Marchesini Forged Aluminum Wheels
1198SP But to keep at Bay the 170 HP and torque of 13.4 kgm-twin, Testastretta survival instinct, we think the Ducati Traction Control (DTC) that in these situations is particularly appreciated. Already by the 1198 is a sight to enjoy, but this version SP, with all its precious pieces, is really to be put in the living room, perhaps during the week, while weekend must bring it to the track. What about aluminum tank, nice to look at, but incredibly lightweight (-1 kg and + 2lt capacity), as well as lightweight and attractive look forged wheels are seven-spoke Marchesini. Two steles Ohlins 43 mm and Tin surface treatment are the gambling leader at the front, while the same service provider is the mono, a super adjustable rear and exclusive TTXR, as well as the Steering damper. The ROAR emitted from exhaust 2-1-2 takes you to the throat, baritone, bass and puts the willies every opening of gas, while the new entry, the Ducati Quick Shift (Shifter) is a must that you appreciate not just crossed the threshold of the runway. Bam, in the second, third and fourth one behind the other as if they were shot, and wafting a roar Testastretta exhilarating. First down two gears, braking and outgoing I touch the gas for the SP curve means shoot at you out of the front that eases, but maintains contact with the soil (for now ...). Finally the Supercorsa begin to "cling", and then start to mistreat the gas knob. Result? The 1198 SP wants to take over and put it under, but resist and begin a fight which ends only with the checkered flag that indicates the end of the round on track. Craft. There lots of craft to ride well this superbike, unlike 848 Evo that comparison is much more "human". On the other hand the satisfaction that you can give the SP are enormous. Requires both a physical and mental effort, not the need to drive clean as his younger sister, here you must drive "bad", so that all the pieces of the puzzle are in place and the bike behaves "good". Or better ... well almost, because the front wants to pass over their heads constantly accelerating in the first three marches out of the curve, while the rear wheel, in the absence of DTC would at least double the speed compared to the front! Guarantee of effectiveness in every situation for the braking system, which proves the ability of any good pilot. Hard put to narrow, unless you're professional pilots. Much easier to notice of the action of the slipper, which works well and allows to keep the rear of the controllable 1198 SP even when exaggerates in detached. In a fraction of a second in which connect with the outside world, I see a man waving a checkered flag is finita. He conveys this motorcycle are unique! ITALIANO: Meno male che a tenere a bada i 170 cv e i 13,4 kgm di coppia del bicilindrico Testastretta, oltre all’istinto di sopravvivenza, ci pensa il Ducati Traction Control (DTC) che proprio in queste situazioni e particolarmente apprezzato. Gia da ferma la 1198 e uno spettacolo da gustare, ma questa versione SP, con tutti i suoi pregiatissimi pezzi, e davvero da mettere in salotto , magari durante la settimana, mentre nel week end e d’obbligo portarla in pista. Che dire del serbatoio in alluminio, bello a vedersi, ma soprattutto incredibilmente leggero (-1kg e +2lt di capacita), cosi come leggeri e attraenti nel look sono i cerchi forgiati a sette razze Marchesini. Due steli Ohlins da 43 mm e trattamento superficiale Tin capeggiano all’anteriore, mentre sempre dello stesso fornitore e il mono posteriore, un super regolabile ed esclusivo TTXR, cosi come l’ammortizzatore di sterzo. Il boato emesso dall’impianto di scarico 2-1-2 ti prende alla gola, basso e baritonale, mette i brividi ad ogni apertura di gas, mentre la new entry, il Ducati Quick Shift (il cambio elettronico) e un must che si apprezza non appena varcata la soglia della pista. Bam, dentro la seconda, terza e quarta una dietro l’altra come se fossero delle fucilate, e il Testastretta che diffonde un boato esaltante. Prima frenata, giu due marce ed in uscita accarezzo il gas, che per la SP significa spararti fuori dalla curva, avantreno che si alleggerisce ma che mantiene il contatto con il terreno (per adesso…). Finalmente le Supercorsa cominciano ad “aggrappare”, ed ecco che allora inizio a maltrattare maggiormente la manopola del gas. Risultato? La 1198 SP vuole prendere il sopravvento e mettermi sotto, ma resisto ed iniziamo una lotta che terminera solo con la bandiera a scacchi che indica la fine del turno in pista. Mestiere. Ce ne vuole tanto di mestiere per guidare bene questa superbike, a differenza della 848 Evo che in confronto e decisamente piu “umana”. In compenso le soddisfazioni di guida che ti puo dare la SP sono enormi. Richiede impegno sia fisico che mentale, non la devi guidare pulito come la sorella minore, qui devi guidare “cattivo”, ecco allora che tutte le tessere del puzzle vanno al loro posto e la moto si comporta “bene”. O meglio…quasi Wiseco Forged Aluminum Pistons New forged aluminum pistons. These are the centerpiece of the rebuild.. Yes I got the sticker in there on purpose. Hopefully it'll entice those little kiddos with their new mustangs. Related topics: 18 wheels of steel pedal to metal lead free wheel weights creative color wheel semi truck steering wheels steering wheel covers sheepskin 3 wheel casters hockey backpack with wheels bmw wheel and tire insurance lew carbon wheels ps2 steering wheel |
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