersome!! And a some more ink and numbers on that lens would have been a good idea :(

best digital camera for beginners

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- 12:04 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Camera Lens Calculator

camera lens calculator

    lens calculator
  • A calculator provided by many lens manufacturers to help calculate the focal length of the lens that will provide the required scene.

  • A chamber or round building

  • equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)

  • television camera: television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam

  • A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

camera lens calculator - Vivitar 285HV

Vivitar 285HV High Power Auto Zoom Thyristor Flash + STO-FEN + (4) AA Batteries & Charger + Cleaning Kit for Nikon D40, D60, D3000, D3100, D5000, D5100, D7000, D300s, D3 & D3s Digital SLR Cameras

Vivitar 285HV High Power Auto Zoom Thyristor Flash + STO-FEN + (4) AA Batteries & Charger + Cleaning Kit for Nikon D40, D60, D3000, D3100, D5000, D5100, D7000, D300s, D3 & D3s Digital SLR Cameras

Kit Includes:
¦ 1) Vivitar 285HV High Power Auto Zoom Thyristor Flash
¦ 2) Sto-Fen Omni-Bounce (B) Flash Diffuser
¦ 3) Precision Design (4)2900mAh AA NiMH Batteries & 110/220V Rapid Charger
¦ 4) Precision Design 6pc Lens Cleaning Kit(Blower/Fluid/Cloth/Tissue/Tips)
This universal high-power flash unit for digital and 35mm SLR cameras is the perfect accessory for any photographer looking for reduced red-eye, evenly lit subjects, or more power for telephoto shooting. This flash can be effective at ranges of over 50 feet, reduces shadows, and adds depth to your pictures thanks to the adjustable head, which zooms and tilts for added versatility.
Key Features:
¦ Guide Number: 120-ISO 100ft./ 36-DIN 21m
¦ Auto Range: 3-70ft./ 1-21.3m
¦ Auto Balance Control
¦ Thyristor Battery Saving Circuit
¦ Zoom Flash Head
¦ Four auto f/ stops
¦ Built-in Vari-Power Control
¦ Sufficient Light Indicator
¦ Lighted Calculator
The Omni-Bounce (B) Flash Diffuser creates a diffused bare bulb effect, and is designed specifically to fit the Vivitar 285HV Flash Unit. It gives even coverage across the entire frame, and works flawlessly with lenses from 15mm to 200mm in the 35mm format (as well as other formats).
Provide your camera with plenty of power with 4 ultra-high capacity 2900mAh Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) batteries and a multi-voltage rapid charger.
This 6-piece cleaning kit contains everything you'll ever need to properly clean your lenses, including a Hurricane Air Blower, Lens Cleaning Tissues, Lens Cloth, Lens Cleaning Liquid, Brush and Cotton Swabs.

78% (12)

Home-made exposure calculator

Home-made exposure calculator

Home-made exposure calculator, made on the back of an old slide-rule, with labels and marks.

Primarily intended for large-format and pinhole photography, it's not just a sunny-16 calculator like many of us once made at school. The idea is that it helps translates exposure measurements from a digital camera working at one particular ISO to a different manual camera at a different ISO. There is also provision for incorporation of filter factors and bellows factors. If necessary, it can always be turned over and used as a conventional slide rule too!


1. For basic sunny-16 use, set the ISO being used against the weather symbol on the right hand scale. Read the exposure off the left hand scale. Either top or bottom scale may be used. The shutter speeds and f numbers go from a generous 1/8000sec to 2min and f/1 to f/3000 to cater for almost any camera. The top scale is most likely best for digital or 35mm cameras whereas the bottom scale is designed for large format and pinholes.

2. With access to a digital camera, or light meter, set the measured exposure on the left hand scale. Now "correct it" by putting the marker on the ISO used to make this measurement on the right hand scale. Move the middle slider so that the actual ISO that will be used to take the picture is under the marker. Read off the new exposure on left hand scale. A generous range of ISOs from 3200 to 0.2 and from 4000 to 1/4 are provided for almost any film. (I *do* often use ISO 1 or 2.)

3. For correction of filter factors or alteration by -1 to 4 stops, with the exposure set as above, put the marker at stop 0 or factor 1 and move the slider so the marker is above the required factor. Read the exposure as usual on left.

4. For bellows extension factors, set exposure as normal. Measure bellows extension with tape measure, put marker on focal length of lens, and move middle slider to the actual extension used. (I designed the three scales here for my three LF lenses. It's easy to calculate the values for other lenses.)

Corrections 2,3,4 can be made in any order, so if you take several pictures with different films and the same filtration and bellows extension, it may save time to do the ISO correction in 2 last (keeping the marker in the same place).

Wollensak Velostigmat wide angle lenses / Tabloid Tancol Developer / Abe Cohen's Camera Exchange Price list - 1926

Wollensak Velostigmat wide angle lenses / Tabloid Tancol Developer / Abe Cohen's Camera Exchange Price list - 1926

Reproduction of photo made with Series III Velostigmat by Staunton Photo Service, Rochester N. Y.
For Interiors - when extreme angle of view is desired, only a wide angle lens will answer.
Series III Velostigmat Wide Angle f9.5, Series IIIa Extreme Wide Angle f12.5
Betax Shutter- between the lens type, that gives accurate and dependable exposure of various durations. They are rigidly constructed to withstand hard usage. Made to fit all lenses up to 2 7/8 inch in diameter.
Wollensak Optical Company, Rochester, New York, U.S.A


In tank or in dish this developer yields perfect negatives of the "pyro" type, which give bright plucky prints. Clean and economical in use. "Tabloid" "Tancol" (trade mark) Developer made by Burruoughs Wellcome & Co. - yes, the mechanical calculator folks


Abe Cohen's Camera Exchange at 113 Park Row, New York has the following up for sale:

1 5/8 x 2 1/2- inch Goerz Roll Film Camera, with Goerz Dogmar f/4.5 lens, Compur Shutter, new $42.50
2 1/4 x 3/14 Glunz Camera, with Carl Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 in Compur shutter, including three plateholders and filmpack adapter, new $42.50
2 1/4 x 3 1/4 ICA Revolving Back Reflex, with Carl Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 including three plateholders and filmpack adapter, new $87.50
2 1/4 x 3/14 Certonet Rollfilm Camera, Steinheil f/4.5 lens in Compur, new $29.50
45x107mm Voigtlander Stereo-Flectoscope with Heliar f/4.5 lenses, including magazine and carrying case, new $87.50
9x12cm Certo Camera, with Steinheil f/4.5 lens in Compur, three plateholders and filmpack adapter, new $39.50
3x5 Folding Adams Minex Reflex, 7 inch Zeiss Tessar f/4.5 and 6 1/2 inch Zeiss Convertible f/6.3, Very Good Condition, Complete $165.00

camera lens calculator

camera lens calculator

Vivitar 285HV Auto Professional Flash +

The built-in variable power of the Vivitar 285HV auto professional flash provides you with fill flash and the ability to shoot properly exposed rapid-sequence pictures. This vertical bounce flash gives your photographs soft, professional lighting. The four f-stops give you control over the flash distance range and the depth of field, while the auto Thyristor circuitry allows for a faster recycling time as well as more flashes per set of batteries.

A smart flash with a "sufficient light indicator" that allows you to make the most of your photos Variable power control with optional VP-1 Remote sensor capability Sufficient light indicator Illuminated calculator dial Power source

(4) 2700mAh AA NiMH Batteries & 110/220V Overnight Charger - This high performance charger kit works worldwide and is specifically designed for use with today's high-tech devices such as digital cameras. Batteries must power a digital cameras electronic flash, LCD monitor, power zoom, auto focusing, metering system and more! As the alternative to costly disposable AA batteries, manufacturers universally recommend the use of NiMH rechargeable batteries for superior performance and the most economical operation of digital cameras.

DB ROTH Micro Fiber Cleaning Cloth - Eliminate dust and smudges from your camera with this handy microfiber cleaning cloth.

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Camera Backpack Cases. Best Dslr Camera Reviews 2011. Mini Usb Camera

Camera Backpack Cases

camera backpack cases

    camera backpack
  • (Camera Backpacks) Backpacks with specialized compartments designed to hold and protect cameras and camera accessories.

  • An item of luggage; a suitcase

  • The outer protective covering of a natural or manufactured object

  • (case) look over, usually with the intention to rob; "They men cased the housed"

  • A container designed to hold or protect something

  • (case) event: a special set of circumstances; "in that event, the first possibility is excluded"; "it may rain in which case the picnic will be canceled"

  • (case) an occurrence of something; "it was a case of bad judgment"; "another instance occurred yesterday"; "but there is always the famous example of the Smiths"

camera backpack cases - Case Logic

Case Logic UNZB-2 Compact Camera Case (Pink)

Case Logic UNZB-2 Compact Camera Case (Pink)

The Case Logic UNZB-2 Compact Camera Case (Pink) is compatible with ultra compact cameras, MP3 players, cell phones and other small portable electronics. Stretchy neoprene case protects your electronics while minimizing bulk. Stiff front panel protects your delicate LCD screen. Universal appeal- holds credit cards/money, first aid supplies or whatever else you can dream up. Compact design- easily fits in your pocket, purse or backpack. Detachable wrist strap included. Internal Dimensions: 2.3 x 1 x 3.8" 25 Year Warranty!

85% (14)

Tamrac 5375 Backpack

Tamrac 5375 Backpack

This was my big present this year--a backpack style camera bag. It's very nice and pretty much holds all my (current) digital kit yet doesn't feel heavy at all.

The backpack is very sturdy and the design is well thought out, including rain flaps to prevent rain from entering along the zippers , flaps to keep the accessory compartment zipper tabs from coming into contact with the camera equipment below, and an extra strap to make sure the flap stays closed even if the zippers slid open (which I doubt they would). Only thing I would add would be either a place to store the belt strap or a way to disconnect it; I don't see myself using it very often, but would hate to cut it off completely.

The outer front pouch has all my manuals and could hold my A620 if I didn't want to carry it in my purse like I normally do. It also has a pouch and strap for carrying a tripod.

Tenba Shootout Backpack

Tenba Shootout Backpack

This is my Tenba Shootout Backpack, which holds much of my lighting equipment

Filled in this backpack is:

Three (3) Wescott 43" umbrellas
Small Silk tripod
Five (5) Pocket Wizards
Six (6) Umbrella brackets (3 have Paramount hotshoe cords)
Piece of PVC with gaffers tape
Small Maglite flashlight
Plano tackle box container to hold cords, parts, etc.
White balance target
Two (2) A-Clamps
Two (2) Vivitar 283's (with VariPower)
Two (2) Vivitar 285's
Two (2) Stofen Omnibounce (for 285s)
Lightsphere Knockoff
Three (3) Super Clamps
Four (4) Bungees
Several gels (10 on each side)
Two (2) Manfrotto collapsible lightstands
Two (2) 32" umbrellas
Honl Snoot, flag, wrap bands

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- 12:03 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Camera Stores Greensboro Nc

camera stores greensboro nc

    greensboro nc
  • Greensboro is a city in the U.S. state of North Carolina. It is the third-largest city by population, in North Carolina and the largest city in Guilford County and the surrounding Piedmont Triad metropolitan region. As of the 2000 census, Greensboro was home to 223,891 residents.

  • A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

  • A chamber or round building

  • television camera: television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam

  • equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)

  • A retail establishment selling items to the public

  • A quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed

  • Store-bought

  • (store) shop: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"

  • (store) keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"

  • (store) a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"

camera stores greensboro nc - Remembering Greensboro

Remembering Greensboro (NC) (American Chronicles (History Press))

Remembering Greensboro (NC) (American Chronicles (History Press))

Have you ever heard about the Gardner Hill gold mine or the healing powers of Apinol? Do you remember the Brightwood Inn or the antics of Slammin Sammy Snead? Culling the best from News & Record reporter Jim Schlosser's hundreds of history-related articles, Remembering Greensboro celebrates the unique history of Greensboro and Guilford County. From memorable events like the Woolworth sit-ins and the Greater Greensboro Open to beloved local heroes, characters and celebrities, Schlosser offers something for everyone who calls the Gate City home.

86% (8)

Boris, R.I.P.

Boris, R.I.P.

Home, 12/2007

On Saturday, December 22, 2007, at approximately 9:30am, Boris Ed Miranda-McGruder (oka Kiev 88) was pronounced dead at Kurt's Camera in Santee.

Boris came to me from Greensboro, NC on Friday, December 21, 2007 from a dealer who probably knew the aperture adjusting mechanism thingy was busted or very nearly so, but decided to call it in "excellent" condition anyway. As fate would have it, not only would Boris be somewhat defective to begin with (in addition to the built-in defects of being a Kiev), he would also meet his maker in one Paula Jean A. Miranda, student and would-be iron smelter who has absolutely no finesse or regard for the fine engineering that goes in to making cameras, even pos Kievs. Her idea of getting anything to work is by exerting force when, clearly, one should stop, and by drinking beer in an attempt to bond with said device and "level out" each others' disparate energies.. Four New Castles and a bruised hand and ego later, she has done what many cannot accomplish in such a short period: lock the lens into the body with no way of taking it out and, not being quick to realize that fact, completely bust open a wide angle lens (ripped it from itself!) trying to yank it out, effectively ruining the camera.

Here's a timeline of the camera's short and sweet time in my possession:

(early December, 2007: Prof. Eichinger suggests the Kiev, among others, as potential cameras to begin with in medium format. The fault, naturally, falls on this man for introducing to me such crazy ideas.)

Friday, 12/21/07
5:30pm - Neighbor Tito brings up USPS box within the safety of our hallway. I erupt in cheers, yelling "It's my new camera! It's Russian!!"
6:15pm - I finally get the box open and unwrap everything. I begin switching from the prism to the waist-level finder. This should be cake.
6:45pm - Uhh..
7:30pm - Yep, dunno.. Mmm, sandwich time.
8:00pm - At this point, I decide to nix the Russian-English manual, grab a beer and try some good, ol' logic.
8:30pm - Success! To celebrate, I grab another beer and go at the film magazine
8:45pm - I have the mechanics of film loading, advancement and shooting down pact. Feelin good, feelin great. Walking around my apt with a beer in one hand and Boris in another- life is so sweet.
10:00pm - It is at this point that I start messing around with the infamously delicate and fussy film crank and ISO meter, which may or may not have had something to do with what came next.
10:03pm - Checking out the lens. I move the f/stop but the aperture diaphragm doesn't change. Err.. I adjust the focusing ring and it changes the diaphragm. WHat?!! My stomach starts to turn.
10:05pm - Let's try the other lens. Good idea, except this pinche fucking lens won't come out.
11:45pm - It keeps shifting in place with no future plans of unlocking and popping out. Am I not doing this right? Note to self: Screw screw-mount lenses, esp ones marked "Made in USSR."
11:46pm - *$&@!!*! My alcohol-induced rage and strength peaks at this moment and I end up separating the lens from itself. With my hands covered in lubricating goo, I somberly utter, "Oh shit."
12:30am - I'm in the fetal position on the floor, turned away from Boris crying, "I SHOULD'VE GOTTEN A MAMIYAAAAAA!!"

Saturday, 12/22/07
9:00am - Go to George's for some help. Wincing at the sight (or smell) of my fake Hasselblad in shambles, the store associate refers me to Kurt's. They'll know for sure what's up.
9:30am - I get to Kurt's and the lovely gentleman helping me goes, "Well, this looks like a Hassie, but I can tell it's not," at which point I meekly confirm "No, it's a Kiev." Without missing a beat, he replies, "That explains it." He expertly takes out the back and jams his fingers in and around the camera. I feel almost violated. I was going to tell him, "Hey buddy, take it easy," but then, who was I kidding?
9:35am - AHA!! He pushes something and it comes unscrewed. Even he was baffled by why it was such a struggle. Then, he points to a slim piece of curved metal that is supposedly the cause of my problems (you can see it stick out a little from the bottom inside the body in the photo), and confirms that it's not serviceable.

A Bermuda Triangle of camera "don'ts" formed when Boris and I met, and it settled over my apt during our time together. It was his fate to be assembled by hungry, irritable factory workers from the Eastern Bloc, just as it was my fate to be born without the good sense that God gave cabbage (thank you, Samuel Gillis).

Needless to say, I need to relax from the medium format frenzy, pay off the Russian and wait until a nice Mamiya RB becomes available. I'm modifying the Holga to be

Greensboro, NC Will Sell Public Pools Rather Than Let Negroes Use Them - Jet Magazine, December 5, 1957

Greensboro, NC Will Sell Public Pools Rather Than Let Negroes Use Them - Jet Magazine, December 5, 1957

Click the "All Sizes" button above to read an article or to see the image clearly.

These scans come from my rather large magazine collection. Instead of filling my house with old moldy magazines, I scanned them (in most cases, photographed them) and filled a storage area with moldy magazines. Now they reside on an external harddrive. I thought others might appreciate these tidbits of forgotten history.

Please feel free to leave any comments or thoughts or impressions... Thanks in advance!

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- 12:02 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Canon camera stores. Canon powershot sd960 is digital camera review. Camera lens pouches.

Canon Camera Stores

canon camera stores

    canon camera
  • Canon Inc. is a Japanese multinational corporation that specialises in the manufacture of imaging and optical products, including cameras, photocopiers, steppers and computer printers. Its headquarters are located in Ota, Tokyo, Japan."." Canon. Retrieved on January 13, 2009.

  • (Canon cameras) The following provides a partial list of products manufactured under the Canon brand.

  • Store-bought

  • (store) keep or lay aside for future use; "store grain for the winter"; "The bear stores fat for the period of hibernation when he doesn't eat"

  • (store) a supply of something available for future use; "he brought back a large store of Cuban cigars"

  • A retail establishment selling items to the public

  • A quantity or supply of something kept for use as needed

  • (store) shop: a mercantile establishment for the retail sale of goods or services; "he bought it at a shop on Cape Cod"

Casey's Cameras

Casey's Cameras

My little one's name is Casey and there just happens to be a "Casey's Camera" in town.. great photo opp right ? Little bugger actually took a picture of me. I just handed him the camera and told him to pretend to take a picture of me.. he turned it on and snapped a pretty good shot of me, shooting him, LOL.

Pretty cool camera shop, lots of old cameras around as decoration, kinda like a museum plus all usual suspects new cameras and studio stuff and accessories.

Next door is the Pinball Hall of Fame, photos coming soon !!

Camera Graveyard

Camera Graveyard

Lots of cameras at the thrift store today. I ended up buying a waterproof Canon 35mm. The WP-1. I am sorry I did not buy the Olympus Infinity Superzoom 330 but it was $12.95 and I only had one battery to try it out so and it took two 123 batteries. The older cameras usually work perfectly but the newer (1990s+) cameras are not as reliable.

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First professional camera. Low cost video camera.

First Professional Camera

first professional camera

  • an athlete who plays for pay

  • a person engaged in one of the learned professions

  • (of a person) Engaged in a specified activity as one's main paid occupation rather than as a pastime

  • engaged in a profession or engaging in as a profession or means of livelihood; "the professional man or woman possesses distinctive qualifications"; "began her professional career after the Olympics"; "professional theater"; "professional football"; "a professional cook"; "professional actors

  • Of, relating to, or connected with a profession

  • Having or showing the skill appropriate to a professional person; competent or skillful

  • A chamber or round building

  • equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)

  • television camera: television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam

  • A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

first professional camera - Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Beta First Look with Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw

Adobe Photoshop Cs3 Beta First Look with Adobe Bridge and Camera Raw

This book, covering the public beta of Photoshop CS3 will get you up to speed with the new interface changes, and will help you learn all of the new features in the CS3 beta such as next generation Camera Raw, new and improved Bridge, Photoshop Lightroom Integration, improved printing, Nondestructive smart filters, black and white conversion controls, improved curves, automatic Layer Alignment and Blending, and more. The Photoshop CS3 Beta is available free for download on Adobe labs for registered users of of either Photoshop CS2, Adobe Creative Suite 2 Standard or Premium, Adobe Production Studio Standard and Premium, Adobe Video Bundle or Adobe Web Bundle.

81% (17)

IMG 3692 Zeiss Ikon

IMG 3692 Zeiss Ikon

This Zeiss Ikon Contraflex was the camera I first learned professional type shooting techniques with. I first had a camera in my hands around age four. Although it did not have interchangeable lenses, it did have all the other professional type features. I'm an active camera and radio equipment collector and can be frequently found browsing pawn shops, flea markets and hamfests for my quarry ...

Me and Dan (The first professional photo by my daughter Keshet Ben Perez,7 years old)

Me and Dan (The first professional photo by my daughter Keshet Ben Perez,7 years old)

Photographer: Keshet Ben Perez
Camera: Nikon D2Xs
Lens: Nikor 18-55
Effect: Sephia

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Digital camera canon elph. Beach camera coupon code. Bateria camera digital casio.

Digital Camera Canon Elph

digital camera canon elph

    digital camera
  • Usually captures images with the help of a CCD chip. The image data received is then saved to special memory cards or other storage media. (SmartMedia, xD-Picture Card,  Compact Flash,  Memory Stick,  SD Card,  MMC Card)

  • a camera that encodes an image digitally and store it for later reproduction

  • A camera that records and stores digital images

  • A digital camera (also digicam or camera for short) is a camera that takes video or still photographs, or both, digitally by recording images via an electronic image sensor.

    canon elph
  • The Canon ELPH was a full-featured compact Advanced Photo System point and shoot camera released in May 1996 as part of a series.

  • The Canon ELPH (also known as IXUS in Europe and IXY in Japan) series includes several popular compact point and shoot cameras built between 1996 and 2002.

digital camera canon elph - - Black

- Black Color JJAK1 High Quality Strong Hard Shell Mini NYLON Carrying Case for Compact Canon Elph Powershot 300HS 300 HS 5095B001 12.1 MP Digital Camera (+ 1pc Name TAG) -- Best Seller on Amazon!

- Black Color JJAK1 High Quality Strong Hard Shell Mini NYLON Carrying Case for Compact Canon Elph Powershot 300HS 300 HS 5095B001 12.1 MP Digital Camera (+ 1pc Name TAG) -- Best Seller on Amazon!

High Quality Very-Well-Made Protective Case for Modern Compact Size Digital Camera. This stylish case is made with high quality endurance material. This case helps protect your device against marks and scratches. This case is designed in the USA with modern and high tech appearance. This case features smooth lining interior inside a compact-to-carry form factor. This case features detachable key chain hook for convenient and mobility. This case includes an inner storage pocket for your accessories. This case includes inner storage as shown on the pictures. This case retails in store for $24.95 USD. $ave BIG NOTE: Pictures are for illustration purposes only, actual items may slightly vary in appearance and design.

81% (18)

Canon Powershot SD200 Digital Elph

Canon Powershot SD200 Digital Elph

I bought this camera in June of 2005 and have carried it with me almost every day. It's a 3.2 megapixel Canon Powershot SD 200 Digital Elph. It's served me well, though the function buttons have started to crap out and not respond, limiting the camera's usefulness.

Today I upgraded to an SD1100 IS (which I used to take this picture). It's time to retire the SD200 (which probably means my wife will use it).

banged up daily camera

banged up daily camera

This is the camera I carry with me on a daily basis (Canon Digital Elph Powershot SD110). As you can see, the folks at Canon didn't think anyone would take the term "pocket camera" literally. The finish is busted up, but the camera itself still works fine. It's the size of an average pack of cigarettes. I highly recommend the digital Elph series for a balance of quality and portability.

digital camera canon elph

digital camera canon elph

New Canon Red Powershot Elph 300 Hs 12.1mp Digital Camera 5x Optical Zoom 2.7inch Lcd

Full 1080p HD Video for exceptional quality with stereo sound. Smart AUTO intelligently selects the proper settings for the camera based on 32 predefined shooting situations. Movie Digest Mode records a video clip before capturing a still image . Smart Shutter the camera automatically takes the photo when people smile, wink, or get into frame. High-speed Burst camera shoots continuously at a high-speed of approx. 8.2fps. Best Image Selection camera takes five photos in succession, and then chooses the best one. Hand-held Night Scene suppresses image blur even without the help of a tripod. 3 5/8" W x 2 3/16" H x 11/16" D. Includes battery pack NB-4L, battery charger CB-2LV wrist strap WS-DC11, AV cable AVC-DC400ST, USB interface cable IFC-400PCU and digital camera solution CD-ROM

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- 11:58 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Fujifilm waterproof camera : Dslr camera stores.

Fujifilm Waterproof Camera

fujifilm waterproof camera

  • Impervious to water

  • any fabric impervious to water

  • rainproof: not permitting the passage of water

  • Not liable to be washed away by water

  • make watertight; "Waterproof the coat"

  • television camera: television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam

  • A chamber or round building

  • A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

  • equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)



Having lobster lunch on the catamaran.

FUJIFILM QuickSnap Waterproof Cameras

@ Cuba 2011 spring

@ Cuba 2011 spring

FUJIFILM QuickSnap Waterproof Cameras
Home developed film @ 102 F

fujifilm waterproof camera

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- 11:57 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #


Generic Usb Camera Drivers - Camera Backpack Nikon.

Generic Usb Camera Drivers

 usb camera drivers

    usb camera
  • A webcam is a video capture device that is connected to a computer or computer network, often using a USB port or, if connected to a network, ethernet or Wi-Fi.

  • a wine that is a blend of several varieties of grapes with no one grape predominating; a wine that does not carry the name of any specific grape

  • relating to or common to or descriptive of all members of a genus; "the name"

  • (of drugs) not protected by trademark; "`Acetaminophen' is the form of the proprietary drug `Tylenol'"

  • A consumer product having no brand name or registered trademark

  • A person who drives a specified kind of animal

  • (driver) the operator of a motor vehicle

  • A person who drives a vehicle

  • (driver) someone who drives animals that pull a vehicle

  • (driver) (computer science) a program that determines how a computer will communicate with a peripheral device

  • A wheel or other part in a mechanism that receives power directly and transmits motion to other parts

usb camera drivers - Digital USB

Digital USB Microscope 20X - 200X Magnification

Digital USB Microscope 20X - 200X Magnification

Use this digital microscope to make detailed repairs, observe nature, detect counterfeits, examine skin, inspect coins, jewelry, stamps, circuit boards, etc., use as a reading aid, and more! This microscope plugs into a USB port and magnifies from 20X to 200X, with the magnified images appearing on your screen. You can do screen capture shots in color. Powered through a USB port & includes 4 white LED lights with on/off switch.

* Focus Range: Manual Focus from 10mm ~ Infinite
* Video Capture Resolution: 1280x1024 (1.3M Pixel)
* Frame Rate: Max 30 f/s Under 600 Lux Brightness
* Video Format: AVI
* Snap Shot Format: JPEG
* Software Compatibility: TWAIN/VFW/DirectShow AP (Driver)

85% (19)



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Top 10 Digital Compact Camera

top 10 digital compact camera

    compact camera
  • The general term for small, light cameras designed for convenience. While they do not offer interchangeable lenses, they are perfectly usable for snapshots, and some do employ high-performance optics. Ideal for travel or “visual notebook” applications.

  • Commonly refers to a point-and-shoot camera.

  • A point-and-shoot camera, also called a compact camera, is a still camera designed primarily for simple operation . Most use focus free lenses or autofocus for focusing, automatic systems for setting the exposure options, and have flash units built in.

  • of a circuit or device that represents magnitudes in digits; "digital computer"

  • displaying numbers rather than scale positions; "digital clock"; "digital readout"

  • relating to or performed with the fingers; "digital examination"

  • Involving or relating to the use of computer technology

  • (of a clock or watch) Showing the time by means of displayed digits rather than hands or a pointer

  • Relating to or using signals or information represented by discrete values (digits) of a physical quantity, such as voltage or magnetic polarization, to represent arithmetic numbers or approximations to numbers from a continuum or logical expressions and variables

    top 10
  • Top 10 is a nightly countdown show on the NHL Network of anything hockey, from great performances to memorable moments, some of the most dramatic events in NHL history are ranked. It airs weekdays at 6 PM.

  • Top 10 is a superhero comic book limited series published by the America's Best Comics imprint of Wildstorm, itself an imprint of DC Comics.

  • a tabulation of the Top 10 for every age 11 and older in  wevery event of all USA SWIMMING competition from the previous season. The short course "Top 16" are published in August and the long course "Top 16" are published every December.

Yashica 72-E

Yashica 72-E

Half-frame 35mm camera from Yashica in 1962, with a 28mm f/2.8-f/22 manually focusing lens and Copal-X shutter capable of speeds of 1/8-1/250 and B. There's a selenium meter with an EV read-out on the top plate (ASA settings from 10 to 400) which can easily be transferred to the independent camera settings around the lens. Takes screw-in 24mm filters.

It's unusual to see a focusing 28mm lens (most cameras of this type had fixed focus lenses or else focusing lenses of longer focal length). It's also very nice to have full manual control, so we don't have to rely on the selenium meter. That said, the meter on this example appears to be working and giving halfway sensible readings.

There are a number of nice touches in this design. The wind-on is a thumbwheel on the bottom left, which is very convenient. The shutter-speed and aperture are on a dual ring and can very easily be turned together without changing the EV. This camera is very compact and easy to carry about, though not any smaller than some of the better known 1970s full frame compact cameras such as Rolleis or Olympus XAs. It's also (at 365g) quite a bit heavier than these.



Top 10 Items to bring to Con.

1. Back pack
2. water bottle (go green - bring your own and save $4 for every bottle you'd purchase otherwise)
3. Hand Sanitizer - trust me!
4. Comfy shoes (I'm bringing TOMS)
5. Cameras - digital compact and large memory
6. Tripod - your arm will thank you later
7. Snacks - think hiking trip
8. Cash - small bills
9. Sunglasses - you won't want to STAY indoors all day and San Diego has a lot to offer
10 Registration + Parking Permits

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Google talk web camera - Oregon scientific atc5k waterproof action camera - European speed camera database

Google Talk Web Camera

google talk web camera

    google talk
  • Google Talk (GTalk) is a no-charge Windows web-based application for instant messaging and voice over internet protocol (VOIP) client offered by Google Inc. The first beta version of the program was released on August 24, 2005.

  • (@Google Talks) AtGoogleTalks (or @Google Talks or Talks@Google) is a series of on-going presentations by invited speakers, sponsored by Google and given at various Google offices throughout the world.

    web camera
  • A webcam is a video capture device that is connected to a computer or computer network, often using a USB port or, if connected to a network, ethernet or Wi-Fi.

  • A CCTV Camera with built-in web server computer. More info.

google talk web camera - Google Talking

Google Talking

Google Talking

Nationwide and around the world, instant messaging use is growing, with more than 7 billion instant messages being sent every day worldwide, according to IDC. comScore Media Metrix reports that there are 250 million people across the globe--and nearly 80 million Americans--who regularly use instant messaging as a quick and convenient communications tool.

Google Talking takes communication to the next level, combining the awesome power of Text and Voice! This book teaches readers how to blow the lid off of Instant Messaging and Phone calls over the Internet.

This book will cover the program "Google Talk" in its entirety. From detailed information about each of its features, to a deep-down analysis of how it works. Also, we will cover real techniques from the computer programmers and hackers to bend and tweak the program to do exciting and unexpected things.

* Google has 41% of the search engine market making it by far the most commonly used search engine
* The Instant Messaging market has 250 million users world wide
* Google Talking will be the first book to hit the streets about Google Talk

83% (7)

In The Beginning Was The Camera

In The Beginning Was The Camera

195,557 items / 1,593,942 views

This was shot when Marziya was 5 month old in her hands was her godfather Dr Glenn Glosacks gift ,G9 Canon powerhouse his first gift to me when he came to my house , but is was a gift that got stolen soon after in the crowds during the 9 Moharam juloos 2009 , I missed this camera as it would have been the ideal one to have taught Marziya on it, instead I taught Marziya to gradually hold and shoot hand held the Nikon D 80 ..this Glenn sent to Marziya through a dear friend Kreanne Rabadi..

So I did make Marziya camera centric , computers she learnt from her Dad Asif Shakir a web programmer and in the cradle in our house lies another street photographer in waiting the inimitable Nerjis Asif Shakir..only 14 days old..

We are all three Indi Bloggers paying allegiance to the Baba of Blogs Sri Sri Renie Ranvin of the Holy Temple of Blogs Hope Peace and Harmony..

Blogging is not about dreaming words effusing emotions blogging is an ancient art of Tantra .. blogging came first only cyber science was discovered later..

And if you see Marziya than as you see her and see Marziya now 3 and a half year old , you wiill know what I mean I dont cheat with pictures of Marziya but yes if both of us were given cameras made to shoot a scene it would be the same dont ask me why I could never understand bestowed inheritance of Genetics I play dumb I shoot first talk later..

And as both my Nikon D 80s conked out I am adding text updating old pictures by manipulating the EXIF data of my blog..a Flickr specialty..

I must mention a million light years ahead of Blogspot , Word Press Live Journal Tumblr and even the almost dead and forgotten Google+is Flickr.com provided you buy the Pro membership you get features cross blogging options blog stats and before Google+came out with Circles it existed at Flickr.com.. And as I write this even after my death Flickr will not give me a Free pro Membership so I asked my kids to delete my account all my stuff as I cant take everything with me to the other side besides my humility and my humanity.

At Flickr you can post pictures with your own privacy choice.. your family pictures will be seen by those you add as family , public or friends.. and I moderate my pictures if they are of the nature to hurt others I restrict their viewing only to Flickr members and not the public..

Everyone knows to Blog but moderation is the essence and soul of blogging..

So I stopped blogging both at Blogspot and Wordpress completely I am merely a grave mark that links to my Flickr account.

I pimp my stuff at Facebook and Twitter ..

Both my grandaughters are bloggers I blog for them at Facebook Twitter ..

Marziya is the youngest street photographer but the title will soon be snatched by Nerjis Asif Shakir and the credit this time will go to dear kind friend Zain Hussain my Facebook friend who is presenting Nerjis a Panasonic DSLR.. mind you Nerjis Asif Shakir is only 14 days old..she will go on touching the camera till one day it becomes her inherited camera consciousness.

NiIkon Canon all big guys big names much bigger than kid photographers who shoot on them so we are going for change.. Nerjis Asif Shakirs tryst with destiny begins with the blessings of her godfather Zain Hussain..and the Panasonic DSLR..

This is aptly dedicated to him..

Maangna hai toh musaabib e sabab se maango
Minnat se ahteraam se adab se maango
Kyon ghair ke aage haath phayla te ho
Bande ho agar Rab ke toh Rab se Maango!

Mere maula mujhe do sahaara
Main ne thaama hai daaman tumhara

corner entertainment center take 2

corner entertainment center take 2

google sketchup drawing for new corner entertainment center plans. This will have room for a computer in the middle, shelves on right and left for VCR and DVD and other stuff. I want to setup a web camera in the living room that we can talk to family with.

It's not showing the top, where the TV sits, and the doors aren't shown and there will be more shelves supported by peg inserts.

google talk web camera

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High Quality Ip Camera - Camera Tripod Nikon - Vision Usb Camera

High Quality Ip Camera

high quality ip camera

    high quality
  • The display resolution of a digital television or display device is the number of distinct pixels in each dimension that can be displayed.

  • Your dictionary should be free of spelling errors in its headwords, and its definitions must be accurate. (Dictionaries that are collaboratively authored by their users will be considered, but they often don't meet this standard.)

  • superiority: the quality of being superior

    ip camera
  • An Internet protocol camera, or IP camera, is a type of digital video camera commonly employed for surveillance, and which unlike analogclosed circuit television (CCTV) cameras can send and receive data via a computer network and the Internet.

  • A camera and web server integrated on a single chassis. Compared to a webcam, the IP camera is typically a full-function security camera with a robust lens (or a mount for interchangeable lenses), a high-resolution image sensor, and advanced exposure options.

  • IP cameras are digital cameras which use either CCD or CMOS light sensors, and present compressed digital data over the network like Ethernet or Wireless transports.

high quality ip camera - High Quality

High Quality Loftek Genuine Wireless/wired Frosting Ip Camera Pan&tilt with Night/day Vision and Dual Way Audio,compatible with Windows,mac and Iphone,black

High Quality Loftek Genuine Wireless/wired Frosting Ip Camera Pan&tilt with Night/day Vision and Dual Way Audio,compatible with Windows,mac and Iphone,black

The CXS 2200 IP Camera is designed for high-definition network surveillance. Based on an ultra clear CMOS sensor with a high-performance multimedia processor, the CXS 2200 uses MJPEG video encoding standards to produce high-quality video and audio.

The camera supports local recording as well as picture snapshots, and all of the functions - video capture, image processing, video transmission, video management - are all integrated into the camera, which greatly facilitates installation and use.

The Loftek CXS 2200 cameras support all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 6.0, Firefox, and Safari, and the included software allows for a quick and easy set-up. The CXS 2200 is compatible with Mac,Windows 98/2000/XP/Vista/7, as well as mobile devices including the iPhone.(Pls kindly note that following feature couldn't be fulfilled in Mac:Audio,Record and Multiple pictures in one website)

Technical Details:
Resolution:640x480(VGA),320x240(QVGA)160x120(QQVGA);300k pixels
Lens:f=4.5mm,F=2.0,Fixed Iris
Pan Coverage:270°;Tilt Coverage:120°
Frame rate:30fps;Bit rate:128kbps~5Mbps
Image Rotation:Mirror/Up-side down
OSD supported
Audio Compression:ADPCM
Additional Protocols:802.11b/g
Dual-directional audio
Motion Detection
Triggered Actions:Email/FTP/external alarm/send message to alarm server
User Settings:Three levels
Date/Time Setting supported
Upgrade:Upgrade from network
DDNS:A free DDNS provided by manufacturer
Alarm In:1 way;Alarm Out:1 way
Audio In:Internal microphone;Audio Out:External Speaker/line out interface

Note:If you cannot find the Loftek logo on either retail Box or ip camera,please contact Loftek.Only buy it from Loftek to qualify for full service and 1 year warranty

87% (13)

Web Cam V30S

Web Cam V30S

The WebCam V30S is the perfect multimedia accessory for ambitious customers. With its high quality CMOS sensor the WebCam is the first choice for Voice over IP applications. Experience the brilliant pictures for video chats and video conferencing.
Additionally, the camera has a Business Card Recognition software. You can attach the WebCam on a display as well as on a notebook.


Die WebCam V30S ist das perfekte Zubehor fur den ambitionierten PC-Nutzer. Der hochwertige CMOS-Sensor macht die WebCam zur allerersten Wahl fur Voice-over-IP - Anwendungen und begeistert mit brillanten Bildern bei Video-Chats und Video-Konferenzen. Zusatzlich verfugt die WebCam 130 AF uber eine praktische Visitenkarten-Erkennungssoftware und kann dank universeller Halterung sowohl am Notebook als auch am Display befestigt werden. Die zuschaltbare LED-Tastatur-Beleuchtung und das eingebaute, hochwertige Mikrofon sind weitere Besonderheiten der WebCam 130 AF.

EXCLUSIVE: Elissa's high quality pictures | ?????: ??? ????? ????? ??????

EXCLUSIVE: Elissa's high quality pictures | ?????: ??? ????? ????? ??????

EXCLUSIVE: Elissa's high quality pictures | ?????: ??? ????? ????? ??????

high quality ip camera

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Infrared Camera Sale : Smallest Hd Camera : Logitech Web Camera Driver For Windows 7

Infrared Camera Sale

infrared camera sale

    infrared camera
  • A thermographic camera, sometimes called a FLIR (Forward Looking InfraRed) or infrared camera less specifically, is a device that forms an image using infrared radiation, similar to a common camera that forms an image using visible light.

  • An instrument that measures heat. Infrared cameras are often used to detect weather patterns or volcanic erruptions.

  • Electronics, lens, and detector combinations that give the user an image, which can be viewed or recorded, of energy in the infrared spectrum.

  • The exchange of a commodity for money; the action of selling something

  • The activity or business of selling products

  • the general activity of selling; "they tried to boost sales"; "laws limit the sale of handguns"

  • an occasion (usually brief) for buying at specially reduced prices; "they held a sale to reduce their inventory"; "I got some great bargains at their annual sale"

  • A quantity or amount sold

  • a particular instance of selling; "he has just made his first sale"; "they had to complete the sale before the banks closed"

infrared camera sale - Leupold RCX-2

Leupold RCX-2 10MP Trail Camera System Kit with USB Controller/Viewer

Leupold RCX-2 10MP Trail Camera System Kit with USB Controller/Viewer

The Leupold RCX-2 Trail Camera System Kit (112202) features innovative "plug and play" technology that simplifies the process of taking and retrieving images of game in the field. The "hub" of the RCX Trail Camera System is an exclusive handheld USB Controller/Viewer, which plugs into the USB jack in the camera to give you complete control of your system. Get real-time alignment of the camera's view, instant access to all program settings and all of the images that have been captured.Download high-resolution photos (color or infrared) and video right in the field, without making multiple trips to and from your home or truck to check SD cards. A TFT-LCD (thin film transistor liquid crystal display) active matrix 3" display gives you the complete picture right in the palm of your hand. Quickly scan, zoom, delete or transfer your photos and video, make adjustments as needed to the camera's setting and position and move on to the next camera. Then plug the controller into your home computer to download your pictures and videos to your hard drive.The RCX-2 delivers both high-resolution color (day) and infrared (night) still images, as well as a video/audio option to capture game activity in your area. The advanced system uses CMOS sensor technology similar to that found in higher-end camcorders to produce tremendously sharp, crisp 10 megapixel images. For exceptionally clear images at night, the RCX-2 provides 48 PIR LEDs combined with XD image processing

80% (6)

Infrared cameras can detect cold conditions

Infrared cameras can detect cold conditions

On May 6th, 2011, Year of Science contest semi-finalist Edward Wong, Dr. Andrzej Kotlicki, from the University of British Columbia’s department of physics and astronomy, Brian Anderson, program director for Science World, determine that an infrared camera can detect freezing road temperatures, but whether or not it’s practical to check for icy road conditions while driving is a question that needs further scientific enquiry.

Through the Viewfinder

Through the Viewfinder

Through the lens shot with a FLIR EX300 infrared camera. Taken with an iPhone 4.

We were using it to conduct a building efficiency audit of a school in Kitchener. It helped for finding heat escaping from cracks, vents, doors or windows. As well as super fun to mess around with.

This model retails for ~$10,000, so needless to say the university just rented it for a few days for us.

infrared camera sale

infrared camera sale

FLIR I60 Thermal Imaging IR Camera 160 x160 Resolution/9Hz

? Lighweight (1.3lbs)? Area Min/Max with Auto Hot/ColdSpot Marker? Analysis/Reporting Software included? High Resolution IR Images - 32,400pixels (180 x 180) Infrared resolution? Visible Light Digital Camera - 2.3MPresolution with flash provides sharpimages regardless of lighting conditions? Scalable Picture in Picture (PIP) Fusion - Displays thermal image super-imposedover a digital image and is scalable toresize the thermal image? Bright LED Lights - Allow the visualcamera and fusion to be used in poorly litenvironments? Wide Temperature Range - From-4 to 662 Deg. F (-20 to 350 Deg. C) targetingelectrical and industrial applications? +/- 2% Accuracy - reliable temperaturemeasurement? Thumbnail Image Gallery - Allows quicksearch of stored images? Li-Ion Rechargable Battery - lasts More than 5hrscontinuous use; replaceable? Copy to USB - Easy upload of imagesfrom camera to USB memory stick? Laser LocatIR(TM) Pointer - Pinpoints areference spot with a laser? Laser Marker - Marks the point on theIR displayed image as to where the Laserpointer is targeting? IR Window Correction - Softwaresettings allow you to account fortransmission loss through IR windows? Area (Min/Max) Mode - Shows theMinumum or the Maximum Temperaturereading within the selected area? Auto Hot/Cold Spot Marker - Marks thearea that automatically finds the hottest orcoldest spot within the box? Voice Comment Recording - on images& can be integrated onto report? Wireless Communication - Bluetooth®Transmitter with METERLiNK(TM)? Includes - Memory Card with adapter(stores More than 1000 Radiometric JPEG images),Li-Ion rechargeable battery, power supply,QuickReport software, USB cable, handstrap, camera lens cap, and hard case;Bluetooth® USB micro adapter (i60 only)

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- 11:51 - Komentari (0) - Isprintaj - #



Polaroid Land Camera Model 80 Film

polaroid land camera model 80 film

    land camera
  • Land cameras are instant-type cameras with self-developing film manufactured by Polaroid between the years of 1947 and 1983. The first commercially available model was the Polaroid Land Camera Model 95, which produced prints in about 1 minute, and was first sold to the public in November, 1948.

  • Polaroid' is a 1999 b-side album released by Phantom Planet. It was released between their debut album Is Missing, released in 1998, and The Guest, which was released in 2002. The songs on the record are culled from the recording process of Is Missing.

  • A photograph taken with a Polaroid camera

  • Material in thin plastic sheets that produces a high degree of plane polarization in light passing through it

  • Phantom Planet is an alternative rock band from Southern California. The band consists of vocalist-rhythm guitarist Alex Greenwald, lead guitarist Darren Robinson, bassist Sam Farrar and drummer Jeff Conrad.

  • Sunglasses with lenses made from such material

  • (trade mark) a plastic film that can polarize a beam of light; often used in sunglasses to eliminate glare

  • plan or create according to a model or models

  • Fashion or shape (a three-dimensional figure or object) in a malleable material such as clay or wax

  • a hypothetical description of a complex entity or process; "the computer program was based on a model of the circulatory and respiratory systems"

  • Use (esp. a system or procedure) as an example to follow or imitate

  • exemplary: worthy of imitation; "exemplary behavior"; "model citizens"

  • (in drawing or painting) Represent so as to appear three-dimensional

  • movie: a form of entertainment that enacts a story by sound and a sequence of images giving the illusion of continuous movement; "they went to a movie every Saturday night"; "the film was shot on location"

  • a medium that disseminates moving pictures; "theater pieces transferred to celluloid"; "this story would be good cinema"; "film coverage of sporting events"

  • Capture on film as part of a series of moving images; make a movie of (a story or event)

  • Make a movie of (a book)

  • Be well or badly suited to portrayal in a film

  • make a film or photograph of something; "take a scene"; "shoot a movie"

  • eighty: the cardinal number that is the product of ten and eight

  • eighty: being ten more than seventy

  • 80 PLUS is an initiative to promote more energy efficient computer power supply units (PSU). It certifies products that have more than 80% energy efficiency at 20%, 50% and 100% of rated load, and a power factor of 0.9 or greater at 100% load.

Still Life With Pineapple Plant & Polaroid Land Camera Model 80A

Still Life With Pineapple Plant & Polaroid Land Camera Model 80A

So I'm usually dead-set against taking pictures of cameras but I needed to finish off a roll of Ilford Pan F+ so I could develop it and my grandfather had recently given me the admittedly cool-looking 80A. The shot turned out much better than I thought so now it's here.

As for what to do with the 80A, I have read that you can easily load 120 film into it but that there is no mechanism for winding it. Some people have modified their Model 80 Land cameras to add winders but that seems like too much trouble for me. Normally the prospect of having to open a camera in a changing bag just to wind the film would also seem excessive to me, however, there in the case with this particular 80A was a Berco 3000 accessory. What, you may ask, is a Berco 3000? I had the same question. Turns out, it is a lens hood/pinhole attachment for use with 3000 speed film. So, my intent is to get some 3200 speed 120 film, load it up and start taking pinhole pictures! I'll have to put the camera in a changing bag, open it up and manually wind the film every time I take a picture, but I think it's a cool enough idea to warrant the extra work.

Oh! I forgot to mention the pineapple plant. It's a real pineapple plant that I started from a pineapple top from a pineapple my wife bought at the grocery store.

With light shining off the snow.

With light shining off the snow.

Viva is so pretty. I want to marry it. Seriously, if anyone's hoarding any and wants to sell me a box... hit me up, yo!

This was shot on #felizmojavedad. Because I go on desert roadtrips to see the snow. Don't you? In the actual 'roid, it's all this lovely lilac that I had trouble capturing in the scan. Love it love it love it.

There's a bit of a light leak on the right side. My Viva doesn't stick together well, so I really have to pinch it as I take it out of the camera. Pretty sure that yellow blob on the left is from my fat fingers. So it goes.

polaroid land camera model 80 film

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Which Camera Tripod. San Francisco Camera Stores.

Which Camera Tripod

which camera tripod

    camera tripod
  • a tripod used to support a camera

Custom-built aerial camera housing (1930s)

Custom-built aerial camera housing (1930s)

Custom-made housing, aerial camera style (?1930s)

DESCRIPTION: The unit is comprised of a wooden body, covered with leather (with ornamental lines), lens cone seemingly made from a screw-top jam tin. This alows to remove the lens cone while a camera is mounted in the unit.

The front of the unit is hinged and fastened by two sliders (Patent 434924). The inside of the body is lined with felt. The bottom sticks out to the back with a reinforced hole (for tripod screw) in the bottom. In addition, there is a cut out on the right hand side to give access to the camera.

A flip-up wire frame finder has been mounted on the top.

Body: 6 inches wide, 3 inches deep (bottom 5.5"), 4 3/4 inches high.
Handles:padding is 3 1/2 inches high, 1 inches wide, clerance of handle 1 inch
Wire frame: 3 3/4 x 2 inches
Lens cone: 4 inches long, diameter 3 inches at opening.
(The above metrics are given in Imperial mesurements after a check showed that Imperial values come out even).

BUILT-QUALITY: The use of the jam tin aside, the build quality is very high, with great attention to detail. On all sides, including the bottom, the leather has been ornamented with ruled lines.

USE: At present unknown which camera would have fit in there.

DATING: Patent n? 434924 is a British patent for a sliding lock granted in Sptember 1935.

© Dirk HR Spennemann 2010, All Rights Reserved

Balda Poka I Box camera

Balda Poka I Box camera

Balda-Werk - Dresden, Germany
Poka I was made for 6x9 exposures

This one has a nice yellow filter accessory which I've decided to keep and display on camera

Tripod socket
All metal camera
Leatherette Exterior
Winder is super slick =)

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Red camera scarlet : Mikomi pc camera : Camera pen software.

Red Camera Scarlet

red camera scarlet

    red camera
  • The Red Digital Cinema Camera Company manufactures digital cinematography cameras and accessories for professional and cinematic use. The company was created and financed by Oakley founder Jim Jannard with the publicly expressed intent to reinvent the camera industry.

  • Of a brilliant red color

  • Scarlet is the fourth studio album by Polish gothic rock band Closterkeller. It was released on January 16, 1995 in Poland through Izabelin Studio/PolyGram Polska. The album was recorded at Izabelin Studio from August to October, 1994.

  • (of an offense or sin) Wicked; heinous

  • a variable color that is vivid red but sometimes with an orange tinge

  • red: of a color at the end of the color spectrum (next to orange); resembling the color of blood or cherries or tomatoes or rubies

  • Immoral, esp. promiscuous or unchaste

red camera scarlet - BoxWave ArcticSkin

BoxWave ArcticSkin iPhone 3GS Case (Scarlet Red)

BoxWave ArcticSkin iPhone 3GS Case (Scarlet Red)

Uniquely designed with both a soft skin lining and hard case backing, the ArcticSkin cushions and protects your iPhone 3GS from minor drops and scratches while on the go. To add character to your device, take your pick from a dynamic collection of frosted hues.We feel that you shouldn't have to compromise what you "want" for what you "need". The ArcticSkin allows you to simultaneously showcase and protect your iPhone 3GS in one eye-catching package. After all, who said that practical needs to be boring?

81% (9)

" Scarlet Letter " ...by Nature...

A dedication to Farhad...for his great words and wonderful titles.................
this picture waits for his title to be given!

"My mother said to me 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general; if you become a monk you'll end up as the pope.' Instead, I became a painter and wound up as Picasso." Pablo Picasso

Most of the effects are done through camera and lense not post processing!

Red Letter Day

Red Letter Day

Large red metal letter A on batik tablecloth. Lit by an SB-800 camera left through a pierced wood bookend as gobo. Cross-processing applied in Color Efex Pro.


red camera scarlet

red camera scarlet

Scarlet Tech Design Protector Skin Decal Sticker for LG Lyric LX370 UX370 MT375 Cell Phone

Personalize your LG Lyric LX370 UX370 MT375 (Sprint / Metro PC) cell phone with this easy to apply skin decal sticker. Made of high quality vinyl to help protect from everyday wear and tear. Won??t add bulk so is still compatible with most cell phone accessories. Each skin decal is specifically cut to fit your LG Lyric LX 370 UX 370 MT 375 so it won??t cover your screen or any function of your device. Removable decal will not leave any nasty residue on your phone. Comes with a matching downloadable wallpaper. (Note: Due to differences in monitors, color may vary from photo.)

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Working With Camera Raw

working with camera raw

    camera raw
  • A camera raw image file contains minimally processed data from the image sensor of either a digital camera, image scanner, or motion picture film scanner. Raw files are so named because they are not yet processed and therefore are not ready to be printed or edited with a bitmap graphics editor.

  • A file format used in Photoshop which offers a true digital negative of an image.

  • DNG is based on the TIFF/EP standard format, and mandates significant use of metadata. Exploitation of the file format is royalty free; Adobe have published a license allowing anyone to exploit DNG,Adobe: and have also stated that there are no known intellectual property encumbrances or license

  • The action of doing work

  • a mine or quarry that is being or has been worked

  • working(a): actively engaged in paid work; "the working population"; "the ratio of working men to unemployed"; "a working mother"; "robots can be on the job day and night"

  • adequate for practical use; especially sufficient in strength or numbers to accomplish something; "the party has a working majority in the House"; "a working knowledge of Spanish"

  • A mine or a part of a mine from which minerals are being extracted

  • The action of extracting minerals from a mine

working with camera raw - 5 in

5 in 1 Camera Connection Kit, AV to TV Audio/Video Adapter, MicroSD/SD/SDHC Card & USB Reader, Sync & charge Mini USB slot For Apple iPad, iPad 2

5 in 1 Camera Connection Kit, AV to TV Audio/Video Adapter, MicroSD/SD/SDHC Card & USB Reader, Sync & charge Mini USB slot For Apple iPad, iPad 2

Supporting iOS4.3 With the iPad Camera Connection Kit, it's incredibly easy to download photos from your digital camera to your iPad so you can view them on the gorgeous iPad display and share them with family and friends. The kit includes two connectors, each with a different interface: The Camera Connector features a USB interface. Just plug it into the dock connector port on your iPad, then attach your digital camera or iPhone using a USB cable (not included). iPhone 3G is not supported. Use the SD Card Reader to import photos directly from your camera's SD card. Connect it to your iPad, then insert your digital camera's SD card into the slot. After you make the connection, your iPad automatically opens the Photos app, which lets you choose which pictures to import, then organizes the selected photos into albums. When you sync iPad to your PC or Mac, the photos on your iPad are added to your computer's photo library. iPad and the Camera Connection Kit support standard photo formats, including JPEG and RAW. Certificate: CE,FC Dimension: 65x38x12mm

87% (5)

Learning about Raw Format (D200)

Learning about Raw Format (D200)

For my first experiment in working with raw format, I picked an image with significant overexposure. (In the camera .JPG, the shades are almost completely blown).

After processing the NEF (Nikon 200 raw) image, I ended up with a levels histogram with 2 separate peaks. To get this closer together I had to split the image and adjust top and bottom halves separately.

While the density of the shades is still questionable, this is definitely a case where there was extra information in the raw file, that was discarded during JPG creation. A legitimate 'save'.

I took this photo with my cousin's D200 last spring. The D200 supports a RAW + Fine JPG mode which I used here to create an .NEF and a full frame camera .JPG reference image.

Guy from class

Guy from class

...testing white balance. Indoor shot...with no adjustments made, I was stoked to learn how to manage white balance indoors! I'm new to this, so it was a great class!

These photos were taken on Saturday, December 9, 2006 in San Francisco, CA. I took a day-class about dSLR cameras and RAW images and workflow. It was a really great class, and I learned some good tips about managing my camera and taking better photos. I'm excited that I shot all these with manual settings and edited only RAW files. I used Adobe Photoshop CS2 and Adobe Bridge for workflow. I can't wait to keep practicing!

working with camera raw

working with camera raw

Raw 101: Better Images with Photoshop Elements  and Photoshop

"This is a must read for anyone interested in getting the most from their advanced digital camera."
--George Schaub, Editor, Shutterbug Magazine
Now that support for digital RAW capture is built into so many cameras and both Photoshop and Photoshop Elements, more photographers are using RAW to seize creative control of their digital images. If you're ready to explore RAW capture, or if you've tried it and bumped into obstacles, this book will show you how to optimize RAW files to achieve optimal results.
The first introductory book on using Adobe Camera Raw, RAW 101 covers all practical aspects of RAW in Photoshop Elements 3 and Photoshop CS2. Just follow the heavily illustrated, step-by-step examples and you'll quickly figure out how to attain the greatest accuracy from your RAW files, whether it's correcting shadow and highlight detail, fixing white balance, or eliminating noise. Once you see the startling results, you'll no longer want to rely on your camera to make critical decisions for you.
Inside, you'll learn everything you need to know to:
Get your images ready for RAW file conversion
Navigate the Adobe Camera Raw workspace
Master RAW conversion controls for exposure, shadows, brightness, and contrast
Extend beyond the basics to control white balance, color tint, noise, and more
Automate Camera Raw to optimize your workflow
Use advanced conversion options in Photoshop CS2, such as curves control, cropping, and straightening
Put the finishing touches on your images--adjust levels, use filters, resize, and much more!

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Underwater camera deals : Pelican camera cases : Moultrie infrared game camera

Underwater Camera Deals

underwater camera deals

  • submerged: beneath the surface of the water; "submerged rocks"

  • subaqueous: growing or remaining under water; "viewing subaqueous fauna from a glass-bottomed boat"; "submerged leaves"

  • Situated, occurring, or done beneath the surface of the water

  • Underwater is a term describing the realm below the surface of water where the water exists in a natural feature (called a body of water) such as an ocean, sea, lake, pond, or river. Three quarters of the planet Earth is covered by water.

  • equipment for taking photographs (usually consisting of a lightproof box with a lens at one end and light-sensitive film at the other)

  • television camera: television equipment consisting of a lens system that focuses an image on a photosensitive mosaic that is scanned by an electron beam

  • A chamber or round building

  • A camera is a device that records/stores images. These images may be still photographs or moving images such as videos or movies. The term camera comes from the camera obscura (Latin for "dark chamber"), an early mechanism for projecting images. The modern camera evolved from the camera obscura.

  • Include a new player in a card game by giving them cards

  • (deal) a particular instance of buying or selling; "it was a package deal"; "I had no further trade with him"; "he's a master of the business deal"

  • (deal) bargain: an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each; "he made a bargain with the devil"; "he rose to prominence through a series of shady deals"

  • (deal) cover: act on verbally or in some form of artistic expression; "This book deals with incest"; "The course covered all of Western Civilization"; "The new book treats the history of China"

  • Distribute or mete out (something) to a person or group

  • Distribute (cards) in an orderly rotation to the players for a game or round

Underwater Adventures

Underwater Adventures

This is literally 150 meters away from where we are staying. The first time we walked out our back door and went for a snorkel... I couldn't believe it. Some parts of the reef have tons of fish and every single time we've gone out we've seen several sea turtles.

Makes it hard to really want to go anywhere... but we will try to meet some dolphins at Electric Beach. Maybe tomorrow!

The GoPro's curved lens cover doesn't do too well in producing crisp footage underwater (apparently they are working on that), but we also "rented" a waterproof Olympus from Best Buy. I have no idea when I'll have enough time to deal with all the media we will amass on this trip.

Day 365-underwater

Day 365-underwater

Kenna and I went and got this underwater camera to take our final photo for the 365Days group...and then realized it was too dark!

We finally swam over to take some pix directly in front of the light...and now it kinda doesn't even look like we're underwater at all, but we really are!

Anyway, this was an interesting experiment, taking a self-portrait every day for a year. Filled with photos I spent a good deal of time of and day (or weeks or months) where my enthusiasm waned I kept forgetting.

So long, 365Days! You may be missed!

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